A/N: I hope you guys liked the chapter in Dash's perspective, this chapter I'm going to go back to Ingrid's perspective. Hope you like it.

I heard the front door close and I couldn't help but start pacing in the kitchen. What the hell was I going to do about the Mandragora? I could not believe that I had been feeding that thing for god knows how long and I had no memory of it. I was feeling completely violated and completely helpless, I'm a witch for god's sake and I have no way to protect myself.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Dash asked as he walked back into the kitchen, I was thankful that we had gotten closer these past couple of days because I don't know what I would do without him.

"Not good, I have this creature coming after me and I have no way to protect myself. I'm vulnerable to it and my internal instinct is telling me I have to do something but I can't. Dash, I'm a sitting duck and I hate feeling this way."

"Ingrid, please look at me." I looked up and got lost in his eyes, I have to admit that since we have gotten closer I was starting to see Dash in a different light. I was grateful he was here in this moment, "Ingrid you're not alone in this, and I'm not going anywhere until this whole thing is figured out."

"Thank you," I managed to say through the tears that started to flow from my eyes. He immediately embraced me in a hug and I liked the comfort he was giving me.

"We'll get through this together." He encouraged me and I took a step back and wiped my tears away, "Why don't we take your mind off of this and do something else?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I need. Something to take my mind off of this, lets continue with your training."

"As long as there are no knifes involved I'm all for it." he jokingly said.

"Agreed, we'll come to that one down the line sometime." I agreed and I had to admit that he was probably not ready for the knife thing just yet, he needs to learn to control and focus his energy before we try more dangerous things. "Well you've already tried your hand at moving objects and you had time with the grimoire, lets work on your electrokinesis and pyrokinesis. I've seen you use your electrokinesis so I can only assume that you possess pyrokinesis."

"I can tell you that I most definitely possess pyrokinesis, I blew up a car the other night." He admitted and I can say that I'm not completely surprised by what he just said but this is exactly why he needs to learn that control.

"Alright, that tells me that we really need to get your control under control." He nodded in agreement, "Lets not do this training exercise inside though, I'm sure you like your house standing rather than burned to a crisp."

"I'll have to agree with you on that one, we can go to the outer limits of the property. The only things out there are trees and brushes." He offered the idea and accepted.

"Great, first we need to gather up a few things. We need some candles, logs of wood and paper, lots of paper."

I gathered up the candles and paper we needed and Dash grabbed a couple logs of firewood. We then headed to the outer limits of the Fair Haven property. It was still light out and I guessed that it was probably between four and five, I didn't get a chance to look at a clock before we left the house so I was just going on a hunch. Yet it didn't matter what time it was as long as I kept my mind preoccupied I was going to be good.

"What's first, Ingrid."

"What," I was lost in thought but quickly snapped out of it when Dash spoke, "sorry. I was just thinking but it's not important now. Okay, so the only things I know about electrokinesis and pyrokinesis has come from what I've read. What I know is that these powers are tied into your emotions. When I got shot your electrokinesis came out when you punched that guy, we can both agree that you were angry at that moment."

"Of course I was angry, he shot you and you had nothing to do with what we were talking about so yeah I was angry." I could tell that just thinking about it made him angry because there were little sparks of light coming from his fingertips.

I grabbed for his hand to show him my point, "See this is my point, you get angry and your electrokinesis takes over. We can't let it take over every time you get angry because you could hurt yourself or someone else or worse kill someone. We don't want that do we?"

"Of course not, but lately has not been the best for me with my anger issues and I'm sure you understand why."

"If you'd rather me not be here because it's too hard with the whole Freya situation you need to tell me now. I can't teach you if you are going to be thinking about her, I know we are sisters but I'm not her and I just want to make sure that I'm not wasting my time here." I put that out there so he would know that if he's caught up on Freya that none of this is going to work, he needs to learn to suppress those emotions in order to grow with his powers. I never considered leaving him without guidance I just want him to see his wakeup call.

He didn't answer me right away so I started to walk away and that was what he needed to know that I was taking this very serious and that he should as well, "Hey," he said as I walked away but he caught my shoulder so I would turn around and face him, "listen to me, you are not your sister. I trust you more than anyone else, you have to believe that. I want you here and I want to learn from you. You most definitely won't be wasting your time with me." He quickly said and I smiled at the comment but he cut in again before I could say anything, "And by that I mean that I'm willing to learn from you and your teaching won't go unlearned."

"Don't worry Dash I know what you mean. Now we really need to work on your control of your emotions, the stronger you emotions are the stronger your power is." I started off by saying that so he knows his emotions are extremely important in this. I took a moment to set up a few items for practice: the logs of wood, candles and pieces of paper were scatter along the tree line as target practice.

"What exactly are we doing here?" he questionably said.

"Target practice is the best way to learn control. The more targets you hit the better in control you are and that's exactly what we are doing here. Now watch what I do."

