Disclaimer: I do not any characters in Akame Ga Kill, so lawyers, don't sue me.


With a deft flourish of my sword, I cleanly sliced through thick layers of muscles and tissue, and severed the soldier's unprotected neck. Taking a small step back, I avoided the gushing fountain of blood that stained the rich, elaborately embroidered rug an ugly shade of red.

Six. That was the number I had slain that night. Five of them were guards, and the other was the wife of the owner of this mansion. All of them were guilty. The primary target of our mission, Baron Szech the 2nd, partook in numerous cases of kidnap and drug manufacture. The abducted victims became test subjects for drugs still in stages of preparation. Most of them died within days, and those remaining alive were afflicted of drawn out episodes of withdrawal until they eventually pass away from various illnesses and organ failures. The pain was said to be more excruciating than any torture.

As usual the police were too eager to ingratiate themselves into the Prime Minister's good will to fulfill their duties, and the small handful that attempted to oppose through peaceful, or in this case legal means were swiftly silenced. From the information we scavenged, being stripped of political standing and banished to the frigid northern borders was by far the fortunate and desirable outcome. In this massive nest of decay and corruption, laws were merely tools, implements wielded by the rich and the esteemed to grant themselves righteousness over whatever atrocious deed they committed. The weak, the poor, the great majority of civilians in this country became helpless prey to the few that held power in their grasp. It was sickening to think that human lives were worth so little.
I advanced forward aggressively, brandishing my sword with a surge of vigor and weaving through a thicket of pointy weapons. The familiar sensation of flesh being severed traveled up my arm each time my blade struck home and I watched in grim satisfaction as my opponent's lifeless form crumbled to the ground.

Adrenaline pumped into my exhausted muscles while I drove them harder to fend off the furious flurry of blows raining down on me. Up. Right. Parry. Duck. Left. Left. Parry. My last opponent, a large, vicious monk lunged forward, twirling a pair of daggers in his hands. Squinting my eyes in concentration, I tilted my body to let one skim perilously pass my ear, blocked the other using the guard of my blade and retaliated by slamming my fist as hard as I could into the man's face.

CRACK! The monk staggered back, a stream of blood splattering down his crushed nose as he shook his head wildly to escape the sudden pain. Not daring to let the opportunity slip by unexploited, I shot forward, consciously lowering my balance, and lashed out. I struck his jaw with a spinning kick from the right, sending him crashing into hard stone wall. I ran toward to the disorient man and swung my sword in a low arc, aiming to impale his bare chest. It should've been over at that moment.

The whistling tip of my sword was an inch from spilling his guts when a well-placed kick at my ankle threw me off my feet. I crashed painfully on the carpeted floor, hissing at the dull throb of pain from my ribcage. Quickly, I rolled to the side and dodged the dagger that lodged itself on the spot I was a split-second ago. Before I knew it, the snarling face of the monk occupied my entire vision. He threw himself over me, bellowing at the top of his lungs and stabbed at my throat with his remaining dagger. Now that I could examine the sharp tool closely, I discovered that a thin layer of glittering semi-transparent substance was smeared across the entire blade. Poison. Gritting my teeth, I pulled back my head as much as I could…

…and banged it against his forehead with all the strength I could muster. After yet another resounding crack, the man's conscious finally gave in, sending him toppling face-first onto the ground without further ado.

I winced at the pain spiking through my left hand. The knuckle of my middle finger was popped out its socket when I punched the man. It was a minor injury, but the pain of shoving the dislocated joint back in place was still a nasty ordeal for any patient, especially when you have to do it yourself.

"All done" I muttered to myself, sinking my blade into the exposed chest of the unconscious monk. That makes nine. I thought. I dislodged my sword and wiped it cautiously with a piece of cloth to ensure that not a blemish could be found on the weapon's smooth surface. The soldiers wouldn't arrive at the scene until half an hour later, and it's best to clean the blade before returning it to its scabbard to lengthen its period of use. After a thorough inspection, it slid back into its sheath with a small, musical clink.

