"But she's... merely a rider Sire, and of a merchant clan. Shouldn't she be on a horse somewhere, not in our Privy Council?"
Those around the table who suspected there was something once between the King and this green rider - although rumors had abated over the months since the birth of the princess and the mysterious return of Zachary's attentions towards Estora - sat with baited breath, and waited for the King to erupt in a fury at this latest insult from the tactless young Lord.
Only Karigan, standing to Zachary's left, and Laren standing by the side of the Queen's chair to his right, noticed the tightening of his features before it became an amused smile.
"She is also a Knight of the realm, Lord Durham, or did you miss that while you were looking in the mirror?"
The young man swelled with indignation, his thin nose quivering as the King continued.
"Do you suppose I beknight people so they can stroll around in a fancy coat or stage mock battles in the posting-yard? I want Sir G'ladheon here because of the inestimable service she has done, and continues to do for her country. I find her advice invaluable. Which is more than I can say for your childish prattling. Now, if you have no further complaints, perhaps we can turn to the business at hand?"
Karigan snorted, barely suppressing a laugh, and caught Fastion's eye.
She was proud of Zachary, she couldn't deny it. Strange as that felt, considering he was someone she was once in awe of, despite his kindness.
There were still times when he became despondent, when the weight of everything that had been, and everything that could be if his decisions were not sound, became too much to bear. But he was dealing with it - he would take a walk in the gardens with Estora, or have tea with Laren, or work away his frustrations in a bout with Drent.
He sometimes came to talk to Karigan, too. She would cheer him up, bring him down to earth. She would try to remind him that he wasn't infallible (although for a monarch he never really did have a big head) - but he wasn't alone either. Together they would speculate about the future, about where Mornhavon was and when he might return, or how the dragonfly device might be found. They had much to deal with between them, really - his old injuries that still pained him, her eye, their losses, the future where only strife was certain. But somehow it had made Karigan wiser, and in facing up to him she had matured; in helping him she helped herself.
Zachary sometimes still looked at her with a quiet yearning when he thought she wasn't looking, but when she caught him she would swat his shoulder playfully and they would both laugh. What could have been, faded, leaving a friendship based on admiration and respect.
Estora soon came to recognise that her husband's return of good humor, and inclusion of her in his daily life, was thanks to some sort of understanding he had reached with Karigan, and the two ladies became friends once more. The Queen gradually came to accept that her husband was making an honest attempt to be affectionate, and he certainly became a doting father to young Princess Ava, who insisted on carrying her new terrier puppy everywhere despite her mother's consternation.
Standing in the corner of the Privy Council chamber, Fastion looked on in satisfaction, coming perilously close to a smile when Karigan looked his way. He felt a certain lightness of heart to know that they had, against all odds, succeeded. She had helped Zachary to recover. Whatever perilous outcome the Gods had foreseen when they prompted him to action, surely all was now well again. With King Zachary back in action, and with Karigan likewise recovered, Sacoridia was in good hands.
A/N: Sorry if this ending seemed a bit abrupt. I decided it was better to finish off the story than to leave it dangling indefinitely! But the idea of the KxZ conversation was the whole point of writing this, so I figured this was a good point to leave it. I hope the KxZ fans out there are not too disappointed - honestly I after reading MS I have come to the conclusion this is more like the direction KB is headed, in terms of their relationship.
Thanks to everyone for your reviews and encouragement! ... The adventures of Aereal and Owlkin may be continuing very soon with a new fic so... Stay tuned!