I am afraid that after this chapters uploaded, I will not be able to upload another within the next two weeks. Sorry, but just to clarify, I have not stopped writing this story. It will only be delayed.

Also I would like to take the opportunity to ask you guys what you think of the story so far, is there any area I need to improve upon? Please do mention anything which is lacking. Thank you.

This going to be my first story, and I hope you all would like and review it.

I own the rights to the five main Autobot characters, but not anything from HTTYD or anything else from transformers

Night Wing

As we entered the hanger, I could tell that our six guests were astonished by the sheer size of the place, by the way, they remained silent and how they kept looking all over the place, as if they were trying to spot the tinniest of details. The main hanger for the Lost Star was designed to hold a small shuttle craft and a few off world equipment, though the shuttle is now a large pile of scrap at the corner of the room. This meant the hanger was fairly large for us, but to them this must look like it could hold their entire village or anything with equal size. I also noticed that now and then, there dragons steal a glance towards the three of us, I don't really blame them for that. I would probably do the same if I was with someone who looked exactly like me.

"How could you make something like this" exclaimed Hiccup who is now looking at me. I turned my head to face him.

"With determination, skill, and an automated production line" I replied, knowing quite well that they probably don't even know what a production line is. "Just remember, to us this is not really that big" By this point all of us have landed.


In this place, with these people, I feel even smaller than I do with my Dad. As the six of us dismounted when we landed, the three non- dragons started to change shape. It really is not that hard to notice. Though I kept my eyes specifically on the Monstrous nightmare just out of curiosity. The red dragons head started to move all the way onto his back while the rest of the body started to move upright, using the forward legs as the new... well… legs like Night Wing. The dragons head became the new chest piece while the two hooks on the once forward dragon's legs started to move into its self as two, more human looking, feet replaced them. The hind dragon legs began to move into the chest where the clawed feet formed shoulder pads. The massive tail seemed to break in the middle and started to move, forming the new arms. Finally, a back piece of the dragon head started to move away from the head to form the new human looking head.

I gulped, this guy is even bigger than Night-Wing and Clavo. He is a good two feet taller than them. Looking down at us, He grinned. "So, what are your names?" He asked us "I didn't catch then when I saw you"

I began to introduce him to everyone. After the introduction, he started to laugh. "Those are your names, seriously? Were all the good names taken? Cuss, they weren't, then even you are unimaginative or weird".

"Really?" said Astrid, who looked like she had been insulted, which we kind of were. "Well, let me tell you that those names were given to us, by our parents, to keep the trolls away". Fire- Bat stared at her for a moment, with a questionable expression. "What's a troll?" Before Astrid could reply, a very grumpy looking Gronckle appeared from the other side of the room. He spotted Night- Wing and flew over to him, with what looked like a rectangle shaped piece of metal in one of his forward legs. "Night Wing your back, I manage to shut down some secondary systems to preserve some of the remaining energon, but we will still run out in the next-" .This is when he spotted us. "Er… sir, what are they?" indicating us with his head. "They are our guests, they want to help us in finding and mining energon deposits" Night Wing calmly explained.

"WHAT, but, what if they are contagious"

"Grunch, we are a mechanical based life form, there is no way for an organic based disease can affect us" The Gronckle was now deep in thought, obviously trying to think of another excuse to why they can't have us on board.

"What if they-"

"GRUNCH" exclaimed Night Wing with one hand in the air to engage silence "They are no threat to you, this ship, or anyone else. Now please, just drop this and make friends." The Grunckle turned to face us still looking a bit suspicious. While this was happening, I did not notice Toothless coming closer to me, growling slightly towards the grumpy thing. Then there was silence, our dragons getting to a slight defensive position to protect us. That was until Fire-Bat started to speak.

"You know Grumch, who knows, these guys may actually give you another expression to use. Besides your grumpy, and really grumpy expressions of cause" He said with a slight smirk and chuckling to himself.

"Fine, but if all of us die by metal burn, or… or ….. Ok I can't think of anything else, but regardless, don't come crying to me" and with that he flew off.

"Sorry about Grunch" apologised Night Wing as he turned to us. Kneeling down to us in order for us to feel more comfortable. "He gets a bit suspicious on anything that does not where the Autobot symbol" He explained. So that's what those symbols are, they must represent there clan. The Autobots.