"Now let's go back before this place gets swarmed" My job was sneak into the mansion, kill the Lady, kill the guards if I have the time, sneak out and rendezvous back at the base. Everything was going perfectly fine up to this point and I was even several minutes ahead of the initial agenda. There was nothing that could go wrong at this point. I managed to survive the annoying infiltrating part, the dangerous assassinating part and the very dangerous fighting my way out of the building part without making any mistakes or sustaining major injuries. All I need to do is confirm that nobody's tracing my footsteps before I return to the base as a standard precaution. My face split into a great grin at the thought of the 'reward' awaiting me back at the headquarters.

I sprinted across the large yard, trampling countless flowers and plants that were grown with utmost care and prudence, discarding my blood-soaked T-shirt and trousers, and flipped over the tall fence with perfect ease…only to find myself face to face with the epitome of horror: women.

For a several long moments of silence, we just stared each other quietly.

"Are you waiting for me to arrest you?" she asked coldly, sending a bone-chilling wave of shudders down my spine. I just realized that she was tightly garbed in standard military uniform from head to toe, including the white cap, the tall leather boots and the kaki jacket buttoned up to very first hole. She was the walking advocate of the phrase 'immaculate', and she was having a staring match with a man in his boxers and boxers only. Shit.

"Um, no, not really, but will you chase me and arrest me if I run?" I asked nervously, shuffling my feet back as fast as humanly possible. What were of odds of running into a gorgeous female military officer in the dead of the night while wearing nothing but a pair of striped boxers? This kind of shit only happened to me.

"No" she replied shortly.

"Thank you! I mean this is really an awkward situation due to my state of dress, or err…state of undress, and I sort of expected you to scream or call the police…wait, you are the police. Anyways, what I want to say is that I'm usually not like this, like I wear clothing and stuff like that. Actually, there are quite a number of people who say I'm handsome when I dress up for"

"I will kill you" she stated calmly. I held my breath. She wasn't kidding. The killing intent she was emitting was so thick it was tangible and I felt like someone was slowly squeezing the air out of my lungs. She's strong, much stronger than me. I have to escape.

Silently, I drew my blade and entered a defensive stance, training my eyes on the woman. She didn't display any intent of drawing a weapon, despite that she had a rapier hanging on her belt. Her entire stance was relaxed and composed as if she was merely having a midnight stroll on the streets. That wasn't good. My instincts were practically screaming at my brain, telling me to flee as fast as my feet would carry me, and my brain was screaming back, because the instant I turn my back on that woman will also be the moment of my death. I had no choice. I had to take the offense and find an opening to run away.

"It's not really nice, for a pretty girl like you to say things like"

I dashed forward. I swung my sword. The sword flew out of my hand. I felt my something rupture in my abdomen when her fist sank into it. I stumbled backward. And I looked into her eyes.

This time I felt like I was crushed from all sides by freezing icebergs, and the pressure increase exponentially with each step she took toward me. My knees shook and wobbled, my breath became shallow even as I tried desperately to gulp down more air, and what terrified me the most was I couldn't break contact with her eyes. They were cold, emotionless, like a pair of dark blue voids that freezes everything upon touch, and it chilled me down to the marrow. I was the helpless prey, a quavering lump of meat waiting to be butchered, and she was the cruel predator that just caught her next meal. I was amazed that I didn't soil myself on the spot.

She drew her rapier. Its pointed tip quickly found the base of my throat and hovered a millimeter above my skin. I knew what that meant.

She was giving the chance to yield.

She wanted me to grovel at her feet and plead for my life like a slave. I bit my lip, letting the scalding pain course through my mind and glared at her with burning intensity.

