Remember that Leo and Luna are older in this story. Since it takes place in the afterlife, they are adults. If you want to see them as adults, watch the epilogue on the final episode of 5D's regarding everyone's futures. Everyone is their adult self, including even Yugi himself. Watch the first episode of GX to see him as an adult. He looks and sounds exactly like Yami Yugi AKA Atem, while Atem resembles himself in ancient Egypt with olive skin and red lining to his hair, red eyes, etc.

Before dawn, Akiza and Sherry set out, leading a battalion of duel spirits towards an area currently being controlled by the Dark One's forces. Along with them came Yusei, Jack, Crow, and Luna. Despite this, this mission was being led by Akiza because she had a personal score to settle with the one who was formerly her mentor and yes, first love.

"Divine..." She whispered to herself as she sat in the helicopter, gazing out the window at the vast landscape, silently recalling how adolescent trauma and how he was the one who seemed to take it all away while concealing his own homicidal tendencies from her eyes and from everyone elses' as well.

Images raced back and forth through her mind, recalling his handsome features and his devilish seduction that would lure in innocent prey to his sick game of psychotic sado-masochism. He never had a single friend because he did not care about love. He only cared about power.

"I was probably the closest thing he ever had to a real friend," she thought to herself, remembering a particular session in the early days where they stood in his office and he guided her, consoling her about her psychic powers and began training her to use them in ways that were productive for herself.

It took her back...

Rain was pouring down over Neo Domino City and as the water rushed down the glass windows of the Arcadium Building, the one who would come to bear the name of the Black Rose Witch and her mentor stood in the latter's dimly lit office, discussing her role in the organization and her own future as well as controlling her powers. Yes, the powers that had plagued her for so long as a curse on her life. She, the afflicted, was but an innocent young woman of only fifteen or so and these horrible powers had alienated everyone who ever cared about her as if they were an omen. A harbinger of her doom spelled faith far from the light of a regular life.

"You know, you're special... You really are," the man with the long bangs over his eyes said to her.

Blushing, she didn't know what to say. "I'm nothing special..."

"No, you are," he replied impetuously.

The red velvet carpet and dark crimson walls of his office added to an aura of seduction. It was as if he was trying to pull her into his lure. Coming off as exceptionally friendly, he took a few steps backward and advised her to attempt to throw a paperweight from his desk at him as hard as she could.

"What if I hurt you?" She asked, perplexed.

"Trust me, you won't," he chuckled subtly.

Focusing on her energy, she looked at a paper weight on his desk that was currently not weighing down any paper. She concentrated intently, raising it into the air and hurling it towards him. Just as it was about to smack his face, he merely raised his hand and halte dits assault in mid-air. There it was, merely floating in a harmless stance. Without words, he smiled.

"How did you do that," she asked, still so unsure of even the most basic psychic principles due to her lack of never receiving training or even being around other psychics. This was all so new to her...

"You can learn to control your powers and to embrace the magic within you, Akiza. And I can show you that these powers are not a curse. In fact, they're quite a blessing that should be celebrated and embraced, not shunned or ignored. You are special."

"Really?" She asked, ambivalently contemplating all the positives and negatives of this dire situation in her life. Were there even any negatives?

For the first tiem in her miserable life, she was actually being embraced and loved by someone. Even her own family wanted nothing to do to her after the incident where she accidentally hurt her father with her powers in an outburst. She never had a single friend in all her life and now she had one and what was even better was that for some reason, something was telling her that he had an interest in being more than just friends...

"I will show you how to use your powers and make you see that they are a gift, not a curse. And what is even better is that no one will ever be cruel to you again because they'll know what they'll be provoking if they do, he added as a smile caught somewhere between sincerity and malevolence etched itself across his handsome face.

Akiza could only blush...

That was after she first met him. He opened a whole new world to her after all the pain and sorrow she had experienced in her life and he promised to take away all of the horror and replace it with something truly worth living for. Such was before he revealed his true colors...

Sitting next to her was Luna, whom was fiddling with her long, green hair. "You okay, Akiza," she asked quietly. She bore an expression of gentle worry upon her face.

Giving a nod, Akiza clutched her chest. She was a bit worried about her confrontation with Divine after how he used her all those years and all the people that he hurt and killed were another story altogether. She couldn't stop thinking about what she was going to say to him and if she was even strong enough to confront him in a duel and defeat him herself.

"I'm fine," she smiled half heartedly as she looked downward, pulling out her deck. The card at its front was none other than Black Rose Dragon. She stared at it Momentarily before setting it back in her bag.

Jack and crow were in the cockpit, piloting the helicopter, while Yusei and Sherry were asleep in their seats a few feet away. She didn't want to burden any of them with her own, personal drama. Particularly her wife Sherry since this did involve a past love. Actually, it involved her first love...

From out of nowhere, Luna threw her arms around Akiza, giving her a big hug almost startling her.

"What's this for?" she laughed.

"A few months ago, when Leo became all evil and was possessed, you were there for me and now I'm gonna be there for you. I know how personal this is to you with everything Divine did, so I'm here."

"Thanks," the redhead said, returning the embrace.

Luna, whom had only recently arrived back in the Duel Spirit World from Heaven after the whole fiasco with her brother a few months prior, gave a sigh. "I can see that a lot of progress has been made, but this world is still such a dark place. Zorc still hasn't been stopped and billions of lives have been ruined. All the Duel spirits who have been displaced and thrown out of their homes by his evil armies... I just can't believe it."

"You know, Luna. If this is too much for you, you don't have to be here. You can go back home. No one is expecting you to tolerate this chaos after everything you went through with Leo."

Luna looked sad for a moment before closing her eyes. "No... I'm here and I'm here to stay this time. I'm not gonna cower away and back down. Ancient Fairy Dragon chose me as her master for a reason and I'm gonna live up to it. There's no backing down this time."

Luna had about her a certain adamancy that reminded Akiza of herself. She was the closest thing she had to a sister figure and she felt a warmth in her heart as she was proud of her decision to return to this world and fight alongside her for its future. Luna had grown up so much from the innocent, little girl she had known so long ago. She really had grown up immensely.

"I still have to deal with Divine..." Akiza sighed, wondering what challenges she would face and just how much stronger he had grown since their last confrontation long ago during the saga of the Earthbound Immortals. "He's gonna be a lot to handle," she finished.

"But you're not doing it alone..."

"Thanks, Luna..."

Suddenly, Crow appeared. "Hey, Jack says we're gonna almost there. It's gonna be about ten minutes til we arrive at the landing spot. Just thought I'd let you ladies know," he said before walking back to the cockpit.

"You ready?" Luna asked.

"I am..." Akiza replied.

Soon they would land and the preparations for the battle would begin. The one who was once the apprentice would confront the one who was once her master and all Hell would break lose. In all the uncertainty, only hope drove her forward. Grasping her deck once again, Akiza opened her eyes and clenched her teeth.

"I'm coming for you, Divine..."