Disclaimer: I don't own Scandal
Chapter 12
We're in this together.
We're outside the hospital in Fitz's car. I still haven't said a word since the doctor told me that I was pregnant. How could this happen? I know I should've been more careful but I don't not if I'm happy or sad.
I know now is not the time for me and Fitz to have a baby. I mean, we just started dating again and already this happens? I also know that this, me being pregnant brings back old memories. I know I had an abortion long time ago, and I did have reasons for it but now – I know I can't do that again to me or to Fitz.
We have a lot to talk about, Fitz still hasn't said a word either and I don't know if he even wants to be a part of the baby's life. I know Fitz, I know he is and I know he would never just leave me or the baby alone.
I never thought this would happen this quickly, I love Fitz more than anything else and I know he'll support in me in any decision I make and I know that he would never push me to have the baby without me actually wanting to have he or she. But I do, I do want this. I want a lifetime with Fitz, I want babies with him, I want 50 years from now and I see such a huge future with him.
I look over at him and I can see that he's smiling.
"Fitz?" I say.
He looks over at me and smiles at me. I can truly see the love and happiness in his eyes.
"Yes, Livvie?"
"Tell me it's going to be okay. Tell me we'll make this work." I say, I need to hear him say it.
He grabs my hand and looks me directly in the eyes before he speaks.
"Everything is going to be okay, we'll get through this, we'll make it work. We're a team now and we'll make it work. Me and you."
I give him a small smile.
"Thank you" I say
"You don't have to thank me, I want, this, I want this with you. I want us to grow old together; I want us to be together till infinity. I want you and I want this baby."
He starts the car and starts driving. I don't know why but I'm feeling exhausted. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
"Wake up, Livvie." I hear Fitz say.
"Where are we?" I ask looking around and noticing that we're not outside my apartment.
"We're at my place, I don't want to leave you alone after what happened. You could stay here a couple of days just to make sure everything is okay" he says.
I nod my head and exit the car.
We enter his house together and it's beautiful. I didn't know he lived in a house.
"Are you hungry?" he asks.
"Actually I am" I say.
We enter his kitchen and it's huge. I've always known that Fitz loves to cook but I never expected him to have a kitchen like this.
"Wow"I say.
He looks at me and smiles.
"Do you like it?" he asks.
"It's beautiful Fitz. This kitchen is huge and the whole house is beautiful." I say.
"Thank you, you know that I've always loved cooking so I thought why not have a good kitchen. Let's make some food. What do you want?" he asks.
"Anything is fine really" I say smiling.
One hour later and we're sitting on his couch watching TV. He's sitting at the end of the couch, I want to go and cuddle up against him but maybe it's too soon.
OITNB is airing and I love this show but I'm feeling tired again, I don't know why because I've slept much lately. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.
I don't know how long I've slept but when I open my eyes I can see that the TV is still on. I look beside me and I can see Fitz who is also sleeping. I make my way to him and just stare at his face. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I cuddle myself up against him and close my eyes once again but this time I can't sleep. I want him to hold me, to make me feel loved.
I start trailing kisses up his neck and I can hear him moan. When I kiss the spot once again he moans louder. I continue to tease him and he finally wakes up.
"Livvie?" he questions.
"You're up" I say.
"Yes" he says.
"Can you just hold me, just hold me, I want you to hold me before we start talking. Just one minute" I say.
"One minute"
"Do you want this, Fitz? Do you want this baby?" I finally ask, asking him my biggest fear.
He grabs my face but I can't look him in the eyes, I'm too afraid of what he'll say.
"Look at me" he says.
"Look at me Livvie, please look at me." Our eyes finally meet and he starts.
"I want this, I'm in this with you. When I say I want this, I mean it. I will be with you forever if you let me, don't ever doubt me love for you. I love you, I've always loved you and I will always love you. But I also have to ask you, do you want to keep this baby, I know you had your reasons when you had the abortion but do you want this baby? I need to know that, I don't want to make you miserable by making you have this baby, so I have to ask you and you have to be honest with me. Do you want this?"
"I do Fitz, I know now is not the right time for us to have a baby but I want this. I love you and we're in this together"
"We're in this together"
A/N: Thank you soooo much for the kind reviews. It really makes my day when I read them. So thank you very much.
I actually loved writing this chapter. They talked about their relationship and I just felt like they really needed that.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please leave your thoughts and I'll see you guys in the future. XOXO