There was a piece of paper tacked to one of the trees and I shot my hand towards it and the middle of the paper started to burn outwards with fire. He watched as I did it and I could tell he was trying to come up with a smart witted comment, "You know that this is easier said than done right, I can't just go around burning things."

"Which is exactly why you have to channel your emotions. You need that little bit of rage in order to ignite the fire, no pun intended there by the way."

"Understood." He focused on the pieces of paper in front of him and the first couple he torched the corners but it was a start for him. The next couple pieces he was able to burn away half of the paper which was progress. We focused on the pieces of paper for a good hour or so and by the end of it he was able to do exactly what I showed him. I let him work on the same thing for a while as I stepped back and watched him.

For the next couple of hours we work on his emotional control which I could say was a lot better than when we started and I was happy with the progress. Since his progress was getting better I wanted to try something that was really going to test his concentration and control. "Dash I want you to use your electrokinesis now but I want you to work through an obstacle because you never know what will be out there when you need to use your power."

"I don't think I like where this is going. Please tell me you're not thinking what I'm thinking."

"I'm going to be the obstacle for you to practice with." I clarified and he began to say something but I cut him off, "Don't argue with me about this, I know the risks that come with this but I feel that your control has gotten so much better that you can handle this."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Then don't, now please focus your energy on the log between my hands. I want you to strike the log out of my hands. Just focus and use control, I believe in you." I encouraged him and I could tell that he was hesitant but I also so the focus on his face. I truly believe that he was capable of not hurting me.

He squared his shoulders and turned towards me, he used his hand to point at the log which was going to help the electric current hit the desired target. I could see the electric current start at his fingertips and all of a sudden the log was knocked out of my hands. I looked back at Dash and he had the biggest grin on his face. "You did it, see I told you that you could handle it."

"I didn't believe that I could but I did it, I still can't believe it. Thanks so much for all the work you've done with me."

"Don't worry about it, I'm glad I could help you. I wouldn't want you to have to figure this out by yourself."

"I don't think I could thank you enough though."

"I could think of something."

"What's that?"

"I'm starving and I could really go for something to eat. Why don't we call it quits for practicing tonight, I'm sure you could use the break as well. Plus I completely forgot to drink that sage mixture you made before and I should probably get that back into my system."

"That's right I completely forgot, yes let's break for tonight and get that mixture into your system. Your mom will kill me if she finds out I let you down with that."

"We'll just tell her that it's my fault if she asks."

We headed back to the house and a soon as we entered the kitchen I grabbed a glass of the sage mixture and swallowed it down. It still tasted as bad as before but I knew that I needed it in my system if I was going to be able to fight the Mandragora's summon. I knew I was going to feel pain when it started to summon me but I didn't want to think about it too much otherwise I would convince myself that I couldn't fight it.

While in the kitchen Dash started to rummage through the fridge for something to eat and I could see that he was having a hard time coming up with something so I tried to help. There wasn't much in the fridge so this was going to be a little harder than I thought. "Alright plan B, let's order take out and we can discuss your grocery shopping abilities later."

"Yeah, I haven't really had a chance to get to the store since I found out about my powers and I've been eating mostly at the hospital. So take out sounds great about now, what are you in the mood for? Chinese? Pizza? Italian?"

"Chinese sounds good to me. Why don't you go call and I'll clean up in here, I guess Wendy wasn't too neat when making the mixture." As I thought about the mixture Wendy made it made me think about the bandages wrapped around my thighs and how much I wanted to unwrap them.

"Yeah it was a little crazy in here but it's not that big of a deal."

"Yeah but I feel responsible for my family's actions so I am going to clean up and you're going to call the Chinese place."

"Fine if it will make you happy."

I smiled at him with that last comment and he left the kitchen to go call the order in and I got started with the cleanup. I put all the herbs back in the cabinet and washed the pots that were used. I had another glass full of the sage mixture which was still the worst tasting thing I've ever had. When everything was cleaned up in the kitchen I removed the bandages around my thighs because I wanted to see what that monster did to me. The bruises had disappeared and the scrapes were now lightly faded scars and they were always going to be with me.

Once I saw the scars I started thinking about tonight and what will happen if the Mandragora tries to summon me. I can't imagine what pain I'll go through, I've never really fought any urges before and I was not prepared for tonight. I was really hoping that mom and Wendy figured out a way to stop it before it was too late.

Dash was still in the other room on the phone so I decided to grab some plates and utensils for dinner. As I went to open the cabinet for the plates I got a strange throbbing in my head and I could only think that this was it, I was being summoned. I tried to ignore it and continued what I was doing, I grabbed the plates and turned back towards the counter and the pain got worse. My head was now pounding with a huge headache and I started to get a sharp pain in my stomach. I clenched my side and in the process dropped the plates I was holding and they shatter when they hit the ground. My body wanted to answer the summon but my mind was telling me that I needed to fight which was in turn giving me the headache. The sharp pain in my stomach was probably my body's way of saying it wanted to go to the Mandragora but I needed to stay strong. I had slid my body down to the floor and was huddled around myself, Dash had entered the kitchen at the same time. He had to have heard the shattering of the plates and must have known something was wrong.

