A/N: Had this new idea for a story, please review and let me know what you think!

Her first view of Lima is that it's a small town, it's nothing compared to Chicago where everything is quite fast pace. She doesn't know if she's excited about that or nervous for this new start, she's excited because Lucy is gone and she's never coming back, she's ready for Quinn to come out and make an appearance, to show everyone who she can be and not the girl behind the glasses and the mousy brown hair. She's not Lucy caboosey anymore, she's Quinn Fabray and she's ready for this new start.

She arrives at her new house for the next couple of years, it's a big house as expected as her father is a rich man no doubt that he wants everyone in town to know that. She's hear in Lima with her mother, father and her older sister Frannie, Frannie is three years older than her, she moved back here with her family as she had a job lined up with her father at the bank.

Frannie was the perfect child that any parent would want. She was captain of the cheerleading team and the most popular girl in high school; she kept up her reputation whilst maintaining a 4.0GPA. It was safe to say that she was the golden girl of the Fabray family; she could do no wrong in her parent's eyes. For Lucy this was the shadow which drowned her when they lived in Chicago, but now, with her newly dyed blonde hair, her freshly put in contact lenses and her weight loss, she's Quinn Fabray and she no longer has Frannie's shadow to corrupt her.

Quinn arrives at McKinley for her first day, today is the day which Lucy leaves her forever and she couldn't be happier about that. The moment she enters that doors she has a fresh start because no one knows about her past and she intends to keep it that way.

She does all she needs to at the office, getting her schedule of what classes she is in and what not, that's what she gets for arriving just after term starts.

When she's done Quinn goes over to her appointed locked to empty her bag and get out the books she needs for her first class: Spanish.

"Quinn Fabray" a voice startles her. She looks to her left and sees a short brunette smiling at her, Quinn's not sure whether she should be panicking that this girl knows her name and maybe who she is or creeped out.

"Um yes" she replies, not knowing how to react of this situation.

"Rachel Berry" the girl announces and holds her hand out for Quinn to shake.

Quinn hesitantly grabs the girls hand and shakes back, she's still not sure what's going on.

"So, you're new here and I thought I would take this opportunity to help you out and get to know McKinley" Rachel tells her.

Quinn's kind of relieved that Rachel said this because being the new girl is hard enough as it is, at least now she knows someone to help her get through it.

Quinn smiles at her, "That would be great"

"What class have you got first?" Rachel asks as she and Quinn both step away from the lockers and start walking down the hallway.

She checks her timetable once again to make sure she's got her information correct.

"Spanish with Mr Schuester"

"Me too!" Rachel beams, "You can sit next to me, there is a spare seat going since this girl called Chloe left, turns out she got knocked up and her parents sent her off to some super religious school to set her straight"

Quinn figures that Rachel is one of those people who know a lot about what happens at McKinley, she seems like one of those people who like to know what's going on with everyone.

On her way down to the Spanish classroom she presumes that Rachel is leading her too Quinn can't help but notice the different groups at this school, she notices how all of the cliques stay enclosed in their own group and don't seem to venture out of it. The cheerleaders stick with the cheerleaders, the Goth's stick together, the band geeks stick together, etc.

They get to the classroom and Rachel leads them to their seats, they're sat on the front row, which Quinn prefers so that she can make the best of her education, she wants straight A's and she plans to get them.

Rachel carries on chatting to her before the class starts, telling her what to do and what not do, about life at McKinley. It's all familiar as its basic high school and she knows how that works.

The class starts when a man with curly brown hair and a quite noticeable butt chin enters the room; she presumes this is the Mr Schuester or 'Mr Schue' as Rachel says everyone calls him.

"Hola everyone" Mr Schue says as he enters the classroom. He walks over behind his desk and faces the class. "Okay so today we have a new student joining us, everyone welcome Quinn Fabray" he points to Quinn and in return everyone simultaneously shouts back an "Hola Quinn" like it was some kind of ritual.

