Hello internet! So this here is an OQ story, with a healthy dose of Snow/Queen friendship times, because we never get enough of that. It's set a fair way into the future, in a time where fluffy stories like this one can occur. There will be as little angst as possible.

I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own OUAT or its characters.

Everything is just fine. No wicked witches, random portals, people who live inside teapots (or whatever it was that Elsa was trapped in) to disturb the peace. Just little problems, like Robin still being unaware of how to use any modern conveniences and burning down the kitchen.

At 6am.

On a Sunday.

Apparently, he was trying to get a head start on breakfast.

Which is why the family of four is standing in their pyjamas on the back lawn, waiting for the room to cool down enough for Regina to pop in and right everything again. Luckily, summer means that it's not too cold. It is cold enough, though.

"I am very sorry".

"You've said that already".

"Yes, but I am exceptionally –"

"Locksley, please, just… it will be fine, give me a minute to process".

Henry snorts from behind the two, Roland balanced on his hip. "Wow Robin, I don't think she's ever been this pissed".

"Henry, language!" says Regina, half-heartedly and quietly, fingers pinched at the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry mom. Do you want me to call anyone? Maybe we can have breakfast with Snow or something?"

At Henry's words, Roland wakes up enough to mumble "Pancakes!" before nuzzling further into Henry's shoulder and falling back to sleep. Apparently the thought of his home burning to the ground isn't enough to wake the 6 year old. Robin's shoulders droop, his fabulous breakfast plans becoming less and less likely to occur as the minutes tick by.

"Yes, Henry, good idea. Take Roland to the front of the house. I'll get the car out soon".

The 15 year old is already off, tossing a "sure mom!" over his shoulder before disappearing into the garage.

Robin turns to the beautiful woman beside him, her shoulders hunched and face hidden by her left hand, noting briefly that she does look a little green, but supposing that it's just the light at work. Or perhaps it was the fact that she was rudely awoken after very little sleep (Robin's briefly reminded of exactly why she didn't sleep very much and he finds that he isn't at all remorseful). One of his hands comes to rest on her now shaking shoulders, and she immediately turns into his chest, resting her head beneath his.

Oh gods.

He made her cry.

"There, there, my love. I am truly sorry. It's okay. Please don't cry".

A snort accompanies the last of his words, and it is then that Robin realises that Regina isn't crying. She's laughing. Very, very quietly. Until she's not.

Regina takes a step backwards, Robin's hands still attached to her shoulders. "You… I can't… you almost destroyed… you idiot!" Her eyes are leaking tears now, the beautiful sound of her laughter bouncing around the yard. Robin suddenly finds himself feeling awfully foolish.

"This is… funny to you? I could have… Regina, this could have been serious!" He removes his hands from her shoulders as they continue to shake, and though he's trying to keep a straight face, he finds that he is very much unable to do so.

A simple wave of her hand, and the smell of burning disappears. Robin, turning away from her, steps towards the kitchen, and, from the yard, everything seems fine. Well. She was making everyone stand out here for nothing, then. Typical.

"Right, of course. I knew it. Why would you have to wait for the fire to go out? You like fire," Robin grumbled, turning back around to be greeted by the sight of the love of his life, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, throwing up into a handily placed potted plant.

He was frozen for half a second, and then Robin burst into action, gently making soothing circles on her back with one hand, and softly stroking her upper arm with the other. Really, he didn't so much as burst into action as frantically attempt to calm Regina, noting in the back of his mind that she must have had quite a bit of warning, if her newly tied back hair is anything to go by.

Regina exhaled a small groan before leaning back into Robin's embrace. Eventually they find themselves sitting on the ground, the once mighty queen curled slightly in the thief's lap.


"Robin…" she groaned, not bothering to open her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I had to say it. I mean, I didn't. It was childish of me," his grip tightening around her. "But, ew."

"First you nearly burn down my kitchen, and now you're acting like your 6 year old son".

"And three quarters".

"Really, dear?"

"Sorry, my love," he mutters, nuzzling his nose further into her neck. "What brought that on, hey? The smell of burning eggs finally got to you?" he chuckles, trying to make light of the potentially serious situation. His mind takes him back to the months of Marian becoming sicker and sicker while she was carrying Roland, cursed to die, and him being able to do nothing about it.

