Notes: Thanks for taking the time to look over my story.

This is my third Fan Fic, and like my last stories, I didn't want to publish a it chapter by chapter, in case I got side tracked... I know how frustrating it can be when you're enjoying a story, and you're left on a cliff hanger... with no update in sight.

I have however ended this with a lead in, to give me a fixed starting point if I choose to continue

I have tried to keep characterisations right, but I may have slipped up here or there.

This is a follow up to my previous stories "Sacrifice" and "Redemption" I am aware that this is a much shorter story than both of those, however "Sacrifice" required a lot more ground work to establish the story,

I hope you enjoy it.

I'll wait for at least 5 feedback before I decide how to start the next one

I do NOT own NCIS:Los Angeles or any of its Characters. I'm just borrowing them

G Callen was looking around the office, trying to find Nell… She had seemed more than a little stressed when he saw her this morning. Neither of them had actually spoken with the other about their feelings. They had been dating for close to 2 months now, and the most stressful thing that they had faced was Hetty finding out they were 'together'.

It hadn't just been him that was concerned about her, Kensi had noticed it too… and if she knew what was causing the stress, she wasn't telling Callen. It would probably not have been on his mind so much, if it wasn't for the fact that they hadn't had any cases to work in the last week. There was only so much paperwork that they could complete, even Deeks had managed to get his mountain of paperwork up to date.

This left them with either cleaning their guns and doing some target practice, or working out in the gym.

By 6pm they were starting to pack up to go home, and he still hadn't managed to find Nell and ask what was wrong. He had no justification for going into OPS and asking Eric if he knew where the young analyst was. It would be different if there was a case that he could use as an excuse to speak with her privately. Eric was the only one of the main group of staff that didn't know that Nell and Callen were 'together'. It wasn't them trying to be cruel or secretive; it was Nell had no idea how to tell her friend and colleague, who had a very obvious crush on her, that she was involved with the older special agent, without hurting him or damaging their friendship.


*Knock Knock*

Nell opened the door to find Callen standing there

"You could have let yourself in, it is why I gave you a key"

"I know, but I wasn't sure you were even home yet"

"Come on in" Nell said, turning and walking down the short hallway, with Callen following behind her after closing the door

"You okay? You seemed stressed, or distracted this morning, and then you just seemed to vanish"

"My mom called me this morning. My cousin's got a job interview in LA, and my Aunt wanted to see if I would let her to stay with me, while she's here"

"How long's she supposed be out here?"

"One week, maybe two…"

"So I take it you don't really get on with your cousin"

"She's always tried to one up me… I get a boyfriend; she either tries to get a better one, or just stole mine. I go to college; she gets into a better one. I guess I'm just not looking forward to having her pick fault with my life, my friends …. My boyfriend"

"It's not like you're on your own, anymore though. All of us have your back"

"That's not real problem… I've not mentioned anything to my family about… well…"

"You've not told them you're dating an older guy" Callen almost had a look of disappointment on his face

"The last time I spoke to them about a guy, it was before everything happened with your amnesia, and what happened between us… they still think I'm interested in Eric. And when Jenny get's here she's gonna find out and take delight in telling the rest of the family... I'm not ashamed of you. Really I'm not… but I don't think my mom or dad would approve of this, because of the age difference. So I'm split between being honest and this not being approved of, or… lying, and hiding it… just to keep things 'comfortable' with my parents"

"You do have another option… It's not one I personally feel 100% comfortable… but it would help deal with the situation while she's in town."

"What other option is there?"

"Eric's your friend right…"


"He's your friend, who cares about you… who your family already know about, and I'm guessing, would approve of. So ask him to pretend to be your boyfriend while she's here"

Nell was astounded, that idea hadn't even occurred to her… but now that she knew it, she wondered if she could actually do that, without hurting Callen's feelings

"…and you would be okay with that?"

"It's not going to have me jumping up and down with joy. But if it's what makes things easier for you, I can live with it"

"No, I can't ask that."

"Nell… You didn't ask. I offered another solution. It's only for a week or so… so I think we can manage just seeing each other at work for that long."

Nell threw her arms around him, and thanked him for the idea, and being secure enough with the idea to make the situation a little easier for her


"You look awful this morning. You wake up on the wrong side of the floor?"

"No Deeks. I haven't been sleeping on the floor for several months now…."

