Hey guys, finally posted a new chapter. Hope this is worth the wait.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any other character, J.K Rowling does. I do however own the plot.

Down the corridor, and behind a portrait of a phoenix rising, the soft murmur of voices can be heard.

Hermione tucked her hair into a bun and nibbled on her pencil, "Okay, so tell me, once more, what happened."

Draco sighed, "Hermione, I've told you the story atleast 10 times already. I don't think I left out any details after the sixth time you made me repeat it."

"Are you sure you've never seen that boy before?" Hermione asked with a frown developing.

"I can't quite guarantee it, there's got to be about 1000 students split between the years. I haven't seen all of them," Draco said as he stroked Hermione's free hand.

"But then where would he have come from, and why now? What does he have against you? Or is it me, that he bears a grudge towards?" mused Hermione.

"Slow down love. I'm still recovering and I don't think we'll find an answer at this hour," Draco said, his voice taking on a soothing tone.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Ah, you Slytherins and your habit of over exaggerating. It's not that late."

Draco harrumphed and pointed out the window, "the sun's long set. Supper has probably past as well."

Hermione glanced out the window and was shocked when she was able to see the moon surrounded by some lingering clouds. She smiled sheepishly, "I lost track of the time. You should have stopped me. Aren't you hungry?"

Draco shrugged, "You were on quite a roll, I know you well enough to know when to give up. I'm not feeling too peckish, but there are snacks in the fridge if you want."

Sitting up, Hermione stretched her body to relieve the hours of sitting in one spot. "I'm going to find some fruit, are you sure you don't want anything?"

"I'll take an apple," Draco said as he reached out to take her notebook. "A green one if there is," his eyes never straying from her writing.

"Don't get too used to me serving you, Malfoy, " Hermione said, her eyes glinting mischievously.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Granger dear," Draco said as he shot her an innocent look.

Hermione snorted, and walked over to the fridge. Pulling out some fruit, she quickly washed them before making her way back to her seat. Tapping her book, she pointed to the word she had ringed, "we need to work out the identity of the boy first."

"Easier said than done," Draco rolled his eyes, "I don't think we'll be able to parade every single student, in the hopes of finding him."

"Oh Draco, haven't you learnt by now, I always have a plan," Hermione laughed. "From what you described of him, he should either be a sixth or seventh year. We know most of the seventh years, so it shouldn't take us too long to go through them. As for the sixth years, don't you think it's time we suggested dance to the Headmaster?"

"But how would we find one person with so many people around," Draco mused.

"We send each of them invitations and they have to hand them in at the door. We can split up the lines between girls and boys. I'm sure we'll be able to wrangle in some of the prefects to help with that and you can stand nearby and keep an eye out in case you recognise him."

"That's an awful lot of work just to find one person," moaned Draco as he noticed a tell-tale twinkle in Hermione's eye.

"It's also a morale booster and a great way for everyone to relax," Hermione said.

Draco narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure that's the only reason you want to have a dance, Hermione?"

Hermione's eyes widened in response, "of course. What other reason could I have?"

Draco laughed, "I think I'm rubbing off on you. This sounds like a very Slytherin like plan. Have you decided what you're going to do after you find him?"

Hermione considered, "not quite yet. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First we need to plan. I think, if we work hard, we should be able to have the dance in the next two weeks. The sooner we catch this boy, the better."

Draco groaned, "You aren't planning on letting me rest at all, are you?"

"Of course not, there's work to do," Hermione smiled.

"You know, Pansy loves planning stuff like this, maybe she could take my place on this two person planning committee, " Draco said, slyly.

"And what shall you be doing in that time?" Hermione asked, her voice full of suspicion.

"Why, coming up with a backup plan. I trust your plan but it doesn't hurt to have something to fall back on. Your plan is well thought out, but let's not forget who's the Slytherin in the room, love," smirked Draco.

"What shall this plan entail?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing I can share at the moment. Just know this Hermione, I would wage a war for you, but I need you fighting besides me. I need you to trust me. We Slytherins prefer to strike from the shadows. And he shall face my wrath. You are one of the few good things in my life and I do not plan on letting anyone ruin that, ruin us," Draco said, his face hardening.

"I've told you before, Draco, I'm not a damsel distress in need of saving. But I will work along with you as equals," Hermione said as she squeezed Draco's hand.

