Disclaimer: Still and always will OWN NOTHING!


Prince Vegeta sat by his father while the boring morning assembly took place. The prince was actually quite bored, all these old geezers do anyways is talk about the kingdom's tax percentage and then the percentage of food available. Everything was boring, all Vegeta wanted was to go out and train with his guards. But ever since his sixteenth birthday his father told him that since Vegeta was the heir to the throne, he needs to learn and take an interest in the way his kingdom works. The prince detested the way he had to sit for two hours and talk about rice amounts and paperwork. He was devastatingly tired of the old guy smell the throne room had as well, if Vegeta knew one thing for sure, it was he was going to do something about that smell.

"What do you think about this,my prince?" A grey haired guy with a long beared asked. He sat stroking his beard while waiting for an answer. The whole council seemed to know what he meant, that is everyone but him.

"What," Prince Vegeta stated plainly,"I'm sorry I was contemplating that the rice percentage is a bit low this month. I was so engrossed in that I don't have an Idea what you're talking about." If there was an award for getting out of trouble with lies then the prince would win it. Even though he wasn't paying attention he did hear and remember the rice levels because his father quizzes him on them after the morning assemblies. It was his fathers way of getting Vegeta to pay attention a little at a time.

"My prince, we were addressing that the neighboring kingdom, Vertican, had been seen with massive activity the last week, and we wanted you opinion on this situation." The same old guy said. Vegeta contemplated the possibilities of their motives and actions.

"I believe we can't tell if they plan an invasion of our lands or is just doing some other task. We should wait and watch, if the activity doesn't die down we can always send in spies. Besides Vertican's goods are all traded with us, so attacking our source of goods would be foolish. Not to mention our armies are the best saiyans in all three kingdoms." Once the prince finished all the council members looked on at him with agreement and admiration. There was a slight buzz of chatter before the king spoke above them all.

"Quiet!" he boomed,"Now I believe my son is right. We will watch and see if war is their motive, is so then we will battle if not then we leave this be. Now this meeting is adjourned." The council member stood up stretching their old bony legs. Cracking noises could be heard along with poping noises. This severely grosses Vegeta out.

"Oh yes before everyone leaves I need to tell you that a rumor has spread that the activity is due to Vertican's crown prince. They say he left the castle." A old woman spoke with a shred of a smile. Her tone was crackling and she bent over mostly due to back problems. Th e woman's statement shocked everyone, including prince Vegeta.

"What are you saying, that Prince Radize has gone out without permission? He is Twenty in two months so it shouldn't be a problem. Have they gone over protective on him all of sudden? That's just crazy, King Burdock sent him into war at the age of fourteen. So going out on the town is nothing. I wonder if their hiding something?" The king stated, he had to know if it was true yet doesn't want to trudge on the business of his trade partner. Vegeta on the other hand was just about to do just that.

In the kingdom Vertican-grand forest

A boy around fifteen sat in a tree enjoying the quietness that surrounded him. This season was just right for relaxing, the trees and shrubs were full of color and the first wave of heat had just settled upon the land, it was Spring. The sound of yelling knights could be heard throughout the forest, but where the boy lay he couldn't make out what the were yelling. So instead of doing what the rest of the kingdom was doing he decided to find some food.

Looking around he spotted a deer crossing a clearing, he jumped down from the tree causing his black spiking hair to flow beautifully. If someone had passed by the would have thought he was an angel with jet black hair,deep black eyes, and skin as silky white as an angels. His attire though was as white as you can get, he wore a white silk shirt that was buttoned down two slots and white silk pants that rested nicely on his thighs. The boy ran into the clearing super fast and snapped the creature's neck before it knew he was there. His feet stung a little from forgetting his shoes and stepping on a stick, but soon forgot the pain as he picked the deer up and began running back home.

Once the boy got to the gates of the palace the guards welcomed him in with greetings. But that stopped when a tall blond man came up to him.

"Prince Kakarot, your parents have been worried sick, you know your not allowed out of the palace grounds." The man scolded.

"Sorry Cenz, but this time of the year is the perfect time to relax in the forest. Besides I went hunting as well, see?" Kakarot exclaimed cheerfully holding up his catch. Cenz just stared at him in amazement, prince Kakarot was the only one who would put his own life in danger just to relax in a forest, yep only one.

"Your highness, you know you are being hunted. Why must you continue to put yourself at risk? Your parents have made extra care that your birth was not spread, but there are some who believe you are alive. Those people will come for you, please stop these foolish antics." Kakarot just rolled his eyes and began walking into the gate. The guards began settling down at the sight of the run away prince.

"please your highness, listen. I am your bodyguard, which means it's my duty to keep you safe." Cenz pleaded.

Kakarott turned violently, "No, all you and my parents care of is the thing inside me. You care nothing of ME!" with that he speed walked away into the castle,leaving a very surprised Cenz behind.

Kakarott walked through the palace receiving stares of envy, adoration, and disdain. The servants were always this way. The ones that knew his parents secret hated him and the ones who don't know adore him for his looks. To Kakarot the thing is troublesome, all he really wants to do is walk into the woods and never have to look back again. But alas, his parents would send the royal guard to go find and bring him back, the always did, and it always disturbed the townsfolk.

The town and kingdom knew nothing of him being the second prince. No one but the castle staff and a select few outsiders knew and they were kept under oath to prevent it from getting out. This made Kakarott mad, he could never get away from the castle long enough to make friends and it wasn't allowed. Freedom wasn't even applied to him because of the thing inside.

He found his room and threw himself on the bed falling asleep instantly

"Prince Vegeta, I have come." a dark figure hid in the shadows of the room.

The prince looked up and smiled, an action that help no emotion. He set down his pen and addressed the shadow man.

"My, my, Sergio, it has been a while. How are you feeling?"

"Fine my lord but I don't believe that is why you summoned me." The shadow man gave away none of his emotions.

This accusation made the prince snicker. "You are absolutely right. I need you to spy on the royal family of Vertican. I need information on anything that has to do with why the kingdom is bustling and if you can't find anything I hope you at least find out a secret for me."

The shadow man shuffled a little before leaving. Prince Vegeta just laughed at his reaction.

"Now King Burdock, What are you hiding?"

I can't wait to get the next up! Kakarott's parents are going to make an appearance and The spy will end up causing trouble. HeeHee! Hope you enjoyed! Read and review please. I always love hearing whatthe readers think. Unless it's pure hate, then I ignore as much as possible. Also I know I call Goku Kakarott so I am going to make Goku his nickname.

~Asoren OUT