There has been some confusion which can be fixed if you just read but anyway here you go.
1. Buttercup was sold by the Professor and Legacy as a prostitute. The RRB rented her so she wouldn't have to do that anymore while they figure out how to get Blossom and Bubbles.
2. It seems like you didn't get that whole little meeting with RRB and BC at their house when BC hinted that Legacy was watching her every move why Brick acted like a sex fanatic
3. If you give me fucking time you'll fucking see more Blossom and Bubbles. But y'all think I don't got a life or some shit.
4. Blossom and Bubbles do not remember shit they think there normal and have always been just that.
5. I just got done with a fucking rape in this story that if you fucking read my notes was related to what happen to me. Sorry I don't feel like writing after that. P.S. I'm in fucking college when I have time I write when I have enough length I'll post it.
Something I do when I'm confuse is I reread the story to make sure my question hasn't already been answered 9/10 its answered especially if its like a long time since there's been an update. I think its just nice and doesn't let others see chapters like this where the author ranting for something everybody else already knew.
I am sorry for the rant and the cussing. But I don't like being cussed out too and when I go and read comments they all get the memo. The next chapter will be updated today or next week.
Love you guys see you soon.