After the embarrassing welcoming Mr Schue starts on with class, Quinn notices that he's not the best Spanish teacher but decides not to question it.

About 15 minutes into class the door opens, revealing a tanned brunette who sways into the room like she doesn't even care that she's late.

She doesn't know why but Quinn feels her heart beat faster at the sight of this girl, something about her called out to Quinn, and when their eyes connected in a long gaze Quinn felt her breath catch at the first sight of those brown eyes.

"Ah Santana, how nice of you to join us. Only 15 minutes late this time, I suppose it's better than last week when you didn't even bother to show" Mr Schue says upon her entrance.

"What can I say, I just missed hearing your sad attempts at speaking Spanish" The girl, who Quinn now knows as Santana replies in an obvious sarcastic tone.

"Take a seat Miss Lopez" Mr Schue ignores the insult like he's used to it.

Santana walks past Quinn and down the aisle to her seat, but not before shooting Quinn a smirk which gives Quinn Goosebumps.

"Who is that?" Quinn whispers to Rachel, she finds herself wanting to know more about the mysterious brunette.

"That would be Santana Lopez, McKinley's resident player and bad girl. She has all the girls at the tip of her finger. She goes from group to group sleeping with girls, playing them all behind the others back."

"What do you mean?"

"She only gets with girls from different groups so that none of them know about the other"

Quinn can't help but be intrigued by the tone of Rachel's voice, at how bitter she sounds as she tells Quinn of Santana's activities.

"How do you know all of this?" Quinn asks.

After a short moment Rachel replies, "Because I used to be one of her girls" she admits.

Quinn's quite shocked to hear Rachel's confession.

"She just has this way of making you believe that you're the only girl in the world, she makes you feel special and I guess I just got caught up in the moment"

Quinn decides to leave it there, noticing the hatred and bitter tone in Rachel's voice suggests that she isn't Santana's biggest fan.

She decides that she should probably stay away from the infamous Santana Lopez as she definitely doesn't want to be caught up in that kind of situation.

At the end of class Rachel asks her what she has next to see if they are in the same class, it turns out that they're not. Quinn's a little disappointed but she sees this as a good opportunity to get to know more people in her class.

As the rest of the class walks out and onto their next, she stays behind a few minutes to gather some of the work she missed from the first couple weeks of the school year from Mr Schue, she doesn't mind the extra work, if she's honest, she welcomes it so that she can get caught up and to make sure she hasn't missed anything important.

Once she's gathered the work she walks out of the classroom and down the hall towards her locker. She places her Spanish things into the locker and gets out what she needs for her next class. As she's got all she needs she closes her locker and turns around ready to set off for her next lesson.

However, it doesn't go as smoothly as she set out it to be. As she turns around her body collides into another person's causing her to drop her books in the process.

"Im so sorry" Quinn apologises straight away, crouching down to pick up her books but someone beats her to it.

She stands back up and shifts her head up so that she can see the face of who she crashed into.

As she sees who it is her breaths get lost in her throat.

"Don't worry, it was my entire fault. I wasn't looking where I was going" Santana says, "although now I've bumped into a beautiful girl like you I'm glad I wasn't paying attention" Santana smiles at her and now Quinn can make sense of how Santana makes you feel special.

She realises that she needs to get out of this situation. "Well, thank you for picking up my books"

"The pleasure was all mine" Santana grins at her.

"Um, I'll be going now" Quinn turns around and proceeds to walk, leaving Santana stood there, or so she thought.

"Wait" Santana runs after her and walks around so that she is facing Quinn again. "You didn't tell me your name"

"You didn't ask for it" Quinn replies, putting on an icy exterior like Frannie taught her.

Santana smirks at Quinn like she's impressed at the blonde's comeback.

"Im asking now, what's your name Blondie?"

"Quinn" she gives in.

"I'm Santana"

"Well it's nice to meet you Santana but I have to get going" Quinn walks away once again, leaving Santana stood alone in shock.

