Ok listen. I know rewriting this should be easy but honestly I'm that person that starts a million projects at once and then gets distracted. Does the excuse I was at college for 8 months make up anything or no? ok whatever but enjoy the rewrite. cause it's so much better than before.

My mind was rushing a mile per minute. I was putting up the sheets over my large windows as a vampire sat in my closet with a sour look on his face. A vampire. The monster that sucks blood and kills humans, you know a normal everyday occurrence in my household. I couldn't believe this. I literally couldn't, I mean vampires are not real. But what else could explain why a bat was now a guy who seemed to have a major attitude problem.

Once I was done I looked around to see if any light was seeping out. All good I turned to the closet.

"You can come out now, it's nice and dark." I stated waiting for him to emerge to I could change out of my pajamas.

He slowly emerged from the closer glancing around cautiously before deciding he was indeed safe.

I went to my closet to grab a shirt and pants and shuffled out of the door to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. I tried to hurry because I didn't feel comfortable leaving this stranger in my room.

Once I was in my room again I noticed Gregory just observing my room looking very lost.
"You can sit down or something, just don't stand in the middle of the room. It's awkward." I said sitting down in my desk chair.

He glared at me sharply before lurking over to my bed to sit.

We spent a few good minutes in silence before I decided to ask him a question.

"So… where did you come from?" I asked.

He once again gave me a look to signify how ignorant my question was. "The graveyard."

"Oh… So why were you out cold in my yard last night?" I continued on.

He sighed, "I was being hunted down and I wasn't looking where I was flying."

"What would be hunting you?"

He gave me that look again, the one where it seemed like I asked an irrelevant question. "A vampire hunter."

"Those exist?" I asked.

"Not all mortals are as blind as you." He stated blandly.

I ignored his statement. "So how long have you been a vampire?" There it was, the question I was dying to hear an answer too.

"How long do you plan this insufferable list of questions?" He sneered.

I puffed my cheeks a little in frustration.

"Well how about, when do you plan to get out of my house?"

"As soon as possible."

I don't know what I expected, but for some reason it wasn't that. He was pretty rough and cold on his exterior.

"Fine, I guess I'll leave you alone. Wallow in your solitude." I replied getting up and leaving my room.

I leaned on the other side of my closed door for a few seconds before deciding to spend my time out of his way.

I finally ventured my way upstairs into my room later that night after I had eaten dinner. Opening my door I almost shrieked in shock. All of my sketches I had of Gregory were scatter all over my floor alongside with others.

I quickly shut my door and searched my room for him. I was beyond angry. I couldn't find him though, it wasn't that surprising though. It was already pretty dark out for a few hours. I was still extremely upset that he just went through my things and destroyed them as he pleased and then left them here.

"Thanks for not talking my feeling into consideration dude…" I muttered angrily as I picked up my papers.
"Oh that's right, I'm just a mortal!" I mumbled using quotation marks for mortal.

It didn't take a long time to pick up my papers and diligently organize them again, it was just annoying. It was upon closer inspection I realized I was missing a few of my sketches. Having a small panic attack I shuffled through all my draws and sketch books trying to find them. I gave up after ten minutes realizing that they were gone.

I let out a groan of frustration. "Aw man! Those were my favorites too!" my hands slide down my face in frustration. I sighed and plopped down on my bed, I was probably never going to see him or my sketches again.

The next day I woke up and just sat in my bed for a decent half hour before deciding I couldn't just pity myself. I could always redraw them.

I got up and showered and changed into something comfy for the summer heat. I was going out with my friend Beth today and I was going to have a good day and forget about anything that happened last night. Beth was just the friend to get away and hang out with.

I sat down at the kitchen counter and ate my breakfast waiting for Beth to call and tell me when she'd actually show up.

Nan made her way into the kitchen smiling brightly at me as she prepared her own breakfast.

"So you were shuffling 'bout late last night. Where you trying to hang up another masterpiece?" she asked me over her shoulder.

I sighed putting my fork down on my plate. "No, I accidentally knocked over my storage unit and I had to clean everything up."

"Oh my. Well that does sound like quite the mess."

"You have no idea."

The house phone began to ring and I quickly picked it up. It was Beth and we began to make our plans for the afternoon.

When I came home I collapsed on my bed in utter fatigue. I was not planning to move anytime soon. I had spent my whole afternoon with Beth and we went everywhere. I was too tired to even consider getting under the duvet. I quickly dozed off.

I suddenly woke up in a panic and sat straight up. Gregory was planted at the foot of my bed and I almost screamed.

"Jeeeeeeez! What is your problem?" I hissed quietly.

"This." He held in his hand one of my sketches of him. "How do you know what I look like and about the amulet?" he said fiercely.

I flinched at his tone. "I don't know. I just draw, it's what I do. I mean your face just came so easily, it was almost familiar." I started to ramble on. "To be honest though some of the features are quite fuzzy in my…"

He dropped the paper and swiftly came on to the bed. He held my face delicately but strong enough to make me look into his eyes. His bright crimson eyes.

My sentence fell and I suddenly became very uncomfortable.

He kept looking at me desperately trying to search for something. I had this biting feeling that I couldn't give it to him though.

His face suddenly shifted into a mix of despair and anger and let his hands falls from my face.

"You're not her." He mumbled to himself, though I heard him clearly.

His face suddenly snapped back up and that fierce look was once again on his face.

"How do you know about the amulet?" he barked at me.

"I don't, honestly I don't know. Maybe I've seen something like it before? I'm not sure, but it felt like it went in the picture okay? I can't explain how I compose a picture to you!" I whispered harshly.

"Oh come on! You would have to know something! You couldn't have just made up me and the amulet on your own." He hissed back at me pressing me back into my bed's headboard.

Suddenly it hit me, really hit me.

"Oh my god. No I have met you before! I was five and we had just moved in with Nan. I was outside on the swing because I couldn't sleep!"

He backed off of me slowly as if trying to remember. It was silent for a few moments.

"How long has that been? I've lost most sense of time to be quiet honest."

I almost laughed. "Eleven years."

"That's not very long, I do remember that but it seems less that long."

"Well not to you." I replied. "There is a thing called mortality."

It was silent for a few more moments as he seemed lost in deep thought.

"Help me find the amulet." He finally said.

"What? Explain to me how I can help you find an amulet that I have only ever drawn?" I asked baffled by what he was asking me.

"Good thing we have a few months then." He said smirking at me. "I'll also give you back your drawings." He said quietly.

"You're bribing me." I said. "Fine, but because I'm a good person. You didn't have to bribe me."