Movement from the woman he's holding brings Robin back to the present, and he finds himself looking into those bottomless, expressive eyes.

"I wasn't feeling very well when I woke up, and using all that magic didn't help at all," she looks deep into his eyes, as if she could see the conflict there. As if she knew that he'd be more than a little worried. "I am fine, though. And I could do with some breakfast. From Granny's, perhaps?" A smile accompanied her words, as if daring him to refuse. So he didn't, and instead helped her to her feet.

"Very well, breakfast for the lady. And possibly a bath for that poor plant" he grinned; letting her know that he was just as determined as she was to have a wonderful day.

"Papa! Henry called Queen Snow and now we're having breakfast at their house and you need to hurry up because my tummy is going to eat me!" Roland had managed to appear from around the corner of the house, the promise of food drawing him from the vestiges of sleep and causing the excitable little boy to speak at almost inhuman speeds.

"Are you sure your tummy is going to eat you, little man?" Robin replied, catching Roland and picking the squirming child up.

"Yes, papa, of course it will. That's what Henry says happens if you don't have breakfast. Duh!" Roland stared his father unblinkingly in the eye as if to make his point very clear, before turning to an-attempting-to-not-laugh Regina and repeating the process.

"Duh, eh?" Robin repeats, remaining as serious as the situation demands. So, not very.

"Oh, he's absolutely right. Breakfast must be had immediately," said Regina, already moving across the yard with purposeful strides, her previous sickness apparently forgotten. Well, if she can forget it, then so could Robin. Roland manages to break free of his father's hold, leaping to the ground and running after Regina, catching her hand and dragging her even faster towards the car. Their laughter streaming into the morning air, they soon disappeared around the corner. Perhaps, Robin thought, their morning would work out after all.

Being at the White's apartment that morning was fun, and loud. Though Robin had been banned from actually making anything involving heat until Regina taught him more about the stove, he was allowed to sit at the kitchen bench, stir up scrambled eggs, and chat with David, while Henry and Roland immediately went over to the living room and started up some kind of car racing game on the TV.

After driving her family of four over to the White household, Regina was immediately whisked away by Snow so that they could apparently handle something to do with Neal, who had just figured out how to walk and was now becoming something of an issue.

The women ended up seated next to one another on the floor, Neal toddling between to the two of them, taking his toys from his designated play area to Regina and Snow, babbling incoherently while waving them around and then neatly placing them on the floor, before moving back to grab some more.

"… And he burned the kitchen down? Really?" Snow was chuckling lightly, the story amusing her to no end.

"Well, a little. I let him stew for a while before I fixed it. And then I ruined a plant." Regina was reluctant to tell Snow that part of the story, but she had learned over the years that trying to keep secrets from Snow was difficult, even if it was sometimes for the best.

"Ruined a plant? Stepped on it or-"

"Threw up in it".

"Ew," Snow grimaced and snorted out a short laugh.

"Snow! I swear you're no better than Robin!" Regina said, swatting at the girl as Neal came back over with a stuffed giraffe.



"You were sick. In the morning. And…" Snow proceeded to poke Regina in the breast, eliciting a yelp of pain, "sore breasts," Snow waggled her eyebrows at this point, while her step mother used her hands as barriers to stop further attacks.

"I have no idea what you're implying," said Regina, grabbing a nearby baby blanket to use as a shield. In fact, she absolutely did know what Snow was implying and was just trying to stop this conversation before it started. Again.

"Have you told him?"

"Told him what?"



"Come on, you've known for what, two weeks now? He'll be excited!"

"I haven't 'known for two weeks'! I have been sick, occasionally, for a while, but that does not mean anything. Perhaps it's a stomach bug that only manifests itself once a day!"

"That makes no sense, Regina," said Snow, turning completely to face the woman who was attempting to ignore her as Neal placed a rattle in his step-grandmother's hand and patted it almost reassuringly.

"Oh, what would you know about it," snapped the former queen rather petulantly, before she realised just who she was talking to.

"Really, Regina?"

