A/N: So, as I said, heavy re-writing had to be done for this story, but this is where there's a good sized deviation from the original story. The next few chapters will likely have elements from the original story, but I've got loose ends to tie up and what not. Also this chapter is lemon flavored.
They stood in Tootie's hospital room, listening to the doctor as he explained the grieving process to them, he didn't know that the two before him had been through this many times before. They both wore expressionless masks now, Vicky didn't want anyone to see her as weak, and Timmy put up a wall of indifference, as he felt about the same as she did right now. They had cried over Tootie's death, comforted each other as much as either would allow given their current setting, and now were ready to get as far away from the hospital room as they could, yet the doctor talking to them didn't seem as eager to let them leave, at least, not yet.
"Are you two her only remaining family?"
"No, she's my... aunt, this is my... brother, Timmy. The rest of the family moved to England a few years back... We're just the only ones left in the country, though I don't expect them to come back anytime soon..." Timmy was perplexed by this information, though he didn't show it. Did Tootie have family in England? And why lie about who they were anyway?
"I'm sorry for your loss then, Miss?"
"Vi-... Veronica. My name's Veronica, sorry, forgot to introduce myself... must have slipped my mind..." she heard Timmy snicker at the mention of her fake name.
"Well, Veronica... It was nice to meet you and Timmy, do you need any help with funeral arrangements or anything?"
"No thank you, we're fine." Nowadays, a quick phone call was all it took to set up funeral arrangements, it made it feel impersonal, but for two people who were doing their best to remain as devoid of emotion as possible, it might be seen as a blessing.
"I'll take my leave then." they were left alone in the room again. Timmy looked over to Vicky who was looking at Tootie.
"You want me to give you a minute? To say goodbye, I mean."
"I've made my peace already, lets go." they started for the door, Timmy exiting first, followed by Vicky, who stopped at the threshold. "Goodbye, Tootie." she shut the door behind her.
They walked down the hall to the elevators in silence, then rode the elevator down seventy-two floors in a similar silence. Upon reaching the parking lot, Timmy finally spoke up. "So why lie about your name? I doubt anyone around here will remember you..."
"It's... I guess I'm so used to using fake names, aliases... Second nature, y'know?"
"You didn't lie about my name..."
"Timmy is a fairly common name. I haven't met more than two Vickys in my travels. Makes things easier if I don't leave a trail."
"Huh... fair enough. Where's your car? I'll walk you over to it."
"Don't have one." Vicky remarked nonchalantly.
"What?! What happened? You had one when you left..."
"I traded it in. Wanted money for it, and walking is healthier."
"How long ago?"
"About... twenty... five years ago, I think?"
"You've been walking for twenty-five years?!"
"Well not everywhere, I can't walk on water yet, and sometimes I took a train, or a bus, or a plane..."
"Where did you take a plane?!"
"Out of the country."
"U.S. was getting boring."
"See anything interesting?"
"All that there was to see. Natural wonders, people who claimed they were the messiahs reborn of religions that they followed, the rise and fall of so many countries... everything."
"Why did you leave? Was it because of me? Because I cursed the both of us?"
"You were only partly the reason. I hated you for what you did, for years even, but I got over it, eventually. The main reason I left was to find a way out, to get rid of the curse, for both of us."
"I think you know the answer..."
"Oh..." He wasn't all that surprised really. Not in regards to her being unable to cure their 'affliction'. He was more surprised to find that he wasn't surprised at her being back. He had told himself for years that he'd hug her and kiss her if he ever saw her again, and to Hell with how she responded to his affections. Yet now... they were talking like old friends again, like she had never left in the first place. He was almost afraid to confront her about it, worrying that he'd say the wrong thing and she'd leave again.
"Do you have a car?" she expected him to answer in the negative.
"Yeah, we already passed it." he pointed over to his 'antique' in a handicapped parking spot.
"Talk about vintage..."
"Hey, I like it! Besides, I'm afraid of heights, you won't see me in any flying deathtrap any time soon..."
"It's a Pontiac GTO..."
"I like it." he spoke a bit more forcefully this time.
"From 1969..."
"Just get in the frickin' car..." he knew she'd tease him about the car.
"How does this even still run? It's over a hundred years old!"
"Regular maintenance..."
"What have you been doing while I was gone?"
"Learning, mostly about anything that interests me, and working, usually odd jobs."
"The house still standing?"
They both got into the car, Vicky feeling slightly out of place, normally she drove. "Are you all right?" for once, Vicky did not mask the concern in her voice.
"Me? I'm fine, why do you ask?"
"You aren't."
"Are you seriously trying to play therapist?"
Ignoring his question, Vicky continued. "What have you been doing these past few decades? Really."
"You mean after you left?" it was not a questioning tone.
"I told you. I... worked, kept myself busy... Why does it matter?"
"Because you're not the same fifteen year old I left behind all those years ago."
"...I tried to move on after you left. I wanted to forget about you, move on with my life..."
"Forget about me?" it was odd. She was... she felt... hurt? That must be it. She hadn't felt hurt in a long time, physical or emotional.
