Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or anything to do with the franchise

Chapter eight, been over a year I know but this story just doesn't interest anymore, however I promised I would finish it, so that is what I will do even if it takes me another few years to do so.

Kronos Throne Room

The King of Titan grinned, The son of Chaos had fallen for his trap, he had planned to use the Labyrinth to transport his army to camp half-blood, once the camp was destroyed he would turn his sights to Olympus, however after seeing how determined Jackson was to save Daedalus he had changed the plan. He would use the old inventor as bait, while the bulk of his forces travelled above ground to Camp half-blood lead by Zeus and the other Olympians. Poseidon would join them with his forces, they would all then attack Chaos' barrier. Leading the demigods was Mark Poseidon's son. Zeus had suggested they use Camp Jupiter too, but after the history between Greek and Romans, Kronos didn't want his demigod army fighting each other not to mention there was a possibility of his personality being split in two. Just like the Gods, the Titans also had a Roman persona. in camp Jupiter Kronos was known as Saturn. So Kronos had decided to leave Camp Jupiter alone for now, however once the Greeks were crushed he would turn his sights to the Roman demigod camp and destroy that too. There would be no more demigods when he became king of the Gods he would see to that. Kronos noticed Hermes flew in.

"What do you have to report Grandson?" Kronos had sent Hermes to find out what had happened to the force Melinoe had led to slow down Jackson.

Hermes bowed his head, he found it strange that Kronos would call him grandson, especially as the King of Titan was using his own son as his host, it just didn't sit right with the Messenger of the Gods, he knew this was a bad idea, but feared going against his father and the oher Olympians.

"Melinoe has been captured Lord Kronos, it seems Lord Hades has sided with Percy Jackson. He took Melinoe back to the Underworld, after returning the dead that had been summoned to fight by Jackson's side. All the demigods were captured and Lord Chaos vanished them all to somewhere."

Kronos frowned. "So my eldest son has decided to fight against me as he, hmm this could be a problem, I didn't see this coming. Through out time Hades has remained neutral apart from when he and his bothers overthrew me. Then again had they not had Chaos on their side, they would never had acomplished even that. Jackson must have turned his head some how. Very good Hermes continue on your spying mission, I have to prepare our welcome surprise for Jackson and his lackeys."

Hermes vanished from the throne room leaving the King of Titans to continue with his scheming.

Meanwhile in the Labyrinth Percy and his group were walking down the corridor in single file, Zoe had picked up the scent of the Minotaur again, and so they were being extra cautious as they approached each junction of the Labyrinth. Percy wasn't scared to take on the beast, its just there was little room to manouver. As an added precaution he had decided to take the lead, and Rachel followed closed behind in between him and Thalia. They came to sudden stop as the sound of hooves got louder. Percy drew is father's sword and infused it with his father's power. He peeked around the corner, and the Minotaur was in view sniffing the air at the end of the long corridor. Percy pulled his head back sharply and turned to the others. He made several hand gestures and then whispered.

"He right around the corner, Zoe take point." Percy watched Zoe shuffle past everyone, however due to the corridor being so narrow when she passed by Percy, her rear end brushed against the front of his trousers. Percy silently hissed, he was a hot blooded male after all, luckily Thalia hadn't noticed.

Zoe notched an arrow in her bow and then drew the string back and held it. She peeked around the corner and noticed the Minotaur was now sniffing the air, and walking towards them roaring. Zoe took aim and fired. There was loud cry as the arrow went straight through the Minotaur's eye. The beast roared and thrashed back and forth against the walls of the Labyrinth, causing the whole structure to shake. Zoe quickly notched another arrow and took out the other eyes, leaving the beast blind. She quickly retreated. "He's now blind, it all up to you now Percy, I am better at range combat then close up."

