I truly apologize for lack of updates. Personal family matters got in the way, as well as university and my job and keep me busy. I've tried to finish this story, but I've just plain lost inspiration and the will to finish it. My writing has evolved so much (not going to say it's necessarily better, just evolved), that it's hard to finish something that I started so long ago! This story never truly had any direction, and so it was difficult to continue without a certain goal in mind. I'm so sorry for leaving you all hanging.

However, I have posted below what I had wrote ages ago. Thank you all who've been following this story for your support. It pains me to say this, but I am discontinuing this story. You have all been wonderful inspirations, but I think it's time for me to put this fic to rest after telling myself for so long that I could finish it. I will not stop writing, though, I will be posting other stories.

Thank you all again and my sincerest apologies,


Chapter Eighteen

Recap: Last chapter covered winter break, where Haruto and Koko had a heart-to-heart, and the return to school (and the resuming of these so-called pranks)…

Kyoya flashed her a smile. It was a little unnerving. "Not at all Miss Honda. We would like to speak with you about these 'pranks,' as you call them," he said and Haruhi nodded.

"Yes," Haruhi agreed. "We think we might know who's been doing them," she said.

"So, you're telling me Ayanokoji could be involved?" Koko asked.

She was settled on a red loveseat, huddled in a wool shawl. They were now gathered in the clubroom, warming up (the customers may have gotten warm blankets and shawls, but the hosts needed to be on their toes entertaining). The Host Club's members were seated around her on various chairs and couches. Haruhi was next to Koko, holding a cup of tea while the others were listening to their conversation. Kyoya had told Koko to wait until the club hours ended for them to discuss the pranks.

"Yes," Kyoya nodded. "The same thing has occurred before, to Haruhi, several months ago. It seems to be a signature of sorts. As for motive, we're not sure about that yet." He adjusted his glasses and leaned back into his chair.

"But what about the other pranks?" Koko asked. "The glass, the tacks…"

Haruhi spoke up. "We think Ayanokoji recruited an individual to carry out these pranks, and to possibly frame them later on. It's the best we can come up with at the moment. What's this about glass and tacks? You mentioned the glass earlier."

"Glass?" Kaoru asked. He was wearing a pale orange scarf, whereas his brother wore a powder blue one. She had noticed it when they spoke to her in the gardens, not long ago.

"Tacks?" Hikaru chimed in. "Sounds like amateur work to me," he added, folding his arms.

Koko stifled the urge to scowl at the ceiling and sigh. Instead, she quickly relayed the four other pranks to the Host Club, keeping it short and simple.

"Putting shards of glass in a backpack is downright dangerous," Haruhi said once Koko finished. "Why haven't you reported it?"

"My brother said the same thing. I figured if it continued, then I would go to the administration. Though I doubt they would be able to do much, especially since we really don't know who's doing all this," Koko said.

"I believe we can be more help in this situation. What was the name of the perfume?" Kyoya asked, pulling out his cellphone.

Hikaru snorted. "Looks like Mommy wants to try out a new perfume," he whispered to his brother; they snickered.

Kyoya sent them a glare. Koko didn't ask.

"It was something real pretentious, Eau de something or other—Eau de Ai, I think," Koko said. "Number three," she added.

It took only seconds; Kyoya held up his phone and asked, "Did it look something like this?"

Koko nodded at the image. "Yeah, sort of. It was pink. Satomi was the one who found out the name. She said it was newly released," she told him.

"Newly released indeed. Judging by the time frame, the perfume was out in only a handful of countries. The price is steep, especially for perfume. Hmm…" he trailed off, staring at his phone. Everyone watched him quizzically.

"What is it, Kyoya?" Tamaki asked. The blond was perched on the arm of the loveseat that Koko and Haruhi shared.

"Apparently, the co-owner of the company that produced this perfume has a daughter who attends this school," Kyoya said.

"What does that have to do with the prank, Kyo-chan?" asked Honey.

"It is merely a hunch, but perhaps she can give us some information," Kyoya replied.

"How? She might have nothing to do with this," Haruhi countered.

"Hey, like he said, it's just a hunch," Koko shrugged. "And it couldn't hurt to ask." Haruhi looked thoughtful, and eventually agreed.

Honey offered to speak with the co-owner's daughter, and asked for her name.

"Her name is Shizuka. She's a first year—here, this is what she looks like," said Kyoya, showing them the girl's school photo on his phone. The girl had a familiar face with glossy black hair.

"Wait, I know her!" Koko exclaimed, and everyone looked at her. "It was a while ago. I tripped over her in the hall. She was crying, and she said she had just gotten rejected by the 'love of her life,'" Koko explained, casting a brief glance at Mori. He bore the slightest of frowns. Koko decided to not mention the incident. "She was being a tad overdramatic, and a bit rude too," she added. "Like I said to her, you can't love someone if you don't even know their favorite tea!"

"Right…" said Kyoya, returning his phone to his trousers' pocket. "I'm afraid that I have some business to attend to, so I cannot be of much more help," he told her.

Koko waved him off. "No, no, you've been a great help—all of you. Thanks, a lot. Really. I owe you guys," she said.

Haruhi muttered something that sounded quite a lot like "you have no idea."