"You abandoned me!" Timmy slammed on the brakes and looked at Vicky. "I tried to forget about you, I buried myself in various jobs to keep from thinking about you. I wanted to move on; you were gone and that was that. I told myself that everyday... but even then, I couldn't. You were always on my mind at some point or another..." Timmy returned his attention to the road and continued driving back towards his house.
"...I left for us; to try and break the curse so we could die... Do you hate me for that?"
Timmy sighed and seemed to think over what she said. "Any rational person would hate you for leaving... you didn't even leave me a note..."
"But I told you before, I don't hate you. Why else would I be unable to get you out of my thoughts? If I hated you, would I have chased after you in the cemetery all those years ago? Told you I missed you? Damnit, would I have admitted to loving you if I hated you?!"
Vicky didn't respond at first, opting instead to giggle at the brunet.
"I started this conversation because I wanted to ask you why you were so cold and emotionless... but I guess it was me. One little conversation, and you're screaming at me like the old days..."
"You-! ...You're such a brat..."
"I think that's a case of the Pot calling the Kettle black, isn't it?"
A strange yet comfortable silence fell over them again, but such things weren't meant to last.
"Are you even old enough to drive?"
"Well technically, yes. I may look fifteen, but I'm actually...eighty-six, I think. Besides, I've never had any accidents, so I think I know what I'm doing."
"If time hadn't left us behind, you'd be too old to drive now..."
Timmy began to giggle at her comment, and Vicky joined him with her own light snickering, before both burst into loud laughter, though it quieted down after a few more seconds.
They finally reached the house, after a car ride full of just a little too much nervous silence, and Vicky stepped out of the car to survey the house.
The paint was peeling off of it everywhere, the wood below the paint was rotted and old, the foundation had countless cracks, and the yard was a rainforest. She was surprised that the windows weren't broken or that the house hadn't collapsed under its own weight.
"What a dump."
"I'm not very good at home improvement..."
Timmy walked to the front door, unlocking it and holding it open for Vicky, he smiled at her, and was met with a look of uncertainty.
"This is your home too, Vicky. Always will be."
"That's really cheesy..."
Timmy put his hand on her back and lightly pushed her into the house.
"Pushing a lady?! What would your parents think?!"
"Very funny." Timmy followed her in and shut the door behind them. "I didn't feel like standing around all day waiting for you to go in."
Vicky walked over to the couch and sat down, she stared at the TV, the same one she had bought all those years ago. "This thing still work?"
"Look around, the outside may be in shambles but..."
She now noticed that the inside of the house was still very much the same, same arrangement, same furniture, same wallpaper even.
"Doesn't it get boring after so many years of the same thing? I mean, I never stayed in the same place for more than a few months, I moved from place to place, never getting close to any one, never putting down any roots..."
"Kind of a lonely existence, isn't it?"
"Suits me fine, the fewer number of times I have to go through... what I just went through at the hospital, the better."
"Can I... get you anything? A drink? Some food?"
"I don't suppose you have any pink lemonade?"
"Lucky for you, I like it as well, so we have some." he went into the kitchen and returned with a couple of metal-looking bottles.
"Why are they metal? And what's this button for?" she pointed to a small silver button on the side.
"You haven't heard? Metal bottles like this are auto-refill, you press the button when they're empty and it refills it, up to five times, then you gotta recharge it."
"Sounds expensive."
"It is."
"They didn't have anything like this when I was traveling the world... It's... well, it's amazing."
"Yeah, technology expands by leaps and bounds, but weaponizing new technology still seems to be the norm these days..."
"Some things never change... Though I doubt they'd be able to weaponize this." Vicky shook the metal bottle for emphasis.
"No, I suppose not." Timmy chuckled lightly.
He sat with Vicky on the couch, absently flipping through the channels, before releasing a sigh. "Ten thousand channels, still nothing good on." he dropped the remote between them.
"The future sucks." Vicky crossed her arms and pouted.
There was silence between them now, the only noise coming from some nonsensical show on the TV.
"Will you stay?" Timmy glanced over at Vicky.
"Hm?" Vicky had been thinking of what she would do next, she wanted to head out again, wanted to see what else the world had to offer.
"Will you stay here, with me? I know you're probably thinking of heading out again, seeing the sights, things like that, but..."
"I don't know..." she still wasn't sure, he may have confessed how he felt, but she wasn't sure if she felt it too; no, it wasn't that. She knew how she felt about the brunet, even though they had been apart for a few decades, she still felt how she had felt back then. She just wasn't sure if she was willing to trust someone, let someone in, see her for who she was... She had forgiven him for what he had done to the both of them sure, but...
"You know how they say that if you love someone, or something, to let it go, and if it returns to you to love it forever?"
"Well fuck that."
"Wha-?" Vicky was taken aback by the teen's usage of such a word.
"You left once already and I was too afraid to stop you, and I put on a brave face, acting like it didn't bother me. But it did, you left me alone and I was terrified that I'd never see you again, that's why I chased after you in the cemetery, tried to talk to you, I desperately wanted you to come home."
"And now, you're all I have left, there's no one else. I love you Vicky. I can't... I can't be all alone again, not after this. I-" This was it, if he was ever going to open up to someone, it had to be now. "I need you. Here. With me."
