"Pretty please!"
"Adding another word to your request will not change my mind, Otto."
"Pretty please with-"
"No amount of cherries will convince me either."
"Aw, come on, Gibby."
"How many times have I told you to not call me that?"
"I dunno...how many times have I said it?"
"Quite enough."
"I don't think so! Gibby, please?"
"It's just a little bug, Gibby."
"It's cute and small and-"
"Otto! No means no. I am not going to touch it, pet it, nor even hold that vile Coccinellidae. And stop calling me Gibby!"
"Coccinell-whatah? Come on, Gibson. Your the smartest guy I know! You should know that Ladybugs are harmless! Especially, this little cutie right here. Isn't that right, Al?"
"Al? You gave that horrendous insect a name?"
"Yeah! It's short for Alchemist."
"...You...named it after our creator?"
"I'd like to think of him as our father."
"...Otto are you-"
"I miss him..."
"Otto...Otto, don't cry. Please, there's no need for that."
"I-I'm sorry."
"No need for apologies either. Now, let's go back to the Super Robot. You need a tissue."
"Ok...wait! I need to put Al back on his leaf. Here you go little guy. See you tomorrow!"
"Otto, I highly doubt that you'll be able to...see you tomorrow as well, Al."
"Your coming too?"
"Sure, why not? This is a rather beautiful garden. The best I've seen in Shuggazoom so far. I cannot believe it's only a few blocks away from where we are and we have never been able to see it."
"Al! Al? Where are you buddy?"
"I was afraid of this...Otto, the chances of you finding Al again are very-"
"There you are!"
"How did you...how do know it's him?"
"Great Scott! You gave him a collar?! How did I not see that yesterday?"
"Guess you were too busy trying to avoid him to see."
"I can't even imagine how long it took you to find that."
"I made it myself!"
"Why am I not surprised...Otto?"
"Can I...may I hold him?"
"Yes, really."
"Alright! Here you go little fella. This is Gibby!"
"My name is not Gibby. I am Mr. Hal Gibson. Do not call me Mister or Hal. Just Gibson please...wait, why am I even introducing myself to you?"
"Wow! Your handling this better than I thought!"
"Oh...it appears so. Ah!"
"Aw, his friend came by to say hi!"
"T-There's two now!"
"Relax. They're not gonna hurt you."
"I'm t-trusting your ju-judgment, Otto."
"See! Your doing great, Gibson."
"I-I suppose. I'm g-guessing you named this one too?"
"Yep! See his tiny collar?"
"I named him Mandarin. He's orange like him and...I know he turned evil and everything but-"
"Otto, please don't cry again. Or saying sorry for doing so. I understand."
"Y-you do?"
"Yes, I do. You don't think I miss them either?"
"...Hey, Gibson? Do you think we'll be able save them one day and become a family again?"
"Well...I'm not sure if...maybe someday, Otto. Maybe someday..."
"Thanks Gibby. I-I mean-"
"Your welcome Otto...you can call me by that nickname if you want. It's starting to grow on me."
"Soooo, does that mean I can call you Gibby all the time?"
"Don't push it, Otto."
"Ha, ha. Just kidding. I wont call you that all the time."
"Are Al and Mandarin growing on you too?"
"...They certainly are, Otto. Thanks to you..."