Hello everyone I'm writing my own Smallville Fanfiction. I've always imagined what it would have been like if the show had included Wonder Woman in the series. Now that the series has finished that's no longer possible. There is a season eleven comic book series but I'm not a big fan of it. Plus I have fallen into a new direction after season 10. When season 9 ended I was amazed at alot of things and the hope that season 10 would wrap up so many great things. However in the end I dislike the final season with only the last episode being redeeming. I also disliked how desperate Lois and Clark had become that I was as disappointed in their relationship and all but gave up on them. Yes I was once a Clois shipper. But there is still some warmth in my heart for a couple so using my imagination I became a Superman/Wonder Woman shipper, Diana of Themiscyra and her beloved Kal-El of Krypton and this was before the New 52 change. I read certain comic stories where they shipped them together like the Dark Knight Strikes Again and Kingdom Come. I especially love Kingdom Come as it bridges a great ending to the DC Universe I wish would one day become a movie. This story came to being after learning of actress Gal Gadot had earned the part of Wonder Woman in the Man of Steel sequel Batman v. Superman. A big fan of her appearances in the Fast & Furious movies I was overjoyed that she was going to be the greatest superheroine in the world. One day I found a picture of her in red and blue and couldn't help but make a meager photo manip of her in Smallville. I was so inspired I decided to create this story. Hope you enjoy it and comment about it. Thank You.

Smallville, Superman, Clark Kent, Wonder Woman and all other characters belonging to their respective owners at DC Comics and Warner Bros. Other than an expanded view and personal liberties taken with the characters and some minor creations are my own.

4/15/05 - 7:12PM - Talon Theater - Smallville, KS

Clark Kent sat comfortably in his seat right next to Chloe as both she and Lois took small handfuls of popcorn from their tubs as they continued watching the movie. Times like these was what Clark really needed, especially from the last few days. Poor Chloe still had bruises from the other night in which the literal dark-side version of Lex Luthor tried to kill him and Chloe. The whole event having occurred after an accident at the LuthorCorp plant had transformed a batch of ordinary green Kryptonite into black Kryptonite which caused Lex to be split into two corporeal versions of himself. One a noble and benevolent man concerned with only what was right, the man Clark had always believed Lex Luthor to be. The other a violent and arrogant man who cared about nobody but himself. It was a chaotic several days in which the evil Lex successfully murdered a doctor in his sleep and fired a gun at Clark's own father. Plus Lana endured a stream of harassment from the evil Lex, something that she herself was too ashamed to recount fully. Of course he couldn't forget the Kryptonite ring Lex had worn in which he was able to use to beat him over and over to the point he was weak enough to be beheaded with a medieval sword. Thankfully the good Lex and who Clark believed was the real Lex saved him as he re-exposed the two to the black-K reuniting them into one single person. Thankfully nobody pressed any further into the whole situation. The family of Lex's murdered security guard was compensated as well as the doctor's family. But it was still another uncomfortable situation in which he felt guilty over something caused from the remnants of his departed world.

Fifteen years ago Smallville was effected by a meteor shower that caused mayhem and destruction upon the quiet and peaceful town. The meteor shower was a few minutes of chaos, but the chaos never truly ended as its people continued to suffer for it. The meteors effects on Clark caused him to grow weak to the point of death, but for the people of Smallville they suffered differently than he. The radiation from the meteors over a matter of time would cause ordinary humans to become mutated with incredible powers, powers that would in time corrupt them to the point of madness becoming threats upon the innocent. Clark bore this as his fault, believing if it wasn't for his existence here none of this would have happened. For that meteor shower was the result of an advanced planet that was destroyed and as its remnants arrived upon the town of Smallville, so did a spacecraft that landed and was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent. A loving couple who were incapable of bearing children of their own, they took him into their arms and into their lives without any regard to who or what he truly could be. He became Clark Kent, their son and for as long as he lives he will always see them as his parents. For Clark Kent found out the truth of who he was after years of living with abilities far beyond that of ordinary children. Clark always believed himself to be their son even when they explained to him what it meant to be adopted. It didn't matter to him if he didn't share blood with the Kents, family is who you love with out any thought to who or as he learned so much later what you are. As a child he was faster and stronger than anyone his age and it was unnaturally so. Most kids don't lift cars above their heads in order to retrieve a toy that fell under it. Most kids whenever they hit a homerun don't send it to another state. Most kids don't run hundreds of miles in matter of minutes. Certainly most kids aren't discouraged from being a member of sports teams or from being close with anybody else because of the fear that accompanies being seen as a freak.

