~This entire chapter will be fictionalized~
"Don't look at him. Keep talking to me." Shae ordered, Sansa began to breathe through her nose erratically, "Shae, with the queen asleep, no one here is going to stop him..."
"Listen to me, go to your room and lock the door, stay in there until I tell you to come out. And only when I tell you, understand?" Sansa nodded her head and Shae began again, "Take this," Shae pulled out the knife Tyrion had given her from her garter and handed it to Sansa. "Use it only when necessary, now give me your cup."
Sansa did not question Shae when she handed her the glass of wine from Cersei, instead she tucked the knife in her belt and headed to the door as Shae approached the giant.
"My Lord..." She spoke seductively, curtsying for him enough to get his attention. Sansa snuck out through the door, unbeknownst to the Mountain's notice. "Would you like a drink?" Shae offered kindly, charming him with her smile.
The Mountain gently took the cup from her and poured the entire glass down his throat, smiling down at her when he finished, "You're that lass I saw a few days ago... Never got your name."
Shae brought her fingertips up to his shoulder and added, "I am whatever you would like to call me, Ser Clegane." He chuckled to himself, glancing about the room to draw an insight of the women around him, to his notice, Sansa was no where to be seen.
His smile instantly faded when he demanded, "Where's the redhead?" Shae stuttered and answered him coyly, "Which one, my lord?" Pushing the cup back to Shae's chest he demanded again, "The Stark girl."
Her eyes widened exaggerated, "She probably went off to the privy, you should let her be-" "No." He growled marching through the room and out the door, all eyes wandered to him as he stomped towards the door.
The Mountain marched through the door and barred it with a heavy, wooden beam.
He began stomping down the long staircase in search for her, Must be in her room somewhere...
Before he could turn down another hallway, the Mountain spotted a flash of red hair sway along a green dress going down the stairs and turning into a door. Grinning, he took the same route down and found trapped the free bird inside her room.
Sansa heard him cackle outside of her doorway as he knocked tenderly, "Little girl... Come out, little girl..." In a sudden burst of cracking wood, the Mountain kicked her door in and walked intimidatingly into her room with a fiendish smile across his teeth.
The young girl crouched down into her corner and began to sob uncontrollably, "Please! Please no! No!" The Mountain towered over her and casted an enormous shadow like a mountain should, he reached down for her and yanked her into the air by her arm as if she weighed nothing. "Alone at last, pretty redhead..."
Screaming as if she was set on fire, Sansa began hitting his arm with all her strength, "Let go of me! Let go of me!" Gregor vigorously threw her on the bed as if she was nothing but a doll, only making her more vulnerable as she attempted to crawl to the safety of her headboard.
"Come here!" Gregor shouted, clutching her ankle and yanking her light body towards his.
With one last shred of hope left in her, she remembered the gifted dagger Shae gave her. Snatching the dagger out of her belt, Sansa forced the blade with all her might into the Mountain's shoulder. Gregor released a roar of horrible pain as he ripped the dagger out of his shoulder and casted it to the side, spilling out thick droplets of blood onto Sansa's newly cleaned sheets.
Sansa began jerking her legs in his grasp in hopes of breaking free, instead she felt her face burn as if she was hit in the face with a club, it was a miracle she didn't fall unconscious. Unfortunately, the dagger proved to be flawed in her escape. It was happening again, this was all too real to endure, fighting was useless.
"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" Sansa began screaming, feeling Gregor's thick fingers dawdle with her kirtle, he cackled at her flailing arms after he squeezed her inner thighs vehemently.
The Mountain vigorously began tearing at her dress, and the little bird merely lay on her back, her tears began drenching her pillows as her head thrashed side to side. His lips curled as his words muttered, "I've been waiting a long time for this, little girl..."
"Please... Please stop this..." She pleaded, hoping to get any sense out of his fiendish eyes, he tore open her dress from her neck to her feet and revealed nothing but her corset and her bare legs.
She dared not look upon him as he spread her legs and growled in appeasement, she only closed her eyes and tried to imagine anything else that could comfort her, anything. He spoke again, "I want you to enjoy this as much as I will."
That's when it came to her, Father wasn't going to come through the door waving his sword and save her from this monster, no knight in black armor is going to come galloping on his horse and slice off the Mountain's head in a furious rage, and then carry her away as he kissed her face into the sunset.
Those were dreams for a child, she thought, listening to the sound of the Mountain removing parts of his armor to get to his trouser lacings. I am not a child anymore. And after this tonight, I won't be anything.
With one last shred of hope left inside her, she begged one last time, "Please, ser... I beg of you, please don't do this." Gregor's massive hands pinned her down on the mattress, making steel-like chains around her wrists so tight her hands turned cold.
"Don't worry, lass," He growled eagerly, bending down over Sansa's emotionless face, "I promise you, this'll be a night you'll never want to forget."
He cackled and let his thick, wet tongue slide across her cheek, making her squeal helplessly underneath the massive giant. With one last breath from her lips, Sansa's faith finally drowned.
