
I remember that it hurt, looking at her hurt.

Looking at the brave and strong girl, lying on the ground, fighting through the pain that was evident in her eyes. Even in pain, her strength would be enough for all of the hundred. For the first time ever, weakness is evident in the eyes of the Princess.

I am stood here over her limp body, with no idea of how to help her. I do not have any medical experience. I have only ever watched Clarke's steady hands and her calm and collective demeanour, as she expertly treated to the wounded. She has saved so many lives, heck she has saved my life before, but I don't even know if I am able to do the same thing for her. And we are alone. Completely and utterly alone, in an unknown part of this new world we have discovered, miles away our camp. Our new home,

All I can think about is the small dagger that is protruding from her ribs. Blood is pouring from the wound, soaking her shirt to be a dark crimson colour. Her entire body is shaking: every tremor sending a shock through body. She lets out small gasps in-between breaths, which are unsteady as it is. Her eyes plead with me to help her, though her mouth isn't able to create the words.

The amount of anger and guilt that is building up inside of me is overwhelming. I should have protected her. I should have stopped them. Out of all the deaths that I feel guilty over, hers will be the one that destroys me. Clarke has bought out of side of me which I never knew was there. She believes in me and she aspires me to be a better person. Clarke made me believe in myself, she told me that I was needed. She needs me…

With that thought I am suddenly snapped back into the reality of the situation, as I fall to me knees next to her head. She looks up at me with so much wonder in her eyes as she says: "Bellamy." Nervous and unsure what to do next, I simply just push aside a piece of hair from her face and murmur gently: "Hey Princess."

She smiles, her face looking so calm, considering she may bleed to death in this very spot. "Bellamy," she gasps, "I need you to pull this dagger out of me." Her question shocks me, although I didn't really know what I expected her to ask.

"But…" I retort as I calmly as possible, "I have no idea what I'm doing… I could kill you."

"No Bellamy I know you won't, I will guide you right through this." she says.

Her eyes search mine, but I don't know what to say.

Until she says it.

"Bellamy, I need you."

Those four words are enough to pull me back into focus. Snap out of it Bellamy, I think to myself. This is not the time to be a coward. I think back to the attack, and I think of how the one small decision has impacted our lives so much. One small decision that could still cost Clarke her life.


Clarke and I had gone on one of many routine patrols, but this time we had gone much further out into the forest. Some of the others had said that they thought they saw grounders outside of their borders. So to calm the nerves and wondering minds of the remaining hundred, Clarke and I naturally agreed to go and check it out.

We had both been on many together patrols through the forest in recent weeks: scouring for new discoveries, ensuring that we were not under threat from a grounder attack. And strangely enough, we had both become more comfortable around each other. Although I definitely wouldn't call us friends, I felt as though we weren't exactly acquaintances either. But we both share the same goal: to protect and make sure that we keep the 100 alive.

It's like we each were to very different sides to a coin, yet we both shared this piece of copper. Clarke- being the one who represents goodness, with her kind heart and empathy in her belief that every single life matters. And then there's me- the darker side to the duo, the one who is able to make the tough decisions when needed however cruel and evil they may seem at the time. But the decisions that are a necessity to our survival in this strange new world.

Though we are two very different people, the things that make us different are the things that we both need from each other. She is the other piece in the puzzle that allows me to stand up and be a strong leader for the 100.

Whilst we were walking, I discovered that we had stepped over the usual perimeter of where we would usually patrol. However I didn't say anything to Clarke about it, until I was certain that we were lost.

"Clarke," I said, "We've gone too far, we need to turn back."

As she looked around us, I could see and expression similar to my own, creep onto her face. Uncertainty, bewilderment. Because neither one of us could recognize our surroundings.

"Okay, but which way do we take to get back to the camp?" she demanded.

I looked around me to try and asses which was the best way to take, but I could not decipher which way we should take to go back to camp. And by the look on her face, neither could Clarke.

That's when it happened.

All of a sudden we were surrounded by grounders. A whole load of them stood around us in a circle, leaving no way for us to escape. When I looked at them, they looked much different to other grounders we had encountered before. They had a much more savage appearance to them: their skin plastered with different shades and patterns of war paint, and dishevelled scraps of animal skin a cloth wrapped around their bodies. They wore a differently structured armour then from what I can recall from the others.

I thought to myself, they maybe they were a different tribe? The Grounder princess, Anya, had said that there were others. This must be who they are. And we must have stepped into their territory, the pissed looks on their faces somewhat confirming this assumption.

Clarke slowly walked backwards, stopping abruptly as her back collided with mine. I turned to look at her, and I saw that there was fear evident in her eyes. Yet underneath that fear I could something else: a spark of bravery and determination.

I looked around to asses our situation, to try and think of our options. We couldn't fight off a group of around six grounders, as only two of us. But we couldn't cower and not fight back, otherwise they would almost definitely kill us. We had to fight our way out

As though she had just read my mind, Clarke inclined her head towards mine in a nod. I gritted by teeth, and drew my weapons and launched myself at the grounders. And Clarke did the same.

It was all just a blur of colliding weapons: as I slashed my dagger at the grounders in one hand, and brandished my knife in the other. Clarke- who I could only just see in my peripheral vision, did the same- a grit of determination as she fought off the grounders. I used everything within me to hold them off- whether it be slashing them with the knife, our using my bare fists to fight them.

One of the larger grounders knocked the dagger out of my hand, sending me flying backwards towards the ground. I collided with the ground painfully, but grateful that I had landed on a soft patch of ground. Then I saw him- the grounder who knocked my over- picking up my dagger as he made his way towards Clarke.

She had her back turned to him at the time, as she bravely slammed her knife into the chest of one the grounders. The large grounder seized Clarke by the throat as I scrambled to my feet, and ran towards her.

But I was too late.

The grounder slammed my dagger into Clarke's ribs, a look of pure malice and satisfaction as he watched her petite body crumple to the ground.

"No!" I screamed, my voice echoing through the silent forest.

The grounder looked at me running towards him, then at the bodies of his five fallen comrades. Defeated, the large grounder ran back into the growing darkness of the forest.


If only I had gotten to my feet sooner, if only I had stopped that grounder before it was too late. If only.