Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! Sadly :P

Beta: Yaz 3

Pairing: DofLawCroc

Letting his gaze drift around the circular, white table, Trafalgar Law was starting to wonder why he had even bothered attending the Shichibukai meeting at all. Though a surprising number had turned out, no one looked particularly interested. Hancock was daydreaming with a slight blush on her face. Law smirked. 'Probably thinking about Strawhat'. The clown looked like he was struggling to stay awake. 'How he became a Warlord I will never know'. Turning to the other side of the table he saw the feathered freak of a man grinning, like an idiot, at nothing in particular. 'Nothing new there, I guess'. Finally, setting his sights on Crocodile, he frowned. The man had been watching him through the whole meeting with a creepy grin on his face. Law shuddered; it reminded him of the look he often got from Doflamingo.

Law turned his attention back to Akainu. The man was still droning on about the rookies wreaking havoc in the New World. The whole meeting had been nothing but Strawhat this and Blackbeard that. He sighed and slouched to hide behind his high-collar coat and puffy hat. This was getting tedious.

Four painfully slow hours later, Akainu finished the meeting, muttering something about not trusting pirates. Hancock had run out of the door the first chance she got; Crocodile and Doflamingo ambled out talking in hushed tones, while Buggy … well, Buggy had fallen asleep about two hours in, still face down on the table. Law stretched his limbs as he stood for the first time in hours and headed for the door, leaving the sleeping clown where he was. Making his way through the endless corridors of the Navy HQ, he stopped. Something was wrong. He turned on his heel only to come face to face with pink. A lot of pink. Looking up, he saw the slow grin spread across the eerie face of Doflamingo.

"Good afternoon, Law. I feel like you've been avoiding me all day. I'm really rather hurt." His face dropped into a mock pout and Law rolled his eyes.

"You can't really blame me. Whenever we meet, I end up limping out with a sore ass and a lot of bruises."

"Aww, don't be like that, Law. This time I thought we would make it a bit more interesting." The grin was back.

"Not interested." Law turned to leave only to walk straight into Crocodile. Suddenly the creepy looks during the meeting started to make sense. 'Well fuck' Law thought and sighed. "Sorry gentlemen, but I'm really not interested."

With a quick ROOM and SHAMBLES, he replaced himself with a plant further down the hallway and made a break for it before the other two could even blink. Not really paying attention to where he was going, he charged into what he hoped was an empty room and locked the door. Catching his breath, he looked around the dark room. It appeared to be a large, thankfully empty storage room. He grumbled to himself. It was bad enough having the feather freak bugging him after every meeting but Crocodile too? This was giving him a headache.

Moving to lean against the wall, he slid down to the floor and closed his eyes. Lost in a daydream, he felt a brush of dust against his face. He brushed it away, hearing a faint click behind him. Nothing registered until he heard a light thud and another click. His eyes snapped open only to see a grinning Croc in front of him and the pink man standing by the once again locked door. He groaned, realising he had let his guard down for too long. Before he had even realised, Crocodile had managed to enter through the cracks and unlock the door, letting the other man in. He tried to make a move, only to find his arms pulled and tied behind him, while his legs refused to move an inch.

"Shit!" Panic surged through him.

"Game over, kid." Crocodile grinned as Law felt sand brushing his face again. He tried moving away from the irritating touch, but it followed him. Crocodile laughed, "Rather stubborn aren't you boy."

Doflamingo moved closer, pushing Law off the wall and sitting behind him.

"Don't let it bother you. He'll relax and be begging for it before you know it." Doflamingo cackled, "When teased enough, he isn't above begging."

If looks could kill, the feathered man would have burst into flames. Ignoring the death glare, the grinning blonde wrapped his arms round the front of the young Shichibukai. Law began to struggle as hands began to open his coat, exposing his neck and bare chest.

'Shit, shit, SHIT!' Law tried to yank his arms and legs free to get away. "Get off me, you damn frea-aaaargh!"

His protests were halted by the hands running across his chest, stopping to pinch at his nipples. He slammed his mouth shut to prevent any more embarrassing sounds escaping. A blush appeared across his tanned face as he felt two mouths appear on his neck: Doflamingo from behind, licking the length of his throat while toying with his nipples, and Crocodile from the front, biting where his neck met his shoulder and removing his boots and spotted jeans. Doflamingo grabbed his chin and tilted his head up, pulling his hat down over his eyes.