Suddenly, he froze
As her eyes sealed shut, all she could feel was a warm liquid dripping onto her face. Slowly opening her eyes, the Mountain's horrid face came into focus, his blank eyes staring her down as blood oozed from his lips and onto her face.
Sansa wanted nothing more than to scream, but the taste of the Mountain's blood was choking her down.
Before she could comprehend what was happening, the Mountain shifted to the right side of her bed, only being controlled by Sandor's long sword in the back of his neck.
With the inertia toppling down her like an avalanche, her thoughts wandered off into nothingness as her eyes fluttered shut and dozed off.
"Wake up, little bird. Wake up. Hey!" Sansa's eyes flashed open in a heartbeat as her eyes came to see Sandor, bending above her with worried eyes.
Sansa's eyes softened as she bolted herself upright and clung to his neck, "Oh Sandor! Oh thank the Gods!" Clinging onto his throat as he shushed her continuous sobs, "Sandor, he was all over me! He-He pushed me onto the bed- and I tried-"
Again, he calmed her down, "It's all right, little bird." There was something beside her bed, something that smelled like a dead animal inside her fireplace.
Trying to distinguish the figure, she began seeing the pool of blood that began to flower underneath of its head, which was as black as coal and releasing smoke from its blackened skin.
The Mountain.
When Sansa came to her conclusion, she began breathing heavily and clutching onto him tightly, "Wh-What did you do?!" She cried, gazing aghast at the horrible scene in front of her eyes. "What did you do?!"
"What I had to." He growled, pulling her away and looking into her eyes, no comfort or consolation rested there, only rage and a frenzied animosity behind his dark eyes. "Now you see, I am a KILLER, Sansa!" He roared, making her jump from his sudden outburst.
"And a killer will kill anyone who gets in his way!" Panting heavily through his nose, Sansa wasn't moved or frightened as the Hound planned.
Instead she brought her hand to the side of his face and caressed it with her thumb, looking him into his eyes and repeating herself, "You won't hurt me..."
Sandor felt his heart breaking inside, the only person who wasn't afraid of him, the only one who would look upon his face with joy and comfort was the only one who knew what it was like to be hated, to be shunned and tormented in a living hell.
Terrorized his entire life, hated, scorned, casted out by everyone he met. All except one.
"No... I'd never hurt you, little bird. Never."
Sansa kissed the scars on his face lovingly, making him shudder at the sudden sensation, finally feeling Sandor's true affections, "I love you, Sandor."
The Hound wrapped his arm around her back and pulled her close, finally feeling warmth growing deep within his chest.
"I love you, Sansa."
Smiling into his dark hair, he whispered into her ear, "I'm taking you away from this.
She released herself and returned her eyes to his as he continued, "You don't want to be here anymore. Neither do I... I'll keep you safe."
Her eyes watered again from his kind words, "Do you want to go home?"
"Yes. More than anything."
Sansa threw on a blue, long-sleeved dress and a hooded cloak and began following Sandor down the long flight of stairs.
"Sandor, wait! How are we going to leave King's Landing? The shores are lined with soldiers, we'll never get a boat!"
Laughing to himself, Sandor heartily stated, "We aren't using a boat."
Voices began to outcry themselves down the stairs, Sandor suddenly snatched Sansa's hand and pulled her into another hallway to his left.
"Dammit," He cursed, "We may not be getting out of here easily, little bird."
Now jogging down a hall, Sansa questioned him, "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean if we run into any trouble, get behind me."
Sansa's hand was suddenly being pulled down another hallway that lead to a staircase, "Then how are we getting out of King's Landing?"
As they kept running, Sandor replied in a dull whisper, "You'll see."
When they made it to the main hallway, Sandor yanked Sansa through the kitchen and outside the courtyard, the sounds of shouting were clearly coming from the other side of the court wall.
Sansa listened to the sounds of screaming hopelessly as she was lead out to the royal stables, where Sandor released her and began looking down the isles of horses, seeming to be searching for one in particular.
"Ruber, all ready and tackled for his escape." Sandor muttered at his brother's horse, the beast was massive, its black coat was as dark as coal as it snorted for Sandor.
The horse was lead outside by its reins and pulled into Sansa's view, who looked at it with awe in its massive size.
Sandor lead Sansa to the horse and rested her foot into the stirrup, being lifted into the saddle by Sandor's great strength.
Next he mounted himself on the hip of the horse, pulling Sansa into him and bringing the reins into his hands. "Don't look back," He stated before he jerked the reins and lead the horse through the stone stables.
Sandor took his way out through the stables and darted through the hunting trail though the woods, galloping down the long path of trees. Sansa did as she was told, looking deep into the trees and held inside Sandor's firm grasp.
Free at last...
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I hope you all enjoyed this story! I wanted to thank all my followers and all my reviewers and all the people who read this and kept up with it, you're all so awesome!^^ Just so you know, I AM planning a sequel to this story but it won't be here for a very long time. So again, THANK YOU! If you have any questions or comments or what you'd like to see in the next story, please comment and let me know.^^