Hermione entered the Slytherin dormitory silently and made her way over to Pansy's room. She knocked on it and was rewarded with a thud. "Who's disturbing me this early in the morning?"

"It's me," Hermione called through the door.

"Oh Hermione, come in," Pansy's muffled voice shouted.

Hermione opened the door and stifled a gasp, Pansy's room was a mess. "What happened in here?"

Pansy waved her hand nonchalantly, "I was looking for a shirt of mine."

Hermione laughed," and did you forget that you're a capable witch who knows an array of spells to find things?"

Pansy raised her eyebrow," sass in not appreciated. Anyway what do you need?"

"Well, Draco and I were talking yesterday and he said what a brilliant planner you are. He would not stop talking about how the parties you throw are so amazing," Hermione said with a secretive smile.

"Yes yes, I know I throw good parties, no need to state the obvious. What's that got to do with the visit? Not that I mind but it is quite early in the morning and all my searching last night did tire me out a bit," Pansy asked, her face full of suspicion.

"Well, you see, we came up with a way to identify the boy. We decided to have a dance for the sixth and seventh years. And Draco said he had other things to plan and the dance is in two weeks and I was hoping that you would be able to help me plan," Hermione said as she wrung her hands.

"Two weeks to throw a dance for close to around 300 students. Sounds like a challenge," Pansy said, "Lucky for you, I do so enjoy a challenge. Okay, I'm in. What's Drake so busy with?"

"He said something about coming up with a backup plan," Hermione said as red spots bloomed on her cheeks.

Pansy considered her red cheeks, "Are you sure that's all he said?" Vigorously nodding her head, Hermione agreed. "Okay then, let me grab my clothes and some breakfast and I'll meet you in the Heads' dorms."

"Thanks Pansy," Hermione said as she ran out.

Running through the corridors to her next target, Hermione came to a stop as she leaned against the gargoyle statue and tried to catch her breath. She whispered the password and walked quickly up to the Headmaster's Office. She stopped behind the door and knocked softly.

"Come in," Professor Dumbledore called. Hermione walked in quietly and closed the door behind her. "Ah good morning Miss Granger. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"Good morning Headmaster. I thought it would be wise to host a dance of sorts for the sixth and seventh years. It would serve as a morale booster as well as a way for them to rest," Hermione said, her voice steady even though her leg shook.

"Are those the only reasons you have for hosting the dance, my dear?" Dumbledore asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Hermione felt her heart begin to beat faster, but pasted a smile across her face, "Of course headmaster."

Dumbledore was silent for a nerve wrecking moment before he nodded, "Okay. And when shall this dance take place?"

"I had thought to have it in two weeks from now," Hermione said, her nerves slowly beginning to recede.

"I look forward to it, and as always the resources of the castle are at your disposable. I wish you the best of luck in planning the event," he said with a mysterious smile.

"Thank you, Headmaster," Hermione said and nodded as she got up to leave.

"Oh Miss Granger, never forgot my door is always open should you ever have a problem," Dumbledore's voice called out from behind her.

Hermione shook her head as she descended the stairs from the headmaster's office. He couldn't possibly have known the true purpose of the dance, could he? It was Dumbledore, after all. The man had the uncanny ability to know everything that happened in the castle. Storing the puzzling thought, Hermione made her way to the Great Hall to grab some breakfast.

"What game are you playing at, Albus? This will not end well," said Ambrose Swott, one of the portraits residing in the office.

"Nonsense, Miss Granger and Mr Malfoy are some of the sharpest minds of this generation. They are perfectly capable of handling this themselves, and besides, this will only serve to strengthen their bond," Dumbledore said as he popped a sherbet lemon into his mouth.

"I do so hope you know what you're doing," sighed Ambrose.

"Of course I do," Dumbledore said with a mysterious smile.

Draco had just finished clearing up the remnants of his breakfast when he heard the door open softly. Looking up, he released a breath of relief, "Hey Pans."

"Hey yourself," Pansy said as she flung herself onto the couch, "was I the only person you could think of to plan this? It's going to be exhausting, fun, but exhausting. Now what's this I hear of you coming up with a plan as well."

"You're the best at planning," Draco shrugged, "I'm hoping not to use it but I'd rather be prepared."

"So what are you going to do?" Pansy asked.

"What Slytherins do best. Strike when no one's looking," Draco smirked.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

P.S sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors.
