Chapter 1

It was just another stupid day in New York the day it happened. The day everything happened. The day IT happened. It started like any other day, Maya and I walked to the subway station to go to school.

"Have you heard about the new social website called 'Instantgram'?" Maya asked me as we entered the gray subway.

"Of course I have Maya! It's not like I'm not up to date on what's new." I said as the subway car started moving.

"Ok then, so you've made a social profile on it right?" she asked.

"Ummm… maybe?" I said.

"Ugh Riley, I thought you said 'It's not like I'm not up to date on what's new.'" she imitated.

"Didn't you hear me say maybe? Maybe I don't want you to know yet because I'm getting it personalized still or something." I said.

"Alright Riley… So I should expect to see you on the website tomorrow, right?" she asked.

"Yes, definitely tomorrow I will officially be on Instantgram." I said, having absolutely no idea what "Instantgram" was.

On the rest of the ride to school, I was thinking: I can't believe I just lied to my best friend's face. WAIT… I JUST LIED TO MY BEST FRIEND'S FACE. OH MY GOSH. WHY DID I DO THAT? I guess it was so I didn't embarrass myself. But I still LIED TO MY BEST FRIEND'S FACE UGH.

I continued thinking about what Insatntgram could be and what I just did to my best friend throughout the whole ride to school on the subway bus.

"Riley." Maya said.

I didn't respond.

"Riley." Maya repeated.

I still didn't respond.

"RILEY!" yelled Maya straight into my ear.

I suddenly woke up and asked Maya, "Why did you yell in my ear?"

"You were completely dozing off! I called you a million times and you wouldn't answer." Maya told me.

"Oh. Sorry." I said.

"It's ok. Just… Don't do it again, it gets me worried about you."

"Alright, I'll try and make sure I won't." I said as we walk off the subway to the school.

"No, don't try make sure, make sure you don't do it again. It really scares when stare off into space like this," Maya said the mocking my face when I was deep in thought. I giggled.

"Alright, alright I promise I won't make that… weird face anymore."

"Good." She said as we walked towards the school, where I was pretty sure that all of my other friends would come to me and ask if I knew about Instantgram.