Then came that day his father revealed to him the truth. After having survived being hit by a car in which he could now add invulnerability to the list of abilities no ordinary human being could perform, he realized why he was the way he was. An alien from another planet. It was so silly to be true that he teased that his spaceship was obviously in the attic, but before he could add anything else that the X-Files had taught him was that he was not only told, but shown that the spaceship was in the storm cellar. He remembered the sleek contours and the ethereal gray color of the ship, but more than the ship was his reaction to it. Confusion, anger and fear. He was not human and it scared him terribly. All he wanted was to be a normal kid, someone who didn't live with the burden of being treated any differently. From that day on he always hated that part of himself and just concentrated on being who he always was. Clark Kent, the son of Jonathan and Martha Kent. A kid who wanted to live as good as the parents that found him. Live a long and happy life, find a good job, find someone to share his life with and who knows what else.

Normal could also be seen as special. Maybe he could be the best football player, the most successful reporter, the world's greatest hero. All he knew is that it would be his choice and not anybody else's. It was what he wanted more than anything else in the world, he would just give anything for that. But it would appear to be the one thing he could not have. For after years of living with such a burden as the secret he had to keep, he finally found the key to his past. Quite literally the spaceship that brought him to Earth had a key that kept the knowledge and wishes of his biological parents. Only after years of it being lost, it was finally found and it had given Clark further answers as to who and what he really was. Utilizing an ancient albeit exceptionally advanced computer located in a native American preservation cave he learned the language and the instructions of how to proceed. Aided by billionaire-scientist Virgil Swann a brilliant though reclusive individual who had studied extra-terrestrial phenomenon for years helped Clark realize that he was Kal-El of the planet Krypton, the infant son of Lara-El and Jor-El of Krypton who with his ship left a message. It was a message that scared Clark. 'On this planet of the star Sol, you will be a god among men. They are a flawed race, rule them with strength my son that is where your greatness lies.'

A god among men? Flawed race? Rule them with strength? Your Greatness?

The message to him sounded horrible, arrogant and vicious. Clark learned a few languages from his high school and teachers would say that things get mixed up in translations for Clark had only learned the language after having the combination of the key and a long dormant but advanced technology transfer the knowledge of the language into his brain like a computer. Yet Clark translated so much and had eventually seen some horrible things perpetrated by Jor-El's will. Jor-El's consciousness wanted him to leave his family and start his journey to rule. Clark could not live without his life on Earth and quite possibly become a dictator to a world he loved with all his heart. He resisted, yet he and others paid dearly for his refusal of whatever 'destiny' his biological father's will intended for him. His family has suffered for the heart condition his father was suffering was due to accepting a deal with Jor-El for having to bring Clark back home. Clark at the time was branded with a mark of Kryptonian ancestry and was given a day to begin his journey. A journey that would take him away from his loved ones and possibly start him on the path of tyranny. He decided to destroy his spaceship for it seemed to be the only thing that could communicate Jor-El's will. Clark destroyed the ship believing it would all end. It didn't. He was desperate to keep things as they were, he couldn't see things beyond what he was afraid of losing and ended up causing more problems.

His mother after years of being declared infertile had finally able to conceive a child, unfortunately she was caught in the explosion of the destroyed ship and Clark's potential step-sibling died stillborn. His father's was so angry with him, born out of fear of loss caused Clark to believe that his father's anger was out of shame and hatred of him. He left Smallville intoxicated with a form of red Kryptonite that removed his inhibitions, granting him a confident but corrupt and dangerous personality that bore no shame. Replacing it with anger, satisfaction and raw power. He went on a spree of robbery and assault, thriving in a lifestyle of opulence and cruelty. Yet through all of it though, his family still loved him and where willing to endure anything to bring him back. For though the ship was destroyed his father's will continued through the cave. In that cave his father made a deal with Jor-El and had him temporarily accept the powers of a Kryptonian in order to subdue his son's intoxicated rage. He succeeded but to a great cost of his health. Clark swore to himself he would never put them in danger again. Yet Jonathan Kent's deal was not for bringing Clark back indefinitely but for only a few more months. Afterwards a stranger had lured him into a trap to expose him to become controlled by his biological father's will with his father being forced into a coma.