Vicky sighed in defeat. There was no getting around it now, if she left, he'd surely follow her... and after what he had just said, finally opened up to her... It wouldn't be right to put him through that again. She had learned much during her trek around the world, learned to have humility, learned to be a better person... "I guess I'll stay, for now. But there are too many bad memories here in Dimmsdale. We'll have to leave, eventually."
"Then we'll leave together." Timmy slid over next to Vicky and put an arm around her, letting his head come to rest on her shoulder.
Vicky stiffened at his touch, a lifetime of distancing yourself from people had that effect. After nearly a full minute, she felt comfortable enough to relax into his embrace.
"We're both seriously fucked up, you know that, right?"
"Well said." she laughed lightly and rested her head against his.
They stayed like that for several hours, not needing to say anything to each other. The TV continued to play some show that neither of them cared about, yet neither felt like moving from the embrace to turn it off. It was nice to be able to sit and enjoy someone's presence, especially after so many years of avoiding getting close to anyone.
"So..." Timmy began.
"Funny story... I kinda moved into your room after you left, my room is just a storage room now..."
"Storage for what?"
"After you left and I started working, I spent a lot of time trying to fill the hole, mostly with material possessions..."
"How packed is your room?"
"There's... a path..."
"No bed?"
"I'm sure it's in there, somewhere..."
"Well, I took most of my stuff with me when I left, so I suppose you could do what you wanted with my room... well, your parents' room... But where am I gonna sleep?"
"On the couch?" he looked up at her with a smirk.
Vicky deadpanned at Timmy.
"I'm kidding! I'll take the couch. You can have the room back."
"Looks like the years have made you wiser." she stood and started for the stairs, yet stopped halfway up them.
Timmy just stared at her upside-down from his lying down position on the couch. Not saying a word.
"Ugh... Just come up with me already!"
Timmy scrambled off the couch and to his feet, quickly following Vicky upstairs.
She rolled her eyes as Timmy nearly crashed into her and opened the door. "Huh. It hasn't changed much..." the room was relatively unchanged from the last time Vicky had seen it, a queen bed, a large dresser, and a wardrobe, still no TV.
"Not big on interior decorating either..."
Vicky closed the door behind them and took off her shoes, socks, and sweat shirt, leaving her in her green t-shirt and black jeans, then laid down on the bed.
Timmy stood near the door.
"You need an invitation or something?"
"No I-"
"Then come and lay down, I think we've both had a pretty rough day, don't you?"
Timmy went to the other side of the bed and climbed into it, he was suddenly aware of himself feeling very nervous. Nervous? He couldn't for the life of him remember the last time he had felt nervous. It felt like it may have been decades ago, and considering how long it had been since he acknowledged his feelings for the slightly older woman, it very well could have been.
Vicky threw her legs over his and stared at him. "This remind you of anything?"
"You want a massage? Really?" he stared at her legs, then her face in disbelief.
"Yeah, I really do."
"Kinda hard to do with you wearing jeans..."
Vicky stood and removed her jeans, leaving her in black panties. "Happy?"
"Define happy. I didn't really expect you to be so... immodest?"
"I still know what modesty means, I'm just not as modest around you... Count yourself lucky." she got back into bed and laid her legs across his. "Now, if you don't mind, I've been walking for about twenty-five years."
"Right." he began rubbing her legs, trying his best to suppress the blush forming on his cheeks.
"Are you blushing?"
"What?! N-no! Just your imagination!"
"Weird. You didn't blush last time you did this..."
"You were... slightly more clothed then, and I didn't feel then the way I do now..."
"So I make you nervous...?"
"...A little..." he felt there was little need in hiding it at this point, closing himself off from her... He didn't need to do it, not anymore, considering he had admitted his feelings to her twice now.
"I'll have to use this against you somehow!" she began cackling evilly, then stopped abruptly. "Eh... I don't have it in me right now... Have I mentioned you're really good at this?"
"It was a few decades ago, and I figured you were trying to spite me, you made fun of my lack of relationship experience shortly after."
"Oh...right. Sorry about that..."
He pinched her leg in response.
"Seriously? That didn't hurt..."
Vicky leaned forward and pinched Timmy's arm.
"Ow." he rubbed at the spot that she pinched. "Okay, maybe it did." It figured that he didn't feel a thing when he cut his hand or fell twenty-nine stories, but a little teasing pinch still hurt. He was willing to bet that Wanda; wherever she may be, was laughing at him now... He watched as Vicky rubbed at the spot that he pinched, and a rather bold thought occurred to him.
"Jeez, I invite you into my bed and you-Ah! Hey!" Vicky was interrupted as Timmy moved her hand away and leaned down to press his lips against the spot instead. This move, being entirely unexpected, caused Vicky's cheeks to redden in embarrassment, especially considering he was kissing her upper thigh.
"Better?" Timmy asked as he pulled away.
"W-what the hell was that?!" she really, really wanted to kick him for that. What was he thinking being all bold and... and... affectionate like that?!
"You've never gotten hurt and had one of your parents kiss it to make it feel better?"
"I didn't say that! But you're not my mom! D-don't do that again!"
