Rin and Sesshomaru are traveling to where no one knows they are simply traveling to the east. Rin smiled she was at the happy and difficult age of thirteen she was still so small even though she could become a woman at anytime she was physically lacking some, her breasts were smaller than other women they were a mere 34B she was happy she just didn't have an A. Kagome had Sesshomaru take Rin to her one after noon so she could give the girl luxuries from her world like, bras, underwear, perfume, and tampons. Kagome decided Rin was around the age to be starting soon, especially in this era women were mothers at ages fourteen and thirteen it was a bit shocking to her and even to Rin, she didn't feel like a woman. She still felt like a silly girl sometimes and other times not, Rin smiled caring the mini backpack like the one Kagome had Rin's looked the same but it was two times or three times smaller since she didn't have much of anything to carry around, and it was a yellow and pink bag. Rin was confused she wished her mother was here alive right now, so she could talk to her.

Rin was interrupted by her thoughts when she saw Jaken get angry and wave his stick around "Hello hey you!" Rin jumped and saw Sesshomaru was gone and only her, Jaken and Ah un were left in a forest "Jaken where is Sesshomaru?"

"Didn't you hear a word I said?" Rin shook her head negatively and made Jaken fall to his side out of shock and irritation, he quickly got up out of anger. "I said Sesshomaru left to make sure the area is safe, and you and I will make camp!"

Rin sighed at his overdramatic antics and sat her bag next to a fallen tree and took out a knife Kagome also had given her and she began to saw off the some tiny twigs while Jaken grabbed some a bit bigger. She smiled and hummed a tune as she put the knife away and threw her twigs in a fire. Jaken shook his head and sighed sitting next to the log where she was sitting and testing the sharpness of the knife trying to saw off a bit bigger twig, "Girl don't be stupid."

"I woN"T!" He looked at her to see that she had cut deeply into one of her finger tips and she winced and glared at the cut "I thought I would be able to…" Jaken sighed and stood up towering over the sitting Rin "STUPID HUM" Rin closed her eyes at him yelling at her and then saw Jaken lying on the ground dizzy "Jaken?"

She looked over at the shadows and held her knife bearing it to whoever the enemy is, she stiffened hearing a crunch from a foot step "Come on out! I-I'm not afraid." She saw white hair drifting in the wind and saw Sesshomaru with a emotionless face on "Rin." She dropped her knife and smiled running up to him he bent down she had grown taller her head was just at Sesshomaru's chest. She went to hug him but felt something grab her wrist she looked up and felt her cheeks heated 'No why am I feeling warm all of a sudden, I'm not sick am i?'

He looked down at her cut and sighed a silent sigh she couldn't tell she was confused about herself to even notice his shoulders move, he bent down becoming eye level and took her finger to his mouth. Rin was brought out of her daze and saw his eyes shut and his lips wrapped around her finger his tongue running along her cut licking and sucking it having his healing abilities enter her cut.

Rin felt her heart beat grow louder and louder and her stomach feel weird and then lastly her cheeks got warmer again, he opened his eyes letting go of her finger "Be more careful." He got up and sat against a tree, he moved his hair to his side and sat down relaxing after a long day of walking. "Y-Y-Yess my lord."

She grabbed her stomach and he kept his eyes closed in his relaxed position, Rin stood there in shock. 'Did lord Sesshomaru just do that? Why did I get weird? Why am I feeling like this?' Rin looked up at the path where Sesshomaru was sucking her finger before he sat down "M-May I go find something to eat?"

"You may."

She turned around and bowed to him and ran off in the direction he came from, she ran as fast as she could trying to clear her mind. Was she sick? Did his healing powers affect her mind a little afterwards? Was it the hot sun? Did she not drink enough water today?' He opened his eyes to see Rin disappearing and thought to himself 'What a strange child. Why did she react the way she did?' Rin walked down a dirt path and saw a village girl around her age picking some fruit from some bushes.

Rin smiled and ran up to the girl she had short black hair to her shoulder and hazel eyes, her tanned skin from working outside a lot and she had dirt on her face and kimono. Rin smiled and looked up at the girl "Hi."


"Is there a village nearby?"

"There is."

