My names Austin Moon and I'm 17 years old. In my family I have my 2 brothers, Riker he's 21 and Rocky he's 19. Then there's Rydel she's 17 and my twin sister. She is the only one that can read me completely and she is the only one, who knows how to get the truth out of me, (to be honesty she can scare me sometimes when I try to lie to her.) Her boyfriend Ellington Ratliff (though we all call him Ratliff) who's 18. Has been one of our best friends since we were babies. He is like another brother to us so we weren't too bothered when he started dating Rydel. Then there are our parents Mimi and Mike, they are high school sweet hearts and own a mattress store called Moons Mattress kingdom

I love music and sport; and I'm on the baseball team at school.

My best friend Dez Worthy is weird and kind of dumb but despite all of his odd ways, we are like brothers. He can tell when I'm lying and he can tell how I'm feeling cause we have been best friends since we started kindergarten. I can talk to him about anything. My other best friend - Dallas Centineo - and I have only been friends since freshmen year; we are juniors now.

Ally Dawson is Dallas's girlfriend and has been for nearly 3 whole years so that's how long I've known her, its pretty good because we hang out in a group of four or 6 if her best friends Trish De la Rosa who is very loud, and opinionated, comes along with her boyfriend Jace Stewart. I feel comfortable abound Ally and over the past 2 years we have become really good friends. We are kind of best friends, when she has a trouble with Dallas she'll come to me to talk. We both love music but she never performs for me cause she says she has stage fright but we have written one song together and we are going to start a new one soon.

"Heyyyyyy Austin." Dallas says as I arrive at the beach party. He is already drunk, but the party only started half an hour ago.
"Hey dude." I say, slightly disgusted at how lightweight he is.
"What took you soo loong?" he asks his words slurring, while he slings an arm around my shoulder.
"I had to drop Rydel off at Ratliff's," I say taking his arm off from around my shoulders.

"I'm going to get a drink."

"What ever duuuude." he says and drunkenly stumbles over to the group of popular girls and starts flirting unabashedly. I clench my hands angrily into a fist, and I feel a muscle in my jaw twitch. He's such a dick and he treats Ally horribly, not the way she deserves! She is gorgeous and talented and smart— Ally,

Ally Dawson is perfect.

I walk over to the table set with drinks, I grab a bottle of water, out of the corner of my eye I spot a lone figure sitting on the rocks a few meters away, water lapping at them. As I approach the figure quietly, I see that's its Ally, and I wonder what's wrong; with a frown on my face.
Over the past 2 years I have become very protective of her, she's like a little sister!

Yeah right you luvvve her. The voice in my head says. My heart protests at that thought.

"Hey Alls." I say softly as I near her.

"Hey." She says in the same tone of voice. I smile as I noticed she hadn't even looked over her shoulder to see who it was; I'm the only one who calls her Alls. "What's wrong?" I ask taking a seat next to her on the uncomfortable rocks. I hand her the bottle of water I grabbed; we both don't drink at parties. I mean we both do drink but hardly ever. She sighs and gives me a small smile as she takes the water.
"Nothing." She says quietly but she doesn't look at me.
"Alls look at me." She shakes her head and I see her shoulders starting to shake and tears slowly slide down her face.

"Ally?" I say turning her gently, she looks at me her shining eyes that are usually bright, full of life and light brown are currently dark brown and full of hurt, fear, and are dull. There is a red handprint on her face, and I gasp.
"Ally what happened!" She doesn't answer but slowly shakes her head, tears still falling out of her eyes and my heart breaks.
"Ally, please tell me." I say quietly, I slide my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer, her whole body is tense but soon relaxes and she leans into me a little. Her head is resting on my shoulder as she sighs and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. Wincing slightly, I look down to see that there's a hand shaped mark on her wrist. My jaw tightens.