Timmy had to keep himself from laughing at Vicky's flustered reaction. "Or what?" Oh yes, he was definitely feeling bolder now. Maybe she had drawn it out of him, made him stop feeling so miserable and empty... He'd have to find a way to pay her back... Timmy shifted her legs off his lap and crawled over to Vicky on all fours. "Y'know, I really did miss you."
"Good for you." her blush didn't fade in the slightest, and she felt herself losing control of the situation, so she swept her legs out from under Timmy, making him fall onto the bed in a heap as she knocked his left arm and leg out from under him, causing him to faceplant into the mattress.
"Mmph..." Timmy righted himself and narrowed his eyes at the red-head. "That wasn't very nice..."
"Never said I was." she crossed her arms and looked away from Timmy and out the window, it seemed to be quite late. "Should've checked the time before we came up-"
"You're not thinking of leaving, are you?"
"Son of a-!" Vicky had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Timmy crawl over to her. His sudden question caused her to jump away in surprise, and right off the bed... or it would've, if Timmy hadn't awkwardly caught her. Awkwardly because Vicky looked up at him to see that his left arm was wrapped around her waist and back to hold her up, and the other was hanging on to the headboard of the bed to keep them both from falling off. The cheeky brunet had also positioned himself between her legs in the effort to keep her from falling, leaving him pressing up against her. "...It's fine... long as he doesn't move AT ALL... and doesn't say how awkward this position is..."
"Ahem..." a rosy tint now found its way across Timmy's cheeks. "This feel a little... awkward... to you?"
"Of course you'd say something like that..."
"What?" Timmy began pulling Vicky back onto the bed and away from the edge.
"Nothing. I- Ah..." Unfortunately, Timmy's act of pulling himself and Vicky back on the bed caused his jeans to rub against a very sensitive place on the girl, eliciting a very unwelcome moan from said girl, which in turn caused her to cover her face with her hands.
"Oh! Are you alright?"
Evidently, Timmy still didn't realize that it was quite impossible for either of them to hurt the other.
To be fair though, that wasn't an 'Ah' of pain.
Timmy leaned forward again to see if she was alright, earning him a hard kick to the middle of his chest, knocking him off Vicky, off the bed, and onto the floor.
The fifteen year old sat up from the floor and rubbed his chest. That kick had easily been strong enough to break a few ribs, and he likely would be in quite a bit of pain without their little curse. "Okay..." Timmy rubbed the back of his head in confusion. "Did I do something wrong?" As he stood up from the floor, he noticed that there was now a Vicky-shaped lump wrapped in a blanket on the bed. "What's her problem?" Timmy climbed back into bed and crawled over next to Vicky. "...Vicky?"
The Vicky-shaped mass pulled the blanket tighter around herself.
"Are you okay? I... I was just trying to keep you from falling out of bed..." Timmy leaned over to try and get a better look at her face, the only part of her that wasn't covered over by blanket.
"Just go away..." She didn't really want him to leave the room, after all, she had already invited him to sleep in the bed with her... But it had been a long, long time since she had been even remotely intimate with someone.
She thought back to the last one she could remember... it had been in... "England? I think it was England..." She had been staying with a group of fairly wealthy people, mostly just so she could save up enough to move on, and had decided to corner her host's son in his bedroom, locking the door so he couldn't get away. She had pushed him onto the bed and torn away his clothes(and some of her own), but... Found he was unable to rise to the occasion; though it may have had something to do with the knife pressed to his throat. "Probably could've gone about that better..."
It didn't matter. She hadn't tried again after that, it had been hard enough to get out of the city once the police found out about what she tried to do. Half a century was a long time to go without intimacy.
"Right... suppose I should explain why I... Why do I have to be the one to tell him about..." Vicky threw the blanket off herself. "Have you... I mean, I've been gone a while, so... you must've had a girlfriend or something by now, right? Or just... invited a girl over to mess around?"
"Mess around?"
"You know... 'Insert tab A into slot B'?" Vicky made a circle with her right hand and stuck her left index finger through it.
"Why would I invite someone over to help me read an Ikea manual?"
Vicky sighed and hung her head in defeat. "Have you had sex?"
"Ohh... That."
"Yes. That."
"You haven't, have you?"
"I... You know I've... been avoiding getting close to people..."
"No. I haven't... done that."
"It's called sex-"
"I know what it's called!"
"Back on top..." Vicky snickered inwardly.
"Have you?"
"Me? Well I... of- of course I have! I'm twenty-one years old, not counting how long I've not been aging! You think I... what? I'm a virgin or something?! You do see how good I look, right?"
"Well... yeah..." Timmy looked away and scratched his nose.
"Um... Good! Glad you... noticed..." Vicky put her hands together and pushed her index fingers against each other, a bit of a nervous habit she had picked up... somewhere...
"...So... did I... hurt you earlier or...?"
"No... not hurt so much as..." Vicky took pause so she could think carefully about what she was about to say. "All these years, and he's still so naïve..." "So... you want to...?"
"Try it?"
"Try what?"
Vicky frowned, she was starting to get a little annoyed. "That."
"It's called sex."
"I know what it's- ...You are such a dick."