Deeks turn looking to Kensi for some indication as to whether or not Callen had a bed now, all he got in return was a solitary nod

"…And I slept fine. Just not for long. So I went out running at about 3am"

"You know I remember the days when you grudged doing any exercise" Sam added, as he sat down at his desk

"I don't grudge exercise, and you keep telling people that, they're gonna get the wrong idea about me"

"So, any sign of us getting something do today?" Kensi asked Callen, since he had been in long before she had arrived

"Doesn't look like it, at least not yet… But if you're looking for something to do, how about teach Deeks to chew with his mouth closed"

"Hey" Kensi began "I'm a special agent, not a miracle worker"

"Hey… I am not THAT bad" Deeks said, trying to defend himself

Before anyone could say anything else, Hetty appeared from the hallway, and instructed Callen to follow her

"Assistant Director Granger spoke with me last night, since there have been so few cases for your team of late, I'm looking for one of your team to take on an assignment for a couple of weeks. We need an agent to fly out to Yokosuka, to cover for a Special Agent who has to return home for at least a fortnight.

You can decide amongst yourself who takes the assignment. But I need a decision by noon"

Callen returned to the bullpen and spelled everything out, what the options were. He had already decided he would take on the assignment, as it would make things easier for Nell while her cousin was in town. He would have loved to see Deeks face if he told the detective that he was the one being TDA'd.

"Look… You guys are needed here, So I'll take the TDA. You keep me up to date with going on here by email. I'll be gone for 2.. 3 weeks tops. Decisions made okay.

Sam and Kensi grumbled a bit, but ultimately knew there was nothing they could say that would change his mind


"What do you mean you're going to Japan. This isn't funny"

"I never said it was. The assignment came up, and me not being about, will make it easier for when you have Jenny here… reduces the chance of her finding out. I am coming back… I'm not cutting you off, and I'll even try to not piss off any well connected navy personnel who could develop a grudge or need for retribution against me" he smiled, quite proud of his little humorous comment at the end of his statement

"When do you leave?" Nell asked

"I fly out on Tuesday night. I'll be ok, and You'll be okay… I already asked Sam to keep an eye on you, and I told Kensi what's happening, so you have someone there, that knows what you have going on, if you need any support. And you have a key to my place, if you just need to get away from Jenny for a night"

"I guess you've thought of everything" Nell chewed on her lip, thinking how he could ask Callen to do something for her


"You see her yet?" Callen asked, waiting at the arrivals terminal at LAX with Nell

"No. Thankfully"

"Hey" Callen put one of his hands on Nell's Shoulder "Just relax. There's no point getting worked up. Remember. You can text me or email me whenever things get a bit much, Kensi's gonna make herself available if you need reinforcements… and Eric's agreed to play along. All you have to do is try not to shoot her"

"You Joke, but there's a good chance I may get to that stage"

"Seriously, Nell. You manage to put up with us, every day for the last 4 years… you can manage to deal with Jenny for a week or two"

They stood, watching for Jenny in silence for a while

"That's her" Nell indicated to Callen, as she waved to her cousin

"So how do you know Nell" Jenny asked, as soon as she was seated in Callen's car

"We both work at the TV Studio"

"So you're like what… a producer as well?"

"No, nothing like that. I work for security at the station"

"Greg just offered to drive me since my car is in the shop for a couple of days" Nell added

"Nell mentioned you were coming out here for a job interview. Doing what, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's for a position as a producer for a TV and Radio station"

"That sounds pretty good"

"Yes well, not everyone can be a rent-a-cop, can they" each word out of her mouth was dripping with obvious sarcasm

While checking his mirrors, Callen could clearly see Nell was clenching her jaw tightly. He couldn't say anything, as that could draw Jenny's attention to Nell. Instead, Callen turned the radio on, allowing the music to distract both Jenny and Nell. He could understand now, why Nell hadn't been looking forward to her cousin's visit.


"So how about we go out for a drink tonight, give you a break. You can even stay in my guest room tonight"

"I can't tonight Kens. I've got Eric coming over for dinner"

"How about after then…?. You can't tell me that you won't want a chance to vent. You can even stay at mine tonight"

"Yes to the drink, No to staying at yours. I have somewhere to be later tonight

"Uh huh. So where do you go when Callen calls you"

"Who said either of us call the other"

"Nell, come on. I know that one of you would call the other. No reason you can't make your call from my place"

"Okay. How about you get some wine or beer or whatever, and I'll come over to yours when I'm finished with Eric and Jenny, and we can have a drink"

"Deal. Just open the door when you come over, don't bother knocking"


"So you're Eric"

"Yup, I'm Eric. Nice to meet you" Eric felt really awkward, firstly as he was having to pretend to be his best friends boyfriend, secondly because he was being introduced in the flesh to part of her family, and thirdly because he had heard all about the cousin.

"You look like her type" Jenny added yet more not so subtle hostility to the atmosphere.