"Sorry," she sighed, finally looking over at the woman who was, probably, her dearest friend. As odd as that may be. "Look, I don't want to… I don't know… jinx it or anything. It's something I've always wanted, and if I'm wrong and I am just sick then…"

Snow reached out, grabbing Regina's hands between her own. "Regina, come on. I have some tests in the bathroom. You could take one now, and then just think about it later or something. Or whatever. Come on!" she said, pulling her stepmother to her feet, picking up Neal, and moving out of the baby's room, towards the kitchen.

"Robin!" said Snow, stepping right up to the man sitting at the bench.

"Snow, how are you this fine morning?" said Robin, turning fully towards the pale brunette and suddenly finding an excited, babbling nearly-two-year-old being placed in his lap. His hands automatically went to hold the boy in place, confusion twisting his features.

"Oh, I'm fine, lovely day to burn down a kitchen, isn't it?" said Snow sweetly, David laughing softly from the other side of the bench.

"Ah. I'm in trouble with two people now. Wonderful," he said, bouncing Neal gently on his knee.

"Leave him alone, Snow," scolded Regina gently, moving to place a kiss on the side of Robin's head. "You're not in trouble with anybody," she murmured, before moving away with the woman beside her, who was incessantly tugging the former queen upstairs.

They were lying side by side on Emma's old/ current/ whenever she feels like it bed, waiting for the timer that Snow had set on her phone to end.

It was torture.

"How long can 2 minutes be?!" sighed Regina, though it was more like a soft screech. Not especially pleasant.

"Calm down, Regina," said Snow, checking her phone, "only 5 seconds to go".

The timer beeped.

Neither of them moved.

"You get it"



"Ok, just wait here".

Regina wasn't the kind of person who would easily admit it, but she was nervous. Using the toilet with Snow standing right outside the door was awkward enough, but then she had to put the fairly gross stick on the sink. Hygiene demanded she throw it away. Whoever thought of such a disgusting test needed a punch in the face.

"Do you want me to tell you?"

"Oh god, it's negative, this is the absolute worst thing that has ever-"


"-happened to me, I can't believe you let me get my hopes up for nothing, Snow White, what was I- OW" she was cut off by a sharp pinch to her forearm, which had somehow ended up covering her face. "What the hell, Snow!" Regina said as she sat up, ready to destroy the stupid girl at the next available opportunity.

"It's positive, Regina".


Robin was mildly worried about his lady love. She had come down from the upper level of the apartment that morning, stone-faced, with a gossipy-looking Snow whispering in her ear. And had then proceeded to be near-mute for the majority of breakfast, saying as little as possible and eating even less. She'd allowed Henry to drive home, then sent the boys out with Robin to shop for groceries and go to the park. They'd spent so long out that they'd just decided to have dinner at Granny's and grab take-out for Regina, who Henry had decided would want a cheesy bacon burger. Robin grabbed fries for her as well. By the time they got home, it was nearing 9pm, Roland was asleep, and the house was dark.

Robin sent Henry upstairs with Roland, after they put the few groceries on the counter, telling him to prepare the little boy for bed, while he searched for Regina. Resting on the bench was a note.

Got tired, went to bed. Already ate. See you later. –R xx

Robin shrugged, and placed the take-out in the fridge. Perhaps she'd just had an off day. Starting off rather early after very little sleep and nearly having your house burn down probably wasn't good for her.

Making his way upstairs, Robin checked on the progress of the boys. Roland was just spread out on his bed, still wearing his day clothes. Clearly Henry hadn't done a fantastic job of getting the little boy ready for bed. Robin tiptoed into the room, removing Roland's jacket and shoes, and gently shifting the boy under the covers. As he was leaving, Robin heard a muffled "g'night, papa," before the 6 (and three-quarters) year old fell properly asleep.

Robin knocked lightly on Henry's door, cracking it open to see the teenager reading a comic.

"Henry, I told you to get Roland ready for bed".

"Yeah, I would have, but that kid is heavy as. He's big enough to get himself ready for bed," said Henry, who had the decency to look at least a little sheepish. Clearly, he was attempting to test his boundaries. Robin did not feel like clarifying them tonight.

"Look, Henry, if you don't feel like doing something, then don't agree to do it! Simple as that."

"Sorry, Robin. I'll do better next time." Henry had the decency to close his comic book and look the archer directly in the eye. Not in a challenging way, just to show respect.

"Ok, Henry. Don't worry, it's fine. See you tomorrow. Good night."

