Okay guys, this is my first HTTYD story. First of all, I know this first part it will remind you of the "Dragon King" fanfiction by ButterflyKika, but I do swear that I'm not hijacking her plot. I did got some ideas from it but I'll work on it in a different way, so please don't misunderstand my intentions alright? If the author reads this herself, I hope she understands that she actually inspired me.
.Sit back and enjoy the dragon ride.
Darkness fell upon the Nordic lands, causing animals and humans to retire themselves for a night of good rest. However, not all seek slumber after the sunset, some see the night as an opportunity to make some luck out of their malicious deeds. And on a recluse island far from the closest civilization of Vikings, a numerous flock of dragons slumbered in their many peculiar ways. Monstrous Nightmares curled into themselves, Grockles snored close to the rocks, Deadly Nadders nested like birds; these among many others found peace in those uncharted lands untouched by the hands of men, resting assured of their safety. But hidden amidst trees and bushes, a group of trappers watched the sleeping beasts seeping evil intent towards those magnificent creatures. They plotted a devilish ambush that would catch the dragons completely off guard and make their job easier, completely unaware of the fact that they were not the only ones observing the dragons that night.
A pair of vivid green orbs watched closely their every step, their vile intentions causing his pupils to narrow into fends like a threatened feline. A low growl rumbled in his chest as a dark shadow restlessly moved behind him. He leaned forward and focused on the attackers, their movements being studied by both pairs of acid green eyes in a predatory way.
"Are you sure about this?" he heard the whispers of a trembling trapper, "There are too many, maybe we can't contain them all."
"Don't be a wuss, they are just stupid beasts," the shadowed figure released a hiss through clenched teeth, "The tranquilizers will do all the work, we just need to carry them to the ships."
He watched silently as the men pulled out some cylindrical devices out of their coats and placed small pointy sets inside, soon to aim them towards the sleeping dragons. As one man activated the device, a set was shot towards a Nadder that woke with a start out of being prickled and roared, just to collapse a second later. The hooded figure's eyes widened as the shadow behind him once again moved and released an alarming growl, startling some of the trappers and making them look around in alarm. An assuring hand was placed in front of the dark muzzle of the shadow, and soon the growls ceased. Not having found anything, the trappers focused back on the dragons that were now in a rampage due being roused of their sleep by poisoned stings. The watcher huffed angrily. Trappers were always dirty and low with their tricks to subdue dragons, and there was nothing that managed to upset him more than those savages harming his dragons. And as if in a cue, a trapper kicked the muzzle of a Nightmare to knock the beast at once so it would stop struggling, and that happened to be the last drop. The watcher hopped off the branch and landed on sight, crouching down as a leathery-black hood with a pattern that resembled scales covered his eyes. The men soon stopped what they were doing and stared at him, surprise and confusion etching their faces due the sudden apparition of the stranger.
"Oy, who are ye?!" one of the trappers, the leader he assumed, demanded hotly as he released the net that had been thrown over a collapsed Hobblegrunt, "Get out of here!"
The hooded watcher got on his feet, his movements being watched warily by the men whom he had startled with his presence. Near the trappers, who all had some sort of strong and vast build, he didn't appeared much. But under his inquisitive leather attire, which resembled some sort of flight suit, the lean muscles the boy possessed were more than enough to overpower any of them. Distressed by being discovered, the leader pointed his sword towards the young man and repeated with a noisy grunt, "Who are ye?! Are ye deaf?" he thundered, still receiving no answer, "Playing games are we? Very well, stay with ye mouth shut and don't get in our way and I'll let ye live."
"I'm not going anywhere," voice finally came out of the young man's mouth, sounding rather nasal and not enough to be threatening, but still eliciting an uneasiness akin to fear in the men,"And neither will these dragons."
The leader snorted, "What? And who's going to stop us? Ye?" There was mockery in his tone as he boomed with laughter, "Just go play with someone yer age, brat; ye'll end up hurting yeself."
"I'm not suggesting," he calmly said while pulling out a cane with dragon heads in each extremity out of a strap on his thigh, "Leave now and never come back."
The man stopped laughing, his expression shifting from amused to outraged. Who that little runt think he was to challenge him like that? He would take his insolent skin and use as a carpet. Releasing a battle roar, the trapper darted forward while angrily brandishing his weapon and heading towards the boy, who remained unfazed. As soon as the man rose his sword and brought it down, the hooded boy held the cane in front of his face and a small click could be heard right before a blade erupted from the the dragon head with a gaping mouth and was engulfed by fire, halting the mortal attack that was aimed to his head. The men gasped in confusion as the hooded 'runt' pushed their leader away with the flaming sword, wielding it like a capable sword-master would. The bulky trapper stumbled back in astonishment and looked down to his sword. The blade was shaking and charred where it had come in contact with the boy's flaming one.