It was obvious to Eric that Jenny wasn't even trying to be friendly. She obviously thought a lot of herself.

"So, we got some Chinese take away, It would be nice if you'd join us"

Nell, being in the kitchen behind where Jenny was seated, rolled her eyes, wishing her cousin would just go home, so she wouldn't need to put up with her hostility any longer. The 9 days she had been here, were long enough already. She just needed to get through another hour, then she could run over to have drinks with Kensi, using the excuse that she had to go back into the TV station to work.

Sitting down around the table to eat, Eric tried making conversation about various leisure activities Jenny could try while in LA. She made her disdain clear when he had suggested she try surfing with him and some of her friends. Nell started talking about various things she had been doing at work as a 'producer', Eric spoke about numerous computer advances. Jenny sat and barely politely nodded as her cousin and her 'boyfriend' were trying to fill the silence and engage her in conversation.

The few things that Jenny did do, as Nell took the dishes to the kitchen to wash them, were to, out of the blue, start acting all friendly towards Eric, going so far as to place a hand on Eric's fore arm. Telling Eric stories embarrassing stories about Nell from their family holidays, Followed by not so subtly flirting with Eric, as soon as Nell returned from the kitchen. Nell wasn't in the least bit surprised by this acting, so she acted like it bothered her, as it was expected that you would react if someone was flirting with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Having played as the good and friendly relative, for well over an hour, Nell excused herself, as she had 'work to do'. Eric decided to remain with jenny for a while to enlighten her about the joys of surfing and beach front activities. Nell knew it probably wasn't wise to leave him with Jenny, but she was in no position to demand Eric do as she told him to. Anyway, Nell thought, even if Jenny did flirt and encourage Eric to cheat on his 'girlfriend', there was no reason for it to bother her… Eric wasn't her boyfriend, and if he chose to do something with jenny, then more fool him.


"That bad huh?" Kensi asked as she handed Nell a bottle of beer

"No, it wasn't that bad. I mean she told stories about me, and flirted with Eric. But it's just her whole personality… it makes my apartment feel 'toxic' whenever she's there, no matter what she's doing"

"So it's kind of like my moms place when she has her new boyfriend over"

"I don't know how that feels for you, but yeah, that's probably the right description"

"How much longer is she gonna be staying with you then?"

"She's already been called back for a 2nd interview. So at least another 4 days. I honestly don't think I can put up with her for much longer, and pretending to be with Eric.. It's almost like it was encouraging him, at least up till tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if she's enticed him into bed with her before I go home in the morning"

"Eric wouldn't do that, he's too loyal for that"

Nell took a swig of beer before he replied

"I said that about my high school boyfriend. But even if she does it's not going to bother me, unless she hurts him"

"Tell me to mind my own business, but why are you not being honest about you being with Callen?"

The two women flopped down on Kensi's sofa, continuing to take sips between talking

"I don't want to lie to them, but… I don't think my mom and dad would react well, knowing I'm dating a guy at least 15 years older than me. I'm not ashamed of him, not in any way… but I… I don't want them to look at me differently"

"I understand that. But do you not worry that Callen may think your ashamed of him or something"

"No… He knows I'm not ashamed of him. I just.. I want to be the one that tell my parents… not Jenny, when she's trying to make herself look better than my to my parents and aunts & uncles"

"So why not just do it. I mean you just need to see you and Callen together, to know that he cares about you, that he wouldn't let anything happen to you, and that he makes you happy. Is that not what a parent would want for their child?"

Nell paused to give this some serious thought. She was pulled from her thoughts as Kensi put another beer down in front of her

"So do you want to go out and do something, or just stay here and watch a movie?"

"I think just stay here Kens.


".. and my Heart will Go on" Nell and Kensi sang in unison as they walked into the bullpen

"She made you watch Titanic didn't she?!" Deeks asked, already knowing the answer

Nell just nodded and continued singing until she stopped, needing to take a breath. And Headed up to OPS to get started, knowing that she was a little late today

Not finding Eric in OPS, she got everything up and running, ready for when he turned up.

It was almost 10.40 by the time he had shown up. Thankfully all that had shown up for OSP to do was some decryption work for the NCIS field office in San Diego.

Eric looked awful, still wearing the same clothes he had been wearing last night, that looked like he had been sleeping in them. This got Nells mind racing, trying to work out why he would be in such a state.