'Great. Now I have no idea what is happening.'

Law was about to protest when invisible strings forced his mouth open. The tall man lowered his own mouth to meet the youngers'; his tongue out to coax the other's out to play. Law's groan caught in his throat as a hand made its way into his underwear. Crocodile's hand, covered in a thin layer of sand, gripped the base of his now hardening erection. Law gasped at the rough friction, the hand on his cock moving at a painfully slow pace until he was rock hard. He could feel the smirks on the others' faces. Law groaned into the blonde's mouth as his hand travelled down to join Crocodile's in his underwear, massaging his balls as the slow thrusts continued on his erection.

This was all moving too slowly for Law's growing need. He tried to buck into the hands, but was held down by Crocodile. Doflamingo released his mouth and chuckled, moving to his ear.

"Beg for it," he purred, licking the lobe of his ear.

Law groaned. He wouldn't beg … he wouldn't. Law bits his lip to stop from crying out in frustration as the hands stopped moving, leaving his now rock hard erection. Law felt Doflamingo move round to his front, next to Crocodile, and rip his remaining underwear off. Still unable to move his body, he could do nothing as the two men grabbed his legs to spread them further.

"Nngh, no! No wait!"

But Law's plea was ignored as both men began licking and biting at his thighs, close to where he wanted the attention, but not close enough. A sandy finger made its way to his entrance, adding slight pressure but not enough to penetrate. Law was about to protest again when the finger suddenly turned to sand, the grains pushing through the ring of tight muscle; Crocodile's finger reforming inside of him. Law fidgeted at the strange sensation and the roughness of the sand covered finger moving inside of him. Doflamingo reached for his now weeping erection again and mimicked the other's lazy pace. Law muttered incoherently, on the verge of tears.

"Sorry Law, didn't quite catch that." Doflamingo said, his grin returning.

Law cried out as Crocodile stroked his finger against Law's prostate. "PLEASE! I said …" he gasped from the sensation "please…" Breathing heavily now he felt Crocodile remove his rough finger.

"And here I thought you weren't going to crack boy" he laughed.

The other man released him as well and moved him onto his knees. The sound of two zips being undone caught his ears as Crocodile moved behind him while the blonde placed a hand on his back, forcing him to bend over further. Arms still tightly bound behind him, there was little he could do to fight back. Unable to see, courtesy of his hat, Law could only feel sand forcing its way back into his hole. However, what formed this time was much bigger than just a finger.

'Shit shit SHIT that hurt' Law cried out in pain as Crocodile forced himself in to the hilt. Tears began to soak through his hat as he began to regain control of his breathing. Those that weren't soaked up by his hat began to run down his face. Doflamingo lifted his head a little, swiping his thumbs across his cheeks to wipe away the stray tears.

He lowered himself down to whisper in Law's ear again. "Shhh, Law. Hush now, little one. You've taken bigger in the past. Just keep breathing."

"Good boy, Law." Crocodile said gruffly, holding still as Law took in the blonde's words and started to breathe again.

Doflamingo ran a hand down the younger's back and gently pushed him back down to take his large, weeping erection into his mouth. Law wrapped his tongue around the hard cock in his mouth, taking in as much as he could as Crocodile began to move. Each thrust forcing him further down on Doflamingo.

With each thrust hitting his prostate dead on, it didn't take long for his orgasm to build. He moaned around the cock in his mouth as he deep-throated the blonde down to the hilt. Doflamingo let out a moan of his own as he released into the younger man's mouth. Law drank as much as he could, letting only a little dribble out the corners of his mouth. Crocodile's hand reached round to grab at his straining erection, pumping in time with his own thrusts. It wasn't long until Law was spilling out over his hand. The muscles clenching finally brought the third man to his orgasm, releasing his load deep inside Law. He rode out his orgasm, continuing to rut into the smaller body as Law slumped forward into Doflamingo's lap.

Law whimpered a little as Crocodile pulled out, a little cum following and the strings binding his body vanished. He collapsed on the floor, not even having the energy to move his hat out of his eyes. He heard footsteps, most likely Crocodile's, heading towards the door and leaving the room. As his breathing returned to normal, he felt his coat being wrapped around his body and Doflamingo picked him up and carried him to the rooms specially allocated to the Shichibukai that attended the meetings.

Continued DofLaw in part 2 :) 3