Timmy giggled as Vicky realized that he had been messing with her. "Sorry... I guess I was just trying to get back at you for all those times you tortured me." he covered his mouth as he began laughing harder.
"You know what? I think I will take the couch." Vicky began moving toward the edge the bed.
"C'mon... I was just messing around..." Timmy crawled after her and wrapped his arms around her midsection, resting his head on her shoulder as he did. "I was telling the truth y'know. Distancing myself from people, avoiding relationships..."
"Saving yourself for me?"
"Ugh... not like that!" he laughed at her joke. "I just didn't want to get into a relationship with someone that I was bound to outlive. Watching them grow old while I stayed the same..."
"..." Vicky sighed before she spoke again, then moved her hands so they came to rest on his. "I guess I've pretty much done the same..."
"What about-"
"I lied, okay? Since you insist on telling the truth... Might as well do the same. My nights haven't been filled with sexy parties and questionable bedmates. There was never any time to settle down and get into a serious relationship, and I'm not about to sleep with the first lowlife I see. Prefer it to be with someone special. Someone I know." "That other guy didn't count." she briefly wondered if her companion would get the hint.
"...You know I don't have any real expertise with this kind of thing, right?"
"Good, he's not as naïve as I thought." "I'd say that makes two of us... but I'd be lying." Vicky was suddenly aware of Timmy's fingers in her hair. "What're you-" she felt him take out her hair tie and watched as he placed it on the bedside table.
"Never liked your ponytail." Vicky felt him shrug against her.
"Really now?" she stood up and turned around to face him, then roughly pushed him back on the bed. "I never liked those jeans."
"My jeans-?"
Before Timmy could finish, Vicky leaned over him and undid his belt and jeans, then yanked them off and tossed them away. "Matter of fact, I'm feeling a certain degree of disdain for your whole outfit tonight..." she leaned down again, grabbing the collar of his shirt before roughly yanking it and tearing it off of him. After tossing it away, Vicky returned her attention to Timmy to find him frowning at her.
"I liked that shirt..." Timmy watched as the tattered remains of his pink shirt fluttered to the floor.
"Pfft. You've got plenty more."
Timmy stopped to consider both what she said, and what they were likely about to do, now wasn't the time to show hesitation, considering this was Vicky. "Suppose you're right." he sat up on the bed, bringing his hands up to rest on her waist, then sliding them up and under her shirt. Maybe it was because it was his first time being this intimate with a girl, or maybe it was the rekindled feelings for the red-head in front of him, but Timmy loved the feeling of her pale, smooth skin.(And judging by the goosebumps he could feel breaking out across said skin, Vicky seemed to equally enjoy his touch.) His hands wandered further upward, coming to a stop where her bra began.
"You might try getting the shirt off first."
"...Right. Eh... right..." Timmy looked away in embarrassment as his hands found their way back down to the hem of Vicky's shirt, then lifted it up and off her... At least, he tried, but Vicky wasn't cooperating, opting instead to watch his fumbling attempts with no small amount of amusement. "Can you work with me here?" he looked at her and frowned again. Why did she have to make even this into something difficult?
"What's the magic word?"
"Can you please work with me and stop being a bitch?"
"Hm... a bit forceful... but you did say please..." Vicky raised her arms up over her head, allowing Timmy to lift her shirt up and off, before tossing it away. "You could've just torn it off, since I ruined your shirt..." she watched as Timmy seemed to ignore what she said, returning his hands to roaming over her hips, and up her back instead. "Not interested much in foreplay?"
"Not really..." he obviously wasn't concentrating very much on what she was saying, the clasp on her bra was apparently more interesting. Yet he stopped as his hands came to rest on where the clasp would be. "What's foreplay?" He looked up at her with an almost childlike curiosity.
"Eh... nevermind."
"Hm." Timmy yanked her forward and into his lap, hopefully allowing him better access to the offending clasp. "Aren't these things supposed to have clasps back here or... Or something?!"
The twenty-one going on ninety-two year old giggled at the brunet's frustration. "So cute... and so much to teach him..." "Actually yes, most of them do." Vicky reached behind herself to grab Timmy's hands and slid them back down to rest on her hips. "But! Not this one." Vicky brought her hands to the front of her chest, and Timmy heard a clicking sound. "This one's clasp is in the frontsies!" Within seconds, Vicky had taken the bra off and tossed it away, letting it land among her other discarded clothes, and Timmy's damaged clothes. "Hm... this is the first time you've actually seen boobs, isn't it?"
"Uh..." Timmy's gaze remained fixed on Vicky's chest, her question going in one ear and out the other without stopping for identification.
"Hmph. One track mind." Vicky gave him a forceful poke to the forehead with her finger. "Not to say I'm particularly surprised."
"Those... those are nice."
Vicky rolled her eyes at this statement. "Typical male gaze, thanks."
"Just give me a sec to take a mental picture..." his request trailed off near the end.
"Hmph. Still not very confident, but I suppose it's more fun to let him think he won't be getting a sight like this again, maybe he'll appreciate it more that way..." Another reason Vicky knew that Timmy was so unfocused made itself known by pressing against a certain sensitive area. "Takes a lot of blood to get the male brain to work, and most of it is clearly not rushing to the head on his shoulders." Vicky crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them up slightly. Okay, so maybe she wasn't as modest as she claimed to be, there really wasn't any need to be, not around Timmy.