"Morning, dirty stop out. Where did you sleep last night then?" Nell asked, voice raised a little

"Not so loud please. I Slept… on your couch" Eric answered as he sat down at one of the computer terminals, and dropped his heard to rest on the keyboard

"My couch!. If you were sleeping on my couch, where was Jenny sleeping" Nell asked, squinting her eyes, as she tried to work out a logical explanation for what Eric was saying

"We had a few drinks after you left, and we watch something… I have no idea what, on the TV. After that I just remember waking up on the couch being spooned. Nothing happened… I'm sure of it. I still had all my clothes on"

"Eric. Relax. So long as you're okay, and weren't taken advantage of, it's all ok"
Eric lifted his had and spun to face Nell, a little too quickly as his headache just got much worse, looking at his friend in wonder, as to why she wasn't bothered. It was something he would think about for quite some time.


"So is your cousin keeping out of trouble?"

"She's been behaving, mom. There's something I need to talk to you about. Just you, not dad… not yet anyway"

"You know you can tell us anything"

"You remember when I told you about my friend Eric, and how we were quite close.."


"Well, I've not been interested in Eric like that for several months. In fact, we've only ever been friends"

"But Nell, you've always spoken so passionately about him…"

"No, I know that. But we're just friends, best friends. But there is someone in my life romantically. He good, and kind, takes care of me… some times to his own detriment"

"So why not tell us?"

"Because I didn't think you or dad would be too happy. See, he's a bit older than I am"

"Oh Nell… how much older?"

"About 16 years"

"The way you were speaking I was expecting you to say there was more than 25 years of a difference. I want you to understand this, While something like that will bother us, all we really want is for you to be happy, and if that's with this person, then so be it. But you should never feel like you have to hide anything from us"

"My friend Kensi said something very similar to me the other night. It was her than convinced me to tell you. Do you think dad will be ok with this"

"Maybe not straight away, but he will be eventually. So, tell me all about this new man. What's his name, what does he do, what's he like?"


"You were right Kens…"

"I usually am.. What about this time" Kensi said, with a cheeky grin on her face

"My parents. I told them …" Nell looked about to see if there was anyone that would be able to hear them, that shouldn't be hearing them ".. About Callen" she added in a whisper

"So they were okay with it. That's good news"

"Well, I only told my mom, but she's okay with it, and she's gonna tell my dad for me. You know, maybe you should work through your thing with Deeks"

"I have no thing with Deeks. Whatever we had… I don't know if there's enough of a 'thing' left between us, to make it work"

"What would you do if you didn't even try, and then you had to watch him be all coupled up with someone else"

"I'd be happy for him"

"and What about you. Are you not meant to be happy?. You know there's nothing wrong with being selfish every now and again"

"He made the choice about us, and not continuing"

"Well, you know that doesn't mean that neither you or him don't still have romantic feelings for each other. I still think that you'd be good together. And I think you think so too"


"What are you doing tonight?" Nell asked her cousin, as she opened the apartment door

"Nothing, another night sat on your couch browsing TMZ"

"Well, I'm going out, and I'll be out all night again"

"Spending the night at work again are you" Jenny asked, sarcastically

"Nope. I'm staying at my boyfriends place tonight. So you can have the place to yourself"

"Well, I suppose it's only fair for you to get him tonight, since I got him the other night" Jenny wasn't even trying to pretend that she wasn't gloating, and trying to bother Nell

"Eric isn't actually my boyfriend. But I've told my mom about my real boyfriend. So I've got nothing to hide anymore. I'm just gonna grab a change of clothes and then I'll be on my way" Nell called as she disappeared into her room, feeling so much more powerful than she usually felt in her cousins presence.

She had already made sure she had nothing confidential, or professionally revealing before Jenny arrived, but she still double checked before leaving


Opening the door to Callen's house, Nell was immediately hit by that smell that reminded her of him. The house still lacked some of the furnishings that she was used to from her own home. But now at least, he kept a selection of tinned food, extra towels and had added a coffee table and a small couch to the lounge.

Although she had previously been in, and stayed in the house while Callen had been away, being alone in it for the first time since they had started dating, was more than a little disconcerting. She could remember seeing him in each room, could still smell him… but being here, without him… it was just a building, not someone's home.

She sat out in the back yard for a while, drinking a bottle of beer, while reading over the new emails on her tablet. It wasn't too early to go to bed, but it would be at least midnight before he would be finished work, and could speak with her at length.

So for now she could check emails, browse on eBay or play some Angry Birds.

By midnight, Nell had retired to the bedroom, where she had got changed, and climbed into bed, keeping her phone close by as she lay waiting for her call.

She had started to drift off into slumber when she was awoken by the ringing and vibration coming from her phone. Jumping awake, and answering her call, not checking who had called her

"Evening. Sorry I'm calling a bit late. Got tied up dealing with a sailor who was acting inappropriately. How was your day?"

