I do NOT own the Fast and The Furious Series.

Author's note: Since some of the story is place in other countries and regions, Italics will be a different language. I'll specify it in the story. Italics and Bold are words in those languages that they say in those languages I guess.

Ten years ago (A month or so after 2 Fast 2 Furious)

Louis Pearce III sat down on his fathers lap, in a marine blue BMW E30 M3. He looked at his father, who had a broad smile on his face. His father, Louis Pearce Jr, had a broad smile. He was a fairly tall man, dark skin, with a small afro. His son, whom was called Junior by family, was lighter skinned, he was mixed race, but still a bit darker than a mixed kid. He had short curly hair. They were driving down a spanish Freeway, in the Spanish Community of Asturias.

"We're almost there." Louis Sr said. "How 'bout you take the wheel, Junior?"

"Really?" Junior asked, his face lighting up at the execution of the words his father had spoken.

"I trust you completely." His father laughed, he let go of the wheel, and a in a split second, Junior grabbed onto it. It may have been unusual for an eight year old boy, but as soon as he grabbed the wheel, his father felt comfortable. he felt even more comfortable than when he drove.

"The place is off this exit." Louis said. "Don't get us in a crash. Your mom will kill me if she finds out I let you drive. Spanish women are known to be hard headed."

"It'll be even worse if we're late to the restaurant." Junior joked back looking at his father.

"Hey." His father called for his attention, pointing at the the red light that hung from a pole over the street. "Red light." He stepped on the break.

As they stopped, another car pulled up on the right. In the car was a bald, dark skinned man in the passenger seat. Right next to him in the drivers seat, was a blond man, with a scruffy beard, and blue eyes. He drove a Nissan Skyline GT-R R34,

"Brian O'Conner." Louis laughed looking at the driver.

"Hey dad, it's uncle Rome and Brian!" Junior said his face brightening, just like when he had gotten to take the wheel.

"Lou, why the hell is Junior in the drivers seat?" Roman Pearce said, smiling at the little boy.

"Why is your forehead so big?" Junior responded before his dad had the chance to, and sticking his tongue out. Everyone laughed but Roman.

"He got you there." Brian laughed. "Hey, Junior." He called. The little boy turned to look at the Ex-Cop. "You up for a little race?"

"Are you crazy?" Roman asked. "He's a kid."

"He's got the magic touch." Lou said. "What's at stake, Brian?"

"Ya'll are out of your God Damn minds." Roman said, giving up, and planting his face into his palms.

"Junior, if you can beat me in this Quarter mile, from here to the restaurant, you get my Skyline when you get your Drivers license." Brian promised, with a wink. Junior shrugged.

"Alright..." He said. "But I'm not really a Skyline type of guy."

"Just like someone else I know." Brian said. Roman gave him a confused look. "The guy I let go in California." Said the blond to his friend.

"I got the gas and break kid. But this is yours." His father said, pointing at the gear. Junior gave his father a nod, and rotated his head, cracking his neck a bit. He was ready.

The light turned yellow.

Louis started burning the tires.


Both cars sped away, Junior used all of his strength holding the wheel as he could see Brian start to get the lead. Junior was an eight year old, so it was unlikely he would be able to hold on much longer.

"Fuck that." Junior grumbled holding the wheel, and turning the gear up.

"Watch your mouth boy!" His dad said, as the BMW caught up to the Skyline.

"The boy's not half bad, Rome!" Brian exclaimed. "So I'm not gonna take it easy on him like I do on you."

"Yeah you should-" Roman began to speak until he turned to face his best friend. "What you say, white boy?"

Brian rather laughed than responded. But he didn't realize that Junior had taken a nice lead in front of him. After a few seconds of reaction, Brian got ahead, a few meters away from the end. It looked like Brian was gonna win.

Junior held the wheel with his good hand, his left, and put his right on the gear. As he felt around the gear, he could feel a very small button on the gear. His eyes widened as he realized something. He pressed the button and the top of the gear popped open, leaving a red button there that had a danger sticker on it.

