Regina was nervous, so very nervous. There was music playing outside and she could imagine the members of her small little family walking down the aisle towards Emma. Emma. Her breath caught in her throat. What would the other woman look like, standing there at the altar waiting for her? Breathtaking, she was sure.
She patted down her hair and smoothed out her dress reflexively. She looked perfect, she knew. She had tripled checked herself in the mirror before she had ever left her office where she had been getting ready for most of the day. Maybe quadruple checked, but she wasn't letting anyone in on that particular secret.
Everything had been fine, just as Regina had told Emma the night before, but she had woken more nervous than she had been since her first wedding day. She had immediately shoved that thought out of her head. She wasn't going to think about her past today. Today was all about her future. But that hadn't stopped the nervousness all day.
Now she was standing in front of the doors that would open soon and the butterflies in her stomach were hitting a fever pitch. She swallowed hard as the first few strains of "Here Comes the Bride" floated through the doors. And then they were opening in front of her and she felt every single pair of eyes in town on her. There was a mere second that she hesitated before she stepped forward. Her eyes immediately found Emma, in her exquisitely cut tuxedo and then the eyes on her didn't matter. She kept time as she was supposed to, fighting the urge to just run to Emma. She had never imagined that something like this could happen to her, that she would be so happy, but here she was.
The aisle was shorter than she ever thought and soon she was standing in front of Emma.
"Hi," her future wife whispered, blushing.
Regina smiled warmly at her. "Hello, dear."
It looked like Emma wanted to say more, but she closed her mouth and looked to Archie. Regina followed her gaze. As much as she wanted to savor this moment, she wanted to be able to touch Emma. It had become rare anymore that they weren't touching in some way, a hand on the other's back, shoulders touching, holding hands, something. She didn't know just how much she missed that until they were standing a foot apart but not touching.
Archie started go on about why they were here today. Regina tuned him out in favor of staring at Emma, taking in every single feature of the other woman. Whoever had done her hair had done a magnificent job. She looked like the fairytale princess she absolutely was in breeding if not in manner. Her heart felt like it was swelling out of her chest. How had such a woman fallen in love with her?
Emma glanced and her and smiled shyly. If Regina knew the woman, she was thinking along much the same lines as Regina in that moment. Regina smiled back at her, smile growing until her cheeks hurt. Oh, weren't they the pair for each other, never certain that they deserved what was in front of them, but they had worked through much of that, and they would be there together to work through whatever else came up.
"And Regina and Emma have chosen to write their own vows so I'll turn it over to them," Archie said, breaking through their little smile fest.
Emma pulled back and faced the crowd with one last smile and glance at Regina. "I'm going to go first, because after whatever she says my vows are going to look like a kindergartener wrote them and it's probably less embarrassing if I just get them out of the way."
The crowd laughed as Emma paused to take a breath. She turned to look back at Regina again, taking her hands and making little circles on them with her thumbs. Regina smiled at the electric current that flowed between them even at such a simple touch.
"Regina, I've loved you for an embarrassingly long time. Like long before I ever ended up in the hospital and woke up to find you hogging my hospital bed using only your head." Emma smiled at her and Regina just rolled her eyes, mouth twitching into a smile without her permission.
"And oh boy, am I glad Frankenstein decided to play doctor, because I'm not sure our stubborn selves would've gotten together without some kind of shove. You're the best thing I've ever had in my life and the little family that you, me, and Henry make up is perfect. I've always been looking for a family, and with you guys I've found it and I couldn't ask for anything more. It's been a hell of a road to get here, and that road might have included us screaming at each for a good portion of the first year we knew each other and me working at a backwoods Maine version of a gay bar." Emma paused and waved at Bubba and his husband. "But it's been the best damn road I've been on and I vow to say on this bumpy road with you. I'll always be there for you. I'll help you to see that you are the best damn woman I've ever met. I'll cherish you for the rest of our lives together. I'll love you until our dying breaths. Regina, you're not going to be able to get rid of me is the general gist of the vows I wrote." The crowd laughed. "And as a bonus I'll vow not to tell too many cheesy jokes." She paused. "Notice I didn't define what too many was." She shot Regina a shit eating grin.
Regina had tears in her eyes but had to fight the urge to slap Emma upside of the head. Of course she would ruin such a pretty speech with a corny joke.
"I'm not saying that our road together will be smooth sailing, but what I am saying is that I'll work my ass off to make sure we stay on it." Emma squeezed her hands.
Regina took a deep breath. She really wanted to kiss Emma right now. She squeezed back and cleared her throat.
"Emma, it took me quite a bit of time to find the right words for these vows, and I'm not quite sure I did. There just aren't words for how truly grateful I am that a person like you who is wholly good could come along and see the darkness in me and want to bring light back into my life. You force me to speak in clichés, darling, because seemingly nothing else will work, and we both know how much I find an overabundance of clichés distasteful."