Percy nodded, he heard the agonsing cries of the Minotaur, he quickly rushed around the corner, as he did he noticed the Minotaur stopped and then lowered its head, ready to charge. Percy eyes widened it might be blind but it could still sense him. If the beast was to charge now he would be gored for sure. Percy looked to the walls, they were narrow enough, but could he really pull it off. He had no time to dwell on his plan as the Minotaur in that instant decided to charge. Percy used his feet to hop up to one side of the wall and jumped across to the other side higher. The Minotaur charged right past him. Percy jumped down and struck. His blade was now sticking out of the beast back, he heard the beast roar once more, before it turned to dust. He sighed in relief and noticed in the dust was a horn. He picked it up and placed it in his pocket. Everyone had now moved around near him.

"Okay that's him taken care of, we must be close."

Within Titan Underground Fortress

Two huge individuals sat around a large table, playing cards. Phobos was a minor God, and the son of Ares and Aphrodite. His domain was fear, he could make his enemy see and feel their worse fears. The more fearful they become the more powerful he became. He was able to turn their strength into fear, which he then leeched away from them. Sat opposite him was his brother Deimos, he ruled over the domain of terror. Phobus roared and threw his five cards onto the table showing a full house.

"Read them and weep brother, I win again." Phobos took the pile of gold coins that had been placed in the middle of the table.

Deimos growled and slammed his hand onto the table "Not so fast brother, Straight flush, hahahaha You have to hand it to these mortal they have come up with some very fun pass times."

Phobos wasn't happy, he thought he had beaten his brother, but again, he had been suckered in. Phobos stood up and flipped the card table over in anger. "Enough of these childish games, I want revenge, Jackson is going to pay for what he did to mother and father. I am going to make him experience his worse fears over and over."

The two Minor Gods had been stationed to guard Daedalus cell, Kronos knew both brothers wanted revenge for their parents and so he had left Jackson's fate in their hands, however they were not allowed to kill the Son of Chaos only torture him, his companions however, well they could be killed. "He should be here by now!"

Deimos had pocketed all the gold coins. "Patients brother, we will have our revenge, I have several little surprises for our guest, in fact time I am done with them, their will be no fear left in them, they will be empty husks."

Phobos eyes narrowed. "What do you plan to summon then brother?"

Deimos grinned. "That would be telling now, wouldn't brother. Hey Daedalus you still alive in there!" Deimos slammed his large fist onto the cell door and laughed. "They will never rescue you old man, you're going to rot in that cell, Kronos' orders."

The frail old man, lifted his head weakly, Kronos had removed his metal suit, and now the once inventor hang limply in the dark wet cell. His pet hellhound Mrs O Leary had also been imprisoned, however due to her ability of shadow travelling, Kronos had created his very own prison for her, so she couldn't escape using her ability, Daedalus heard the howls of his dear friend trying to communicate with him.

"Shut it you!" Daedalus heard the sound of loud yelp, obviously one of the brothers had just attacked her. Daedalus wondered if he would ever be rescued. His head dropped once more, as laughter filled the chamber outside, suddenly there was another voice.

"What are you two doing here! I told you to be prepared, Jackson and his friends will be here soon, I have received word from Zeus he and the rest of the army is closing in on Camp half-blood. Remember Jackson is not to be killed, that is my honour alone."

Phobos growled. "Yeah we get the picture, although it should me and my brother landing the final blow, after all he wiped both our parents from exisitence."

Kronos eyes glowed, causing both minor Gods to cower. "I am not interested in your petty revenge Phobos, you will bring Jackson to me, or else I will destroy the both of you, is that clear!"

Meanwhile after their encounter with the Minotaur, Percy felt they were getting close. They had started facing more opposition, every corridor they came across was now being patrolled by various monsters, it seems the Minotaur wasn't the only thing Kronos had planted in the Labyrinth. However with their combined force and his power every monster the fought ended up turning to dust, Finally Percy heard Rachel.

"Were here!" Percy noticed two Gorgons were now guarding an archway leading off from the main Labyrinth. That had to be it. Percy signalled for Zoe to take point once more. Again she squeezed past everyone including Percy. Zoe again notched two arrows into a bow, as quick as lightning she pulled back the string and fired. There were two cries and two more piles of monster dust. The group made their way down the narrow corridor and came to the archway. Percy approached the wall felt around, it then swung inwards leading into a large area with lit torches.