Suddenly, the pressure lifted and I found myself on my knees, gasping and drenched with cold sweat. My legs refused to listen when I tried to get back on my feet and flee as fast as I could from the looming terror standing before me. I scrambled backward in a blind frenzy to escape, using my hands as substitute as I tried to create as much distance as possible between the two of us.

"Don't move" she said in the same cold tone.

My body reacted before I could register her order. Every muscle I could actively command wound itself up in a rigid lock. But to my utter relief, she didn't try to approach me, instead she extracted a pen and a rolled up piece of paper from her front pocket. For a full minute, she wrote intently, and silence fell once more upon us. My heart pounded so hard that it was thundering against my eardrums and each beat I heard felt like a countdown leading to my imminent demise. I didn't dare move nor speak, in fear of angering the woman and forfeiting my life in the process. Finally, she finished and sealed the paper tightly with a wax crest. It was tossed at my feet.

"Tomorrow, take this to army, and tell them to deliver it to Warrant Officer Shirley of the City Guard" she ordered me, walking away as she spoke.

"Wait!" I couldn't believe myself when I heard myself calling after her. I had gone mad from fear. She stopped, and turned to look at me.

"Wh…who are you?" I asked, cursing myself for my stuttering.

For a split second, I thought I saw the faintest curve tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"It's a surprise"

It was until I saw her silhouette vanish from the line of my sight that I was able to stand up from the ground, latching on to a nearby lamppost as support.

My eyes found the small scroll of paper lying innocently on the ground. At that particular moment, one thought occupied the entirety of my mind.

I am doomed


I was angry. When I saw Tatsumi staggering into the room wearing only a pair of boxers, I was angry. Tatsumi was stupid. Between the smart choice and the right choice, he would always choose the right choice, and end up getting hurt. He wanted to help others, he didn't want people he care about to get hurt, but he never realized that getting hurt himself is the same as hurting the people who care about him. Tatsumi is a dolt. Tatsumi is an idiot. And today, he did something stupid again. And I hated it when Tatsumi did something stupid.

I decided not speak to him. I'll let him know that I'm angry.

At least until he properly apologizes and admits that he's incorrigible idiot.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I made you all worry again. I really am a hopeless idiot, ha ha"

I glared at Tatsumi. Tatsumi looked back at me and smiled. I turned my head away. I refused to let him get away so easily.

"Akame?" Ignore.

"Akame-sama?" Keep ignoring.

"Aaaaaakame-chan, I'm so sorry that I made you worry so much. I'll buy you chocolate next time we get into town, I promise" Tatsumi pleaded. Tatsumi clapped his hands together. Tatsumi is going to buy me chocolate if I forgive him.

I was a good girl. Forgiving others is what good girls do. Getting chocolate was merely a blissful bonus. So as a good girl, I forgave Tatsumi. I wanted white chocolate.

"You got hurt again, Tatsumi" I must not be too nice. Being too nice would make Tatsumi think that getting my forgiveness is easy. He wouldn't give me chocolate next time. No. Correction. Being too nice would make Tatsumi think that it's okay to get hurt. I must maintain a harsh mask. I will make Tatsumi cry.

"Ah, the guards at mansion were unexpectedly strong. I got roughed up pretty badly" Tatsumi chuckled. Something was wrong with Tatsumi's chuckle. I suspected that Tatsumi was lying.

Lying is bad. Lying to comrades is awful. Tatsumi was not awful. Tatsumi was not lying. Tatsumi was nice. Tatsumi was telling the truth. I was too paranoid. I must learn to trust my companions.

I nodded. I looked at Leone. She responded by grinning. We tackled Tatsumi.

"WAIT! What are you two doing? I'm only wearing boxers! I'm not hurt over there! Stop! No! My chastity!"

"Quit complaining, virgin boy. You don't understand how lucky you are as a man to be groped by two lovely women like Akame-chan and I" Leone started laughing. Leone started tickling Tatsumi. Tatsumi started laughing. Tatsumi looked happy. I wanted to make Tatsumi happy too. I also started tickling Tatsumi. Tatsumi laughed harder. Tatsumi began to cry. Mission accomplished.