Emma smiled at her and laughed quietly, nodding.
"I find it even more amazing that under all that sunshine there is a darkness that mirrors my own and that somehow I've become your light. I didn't think it was possible for me anymore to be so wholly good, but you've shown me that there are many things that I thought I couldn't do, but I can with your help. With you by my side I'm better and freer than I ever have been and I thank every deity known to man for it. So, Emma Swan, I vow to stay by your side, to always be the dark to your light and vice versa. I'll try to be whatever you need and if I can't provide it I'll find someone who can. I'll love you until the light fades from our eyes, and beyond that if there is something waiting for us on the other side. You'll never be rid of me, to echo your sentiment earlier, and I won't have it any other way."
She fell silent, looking at Emma with tears in both of their eyes. Emma kept making small circles with her thumbs on Regina's palms. Regina felt her hands trembling slightly in Emma's grasp. Moments were separating them from being forever joined. Her heart was beating hard in her chest, swelled so full of love she didn't quite know how it was still in her chest. Her heart felt lighter than it had since she was a girl in the stables with Daniel. She knew that he was in Emma's head somewhere, but that didn't quite matter as much as it had at the start of their relationship. Emma was who she was in love with. Emma was who she was marrying. Emma was the right one for her, her be all end all, and she would be even without Daniel residing somewhere in the back of her mind.
"And with those beautiful vows, it's time for the exchanging of the rings."
Henry stepped forward with the rings, handing one to either of his mothers. He smiled brightly at them before stepping back into his place as the best man. Emma smiled at Regina yet again before grabbing her left hand, squeezing once before she slipped the ring on Regina's finger. The ring, a thin white gold band, nestled against her engagement ring nicely. It looked rather plain beside the bright stones of the other ring, but the engraving on the inside was more important than looks. A simple little infinity symbol rested on the inside, with their initials in the loops. It meant more to her than any flashy stones would.
Regina took Emma's hand before she could fully pull away and slipped Emma's own ring on. It had taken a while to find stones the exactly color of the ones in her engagement ring, but it was worth it seeing the two little stones set in the white gold of Emma's own band glinting back at her. She let Emma's hand drop with a loving look at the woman.
"And with that, by the power vested in me by the state of Maine, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Archie snapped his little book shut and looked up at them.
Regina hesitated only a second before lunging for Emma. Emma caught her in her arms easily before crashing their lips together. The blonde lifted Regina off the ground and twirled her, their mouths still joined together. Vaguely Regina heard the crowd behind them clapping, but she was much more concerned with the feel of Emma's lip on her own and the other woman's strong arms around her. They had really done it.
Emma finally stopped spinning and put her down. They broke apart, both smiling like mad men. Regina was sure that her cheeks were going to be so sore the next morning from the sheer amount of smiling she had done today. She was quite sure she'd never smiled so much in her life, but perhaps since this was the happiest day of her life that could be explained away.
Henry shot into his two mother's hugging them as hard as he could with his lanky fourteen year old frame. Emma and Regina smiled at each other over their son's head before they both hugged him back hard. He pulled back and grinned at them both.
"I'm so glad you guys are married."
Emma ruffled his hair. "Me too, kid."
"I agree with your mother, dear."
"We're super officially a family." He beamed.
"Oh, we were already that, Henry." Regina kissed his temple and Henry tried and failed to hide a slightly disgusted face. He was still a fourteen year old after all.
"But like by law and stuff." Henry shrugged. "It's just cool, you know. I love you both so much."
"Same, kid, we both love you too."
The music started up in the background, signaling the need for their departure. Regina shot a glare at the woman sitting at the piano. It was quite rude to hurry them along, but she supposed they couldn't linger forever.
"That's our cue, kid. Come on, the faster we get out of here, the faster we get food."
The boy lit up and shot back to his place.
Emma and Regina laughed as they finally made their way back down the aisle, arm in arm. When they reached the doors of town hall Emma pulled Regina inside and quickly rushed them into the shadows of one of the hallways. Regina scowled, wondering what in the world Emma was doing, until she pinned her up against a doorway. All the breath left Regina's lungs as she looked into Emma's intense gaze.
"So. We're married now."
"Indeed, your mental prowess hasn't improved with that status, though."
Emma snorted. "I knew the sass had to come sometime." She pressed closer.
"You would think something was wrong if I didn't make some sarcastic remark." The air was starting to get just a little thin for her liking.
The blonde leaned in so her lips were just barely brushing Regina's. "True, but now that we're married I say we celebrate. That kiss out there was a little too tame, wouldn't you say?"
Then Emma's lips were on Regina's kissing her with an overwhelming amount of passion. Regina sighed into it and drew Emma much closer, kissing back for all she was worth. She could totally get used to being married to the perfect woman in front of her.
The two of them continued to kiss, completely disregarding the calls for them. There were other, far more important things to attend to.