"Okay this is it, now remember Daedalus his likely to be heavily guarded so everyone be prepared. Rachel thank you for guiding us, however I feel there is little you can do now to help." Percy focused on his cabin and watched as a portal formed in front of him. "Rachel I want you to stay in my cabin, until I get back, don't let anyone in."

Rachel wanted to stay, however she knew she would just get in the way, and so nodded. She stepped through the portal and vanished. "Okay now lets go rescue Daedalus." Percy, Thalia, Zoe, Bianca and Nico cautiously tip toed down the torch lit corridor. They past several empty cells. Percy was surprised, to have encountered no more resistant, however suddenly their path were blocked by a large being.

"Finally" Phobos roared, "Now we can have our revenge. "Take this little demigods!" Phobos opened his mouth and thick smoke began to pour from it, all over the chamber, towards Percy and the others.

Percy quickly shouted. "Don't breath any of it in, however before he could say anymore, he fell and let Darkness take him.

Fear Scape (Percy)

Percy opened his eyes and realised he was now laying face down on a large lawn. Slowly he rose up and took in his surrounding. He immediately recognised the place. He was on Olympus, but how? As he looked around he noticed most of the Olympus was now in ruin suddenly he heard the sound of Thalia.

"Percy thank goodness, I thought Poseidon had you there for a minute, come on all the other Olympians have been taken care of, all that remains is my father. He bolted himself up in the throne room. Come on."

Percy got to his feet, it was then he noticed the large pile of gold dust beside him, and laying in the dust was a Trident, Posiedon symbol of power. Percy grabbed his sword and charged after Thalia, he knew this was wrong, but was compelled to follow his girlfriend.

Fearscape (Thalia)

Thalia was stood on the roof of large building, in front of her was a three headed Hydra. Had she been fighting the beast on the ground she would have been fine, however she was scared of heights, and every way she looked there was no way off this roof, unless she wanted to fall to her death of course, however she didn't want to do that. She activated her Medusa shield and charged her spear. She ducked behind her shield as one of the heads spew flames towards her. It was then she noticed the roof was starting to crumble under the weight of both the Hydra and herself. Great could anything else go wrong.

Fearscape Nico and Bianca

Nico and Bianca found themselves inside a small room, being hugged by a woman who neither of them recognised. The room suddenly shook as lightning and thunder rumbled across the sky.

"Shh little ones, it will be fine." The woman was Maria Di Angelo, Bianca and Nico's mother, she had been warned by Hades that Zeus would find them, and that he wanted them to stay in the Underworld with him. Maria had refused and now she was regretting that decision.

Bianca and Nico looked to each other wondering what was going on, just then the their was a large explosion as the side of their hotel room was blown to pieces. A bolt of lightning then struck the woman. Bianca and Nico screamed as they did an individual they recognised as their father appeared.

"Hurry Nico and Bianca we must leave now! Zeus has found you." Bianca eyes widened as she came to realise what her brother and herself was experiencing, this was the day their mother had been killed and they had been put into hiding by their father. A memory that was suppose to be had forgotten when they had been dipped in the river Lethe.

Percy Fearscape

Percy still wasn't sure what was going on, however Thalia was asking him to destroy the doors of the throne room, so they could get to her father Zeus. Percy focused all his power into his foot and kicked the door hard. The two doors exploded off their hinges and caved in, leading the way clear to enter. As they both entered Percy was surprised to see Zeus was just sat there watching them. Percy pointed to the king of the Gods

"Its over Zeus, you have lost, you're all that remains, surrender now, if you do your punishment will be light compared to what I will do to you if you dare fight me!"

Zeus stood from his throne and towered over the Son of Chaos. "I wouldn't claim you've won yet Son of Chaos"

Percy wondered what Zeus meant by that, however he suddenly felt a sharp pain and then looked down to his chest with Thalia spear tip was now poking out of a wound surrounded by blood. Percy turned his head to see Thalia was smiling.

