The sun's rays reached the streets of the lower levels as the inhabitants of the Little garden milled around, following their day to day routine. This pattern, however, was soon interrupted by a sudden blur of light as a girl, no more than 17, appeared. A billowing violet cloak trailed behind her as her black combat boots clacked on the cobbled road, hiding her face from view. Only a few dark strands of hair, escaping from her hood, were visible to the onlookers, who watched with unmasked curiosity. Whispers of interest followed her as they wondered who this mysterious girl could be.

Why do people have to be so rude? Hikari wondered with a twinge of annoyance, turning her head ever so slightly to see the stares and whispers of passerbys. Certainly, she must have seemed strange to the people around her with her mysterious violet cloak, but all the attention made her a bit uncomfortable.

As she neared the Thousand Eyes headquarters, her thoughts turned to what Shiroyasha could have called her for. With the East Side's Floor Master, you never knew if she was going to be serious or have a completely stupid reason. She sighed, I guess I'll find out… She did say something about there being some people she wanted me to meet, this better not be one of her useless attempts to get me to join a community.

Her footsteps came to a stop as she found herself in front of the door to Shiroyasha's home. Taking a deep breath, she shoved them open.

"I'm he-" she began, but didn't get to finish her sentence as a loud crash shook the building. The aftermath found her on the other side of the room while a boy stood amidst the destruction, at what was the door. Hikari narrowed her eyes at her attacker, about to give him a piece of her mind when a bunny stood up, pointing her finger at him.

"Izayoi!" she scolded, "What do you think you're doing?!" Hikari's eyes widened, I-Izayoi? It can't b-

"I wanted to see if she was strong," the boy stated, with a shrug of his shoulders. She gasped, instantly recognizing the voice and unmistakable smirk.

"Izayoi…" he looked over at her in confusion.


Shiroyasha clapped her hands together, looking between the two. "Oh, so you two already know each other?" she exclaimed. Izayoi tilted his head to the side.

"Do I? Somehow, you do seem famil-" he froze mid sentence. "No way…" he breathed, violet eyes set on her, and Hikari knew he had figured it out.

Damnit! she thought as she tried to make a run for it.


Once again, the whole building shook as, to their shock, Izayoi burst forward and pinned Hikari against the wall. Violet met gold as they held each others gaze, unwavering. Izayoi reached up and slowly drew her hood back, gasping when he saw her face.

"It is you…" he breathed. Taking advantage of his shock, Hikari delivered a swift jab to his stomach and bolted out, leaving the others to stare after her.


"What… is… he… doing here?"Hikari panted, her mind full of jumbled thoughts and feelings as she ran, not caring where she was going. Then a small smile found its way on her face, He hasn't changed at all, she thought. Then she stopped. Why am I running away from him? Why… are my feet instinctively moving on their own? I should be glad to see him… right? she plopped down on the ground in defeat. Argh… what am I supposed to do?

"How do you know Hikari?" Shiroyasha asked, breaking the silence that had followed. Izayoi looked over at her, his signature smirk back on his face.

"I knew her… back in my world," he casually replied.

"WHAT?!" Their mouths all fell open in surprise. Knowing Izayoi, they had all just assumed that she was some girl that he had picked a fight with. Thought what had just happened was certainly strange, they had not expected this.

"B-but the chances of two people meeting again in the Little Garden are…" Kuro Usagi stammered, disbelief written all over his face.

"Virtually impossible, I know," Izayoi finished, waving it off as if it were nothing. "I guess we were lucky," then his expression slightly darkened, "... or unlucky." Shiroyasha's eyes narrowed, not missing the slight change in his voice.

"I don't think you're telling us everything," she said, "Hikari's obviously more than just someone you used to know." The others nodded in agreement.

"Kuro Usagi agrees," the blue haired bunny girl said.

"Now," Shiroyasha began, staring directly at Izayoi, "why don't you explain what just happened?" Izayoi sighed.

"I guess I have no choice then…"

Next Chapter: Tenshi


-I don't and never will own Mondaiji Tachi T-T

-Hikari is Japanese for "light," which will come into play later *wink* *wink*


-What do you think of Hikari so far?

-How do you think Izayoi and Hikari know each other?

-What do you think is going to happen?


So yeah, my obsession with Mondaiji Tachi has officially reached the stage where I feel the need to write an OC Fanfic XD

Yes, I am also currently writing two other fanfics as well T_T

idk what I'm thinking -_-

I've been writing this on paper, and I find that it really helps me to be more descriptive and focus more, I hope you can tell ^_^

Tell me what you think below and make sure to follow so that you will know when the next chapter is up!

Thanks for readin~

-Zingy ^_^