"Ingrid, what's going on? What's wrong?" I could see the concern on his face.

The pain grew stronger in my stomach and I let out a little scream because of the pain, "AGGH!" I tried to calm the pain by grabbing my side but it wasn't working.

"Ingrid, please tell me what I can do to help. What's going on?"

"The Mandr, the Mandragora is, is summoning me, ahhh please make it stop." I let out another scream of pain and it was only getting worse the more I fought to stay where I was. I had no idea what to do, the longer I fought the worse it got but I couldn't just give into it.

"Here, drink more of this. It might help ease the pain a bit." Dash handed me another glass of the sage mixture and I swallowed it as fast as I could, it helped a little but not enough. My pounding headache was not pounding anymore but the headache was still there and this stupid pain in my gut would not let up no matter what. I started to feel really weak and I started to sweat as well. I'm sure Dash was catching on to my sudden weakness because I could feel him slide down next to me and wrap an arm around my body for comfort and strength.

"I can't, can't do this anymore." I stated in my sudden stated of weakness.

"Yes you can, Ingrid you have to continue to fight. Don't worry I won't leave your side just please don't give up." He begged me to continue fighting and I could hear the worry in his words but he never left my side, he started to stroke my hair which surprisingly kept my mind off of the pain for a while. It was comfort that I most definitely needed and it was the gentlest touch but resonated so much strength.

The pain lasted about another half hour and all of sudden it just stopped. The pain in my stomach was gone but I still had a slight headache but I was able to move without the pain. "It stopped."

"What? Are you sure? What are you feeling now?"

"I don't know, but the stomach pain is gone. I have a slight headache still but the sharp pain is gone. Thank you so much for just being here for me."

"Of course, I wouldn't want you to have to go through that alone. How are you feeling otherwise, do you feel drained at all?"

"I don't think so, I feel fine besides the headache. I think I just need an aspirin or the witch equivalent of one. Do you have any by chance?"

"Yes of course," he reached into a nearby drawer and handed me a couple of the pills.


"What do we do now?"

"I don't know, I've never been in this situation before."

"What if the Mandragora comes after you? I mean since you didn't go to him when he summoned, he's going to need his energy sooner or later and I can only imagine he'd come to find you to get it."

I never thought of it that way but Dash was right. The Mandragora was going to need its energy which meant that it was going to need to find me in order to get that energy and now that I know what it had done to me in the past I was completely scared of it coming for me. "I think we need to call my mom and Aunt Wendy, they need to know what just happened and maybe they can shed some light on what we need to do next."

"Do you think there is some kind of spell that can help us?"

"Wait there is a protection spell that we used once before maybe it can help us here. Let me look in the grimoire." He went to grab the grimoire from the living room for me.

"Here you go." He handed the book to me and I immediately started looking through it for the spell.

"Found it, this protection spell is supposed to ward off evil. We need to drink a potion and then recite this incantation." I pointed down at the words on the page which were, Contego, Servo, Vindico, Protego. "Here make this potion, you can find everything you need in the cabinet." As I handed him the book he gave me that look of complete confusion. "Don't worry, it's a pretty straight forward potion. You won't mess it up. I need to go grab some candles. I'll be right back."

I left Dash to make the potion in the kitchen and I went to the living room to grab some more candles for the incantation. When you say an incantation with candles it makes it stronger because of the power from the fire. When I entered the kitchen again Dash was finished with the potion and was ready for the next step.

"Alright let's get started." I arranged the candles between Dash and I and lit them with a snap of my finger. "We need to drink the potion and speak the incantation while holding hands over the candles."

Dash nodded and handed me a glass of the potion and we both drank down the potion. He grabbed my hands and I grabbed his, we were ready to say the incantation. We said the words in unison, "Contego, Servo, Vindico, Protego. Contego, Servo, Vindico, Protego. Contego, Servo, Vindico, Protego." The candles started to flicker a little, we continued the incantation, "Contego, Servo, Vindico, Protego. Contego, Servo, Vindico, Protego." The candles' flames were at an extreme height now and then all of a sudden the flames went out.

Dash was the first one to say something, "Did it work?"

"I'm not quite sure, we did everything right so it should have worked. I guess we well have to wait and see." Just as I said that the lights started to flicker and then the windows crashed in, Dash instinctively covered my body for protection. I wasn't sure what was going on until the French doors slammed open and the Mandragora was standing a few feet in front of us. It found me and I was completely shaking in Dash's arms, there was nothing either one of us could do.