"What the..." He sounded completely at loss, "How...?"
"It doesn't matter how," The boy spat, "but you will find out if you don't heed my warning and leave immediately."
"Sorcery!" One of the watching men bellowed, "That's the devil's deed!"
The hooded head turned in the direction of the shouting Viking, who immediately went silent once a shiver racked through his body upon hearing snarling coming from the boy's lips. With another click, the blade was retracted and vanished within its handle as he skillfully strapped it back in place. "No Viking is allowed in this island," with a quick movement of hands, he removed the hood and glared daggers at the men. Horrified gasps escaped the now fear stricken hunters as they involuntarily stepped back, "So I'll say it just one more time; Get. out."
If the pair of dragonic eyes glaring at them hadn't been convincing, the fact that the last part came out accompanied by a growl certainly was. His auburn messy hair and the freckles around his cheeks almost made him look harmless, but the vivid green orbs with slit as pupils certainly made up for his lack of mass. If anything, only made him more threatening. Noting that none of them would move on their own, he pulled his hood back up and whistled; suddenly, the eyes of some dragons taken off by the tranquilizers shot open as they began struggle in their moorings. The men looked around startled and tried to knock the beasts out once more, but before they could give as much as one step towards the reptiles, a shadow leaped from in between the trees and landed behind the hooded young man, releasing an almighty roar that froze them to their bones. Soon screams were piercing the night. Before them stood nothing less than a Night Fury; one of the most dangerous and lethal dragons ever documented.
"Retreat!" The leader screamed as the unique beast surrounded the boy with its body and tail and roared once again, causing the dragons in the ropes to struggle harder until some managed to break free and unleashed hell with their flames, "To the boats! Quickly!"
Most of the men were caught on the flames, squealing as their flesh was consumed by the raging fire. The young man mounted the Night Fury and took off, following the desperate trappers through air while they stormed through the woods in despair. The characteristic whistle the Night Fury made while piercing through the wind struck even more fear in the cowering trappers, who continued to scream bloody-murder as the winged death unleashed purple-ish plasma blasts that exploded close to them. The fallen had no aid, dying on the way. When less than half of the men reached the costs, they had the frightening sight of the hooded 'runt' mounted on a deadly shadow headed in their direction in an alarming speed. They tried to sail as fast as possible, their leader barking desperate orders as the men clumsily tried to hurry things up. The boy circled the ships from up above as some of the men tried to hit him and his dragon with bolas and nets, failing miserably.
"Alright," he said while gently patting the Night Fury's head, "They won't need so many ships, light 'em up bud."
The dragon growled in response and aimed for the ships, unleashing his powerful plasma blasts and exploding three of the four remaining vessels. Those who survived jumped off the wrecked ships and swam towards the remaining one, most of them not fitting just one ship but alive nonetheless. The boy nodded satisfied and ordered his companion to return to the island, and in a matter of a few minutes, they were landing on the spot where the dragons had been attacked. Some of them were still out due the poisoned arrows, but most were already awake and struggling to release themselves. With the help of his flaming blade and the Night Fury's sharp fangs, he swiftly managed to free all dragons and gave each one a quick check up. Aside some bruises caused by the ropes and abuse from the trappers, they seemed fine enough. He sighed in relief, but soon felt sick upon inhaling the smell of burned flesh from the forgotten bodies of those who didn't managed to escape the flames. It was just too glossily disturbing.
"Ugh, not death again," He scanned his surroundings trying to count how many bodies were left behind, "I hate when this happens." The Night Fury licked his hand, gaining a affectionate rub on the snout, "I know you don't like either Toothless, but they brought this upon themselves."
The Night Fury named Toothless cooed against his hand and motioned to the saddle on his back with his head, having the young man to nod and mount up. He glanced back at the dragons surrounding them, all purring and softly bowing their heads to the duo. "You're welcome," he offered them a smile and patted Toothless' neck, urging his friend to open his wings so they could make their leave. Soon they were airborne, and a whistling noise cut through the air as they vanished within the darkness of the night sky. The dragons, finally able to rest, curled themselves back to their own peace assured of their safety since a certain pair of green eyes, come hell or high water, would always be watching over them.
And his name was Hiccup, the dragon born child.
If you are new here, I welcome you and thank you for giving this story a chance.
If you are here once again, I thank you and hope you like the upgrades.
• Review if you may, you'll make my day •