In a dark alleyway, behind an old hotel, a golden retriever lay sleeping, worn out from a long day of scavenging for scraps of food. The dog was old, around ten years of age. He was tired, in the I've-lived-a-long-life kind of way. The golden retriever wasn't sure what his name was anymore, but he suspects he had one, once upon a time. Anyway, he didn't care much for finding out. He was going to make this alleyway his resting place.

But that plan, as all half-hearted plans tend to go, got interrupted. The interruption came in the form of a blinding light, which was followed by a thud, a groan, and then silence.

The golden retriever had lifted his head, slightly annoyed by the presence of someone else in his chosen deathbed. From what he could make out through the black night, a human form lay crumpled on the ground, unmoving. Deciding there was still time to die tomorrow, the golden got up and padded over to the body.

From what the dog could tell, there was nothing physically wrong with the man, who had seemingly come out of nowhere. Though there had been a groan, it had sounded to be more of one of annoyance, rather than pain. In fact, on closer inspection, the man looked to be sleeping. All death wishes forgotten, and frustrated by his inability to understand what just happened, the golden started licking the man's face in order to wake him up.

This plan went far better than the last one, as the man slowly opened his eyes, staring up at the dog. The man had deep chocolate brown eyes. They reminded the dog of his last owner. Before the thoughts of his best friend could send him deeper into depression, the man sighed and opened his mouth to speak. And what came out made the golden even more confused than before, for the man had said something quite curious:

"Well, this resurrection was a lot less painful than the last one. At least, this time I'm not naked."

Yes, the golden thought, this man is quite curious indeed. In his younger days, the golden was an adventurous pup, always ready for the next big journey to be had. And sitting there, beside the Impossible Man, he figured that maybe another one was right around the corner. The golden cocked his head to side, staring at his new friend, suddenly deciding that maybe tomorrow wasn't such a good day to die after all.