"Oh." She looked down at her feet in the dirt and thought about it 'I will have to tell Sesshomaru.' The girl smiled and looked at Rin "My you are adorable, why do you ask?" Rin looked back up at the girl and smiled "Oh I was just wanting to know." Rin walked past her and started walking toward another path "Hey girl where are you going?"

"I'm looking for food."

"Oh you don't have any? Do you not live here?"

"No, I travel."

"Oh I see here have some mountain potatoes, I picked plenty." Rin smiled and ran towards the girl who gave her one, she looked up at the girl and smiled running back to the path that led to her camp. The villager sighed and shook her head "What a odd girl. I hope she will be alright."

Rin ran back to camp and saw Jaken had finally woke but was still angry some "Where have you been? Did you go so far you couldn't hear me calling you?"

"Oh I met with a village girl who gave me this," She smiled rising up her potato she was happy with. She was clues about the fact that Sesshomaru had been a bit worried his face showed it to those who knew how to read his emotions through his eyes, Rin smiled and then Jaken slapped it out of her hands "Rin, you idiot how do you know it's not poisoned or anything?" Rin felt her heart sink she thought that her and that girl were friends already "I saw her pick it for herself and then she gave it to me." She sighed and picked it up "Jaken I don't think it is poisoned."

"Fine you funeral then."

"Rin, bring it to me."

Rin bowed and walked over calmly he could see hurt in her eyes and felt a little bad that Jaken made her feel that way. He looked at Rin and noticed she was a bit dirty too, her Kimono was a bit too short for and her feet looked dirty her attire was not good for her age. "Rin give me the potato." She nodded and did so, she watched with curious eyes and saw his nose twitch sniffing the potato. She remembered what Kagome had told her and she blushed and felt her heart go into her throat.

"It is fine."

She nodded unable to speak, Jaken frightened her by screaming "Rin speak where our lord speaks to you." Sesshomaru saw her turning red and heard her heart beat quicken "Rin are you well?"

She smiled and nodded her face still red and getting worse by the second she looked down at her feet "Y-Yes it is … I mean I am fine. Sorry to worry you." He nodded and watched her pick up a stick, and piercing the potato setting in the fire cooking it.

She smiled looking into the flames and Sesshomaru got up and walked over to the path disappearing in the darkness. Rin saw a woman in the flames dancing and the woman saw a man walked up the girl and he kissed her and slowing caressed…



"What is with you girl?"

"I- Kagome when she had me with her spoke of love and …. I saw her and Inuyasha … Mating. What is mating and love?"

Jaken couldn't believe this young woman had her head filled with all of this no wonder why she was confused. He shook his head with his hand over his eyes and sighed "Love is not real Rin, it is just a feeling of mix of loyalty and lust and desire. Love is just false and Mating happens between a male demon and female demon… the rest you will have to ask our lord about."

Rin sighed and ate her cooked potato quietly she was just so confused and why was she behaving weird? She felt a wetness in her kimono and jumped, dropping her potato in the dirt as luck would have it. She jumped up and grabbed her bag running into the woods.

"RIN!" Jaken jumped up 'Oh lord Sesshomaru is going to have my head! How stupid of her the forest is very dangerous and even worst at night.' He runs to see Rin crying in under a tree and in a fully soaked kimono with her bag close she heard footsteps and looked up. "Stupid girl quit running off and quit that damn crying!"

Rin cried more and Jaken sighed giving her one end of his head of two staffs "Grab on and I'll help you up." She shook her head crying more 'No I can't, this is the worst thing I have ever done. I destroyed it a gift of lord Sesshomaru's. I'm so sorry.' She cried more into her sleeves and began to shiver "Alright enough of these damn games! You'll catch cold for sure now come!"

"I'm Sorry. So so sorry."

He looked at her something was wrong he noticed blood on her kimono and jumped "Oh are you hurt?! Damn it I'll be killed! Where are you hurt!?" She shook her head and cried choking on her tears and she began to cough hard from not having any air and spit up a little throw up. Jaken walked over to her and saw where it was mostly around her waist. "Rin?"

"I ruined it. I ruined it!"

"Ruined what?! Where are you hurt!"

"I bleed on the kimono, a dear gift from out lord! I hate myself for it!"