Louis was shocked, "Don't-" It was too late, Junior pushed the button down and the car went speeding off faster, passing Brian's car and speeding across the their own finish line.

"I won!" Junior exclaimed.

"He kicked yo ass Brian." Roman teased.

"Imagine what he'd do to you." Responded the Ex-Cop. Roman gave him a dirty look.

"You always find a way to bring this back on me, don't you?" Roman said.

The BMW didn't stop, as a smiling Junior pressured his dad to keep driving, until they did a drift.

Present Day

Louis Pearce III, drove in the Skyline that was presented to him a year ago by the man whom he considered an Uncle. Brian O'Conner. He didn't know much about what his biological uncle Roman and what his best friend was doing. Last he heard, his uncle had done a heist Brazil, and every month or so he'd send money to him and his mother after his father died.

He was still living in Spain, in the city of Gijon.

He drove down the slim street, until he reached a pier, that was close to the sand. Cars parked everywhere.

Cars, and women dressed in skimpy clothing crowded around every car that was there. Guys flirting with them, and crowds joined in dance parties right behind the three cars, that were going to race. Junior drove, and parked at the far left of every car there.

He lined up with the three other drivers, all their windows opened.

"Well, well. Negrito, what're you doing here?" The driver next to him said in Spanish.. He drove a blue Ferrari 458. "And where'd you get the Skyline? I liked your last car."

"You know exactly what happened to my other car, Raul." Junior responded. "You're dirty, and I'm gonna enjoy seeing you lose, hijo de puta." He said angrily.

"Calma, Chicos." The blond, next to Raul said. She drove a Honda S2000. It was pink. "It's all about the race."

"Shouldn't you be studying, Amaya? Don't we have a test tomorrow?" Sassed Junior. "Or can daddy pay for you to pass, like he paid for that car."

"No me jodas, Junior." Amaya laughed. "I'm gonna beat you, and be home in time to study and pass that test."

"Where'd you get that car?" Junior asked in English. Knowing Amaya's intelligence gave her the knowledge of english. "Wasn't that Suki Akoi's car?"

"Actually," Amaya said, "Papi got it from a guy in California.. Apparently sold it after his friend was shot and killed."

Junior nodded. "Damn, girl. That's badass." He remarked, as the two shared a laugh.

"Hey. WE speak spanish in this country!" The foruth driver said. A blond boy, who was the ladies man in the racing scene. Who went by the name of Ivan. He drove a gold Lexus LF-C Concept.

"Calmate, asere." Raul said. Who wasn't Spanish, but Cuban. He was mixed race like Junior and had a bald head. "Let's get to racing."

"I'm about to get this money." Ivan said, winking at the girls close to his yellow Mustang.

Junior rolled his eyes at Ivan's comment. The money was the reason they were all there, but for different reasons. Junior just wanted the money so he could repair the car that Raul had crashed into last race. His dad's BMW.

"Hey, Lou. No hard feelings, right?" Raul asked.

Junior looked at Raul and gave a small smile. "Raul." The boy asked told the racer next to him.

"Si?" Raul asked.

"Lou was my dad." Junior said.

Then, in front of them, walked a tall, suited man, with shades. "Everyone ready?" He asked. The racers honked their horns. "Alright then." He then pointed at one of the skimpy dressed females.

"Ready?" The woman asked. The horns started to rev, as the Shades pointed a woman on his right.

"Set?" She asked. The engines reved louder and tighter.

The man then sighed and popped his knuckles. "Then... Go." He said in a 'What're you waiting for' manner.

The four cars sped off, with Raul in the lead, Junior right in second, Amaya in third, and Ivan in fourth. A quick drag race around the city, that would end at the same place.

"TOMA!" Raul exclaimed excitedly, for being in first. But the smile that he had being in front faded, once he saw Junior closely tailing him. "Not this again."