"Mmmm it was good. Told my mom about you, 'cause Kensi gave me good advice" Nell sounded barely awake, as she filled him in

"I'm gonna go, and let you get some sleep okay Sweetheart"

"Mmm no. Don't go. I'm still awake"

"It's okay Nell. You go sleep. I just wanted to call and let you know I'm coming home in a couple of days. But I'll type it all out to you and email it. You can have a read once you wake up okay. Sweet dreams" and the call went dead, with Nell drifting into a deep sleep.


The next few days flew by, for the first time in what seemed like forever, there were actual cases to work, no matter what happened at work, or what Jenny said at night, nothing could drag Nells mood down.

She wasn't lying to her family, work was good, she had been sleeping well, and Callen was coming home.

"Come on… please. I'll even buy the first 3 rounds" Deeks begged

Everyone but Eric had agreed to go with him.

"So what's he actually got going on?" Deeks asked while they were waiting for their order to be brought over to them

"Said he was gonna show my cousin a few areas that she may want to move into if she gets her job"

"That's got to be pretty awkward though, I mean if he starts something up with her, after being besotted by you for so long" Deeks asked

"Honestly, if he chooses to associate with her, after everything he's been told.. then I wish him good luck. But if she hurts him, she won't know what hits her"

Sam, Deeks, and Kensi stared at her

"I'm not interested in him like that, but he is still my best friend" she added, in explanation "- and I wouldn't wasn't to seem him being hurt. Especially not by her"

"Maybe she won't get the job. " Kensi offered

"I know it sounds horrible saying this, but I hope she doesn't"

"You know that you and Eric are one of 'us'. Anyone messes with either of you, they mess with us all"

"Thanks Sam"

"So, come on… when's Callen coming back. You've been walking around for the last few days with a huge smile plastered on your face. Either you've won the lotto, or Boss man's coming back" Kensi hit Deeks' arm for saying that

"He arrives into LAX on Friday afternoon, I've already spoken to Hetty about getting away early, so I can pick him up"

"Speaking of Hetty" Deeks started "Seems like she hasn't been there. Should we be worried?"

"She's away at a security conference with Granger" Sam offered "Should be back tomorrow"

"So she's not been there, and we didn't know we could run wild. That's so not cool"

"I think that why she didn't tell you, she knew you'd get us all in trouble" Nell answered, with a smile on her face


As soon as Nell saw him exit through the arrivals door, she ran towards him, and wrapped her arms round him in a hug, like she hadn't seen him for months

"Glad to see you too" he said, looking down into her eyes while smiling

"So, tell me what's been happening with you"

"Nothing new. Just what I emailed to you. Jenny's leaving tomorrow evening. She didn't get the job"

"Well that's good isn't it. I mean it's not good for her, but you didn't really want her in living and working in the same area as you anyway"

"Yeah I know. I feel really bad for thinking that. I mean no matter what she has said or done to me…. She's still family. On the subject of family… my mom is talking about arranging a visit so she can meet the man her daughter is dating"

"I actually don't know if I'm meant to be happy, or terrified about the prospect of meeting your mom"

"My mom is great. You've nothing to worry about, so long as you're being good to me, she will accept you with open arms. It's my dad you may need to worry about, but he probably won't be coming with her, at least not this time"

"That's a weight off my mind then"

"…are you trying to tell me that Special Agent G Callen can face down terrorists, drug dealers, and other criminals without breaking a sweat, but you're actually scared about the prospect of meeting my dad?" Nell found this idea highly amusing,

"Well yeah, is that not normal… I mean meeting a girls father. No matter what I say, do or am… he's still going to treat me like a criminal. It'd be like having a staring contest with Hetty"

Nell couldn't help herself from laughing at him, about the pair of his obvious fears

"Yeah yeah. Laugh all you like. So tell me this… how many nights did you spend at my place" he asked

"Just the two nights, I was gonna stay there another night, but ended up staying with Kensi having a few drinks"

"Who won the drinking contest?"

"She did. I lost count how many bottles I had, and she had a lot more than me. It's like she has hollow legs"

Now it was Callens turn to laugh


The next night Nell was back at the airport, dropping Jenny off. Despite knowing she didn't have to, she accompanied Jenny until she was to pass through security

"Well, it was ... nice to see you again. I'm sorry you didn't get your job"

"Yeah, well something else will show up. It normally does." Jenny replied, actually not being snide or sarcastic for once

"Have a safe trip anyway" Nell said as she hugged her cousin good bye


After Nell left the airport she drove over to Callens house. It had occurred to her that they rarely spent time together at her place. It didn't bother her, it was just something that she hadn't realised until now.