Months passed by until he returned back to Smallville with no memory as to who he really was. He began a mission to retrieve three relics from all over the world in which united would bring him the power he needed to begin his training. However, Dr. Swann sent an emissary to bring him and his father back with the promise to assist him in his quest to find the stones of knowledge. It seemed he could rest easy only to realize Swann, who was a paraplegic for years had succumbed to his wounds and before passing had pleaded with him to continue the journey his biological father had started. Clark was now waiting patiently looking into leads and expecting notification from Swann's emissary. Still it was a burden for he was only a boy. A seventeen year-old boy ready to turn eighteen in a few weeks. He had great abilities but even he needed to remember that he didn't know what to do. All he could do was take a step back and remember to live. While being troubled by this great weight on his shoulders he wished things could be good enough to be called living.

Hopefully this weekend he could be given the time to relax, for because of tax day today, his school was offering an in-service holiday for today as well as on Monday. It would give the students time off while they had to endure as well as to prepare for the high school prom next week. Shops with suits, dresses and even a small limo company where going to be busy. Until then he was going to appreciate the four-day weekend without regard to any trouble at all. 'Oh boy' though Clark as he realized Chloe was going to be in for a real surprise when school resumes next Wednesday. For Clark had reviewed Chloe's article against the prom queen election and decided to nominate her for prom queen. Clark never would have had the pull to encourage the prom queen election before had he not been the all-star quarterback in this year's championship game. They were more than eager to accept his nomination. If only he could take Lana as his date, the great love of his life who he had cared for since he was a boy. But she was seeing another guy, but given he was considered something of a taboo considering he was a few years older than her as well as being fired. For he was working at her school and the school would not allow for such unprofessionalism. It would be more awkward than usual. For though Lana still had feelings for him, she was terribly resentful of him keeping secrets from her. If there was one thing about himself he could get rid of was his secret. But until then he'll stay at home.

The movie had finished though no sooner did it end did he hear the predictable critical tone of Lois Lane. "I still don't understand why the director filmed the movie out of sequence." chimed Lois as the credits started to roll.

"The director probably wanted to show the importance of Nancy and Hartigan by being the first and last things we saw Lois." Chloe replied.

"Wasn't too bad." said Clark.

"Please farm boy, you're just happy with all the scantly dressed women."

"I'm surprised you would say that Lois." Clark continued. "Didn't the old town girls bring memories of those witches that possessed you?"

Lois was about to snap back before Chloe responded first. "Easy Clark! That's something I want to forget too."

"Sorry Chloe."

"Ahem." Lois cleared her throat "'I'm so eternally sorry too Lois."' chimed Lois in a very childish rendition of Clark's voice.

"Wow, Lois anyone ever tell you'd be a terrible actress." Clark spat.

Lois wanted to fire back but Chloe decided to chime in. "So Clark what did you like about the movie?"

Clark really liked the character of Marv, though he never really liked his methods in obtaining revenge he cared for the fact that he was avenging the death of a woman he really loved, something Clark could understand. "In a way I saw the last image of Marv and Goldie together in the end as a very worthwhile moment." Clark said.

As Lois and Chloe looked at Clark for the briefest of moments realizing he was probably remembering what happened to Alicia. Alicia Baker was a girl who was afflicted by the meteor shower with the ability to teleport herself as she wished. She was one of the few girls he allowed to know his secret as well as have a relationship with. But because of her ostracism over her brief bout of insanity, she was labeled a pariah and was framed for two assaults she didn't commit. Nobody believed her, not even Clark. The actual person was a man with a warped sense of morality who believed the people he attacked deserved to die because of their immorality. The guy murdered Alicia to cover his tracks then tried to make it look like a suicide, but thanks to Lois the guy wasn't fooling anyone. Lois and Chloe both felt terrible over Clark's anguish, knowing that they were both voices of condemnation against Alicia.

"So, anyone for something to drink?" Lois chimed.

"Lois, we are all underage." said Chloe.

"I don't mean alcohol cuz, its cold out I figure that the Talon is still open get us some espressos maybe hot cocoa for Smallville."

"Sounds good Lois but I've going to get going, I'm doing your job tomorrow."

"Remember Lois?" said Chloe "We've gotta check in at the dress shop see if they got that number we talked about."

"Ah its still early cuz. Lets relax a bit before we go back." Lois shrugged as she eyed them almost pleadingly.

Clark and Chloe both sighed. "Oh well I'm sure we have some time to kill." Chloe replied.