"Enjoy it while it lasts." Junior said, driving, changing the gear quickly, and then slowly taking the lead on Junior as they ended the first quarter of the race. The cars showed no signs of slowing down. As Amaya got in front of Raul, leaving him third, and her second. Meanwhile an angry Ivan was last.

"Suck on it, maricon!" Amaya exclaimed, as she celebrated getting in front Raul.

"Comeme la pinga, zorra!" Raul yelled, giving her the bird. But then the guy smiled, and sped up, being lined up to Amaya.

Junior caught sight of it, recognizing it. Raul was dirty, he had a hook under his car that stuck cars to it. That was how Junior had lost the BMW, and what made him despise Raul. He wasn't going to let him do that to Amaya.

"Not this time, fucker." Junior grumbled, lining his car in front of Raul's ready to total his car. It was too late. Raul had already grabbed Amaya's car to his. But Junior could still stop it.

"Que coño?" Amaya asked herself, wondering why she couldn't control her car. It was because the hooks Raul used, also stopped Amaya's controls.

"Amaya! Hold on!" Junior yelled in english, hoping she could hear him. He then stopped his car, and crashed straight into Raul, letting the hooks snap off Amaya. But nevertheless, Amaya had to stop to let the control flow back in her car.

Junior had fixed up the car long ago to make sure the back didn't get totaled, while Raul spun out of control, and his car was beyond repair. As the three froze, Ivan sped in front of them, giving them the finger.

"You good?" Junior asked.

"Yes." She said. "Gracias."

"De nada." Junior responded, taking a deep breath to focus on his car. "Let's get that motherfucker." He said, talking about Ivan, who was probably long in front.

They quickly started their cars, and sped off again, dodging civilian cars, and drifting into short roads. Until catching up with Ivan, at that point, they were at a a quarter mile away from the finish line.

"I got this." Amaya said. But she spoke too soon, as Junior sped right in front of her. "Cabron." She muttered. Junior also caught up to Ivan, toe to toe with him. Ivan was surprised, and gritted his teeth. Suddenly, he rammed into Junior.

"The fuck are you doin', Ivan?" Junior muttered in english, controlling his car. But Ivan didn't stop, he rammed again.

"Para ya!" Junior exclaimed. The boy in the gold car, rammed once again. "I'm warning you!" Junior exclaimed. Ivan didn't take the warning into mind, as he went to ram one last time. As soon as he tried too, Junior hit a break, and let Ivan miss him, as he went crashing into a wall.

Amaya got in first, with only Junior behind her now. A good distance between them, and the finish line only meters away, she was sure this race was hers. Junior took off speeding, knowing that if he didn't do something quick, he'd lose. He searched around for something, until he found a tiled over publicity board, that could be used as a ramp.

It was his only choice.

He pressed the turbo button right by the radio, and went speeding towards the publicity board/ramp, flying into the air, he yelled in excitement. Flying into the air, and landing a few feet in front of Amaya, and landing in the finish line.

"YEAH!" Junior screamed in excitement as he jumped out of the car, and fell to the ground. He could hear the party goers cheering for him, and Amaya exit her car with a disappointed look on her face.

"You always get lucky." Amaya said in english.

"Nope. I have skills." Junior snarked. Amaya laughed and helped Junior up. The suited man with shades walked over towards Junior, handing him 11,000 Euros in cash. Junior did a little victory dance, until they heard police sirens.

"Policia!" Someone yelled, Junior took off running. It did look bad. A young black kid with serious cash in his hand, running from the police. But he did it anyway, heading towards the beach where it would be harder to find him. But it was too late, a cop had already grabbed him.

Junior knew it was a mistake, but he showed the cop, thinking that he could escape as he took off running. But as he turned, three cops went towards him. And before he knew it, he was surrounded.

The boy sighed and got on his knees, dropping the money, and putting his hands behind his head. Only mumbling one word-