Najenda told us to let go of Tatsumi. Tatsumi began his report. Tatsumi's report was very detailed. I listened to his report. And I felt odd. Tatsumi said 4 times that the guards were very strong. I thought they were weak. Was it because Tatsumi was weaker than me? But he handled guards of the same level easily during other missions. Tatsumi also said that they were all armed. But Tatsumi's injuries were by inflicted a person's fist. I thought Tatsumi was hiding something from us. I felt bad for suspecting Tatsumi.

"Is that all?" Najenda asked Tatsumi. Najenda was frowning. Was Najenda suspecting Tatsumi too?

"Well, there's one more thing…" Tatsumi slowed down. Tatsumi was twirling his thumbs. Tatsumi seemed troubled. Correction. Tatsumi seemed nervous. I was nervous too.

"I want to infiltrate the Imperial Army"

"NO!" I yelled. Najenda yelled at the same time. Tatsumi is being stupid again. Tatsumi must've made a promise to someone. I will not let Tatsumi be stupid again. Tatsumi must not die.

"Hey, man, we all know that you've got a few screws loose up here…" Lubbock pointed at his head. Lubbock walked toward Tatsumi. Lubbock grabbed Tatsumi's collar. Lubbock was being intimidating.

"…but if you want to commit suicide, don't drag the rest of us down to hell with you. Infiltrate the Imperial Army? You make it sound like sneaking into the girl's dormitory in college. The only reason we're still flopping around in this world is because we always tidy up our loose ends. We don't leave traces, we don't leave tracks, hell, we even spray perfume on clothes so that the dogs would go chasing after bitches instead of us. But when you get caught, they're gonna pry your mouth open and make you spill all that useful junk you have inside. I don't care how strong-willed you are and how fierce your conviction is, it doesn't matter. Everybody breaks. It's just a matter of time. And when that happens, beady-eyed bastards are gonna come swarming all over the place like termites. And BOOM, end of Night Raid. You get what I'm saying, pea-brain? I don't care if you try to stick your head into an earthworm's asshole, which is also its mouth, by the way, but I won't let you jeopardize the entire organization" Lubbock spoke fiercely. I agree with Lubbock. But I do not want Tatsumi to get hurt. If Tatsumi tries to commit suicide, I will stop him.

"Yeah, I thought so too… It's just that someone I know offered me a chance to be enlisted as a member of the City Guard and I thought that I would be able to gather some useful data for the Revolution Army if I accept"

"Still the risk is far more than we can afford, and I doubt that a normal City Guard Private can gain access to any valuable information" Najenda said firmly. I agreed. The risk was too great, it might be a trap.

"Well, depending on the skills I display, they can promote me to a Specialist or even a Corporal directly after being enlisted" I never heard of such cases before. Something felt fishy.

"Who is this 'someone' that you know? What is his relationship with the military? How do you know that he's not trying lure you in and capture you? Your cover might've blown and you didn't even realize it! Shit!" Lubbock began to shout. Lubbock was angry. Braht stepped forward and put a hand on Lubbock's shoulder. Lubbock calmed down.

"Tatsumi, was that really what the man said? Answer truthfully, it's very important" Braht said.

"Yes" Tatsumi answered. The two of them stared at each other.

Braht exhaled deeply.

"There were such cases before" Braht spoke. I was surprised.

"When I was still in the military, I was sent to fight at the northern border against the tribes. Among our ranks, there was a unique task force consisting of a small handful of Imperial Arms users who specialize in fighting. They were the special troops commanded directly by General Esdese, and they call themselves 'The Ravagers'. They were granted the authority to command normal soldiers below Sergeant Rank, and even Majors like me were advised to steer clear of their way if possible. Truth to be told, I was rather irritated, but I never had a direct conflict with them"

Najenda frowned. "I've heard of them before. They're bloodthirsty monsters who kill with indifference" I have also heard of them before. They kill enemies and allies. They slay everyone standing in their way.