"Can I... er..."
Even in the darkness of the room, Vicky could tell Timmy was blushing. Was he really asking her permission? "Touch them?"
Timmy gulped audibly, before nodding his head slowly, nervously.
"Nope. Just thought it'd be more fun to show them to you, no touchy."
There was that awkward silence again as Timmy's gaze finally left her chest to look at her face; to see that she was grinning at him.
"Yeah. 'Oh'." she was positively giddy with excitement now. After all, she had the brunet right where she wanted him: under her control. She brought her right arm up and swiped it right over his head, knocking his pink hat across the room, then brought said arm back to grab his left hand and place it on her chest. "Do I have to do everything?"
Again, her question went unanswered as Timmy seemed to think carefully about his next move. His hand still rested on her right breast, but he apparently had trouble believing that the current events were actually occurring.
"Ugh. It's like I'm about to screw a robot."
Evidently, Vicky's teasing had finally set Timmy off as he picked her up and threw her down on the bed, then crawled onto her and crashed his lips into hers, preventing any chance of protest.
"Finally." Vicky thought to herself. However, before she had a chance to return the kiss, Timmy pulled away with an apologetic look. "What?" her impatience made itself evident in her voice.
"Sorry... I got... a little angry at you for what you said." he leaned back down and kissed her, much more gently this time.
Vicky pushed him away, now she was a bit curious. "Wait, why are you sorry? I was telling you to get on with it, and you did just that!"
"Yeah... but I hurt you earlier when I pinched you, then again when I kept you from falling off the bed-"
"I wouldn't say hurt in regards to the second one..."
"I think... I'm so used to not getting hurt... that I don't really think about if I might hurt other people..."
"You do realize that we can't really hurt each other, right?"
"Maybe you should consider you're own strength first, that last kick from you busted up my ribs."
"Kick?" Vicky thought back to a few minutes earlier when she released that unwanted moan. "Oh... I- I did?"
"Yeah..." Timmy rubbed at the spot where she had kicked, more for effect than because it hurt. "I'm alright, but-"
"Then what's it matter?"
"Well... I guess it doesn't..."
"Mm." again Timmy kissed Vicky, but it was gentle... reserved, like last time. The greed from the first was completely absent now.
Vicky pushed him away slightly, then used the momentary shock to flip them over, returning her to being on top. "Something's up." she pressed herself against the bulge in his boxers. "...Something besides that. He's clearly still in the mood..."
Timmy moved his hands back up to Vicky's waist, hooking the thumb and index finger of each hand into the waistband of her underwear. "Everything all right?"
"Why does he sound so concerned?" Vicky focused her attention on Timmy's eyes. She had a knack for reading people, and the blue-eyed teen was no exception. In fact, she could read him even better than most others, likely because of how long she had known him. She had always liked his eyes, they weren't gray-blue like most blue-eyed people, they were more brilliant than that. The word 'beautiful' had crossed her mind, but she wasn't sure how he'd take the compliment, nevermind how her ego would feel about admitting it.
After a few seconds that seemed far longer, she realized what was going on. "He's trying to trick me! Letting me take control of the situation, yet making us go at his pace... Very clever..." "I see your game, Twerp."
"Okay, nevermind." Vicky mentally deadpanned. His very confused response indicated there wasn't any sort of trickery at work here. "...I've got it!"
"Got what?" "God, this girl is so weird..."
"You're afraid you'll hurt me. That's why you're being gentle, letting me take control... You're afraid you might hurt me..." Vicky chuckled at her realization, though not mockingly.
"...Maybe..." Timmy looked away.
"Mm-hm. Thought so. I can read you like a book." "Here I was, ready for a night of screwing around, maybe digging my nails into your back, and you want to take it slow..." Vicky leaned down and propped her head up in her hands, right in front of Timmy's face, her elbows on either side, holding her up. "You should've told me sooner. Tender and gentle is new for me... Maybe you should take the lead?"
"I think you might be disappointed if I take the lead..." he continued to not meet her gaze. Not only was he embarrassed at having been found out, but now she was teasing him. Again.
"Self-deprecation does not become you..." Vicky smirked as she felt Timmy's mildly fumbling attempts at pulling her underwear down. "You do realize that if I take the lead, I probably won't be gentle?" she straightened out a little so that he could undress her more easily.
After finally getting her panties off and tossing them away, Timmy returned his gaze to meet hers. "You could try?"
Vicky grinned evilly and leaned down to whisper in Timmy's ear. "Where's the fun in that?" as she spoke, Vicky slid her right hand down Timmy's chest, then over his stomach, and ever lower until coming to stop at the waistband of his boxers. "Although... You have been awfully patient, haven't you?"
"I already told y-you, I just- Geh!" Timmy cut himself off and gasped as Vicky slid her hand under the waistband of his boxers and wrapped her fingers around his member.
"Guess I know your off switch now, eh Twerp?" Vicky stroked her hand up and down his length a few times, eliciting a moan from the brunet this time.