"G'night," said the boy, immediately becoming immersed in his fantastical world once more. If the whole thing was as good as Henry was making it out to be, perhaps he should start reading them to Roland.

Robin carefully shut the door, and prepared himself to make the last of the trek to the room he shared with Regina. He felt like he'd done something wrong, even though he knew, intellectually, that he hadn't. As he arrived at the door, Robin saw light shining out from beneath the frame. So she was still awake. That was good. He carefully made his way into the room.

Regina had needed the day to herself. As soon as Snow had told her the results of the test, she needed to know for sure. She booked an appointment with the town's OBGYN (she absolutely refused to let someone like Whale anywhere near a potential child) for that afternoon.

The doctor said that the blood test would be back in a few hours, and she would be happy to call Regina with the result if that was what she wanted? And it was what she wanted, because hospitals had never been her favourite place anyway and sitting on her back porch in the sun eating a PB&J sandwich was much more relaxing than sitting on a cold chair in a cold room.

By 3pm she had confirmation of what she already knew: she was pregnant. 6 weeks along, according to her hormone levels. After this was confirmed an ultrasound was scheduled for the next day. Apparently Storybrooke General didn't have much to do.

By 6pm she was exhausted, and after having a bit of fruit for dinner, Regina had a long shower and got dressed for bed, but not before digging out a pregnancy book she'd bought almost 15 years ago. At the time it hadn't been remotely necessary, but she'd wanted to know a little of what the process involved, thinking it might help her with Henry.

It hadn't.

By the time her boys were home, her eyes were so tired that the words had started blurring together, and Regina just managed to hide the book in her bedside table before Robin stepped into the room.

"Hey," he said, a little nervously. It was clear to Regina that the first thing he noticed was just how tired she looked – she'd seen herself before she'd started reading, (she'd looked tired then), and her eyes hadn't been anywhere near this sore at 6. "I'll just… get into my nightclothes, shall I?" The question seemed to be more for himself than her, but Robin waited for his queen to nod before moving towards their wardrobe.

She hadn't thought about this. Hadn't given a moment's extra thought to how she'd tell him. She'd heard stories about women doing something cheesy and cute for the father of their first child when the news came to life – but this wasn't the first child that she or Robin would be raising. None of those ideas would work.

Half way through agonising over the whole situation, Robin came to bed, slipped under the covers, and immediately gathered her in his arms. She relaxed immediately, comfort and veritable exhaustion washing over her in waves. She was tempted to fall asleep immediately. But she also knew that if she didn't tell him about the child then she wouldn't be able to go to sleep. So she propped herself up on her elbows, and readied herself for the conversation.

"Robin, I have something to tell you," she said, looking into his eyes through her lashes.

"Does it have anything to do with your sickness this morning?"

"How did you-"

"I'm not just a pretty face, milady. Besides, it's not that hard to figure out. Now, what has you so troubled?"

"I… I'm pregnant," she whispered, so softly that Robin couldn't be sure what exactly she had said.

"You're what?"

"I'm going… I'm having a baby, Robin".

The stunned silence that followed was not what she was going for.

In fact, it caused a fair amount of panic to bloom in her chest.

"Please say something, Robin. I understand if you don't want this but it's something that I've always-"

Regina found herself gathered into what was simultaneously the tightest and the most gentle hug she had ever experienced. She could feel the love radiating from him, and immediately knew that everything would be ok, no matter what his response was. He then followed it up with the most reassuring kiss in the world.

"That is fantastic news, Regina," murmured Robin, drawing back from her and holding her face into the palms of his hands. "Perhaps I'll make you breakfast in bed tomorrow as a celebration," he said, wiping a stray tear from her cheek.

"Oh no," she said, reaching to the bedside table behind herself to turn off the light, and then sinking beneath the covers. "You are not allowed near the stove without supervision from myself. Or Henry."

"I can use the toaster without too much trouble," he huffed, slotting himself behind her, one hand coming to rest over a belly that was nowhere near round.

"You can make cereal. As long as it stays in the kitchen."

"I said I was sorry."

"I know," she said, turning around just enough to place a soft kiss on his lips before settling again.

"You're beautiful," was the reply.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


In every way.

Hope you liked it! Let me know what you thought/ that you read it in a review, and hit follow if you want to see more.