Opening the door, Nell called out to Callen "I hope you have my dinner ready"

"It never ends does it, I cook, I clean, I shoot paper targets, however did you manage without me" he laughed as he was finishing their meal

"Can I do anything to help?" she asked

"Same as usual. Can you lay out the cutlery"

You know, I can do more than put down cutlery and occasionally wash the plates"

"I know you can. But I like cooking for you. Besides, I don't know what you've been eating for the last 2 weeks. For all I know, Kensi has had you eating cheesy nachos every night"

He put the plates down on the table, and took his seat opposite Nell

"This looks great. What's the sauce on the pork chop?" She asked, genuinely curious

"It's a barbecue sauce I let the pork marinate in all day"

"One of these days you'll have to tell me where you learned to cook" she said between bits of her meal

"It's not a big secret. I learned at one of my foster homes. I just don't tell many people that I can do it… if you're under cover you can't be seen to live solely on McDonalds or take-away. Besides, what would Sam moan at me about, if he knew I could cook, and eat healthy-ish"


"Is it just me or was Eric giving me a bit of attitude in OPS?"

"He did seem a bit passive aggressive. Although I couldn't tell you if it was directed at you, or all of us"

"What could I have done to bother him, I've not been here for a fortnight. He was fine with me before I left, Sam."

"Why not just ask him we go back to the Mission." Sam suggested


Eric was staring at the computer screen, using the satellite feed to advise the agents in the field, which way to go in order to apprehend the suspects.

Kensi and Deeks had apprehended one of the suspects and were already en route to the Boatshed.

Sam and Deeks on the other hand had split up. Sam was driving round to block off the road access, while Callen had taken off, after their suspect.

He had been chasing the guy for almost 5 minutes, climbing over fences, and running through yards eventually chasing the suspect into a dead alley following Eric's 'advice'. It never failed to surprise him that whenever one of them would shout that they were a federal agent, the suspect always either shot at them, or ran in the opposite direction. Just once it would be nice for a suspect to stand still, with their hands up, and surrender.

The man Callen had been chasing was a well built guy, who looked like he was either taking steroids, or spent all his free time in a gym. Having the guy cornered, Callen realised it may not have been such a great idea to face this guy on his own.

Callen made a move to try and get the guy on the ground so he could secure his arms with zip ties, but the guy instead, grabbed Callen's arm and slammed him face first into the wall, sweeping one of his legs to knock Callen off his feet.

Having already grabbed Callen's side arm from him, the man stood, towering over him… pointing the barrel of the gun at Callen.

Starring down the barrel of his own gun, Callen's life flashed before his eyes. Remembering when it was first explained to him that he had no living family, and was a ward of the state. Staying with the Rostoff's. Joining the CIA, First day at NCIS. When Macy formally introduced him to Sam, after their first Op. Helping train Kensi. Reporting Dom as Missing. Confirming Dom was dead having been shot. Saying goodbye to Nate. Meeting Nell, Finding Hetty shot in the Comescu house, Pointing his gun at Granger time and time again. Waking up in the hospital. Taking a bullet for colleagues. And then a flash of each of his 'family', followed by Nell Smiling at him.

Then, he heard an engine and a thud and the guy who was going to shoot him had been knocked hard into the wall as Sam ran into him.

He had never been so glad to see his partner.


"Didn't do so well today did you Callen" Eric said, Snidely

Callen turned to face the technical operator, In a raised voice he ordered the other support staff in Ops to leave. Once they had, he returned his attention to Eric

"What is your problem with me today. First its passive aggressive behaviour, then it was bad intel, Snide comments and don't think I've not heard about you telling other support staff about what happened to me out there today.

So here's your chance. You have a problem with me, you say it to me. You want to take a punch fine.. but whatever your problem is, it finishes today"

"You're a liar. You've been pretending that your not doing something, when you've been doing it for ages. You're not good enough for her!"

"Why don't you just say exactly what you think. 'cause I don't have time to play your silly games. I've not had a problem with you until today"

"Fince Callen. Nell deserves better than you"

"Oh" Callen said, as everything suddenly made sense. He didn't know how, or when Eric had found out. But Hetty had warned him to make sure Eric knew, before he found out on his own. And Callen hadn't found a way to tell him, and now look where it had gotten him

Callen put his best game face on, before saying anything further to Eric

"IF something was going on between Nell and myself, it would be none of your business. You're not involved with her, she's not cheated on you. So I'm not seeing what your problem is, apart from jealousy"

"She's my friend. My best friend. And I know all too well what your idea of a relationship is. You'll end up hurting her, and she'll wind up leaving"

"Again, Eric, If something was going on between us… I wouldn't hurt her, I wouldn't want her to leave. And sometimes, people can change for the better… Where they wouldn't be so casual. You know, you could have just asked, Nell or I, instead of this bullshit. I know how much she values you, and your friendship, and I can understand how much hurt you could feel, if she was involved with someone other than you. Sometimes you just need to accept things, and support your friends, whether you agree with their decisions or not"

Callen left Ops, allowing Eric some time to digest things. He knew Nell would have to speak to her friend about what was going on, before their friendship got strained. The last thing Callen wanted was to be the cause of any Damage to her, or her relationships.