Santana doesn't really understand what just happened; usually it just takes one flirty line and the flash of the Lopez smile to get girls lining up for her. There was something different about this Quinn girl and she was definitely interested to find out.

When it got to lunch time Quinn walked off in the direction of the cafeteria, she figured she'd just find a table to sit at and see what happens.

"Quinn" she hears a voice shout as she walks in.

She looks up to see that it was Rachel calling her over from a table where she was sat with two other girls. Quinn walks over to them as sitting with them is better than being sat on her own.

"Quinn, this is Brittany and Tina" Rachel informs her as she sits down at the table. Quinn notices that Brittany is wearing a cheerleading outfit and she can't help but wonder why she is sat with Rachel since it was obvious that the cheerleaders all sat together.

"Hi" She says to them politely.

"So Quinn where did you move from?" The girl known as Tina asks her.

"Chicago" she replies.

"When did you get to Lima?" Brittany asks this time.

"Only a few days ago."

"Ugh, look who just entered the cafeteria" Tina says in a bitter tone similar to Rachel's earlier.

Quinn turns her head towards the entrance to see who the words were directed at. It was Santana coming through the doors. Quinn couldn't help but wonder if they were also screwed over by Santana like Rachel said she was.

She turns back towards the other three girls to see a scowl on their faces which pretty much confirms Quinn's thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Quinn asks.

"You know how I said Santana screwed me over, well she did the same to Brittany and Tina" Rachel informs her.

"She just plays you and then ditches you like you're nothing" Tina grits out.

"Yeah" Brittany joins in.

She turns back to where Santana was and watches her. When she catches Santana's eye neither of them look away, Quinn doesn't think she can. She sees the smile Santana gives her, it makes her feel different, it makes her feel crazed, crazed at how this girl is making her feel.

"Okay, what was that?" Rachel's voice breaks her eye contact as she turns her head back towards the group who are all staring at her with shocked expressions on their faces.

"What was what?" Quinn questions back.

"You and Santana, she just gave you the look"

Quinn is quick to deny this, "She did not give me the look"

"She so did" Brittany adds.

"Have she talked to you yet?" Tina asks.

"We bumped into each other earlier on" Quinn tells them.

"What happened?" Rachel asks, surprised at the news.

"We both weren't watching where we were going and we ran into each other"

"Okay, but did she say anything to you?"

Quinn can see that the three of them are all interested in finding out as much information as they can.

"She said that she was glad she ran into a beautiful girl like me" Quinn repeats from her earlier conversation with Santana, blushing at the memory of Santana calling her beautiful.

"That's how she does it, that's how she reels you in" Tina comments.

"Oh my God, I have the greatest idea of how we can get our revenge on her"

Quinn notices how Tina's and Brittany's face both lights up at Rachel's words, like they've been waiting for this moment for a while.


"We break her heart"

"And how are we going to do that, she doesn't want any of us anymore" Tina says.

"No, but she does want Quinn"

Both Tina and Brittany light up at the idea.

"Yes! That's genius" Brittany claims.

"We get Santana to fall for Quinn and then we break her heart"

"Um, I didn't sign up for this" Quinn says, she doesn't want to be a part of this plan.

"Come on Quinn, we need you! You would be doing every girl that Santana has screwed over a favour! You would be a legend around here!"

Quinn's torn, she doesn't really want to get involved but she likes having friends and if she didn't agree to this she was pretty sure that Rachel, Brittany and Tina wouldn't stick around.

"Okay" She sighs as she gives in causing the three girls to squeal in excitement. "So, what do I have to do?"

"Judging by the look she gave you before you don't have to do anything, she will come to you" Tina mentions.

Quinn can't lie that she's kind of excited about the prospect of being involved with Santana, she doesn't know why but she feels a little drawn to Santana already and she's only known her a couple of hours.

"We are going to crush her." Brittany pumps.

All three of them look beyond pleased at the idea of Santana getting a taste of her own medicine.

"Santana Lopez, get ready to get your heart broken"