So… this is it. The final chapter. The response to the last chapter was amazing and I can't thank you enough. More on the bottom!

Review Responses

Guest: Well of course!

Hiccstrid4life: Thank you! You are amazing! And your English doesn't suck!

Guest (2): Well here you go!

I'veNoIdea4AName: Here you go!

Guest (3): It's here!

Guest (4): damn right! ;)

I own nothing and more explanation at the bottom!

Astrid woke up, feeling the best she ever has in four years. She couldn't believe how... easy it was to trust him, knowing that Hiccup would never try to hurt her.

She stirred and a hand flew out, wanting to lay over Hiccups' chest, but what she got was a paper cut.

Paper cut?

She shot up, cursing, and picked up the piece of paper.


This is a dick move, and I know it. But... I have to say this. After the accident, I was asked if I would make prosthetics for kids. I wanted to tell you, but you had so many other things going on, what with Sam and the... You know. I tried to tell you, but there wasn't a good time.

I have to go to Florida, and my plane leaves at two PM

Astrid, I want you to forget about me. I want you to find someone who loves you for you, scars and all.

I'm sorry it had to end like this. Just know I will always, always love you.

Forever Yours,


PS: Feel free to keep my shirt

Astrid looked up, then looked at her alarm clock.

12:48 PM.

And the airport is about an hour away.

Astrid rolled out of her bed and quickly put on a pair of sweats.

She realizes it now.

She understands why she gets butterflies every time they touched

Astrid understands why she wasn't afraid of him, like she was other boys

Astrid understands why her stomach turns into knots every time she see him sneak a glance at her.

She loved him.

Astrid grabbed her keys and ran to her car. When she turned the key, the engine didn't do anything

"Come on, don't do this..." She tried again. "Useless car!" She kicked the gas pedal, and looked at her watch

12:59 PM

If she ran, it would take longer. Her scars would be exposed.

She didn't care.

Astrid jumped out of her car and started to run. Like it was the most natural thing in the world, but she hasn't run since the eighth grade.

She needed to see Hiccup, make him stay.

She loves him...

Hiccup sighed. Why should baggage take so long?

Or maybe he's just pissed that he was a dick to Astrid

Most likely the latter

Hiccup rubbed a hand over his face, then his hair. He glanced down to his metal prosthetic.

Hiccup wanted something different, he hated how all the other ones looked like feet, but, really they were the most fake thing ever.

He remembers waking up in the hospital, seeing Astrid tear stained face was the most painful thing ever.

This coming from a guy who is missing a limb.

When he finally put his luggage on the scale and and getting it on the plane, or whatever happens after the airline people do after they weigh it.

He started over to security, then frowning when he realized he had a metal limb.

Stupid airport security...

"Um, excuse me..." He said to the heavy set airport security guard

"What?" She asked

"I'm stupid and didn't realize my leg is metal." He showed it to her

The guard stared at his prosthetic

"Just put in the bin, we'll help you through honey..."

Astrid was panting, she was almost half way there.

She wasn't going let Hiccup leave her.

Astrid loved him.

She loves him.

Astrid pushed herself hard, her ankle throbbing.

Cars honked at her, telling her to get out of the way.

If Astrid wasn't so stubborn, she might have

If Astrid wasn't abused, only to be saved by Hiccup, she might have.

So, she just flicked them off, and kept running.

She needs him. She needs Hiccup to keep her calm when she overreacts to stubbing her toe.

Hiccup couldn't leave her. She finally admitted to herself that she actually needs someone in her life, he can't leave now.

This is falling in love in the worst way...

Wait? Since when is her life a Taylor Swift song?

Hiccup was feeling violated.

He was pretty sure the heavy set guard was trying to feel him up.

This would be one of the moments where he wishes that the stupid coffee shop hadn't burned down.

Stupid Sam...

Stupid coffee shop.

Stupid fire.

Stupid piece of wood that burned his leg off.

He finally strapped on his prosthetic and stood up. He grabbed his carry on and went to his gate.