"Hey. I was thinking, maybe you should go out and do something with Eric" Callen spoke into the phone

"I thought we had plans, at your place" Nell asked

"I know. I just had a talk with Eric. Turns out he knows about us. I don't know for how long though"

"I don't want to cancel our plans"

"Nell, I promise you, it's ok.. You have a life outside of us. Last thing I want is to be the reason you lose your best friend"

"You're amazing, you know that right. I'll come by later"

After ending the call, Callen felt better. It hadn't really occurred to him before now, that he had been dominating a lot of Nells time, and he knew he wouldn't be that happy with someone, if they came between Sam and his' friendship


Standing at Eric's door, Nell was trying to think about how to tell her friend what had been going on. This wasn't the first time she had been wondering about this, in fact she had been thinking about it almost every day for the last few weeks. She had never intended lying to Eric, but she just hadn't felt capable to telling him. She loved him dearly as a friend, and she knew that he had some non platonic feelings for her, feeling that she didn't return. Telling him was a huge risk for her, what if she lost him.

Before she could give the subject any more thought, Eric opened the door and turned to walk back insider the flat, leaving her to enter and close the door behind herself.

"Why" she heard from inside.

Entering behind him, and closing the door she approached the back of his couch.

"I couldn't risk losing you as a friend. No matter how I thought of telling you, the risk was too great."

"I thought you knew me better than that Nell" There was a hint of aggression in his words

"Would you know how to tell me if you had met someone. Would you know how not to risk our friendship"

"I wouldn't lie" he said bitterly

"I never lied to you. I made sure I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you full story"

"Yeah… right" Eric paused, looking deep in thought "Why him?"

"I don't know where to start. I had never thought about him like that, not until after he got amnesia…"

"Tell everything, make me understand…"


Things had started to go back to normal, despite things still being quite tense between Eric and Callen. But they were at least managing to function normally.

"So Michelle was asking about you the other night"

"I did nothing, so what's she accusing me of doing now?"

"Nothing like that. She's just been asking if you were still with Nell. I guess she's still surprised that you've managed to stay with someone, for so long"

"It's so nice to have friends with such high expectations. Things have been pretty easy going. Other than her mother coming out to visit her, and analyse me to see if I'm deserving of Nell"

"Oh. That'll be fun for you" Sam chuckled as he pulled the car over.

"According to Nell it's no big deal. At least so long as her Dad isn't coming with"

"All seriousness though. If any of us suspected you were messing Nell about, You would have plenty to be worried about"

"Yeah, I remember the team meeting. So, back to work..."

The two special agents got out of the car, walking up the path to the door, they each pulled out their Side arm, ready for whatever was on the other side of the door

Having knocked, and no one having answered, they opened the door and entered the house, each clearing a portion of the house.

"Clear" Callen heard his partner call

Callen called to his partner once he saw what remained in the otherwise empty and ransacked house.

"You have to be kidding me" Sam stated

"Doesn't look like it. What do we do now?"

"Well maybe getting it out of here would be a good idea"

"Hey. You've had one… you lift it" Callen said


"Where's Mr Callen?"

"He's bringing in our witness."

"As you well know Mr Hanna, unauthorised personnel are not permitted within this building"

"Hey. Not my idea, Hetty. Take it up with G"

No sooner had Sam spoken, Callen walked in slowly with their witness

"Ah, I understand" Hetty said, as she saw Callen approach her office , "Why did you not hand the child over to CPS?" She asked Callen

"Firstly as she could have been lifted as leverage, to make the commander give access to classified materials, so I felt it was best that she remain in our custody, and secondly,…" Callen said as he handed the baby to Sam, Only for the baby to cry so loudly it made even Hetty worry about hearing in the future, and then as Sam handed the baby girl back to Callen, the child stopped crying, and started cooing. "When CPS showed up the kid wouldn't stop screaming for anyone but me, she they've agreed for her to remain in our custody temporarily."

"Very well Mr Callen. But she is your responsibility" Callen was left dumbfounded by Hetty's 'condition'"


The remainder of the day, saw Callen never being more than 2 foot from the baby, this restricted their ability to investigate in certain situations, requiring that Deeks work with Sam, while Nell worked with Kensi to maintain pairings.