"It's Ok." Hiccup said. "Can we see the rest of this place please" asked Fishlegs, who looked like he died and went to Asgard. With a nod Night Wing stood up, smiling, and he started to head down a massive hallway which Grunch came from, we got on our dragons and followed.

We followed Night Wing to a small room, keeping at distance from him to avoid accidentally getting kicked, in the room is a very large desk. Night Wing gestured us to fly onto the desk with one of his arms. We flew up and on the desk was a large blue looking rock. The ocean like blue glows as if it was alive, Toothless cocked his head with curiosity while I could hear Fishlegs holding Meatlug back from the strange object.

"Is this energon?" I asked looking at Night Wing. He nodded, taking the glowing rock and placing it closer to us. All six of us touched the energon with interest. It was surprisingly warm, and smooth to the touch. "Why can't you guys just mine this stuff yourself? It's not like you are weak or scrawny, like Hiccup" Asked Snotloud. This was responded by a quiet snigger by the twins. The more things change, the more things stay the same.

"The problem is not that we can extract it, more the difficulty in mining it" Night Wing stated. He explained what he meant after looking at a few confused expressions. "You see, for us, if we come to contact with too much concentrated energon. We experience what we call an energon overload" He paused so that we could absorb this information before continuing. "A prolonged energon overload can lead… to permanent shutdown"

I wasn't quite sure what 'permanent shutdown' meant, though I understood the meaning. "You mean you would die, right" stated Astrid. Night Wing paused for a moment, probably collecting his thoughts.

"I believe, that's what organics call it, yes. It also the reason we have beast modes, because the affect will not work againts organic tissue. The only reason we can stay in our robotic forms for so long in here is because of the outer coating we used on the outer walls" That makes sense. It's like wearing warm clothing so that we cannot get cold for us, and why they never really stayed in there human like form for too long outside of this place.

"ORGANICS" All of us, including the dragon, jumped as a very, over excited Hideous Zippleback came from around the corner and stopped just in front of us. It's two heads were looking all over us examining the tinniest of detail, and asking us questions "what species are you? Are all of your kind this small? What do you eat? Can you use liquids as well as food? "Are those lizards warm blooded?"

Before he could ask any more questions, Night Wing grabbed the green dragon, and had to pull him away from us. "TOXIC, please, this is seriously not the time for this and you are totally creeping me, and probably them out as well"

"But… but when else will I be able to actually talk to an intelligent organic species? Come on please let me talk to them"

"No not now, maybe later. Go and help Grunch with any repair work" One of the Zippleback heads was looking at Night Wing, while the other was staring at us. Both of the heads though, look disappointed and saddened by the order. "But" He began


"Fine" And with that he walked off, one head still examining us. When Night Wing was sure he was out of hearing rang, he sighed and turned to us.

"Sorry for that, Toxic can get… over excited when it comes to anything organic." I could hear Snotloud chuckle slightly and I could understand why. This Toxic sounds exactly like Fishlegs when it comes to dragons.

"Its ok" I began, and I was about to say something else before I realised I have forgotten something. I was supposed to report back to my Dad about what this place was. "Night Wing, we need to go" I stated. I could feel all eyes staring at me.

"Why?" Night Wing asked, clearly confused.

"We were supposed to head back to our village and report to my Farther, about anything we found here" I explained.

"I see, well I won't stop you, though I would like to ask a favour from you" all six of us looked at Night Wing wondering what he was about to ask.

"I would like this to be a bit of a secret, so could you not tell anyone else about what you saw hear. It's bad enough for me to show you this much."

"Why?" I heard the twins ask.

"It's to do with our code. 'Never reveal yourself to others who cannot fight back, not under any circumstances'". He resisted "basically we cannot reveal ourselves to others, at the risk of drawing our war to this world".

All six of us turned to look at each other with a mixture of disappointment, and worry before I turned back to Night Wing and said "OK"

With that, the six of us are now on our dragons and are heading back to the small Viking village. Trying to make a decent cover story to help protect the identity of our new strange, titan friends. While also trying to think of a way to help then in acquiring the glowing crystals in order for them to survive. This did turn out to be a very interesting day indeed.

Please review and comment on anything to help improve it. Next page will be up in the next two weeks, sorry for the delay. Also please mention whether this chapter is lacking in any detail or not. One final note, this is going to b. a start of a trilogy extending 3 to 4 stories, and the righting is only going to get better.