"Just tell me!"

"I became a woman!"

"Yeah we know, your thirteen. Where are you hurt you're going to drive me to my grave!"

" I'm bleeding in my womanhood."

Jaken blushed he shouldn't have pushed the matter now it was awkward and Rin was still crying. He sighed and looked at her "You said there is a village not far from here?" Rin mutely nodded and saw Jaken run off into the distance now she was all alone all by herself. She sighed and began to shiver more and more, she snitffled and sneezed. She felt like she was becoming sick. Now she would just be a burden on the group.

"Will Lord Sesshomaru leave me? Will he tell me to go?" She cried walking back to camp she noticed she bumped into something and she looked at the one that interrupted herself pity "Uh?" She noticed to golden eyes staring back at her and cried "I'm so sorry I ruined your kimono that you gave to me! I'm so sorry!" Rin looked down at her feet her bangs covering her shamed face and felt heard something and saw a package being placed into her hands as kind words reached her ears "Do not be so upset, it is merely cloth the new kimono I got for you is pure silk and is more fit for you. Since you are a woman and no longer a child, I expect you to show your pride as my ward. You should have no shame over anything Rin understand?"

"My lord… bu-but I'm a mere human."

"Rin you may be a mortal, but that is only in your blood. You are a demon in your heart a soul."

"Really!?" The younger girl soon forgot about her bloody kimono and smiled looking up at him with one of her amazing smiles that he so loved. He simply nodded and she looked curiously at him as he smile died down "How?"

"You were so very young when I took you into my care do you remember?" She merely nodded and he continued "You said you barely remember your mortal family and say that I, Jaken, and Ah un are your family… we are demons and we have raised you making you a demon as well."

She smiled and saw him looked at her blood and turn his head walking over to a different direction and heard no footsteps following her and she looked at him "Um.. ma-may I bathe." He fully turned around and walked closer to her "My lord I feel gross and I don't want to offend you by my smell." He sighed and closed his eyes and felt something in his inner thoughts stir HER SMELL DOES NOT OFFEND, IT SMELLS HEAVENLY! Sesshomaru growled at his inner thought thinking such odd things his beast has been acting up lately and it is most likely to Rin becoming a woman he will have to marry her off to a demon soon.

He sighed at his inner thoughts of his beast "Beast she only smells good, to us because you have not rutted in many centuries."


Quickly wanted to end this or Rin might feel insecure again, "You are not to think of these thoughts anymore! I will marry her off to a demon male in my court soon as we return."


"I will."


He heard Rin's tears hitting the ground and then smelt her water and salty smell on her cheeks as her tears flowed like the crystal waters of a holy spring. He sighed he hated her crying and then looked at her and sighed "Rin I shall take you to a spring, and your scent does not bother this Sesshomaru you smell of holy spring water and cherry blossoms all the time.

Rin felt terrible about it and just looked into his eyes when he took her chin tilting it up and forcing her to look into his eyes. His eyes were there magnificent honey gold and their forever emotionless but she read into them more seeing kindness, compassion and love. She looked up at him and sighed how much she loved the way he looked at her it was so peaceful so amazing he never looked at anyone else that way.


"She is a mortal beast our demon blood line would die with her right?!"

His demon spoke with a calm and kind voice like he would to a child as he thought his master something new. No. We can turn her into a demon if we get her pregnant when we mate her, she will be in heat very very soon. Remember this.

"I have heard this in rumors and father said our mother was one of those humans turned into a demon. But it does not make since and can't be true."

It is true. Also a female who is turned into a demon after being born as a human can not only be most power female but can also produce very powerful offspring. It is the best for our lands, citizens, and for our lineage and us.

"I will consider this. But she must be taught in demon etiquettes then and must be able to show she is good enough."


"I will consider it."

He looked deep into her chocolate brown eyes and smelt arousal coming from her he then walked up wind so he couldn't smell it "Rin we are going to the hot springs not far from here." She smiled and walked after him blushing thinking of how he looked at her and how her heart sped up but she felt like all the life and movement had been stolen by his intimate gaze.

"Coming my lord." She said running to catch up with him and traveled not far behind him humming a nice tune.