Callen instead remained in the office, filling in paperwork, changing and feeding the baby. This had several of the female OSP staff swarming around him.

Callen had to admit he would previously have loved the attention, but now he only had eyes for Nell. Having Nell on the streets worried him, even though he knew she was more than safe with Kensi, at least when they were out of the car.

He had been unable to set foot in OPS, since the baby (that Callen had been calling Amy as they didn't know her real name) wouldn't stay quiet with anyone but him, and the rule about no foods or drinks in OPS, that Hetty refused to repeal given the unusual circumstances, which limited his use.

"You Okay Callen?" Eric asked as he passed the bullpen on the way to the toilet

"Yeah. Just not feeling too useful right now, since our glorious leader is for all intents and purposes restricting me to here"

Eric paused for a second before answering "Look, gimme 5 minutes, and I'll come back down and brief you with what's going on"

"Thanks" Callen Called after Eric


"You're really good with her" Callen heard Kensi say from behind him

"You wouldn't mind holding onto her for a couple of minutes would you Kens?" Callen practically begged

"Okay, for a couple of minutes" Kensi responded

No sooner had Kensi agreed, Callen had gently placed 'Amy' in her arms, being sure not to awake the baby in doing so.

Callen quickly but quietly moved out of the bull pen and down the hallway to the toilet.

After taking care of his bladder, he stared washing his hands, but found himself being distracted by thoughts of foster homes that had refused to care for him and he had been too upset and vocal. Part of him felt the baby would have been better off with the CPS until they found her mother, but the other part of him knew he would have felt too guilty to do to the baby, what had been done to him, too many times.

Opening the toilet door, he could already hear the baby starting to cry. He briskly walked down the hallway to find Kensi with a look of pure fear on her face as she held the child out in front of her.

"Give her here" Callen instructed his younger colleague, as he entered the bullpen.

Kensi quickly handed the baby over to him, and was amazed how she stopped crying almost the instant she was back in his arms

"How did you do that?"

"I didn't do anything. What started her crying? One of Deeks' jokes?" Callen asked, curious

"Honestly, nothing. She woke up just after you left and started getting worked up and crying. Deeks isn't even here" Kensi said, as she watched Callen sit down on the couch and start bouncing the baby on his knee.

"Is Nell with you, or is she at the Boatshed?" Callen asked, sounding concerned

"She's debriefing Commander Wilson with Sam. I can take you both down there, for their reunion"

"Just let me grab my jacket, and we can go"


"Thank you so much for looking after my little girl"

"It was our pleasure Commander Wilson. She was no trouble what-so-ever" Callen said with a smile on his face

"What was that you told the commander about her baby not being any trouble" Sam asked his partner

"The truth. She behaved and was no trouble… not for me anyway"

"Uh huh. A little bird told me that you had been quite popular around the office today"

"Does your little bird wear glasses!. It was nothing to do with me, it was all the kid. You know how some women get with a baby"

"Yeah, I know. So are you gonna admit your 'appeal' to Nell, or are you gonna keep your mouth shut and hope?"

I'm going to tell her the truth. It's nothing worth keeping a secret. Besides, it was part of the job"

"Yeah?, so what the excuse when you used to take Zach out in his stroller"

"I was a different person then, as you well know"

"Yeah I do, man. You're a good guy G. Dya need a lift back to the Mission, or are you catching a lift back with Kens?"

"I'll catch a lift with her and Nell


"Do you fancy some take out at my place?" Callen asked Nell

"Would you maybe mind going back to my place, just for a change" Nell asked in return

"Yeah. I've no problem with that" He replied

"Kensi told me how good you were with the Commanders baby"

"It's a knack you pick up. I helped take care of younger kids in some of my foster homes. I guess it's like riding a bike. So how did you manage being back in the field?"

"I managed fine, other than getting thrown against a wall" Nell admitted "But I'm fine, honestly" She added, noting the concern on his face

"You're not going into the field again"

"Yes I am, and stop trying to change the subject. You probably attracted quite a bit of attention then!"

"Ok, sure… a few of the girls at the office were swarming around us. But the attention was unwanted. You can ask Eric to show you the security feed, if you don't believe me"

"Uh huh, Sure" Nell said, being quite obvious that this was said in jest "In all seriousness though, I have some good news, and some bad news for you"

"Well, if you're being serious… try and shock me"

"My mom called me, and she's coming out here next week"

"Okay then… is that the good news, or the bad news Ms Jones?" he asked, with a smirk on his face

"That's the good news… the bad news is that my dad has insisted on coming with her"

Callen stared back at her, not knowing what to say