"While that may be true, it's also a fact that they contributed greatly in the battlefield. Without them, the war probably would've been dragged out for another month at least. Fortunately for us, most of them were dead by the time we won the war and Esdese disbanded the rest after she returned to the Capital. But now, I'm afraid that…"

"…the military is trying to build another secret task force" Mein finished. There will be Imperial Arm users like me. Tatsumi doesn't have an Imperial Arm. Only Users can fight against Users. Tatsumi is in danger.

"Yes, and if that indeed is the case, we must proceed with extra caution from now on. We've become a sore thumb for the Capital and the City Guard, with all the nobles and aristocrats we're killing off, and I imagine they would be paying us some unwanted attention. It would be best for us to operate on a low profile for the time being" said Najenda.

"Tatsumi, take Mein and go meet that acquaintance of yours tomorrow. We need to find out if he's threat to us or not" Najenda ordered. I cannot go, because I am wanted. I want to go.

"Lubbock, go look for clients. We won't let the Capital stop us with something like this. But keep an eye out for danger"

"Yes, ma'am! I will complete my mission even at the cost of my life!"

"The day you die will truly be a day worth celebrating"

"Shut your trap, beast woman! Next time your limbs get cut off I won't sew it back for you!" Leone and Lubbock are bickering again. The tension lifted. I started to smile.

"Alright, everyone is dismissed! Go to bed! Especially you, Braht! Don't mess with your hair all night!" Najenda stood up from her chair and stretched. Najenda loosened up. That was good.

"Alas, it's a sin to be stylish!"

"You looked better when you were in the military" I laughed.

"Hey, Akame" Tatsumi called me and waved his hands.

"Can you come with me for a few minutes?" Tatsumi asked me. I nodded.

I followed Tatsumi away from the Great Hall. He took me to the sparring field. I was puzzled. Did he want to practice now?

"Can you spar with me, Akame?" Tatsumi asked. I nodded.

"Why now, Tatsumi?" I inquired. There must a reason. But I don't know if he'll tell me.

"It's nothing major, I just felt a little rusty when I was fighting the guards today, and I didn't want to sleep on that"

Tatsumi didn't tell me. I felt sad.

Tatsumi threw a wooden sword at me. I caught it. He raised his sword.

Combat mode, activate.

Enemy: Skilled sword user x 1

Condition: Tired

Speed: Slow

Strength: Average

Vitality: Low

Weakness: Legs, Knee Joint, Wrist Joint, Injured Abdomen

Threat: Minimal

Estimated Kill Time: 11 seconds

Commence Battle

Slash to the right. Blocked. Enemy advancing. Enemy attacking with sword from lower left direction. Enemy attack, blocked.

Leap. Kick. Kick successful. Enemy balance disrupted. Pursuing enemy. Horizontal slash. Evaded.

Focus on enemy wrist joint. High kick. Kick successful. Enemy weapon discarded. Thrust. Thrust successful. Hit enemy abdomen.

Enemy defeated. Objective accomplished.


Final Kill Time: 6.73 seconds

Damage sustained: none

Current physical state: Stable

Combat mode: deactivate

Tatsumi collapsed on the ground. Tatsumi was shaking. I felt it when he first blocked my slash. Tatsumi's hand was shaking. What was wrong with Tatsumi?

I was worried. I sat down beside him. I held his hand.

"Thanks" Tatsumi muttered.

"Tell me…"I said. Tatsumi turned his head and looked at me.

"…when you want to" I finished. Tatsumi chuckled.

We sat there, looking at the star spangled sky. I waited. Was there something I could do for Tatsumi? I didn't know. I just want to be there for Tatsumi if he wants to talk. It is what friends do. Tatsumi and I are good friends.