He pulled out his phone and checked the time

1:20 PM

He sighed. He hated this part, finding the gate. It always took way too much time.

Hiccup put his phone away and started toward the gates...

Astrid looked up and saw the exit. She smiled and ran toward the exit.

She had to get there. She just had to.

Astrid has to tell him how she feels. She will not end up like her mom, who has to spend the rest of her life wondering what would've happened.


"Flight 294 to Miami will be delayed 30 minutes,"

Hiccup groaned. He just wanted to get out of Minnesota.

Away from Astrid

He loves her, but... is that enough? Can something really last forever? Could he really stay with his best friend? The strongest person he had ever known.

Even though the scars told a different story.

He closed his eyes and put on his head phones.

He'll get over it. He know he will... he thinks...

Astrid stops in front of the airport. She looked at the flights and quickly found Hiccup's

'Flight 294: Miami, delayed until 2:30'

Astrid fumbled her phone out of her pocket with shaky fingers.

2:15 PM

Astrid groaned, and ran into the airport.

She ran straight to airport security, and ran straight to a security guard.

"Whoa, whoa, here's your ticket?"

"Please, just let me through. I need to tell someone that I love them!"

"You can't get through without a ticket..."

Astrid groaned, and looked up at the clock

2:20 PM

"His plane leaves in ten minutes! Please let me through!"

"Miss, I can't..."

Astrid sighed, turned around. She took a step, then quickly turned, and clocked the guard in the face.

Astrid jumped over the now faint body and ran.

She was going to get there. She knew it...

"Business class, please start boarding the plane. Business class, please start boarding the plane."

Hiccup checked his ticket and saw that he was boarding group three.

"HICCUP!" He heard

He turned, and saw Astrid, wearing his old AC-DC tee shirt, and a baggy pair of sweats.

"Astrid? What are you doing here?"

"Don't go..." She said

"Boarding group three..."

"Astrid, I have to..."

"But I am so in love with you, I'm hopelessly, truly, madly, deeply in love with you it hurts. Please, please stay..."

"Astrid, come on. Don't do this..."

"Last call for boarding group three..."

"Astrid you don't love me okay. Now I have to go…" stated Hiccup calmly

"I love that you work so hard to make my life perfect. I love that you trace my scars like they're glass. I love when you get that crinkle between your eyes when you're looking at me like you are memorizing me. I love that you treat me like I'm the only girl in the world. I love that you saved me. I love that you risked your life for me. I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love how you hold me. I love those stupid little text messages about how much you miss me. I love that you used Heather to make me jealous. I love that you are the last person I want to talk to at night. Don't go, I love you so much..."

"Astrid..." Said Hiccup

"Hiccup, please don't go. I love you much..."

"I have to go... I'm sorry..." Hiccup walked away, gave the lady his ticket and looked at Astrid again "I'm sorry..." He walked into the terminal.

Astrid felt like someone stabbed her in the chest. She didn't care that she was in the airport. She didn't care that people were looking.

She just doesn't give a fuck anymore...

Astrid kneeled on the ground and screamed. This cannot be happening. Hiccup was the one person that wasn't supposed to leave. He was supposed to protect her. Be her savor.

But, he turned out like the rest.

He was a quitter...

And done! I have a little surprise for you guys...

Squeal! I mean, if you want one, there doesn't have to be one but...

I'm going to miss this story... it's kinda of a downer at the end...

I'm also writing a Two-Shot for this story, it starts about a year after this, but two years before the squeal. Do you want to know the title for both? I don't care, I'm telling you anyway!

Squeal: Here Comes The Goodbye

Summary: After three years of making prosthesis for poor children, Hiccup, I mean, Henry, comes back for Ruffnuts and Fishlegs wedding, and finding Astrid mad at him for leaving. Will Henry ever earn Astrid's trust back?

Two-Shot: A Year

Summary: In a little over a year, two lives has changed in completely different ways... and both are not for the better.

Does that sound okay? I hope you guys don't hate me too much...