"Ah Ah Ah..." she pulled her hand away and out of his boxers. "Can't have you finishing before we even get started, now can I?"
"F-finish... ing...?"
She snickered at how out of breath he was already. "Hm... You remember back when we first found out about the immortality thing? Back when strenuous activities still tired us out?"
Timmy didn't respond, though he still panted somewhat heavily.
"Anyway, I'm sure we've both worked hard enough over the years so that we don't get anywhere near as tired as we used to- Hey. Are you listening?" Vicky turned Timmy's head towards her with her index finger.
Timmy nodded slowly.
"Goody. What I'm saying is: I think because neither of us have really... Well, screwed around, maybe we're both a little... Sensitive? Down there?" Vicky glanced down at her and her bedmates' privates.
"It's possible... I suppose."
"Glad we're on the same page- Ah!"
Timmy snaked his arms back around Vicky and positioned her back on top of him, pressing some rather sensitive areas from both parties against each other. Even as Timmy unconsciously bucked his hips against Vicky, he managed to smirk up at her. This was slowly devolving into a competition to see who would break first.
"Two can play at this game..." the red-head pressed against Timmy's now throbbing erection and grinded against it, causing him to suddenly sit up and wrap his arms around her, likely an attempt at urging her to stop before she sent him over the edge. She returned the gesture in kind, hoping he wouldn't realize that she had almost sent herself over the edge with that little stunt. "Don't... f-forget who's in... in charge..."
"I thought you wanted me to lead?"
His breath felt hot on her neck. "If you think you can..."
"You'll bear with me for not-"
"Just get on with it!" the tingling feeling in her navel and privates was much stronger than she had ever felt it before, she nearly ached for him to continue, her senses felt magnified tenfold, and her mind was in a not unwelcome haze.
Timmy gently laid Vicky down on the bed. It would not be wrong to say that Timmy felt very similar to how she did, the wait was killing him, especially since both knew exactly what they wanted... But she had disappeared with no warning at all, kept him waiting for so many years...
So he was going to have a bit of fun at her expense. Just... a bit.
"You never did tell me what foreplay is." Timmy currently hovered over her, trying his best to maintain his plan, rather than lose himself in the red-head's beauty.
Vicky looked up at him, she felt the heat returning to her cheeks. "What's he playing at now?" "Everything we've been doing? The kissing, the touching... it's all been foreplay, why ask now?"
"Just wondering." Timmy leaned down again and recaptured Vicky's lips.
Vicky meanwhile, raised her right leg and gripped the waistband of Timmy's boxers with her toes, then pushed them down and off, which Timmy eventually assisted with.
Timmy suddenly pulled away, nearly taking Vicky with him as she leaned into the kiss. "But I have to ask-" Timmy moved in to kiss her again, but sank a bit lower to let his lips come to rest on her neck. "Does this-" another kiss, now on her collarbone. "Count as-" again a kiss, this time over her heart. "Foreplay-" He took a moment to stop and think now. Proceeding further would probably get him smacked, considering how she had acted earlier, but...
He opted to kiss the area between her breasts instead of his intended target. "Too?"
Vicky hadn't been paying attention, her mind was currently occupied with the pleasant torture the brunet was putting her through, and the realization that said brunet was still as clever as she should've remembered him being. She felt a kiss at her belly button and looked down at Timmy. The room may have been dark, but the absence of sight only enhanced her sense of touch, and right about now it felt like something warm and... wet was dragging against the skin below her navel. Something like...
"That's probably enough teasing." Timmy thought as he came to the pink slit between Vicky's legs. It was true that he hadn't had any female companionship in his life, but he did have access to various movies and the internet over the decades. He wasn't as naïve as Vicky thought. So when he thrust his tongue into her, he wasn't particularly surprised as she cried out.
"Ahn..." Vicky moaned out as she sat up and her toes curled reflexively. "This cheeky little-!" She found she couldn't even complete a thought as her mind fell into a sea of pleasure. "Maybe... it has been too long..." She threaded her fingers through his hair and stopped herself as her fingers curled inward. "Gentle. Right." Much as she wanted to get back at him for tricking her into thinking he didn't know what he was doing, she told herself she wasn't like that now. Vicky bit her lower lip to stop herself from releasing anymore noises, yet they now just came out slightly more muffled. "Twer- Nnh..." she tensed up as her mind careened over the edge and she climaxed. "F-fuck..." she crawled backwards and away from him. "Gimme... a sec..."
"Don't think so." Timmy crawled after her, only stopping as he felt Vicky bury her hands in his hair. He looked up at her and licked his lips. "What?"
"I just... need... a minute..." Vicky relaxed against the headboard and tried to get her breathing under control. She put her hand up to her forehead and let it rest there.
"You sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine." she gasped out.
"No, you didn't hurt me, quite the opposite in fact."
"So... it was good?"
She was not about to admit that he had made her orgasm first. Definitely not. "It was good." "It was great..." Still, she figured he deserved a few words of encouragement. "I think... that's enough foreplay." Vicky watched as Timmy moved closer to her, then let his hands come to rest on her hips. He almost pulled her over to him, but stopped and instead slid over in front of her.