"Say, Akame, who's the strongest person you've ever met?"

I pondered for a moment. Boss? Leone? Mein? Is Tatsumi expecting me to say someone? Will he be disappointed if I say another person's name?

"… me"

"Yeah, I thought so too" Tatsumi said, laughing. No sarcasm detect.

"How long did it take you to beat me tonight, Akame?"

"7 seconds"

"I see…" Tatsumi seemed to thinking about something.

"Thanks a lot, Akame. I know what I'm going to do from now on!" Tatsumi flashed me a brilliant grin. Tatsumi jumped up. Tatsumi offered me his hand.

I took it. We walked back.

Tatsumi is an idiot. Tatsumi will keep being an idiot. But I hope that someday…

...he can be my idiot.


Tonight certainly was eventful, I concluded as I briskly walked down the long, ornate corridors of the palace toward my temporary living quarters. There were soldiers patrolling and stand guard behind every door, straightening their backs and saluting when they saw me. I returned the gesture.

The audience I had with the young King was both dull and unproductive. I was even required to commend and praise him for the glorious deeds, in other words flatter him to get into his good graces. I fail to see the point of doing so. The King was ruler in name and name only. Every decision, policy, or command was the will of the Prime Minister, who was only using the boy as his public speakerphone. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he's planning a coup d'état to overthrow the current line of royalty. When the day comes, I will gladly him offer him a slow and painful death.

Yet, the Capital was indeed in poor state. Tension was brewing slowly yet steadily among the citizens, and the first signs of riot were beginning to bud. The prices of commodities such as food, clothing, and farming tools were skyrocketing to ridiculous heights, stealing and mugging were now common practices in the alleys. Moving out of the capital was not a choice, for you have to pay a hefty amount of money to be granted access outside the gates. Smugglers and their families were executed. Merchants who failed to pay their tribute to the government were executed. Publishers and writers who even subtly implied the apparent incompetence of the ruling faction were tortured to death. This thousand-year Empire was slowly marching toward its own demise. What a most fascinating display to behold. Humanity is indeed rotten at its core.

I could hardly care less for the fate of this nation. My allegiance belonged to no one but myself. I acquired joy and pleasure through harming others, and I shall fight for the one that can granted me the best stage. Those who died had no right to complain. They were weak.

Yet tonight, I discovered a strange boy.

He was weak, and thus I had every right to take his life. But what struck me odd was his queer behavior. He refused to yield. With my sword a millimeter away from impaling his throat, he glared at me as if inviting me to end his life. Did he think that he still stood a chance, even after being brought to his knees by my presence alone? That was certainly not the case. I saw the fear and despair stirring restlessly in his eyes, just like all the other useless men I had slain. But hidden deep beneath, there was still a spark of defiance, a broken piece of pride that he stubbornly held onto. Interesting…

I realized that he had potential. He had a fit body suited for training, a young mind capable of being bent, and a strong spirit that wasn't easily broken. The conditions were all met. He could be made into my next toy…

…and I will train him personally to enjoy his screams to the fullest.

But first I must assure that he was enlisted into the Army, otherwise the Prime Minister would certain pester me relentless for his information. His perseverance was outstanding only when it comes to killing and annoying people.

I hoped that boy is worth the trouble.

Warrant Officer Shirley:

Deliver the boy carrying this letter to the base at Rudspoor and notify me upon his arrival.

Prepare armed prisoners as his opponents. Do not inform the boy of this piece of information. If he displays an adequate amount of skill, I will come personally to collect him. If not, dispose of him. I trust you to complete this task. Do not disappoint me.

General Of Army


Hello everyone! This is AnimeAddiction0-0!

This my second time posting a story on

I hope you all like it!

My schedule is to update a chapter every week, and hopefully they'll be just as long if not longer than this one.

If you like it, please by all means review! My writing speed depends on it!

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