"Why Thalia" Percy could barely speak as the blood trickled from his mouth, he fell to his knees, looking up at his girlfriend. "Why!"

Thalia pulled the spear out and watched as Percy fell to the floor. "I could never go against my father Percy, besides he has promised me that I will face no punishment for my actions and if I betrayed you then I will be allowed to become a Goddess."

Percy coughed up more blood. He couldn't believe it, he had been betrayed once more, this time by Thalia, however he heard a loud roar of laughter anf lifted his head to see a giant being shimmer into the throne room.

"So little Son of Chaos, your greatest fear is being betrayed by those you love." Percy noticed the world around him began to dissolve, has it did he felt weak, as if every last bit of strength had been drained from him. He got to his feet eventually and stood in front of the huge being, this had to be a minor God or a Titan.

"Who are you? And what have you done to me!"

Phobos laughed. "Son of Chaos, you are in no position to demand anything of me. However it would be impolite if I didn't introduce myself. My name is Phobos I am the God of fear and the son of the god and Goddess you brutally murdered Ares and Aphrodite. As for your question you see I feed on fear, once I find someones worse fear, it allows me to drain them of their strength as their fear is leeched to make me stronger."

Percy swayed from side to side. "I see so you played on my greatest fear to increase your strength, then again, why I am not surprised by such an underhanded tactic from a God. Sorry correction Minor God, a lacky for Kronos to kick around and play with."

Phobus eyes glowed. "You dare! Insult a God!

Percy grinned. "Minor God, Besides, I have killed Titans, and Olympians, one Minor God, isn't going to make much of a difference. Percy charged ahead, as his sword clang with the blade that Phobos had just produced. Although his strength had been drained, he was still able to match up to Phobos strength.

Phobos was stunned, he should have been able to squash the Son of Chaos due to all his strength being leeched but the boy was matching him for power, how was this possible. Phobos roared as he did he forced his blade harder down, this time forcing the Son of Chaos to groan as it was clear now the swing of power was in his favour.

Percy realised if Phobos was playing on his greatest fears, then no doubt his friends would suffering too. He had to end this fast. Percy eyes glowed yellow and instantly everything around him came to a complete stop, including Phobuos. Seeing the Titan stuck in time, Percy rolled out from underneath the large blade and use the god knee to volt in the air. With blade pointing downwards, Percy thrust the now purple infused blade into the God chest. As he did time returned back to normal. Percy was just able to flip backwards to avoid being cut in half.

Phobos swayed as he noticed the blade now sticking out of his chest. "How! I had you on the ropes Jackson, there was no way you could have done this." The God stumbled backwards as he noticed the purple mass now expanding all over his body."

Percy could barely stand, using time manipulation had taken a lot out of him, however he looked up into the God faces. "A little gift from my father, I have the same ability as Kronos, meaning I can manipulate time. I froze time and then stabbed you. Say hi to your mum and dad in Oblivion won't you."

Phobos roared as his whole body began to vanish and turn to dust, as it did Percy's sword fell into the pile of sand, which he quickly retrieved. The darkness dissolved around him, and until finally he found himself in the dungeons, his friends now recovering, they all looked shaken, Thalia especially, Percy knew her greatest fear was heights and no doubt Phobos would have played on that. He took her in his arms and reassured her, he noticed the trembling slowly stopped. He then broke the hug. And turned to everyone.

"That was Phobos, Minor God of fear, he has a brother so be on your guard, I doubt father time would have just left him to guard.

"How right you are Son of Chaos!" Percy turned to see another giant mass approaching them, however Percy just growled and threw his sword into the darkness. He heard a roar and then watched as the large mass fell out of the darkness, his sword now piercing the Gods chest.

"Sorry I don't have time to play around with Minor Gods, someone needs us, do give our regards to the others won't you." Percy stepped over the God as he turned into dust, he once again retrieved his sword. "Okay let go rescue Daedalus.