"So... you ready to...?"
"Still trying to take things gently?" she laughed lightly.
"You did tell me to take the lead..."
"Indeed I did." Vicky looped her arms around Timmy's neck and slid into a lying down position on the bed, once again with Timmy hovering over her.
Timmy positioned himself at her entrance. He would've preferred that she be the one on top, but... He leaned in-
Timmy stopped. "What? Is- is something wrong?" He hadn't even done anything yet!
"Be gentle..." Vicky giggled and poked Timmy's nose. "I'm so gonna regret that..."
"Of course..." it just wouldn't be Vicky without a little teasing remark, would it? "You're beautiful."
Timmy had to keep himself from laughing at her surprised face. She definitely hadn't been expecting that. "But you knew that already." He slowly entered her, and felt her wrap her legs around him.
"I s-said gentle, not... teasingly!"
"There's a difference?"
"Fuck... you..."
Timmy looked down between the two of them. "Well... yeah-"
Vicky tightened her grip on him with her legs and pulled him into her. "Ah..."
"Clearly we're past using our words at this point." he could tell from the way he felt(or he assumed anyway) that he probably wouldn't last too long, so he picked up his pace considerably now, thrusting into her again as he felt Vicky suppress the urge to dig her nails into his back.
Vicky had the familiar tingling feeling below her navel again and wrapped her legs even tighter around Timmy as she climaxed once more. She heard Timmy suck in a sharp breath and thrust into her once more. "Well... at least we both finished that time..."
"I... think you might've broken a few of my ribs that time..."
"Oh..." when she heard a light cracking sound, she assumed it was the old bed they were on making the noise. "Sorry..." she blushed as she looked up at him, she didn't realize she had been squeezing him that hard... "You're... alright though?"
"I'll live." Timmy smirked down at her, then flipped them over so Vicky was on top of him. "I- that was-"
Both were slick with sweat and panting heavily; neither had felt this tired in a long time. For once, they both felt normal; mortal, even.
"So..." Timmy began and Vicky looked down at him.
"Wanna go again?"
"Sure you're up for it?" she grinned at him.
"Long as you're gentle." Timmy shrugged.
The next morning...
Timmy awoke to sunlight flooding in from the window, it felt like a laser being focused directly into his cornea. His sleep addled mind began piecing together the last night's events. He was currently aware of something soft and smooth beneath his head, something... that was breathing rhythmically. Looking up caused his blue eyes to meet to a pair of pink ones. Right, so last night did happen. Timmy lifted his head up to look around. It seemed to be late morning... and his pillow had been Vicky's bare chest. "Well this is easily my favorite pillow ever now. Morning."
"Morning..." Vicky's hair was quite disheveled from the previous night's activities, and she almost looked... tired?
"Sleep well?" he now realized that he actually felt tired. Exactly how many times had they done it last night?
"Better than I have in... decades."
"How're you feeling?"
"Good. Tired, but good. I think it may take a little while for us to recover after that..."
She was probably right. Timmy knew that his un-aging body adapted very well and very quickly, but last night... it had been an entirely new experience for him, and probably Vicky too. "So... what do you wanna do today? I could make us breakfast... or-"
"Nuh-uh." Vicky pulled him up next to her and scooted over so they could share the pillow she was using. "You are staying right here and cuddling with me. No objections, I presume?"
Timmy didn't need to be an eighty-six year old immortal to know what the correct answer to that question was. "Works for me."
"Good, I had a feeling it would." Vicky slid a little closer to Timmy and rested her forehead against his. "Something I wanted to ask you."
"Go ahead."
Vicky felt Timmy snake his arms around her waist. "Can't keep your hands off me now, can you?"
It was true, he couldn't. And he knew why: he was afraid she'd leave again, even if she said she wouldn't leave without him, it didn't stop the fear from taunting him. "I like cuddling with you."
"...That wasn't the question, just so you know."
"I figured as much."
"When you made the wish, you said you didn't know it would affect me too, right?"
"...No..." Timmy felt he couldn't meet her gaze. Allowing himself to feel again meant inviting in the good feeling as well as the bad. Feelings like guilt.
"You know I... I forgive you, right? It was outside your control. I can't be mad at you for what you didn't know would happen."
"...You might not feel that way if I told you how I really feel..."
"...It's selfish, right?"
"Huh?" Timmy's eyes went wide. "How do you-?"
She cut him off with a tender kiss. "You didn't know it would affect me, but... you're happy it did now, right? Or at least some part of you is?"
Was he really that easy to read? Or did she just know him too well? "You're not wrong. I know you didn't want this life... But I'm glad you're here. I'm glad I don't have to spend my time alone."
"I'm selfish, aren't I?"
"You're human, there's nothing wrong with that." Vicky took a few moments to think over how best to word what she wanted to say. "And... I suppose... If I had to spend eternity with someone... I'd want it to be you."
Vicky nodded and her forehead brushed against Timmy's. "Really."
Timmy pulled Vicky into him and wrapped his arms more fully around the red-head. "I love you too."
"Wha?! That's not-!" Vicky squirmed in his grip for several seconds, but eventually relaxed and returned the hug. "Twisting my words around and stuff..."