I don't own Gilmore girls.
"Luke I'm going to put my stuff upstairs then I promised Liz I would come and see her and Doula. I'm going to try to ignore TJ So wish me luck."
"Good luck with that." Luke smirked at his back as he walked up the stairs. Rory let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.
"Luke can I get some coffee to go?" Rory asked
"Sure here you go?" Luke poured coffee into a to go cup and passed it to her. He leaned over the counter. "Are you going to be okay?"
"I'll be fine Luke this week isn't about me or Jess this week is about you and mom. She smiled at him taking her coffee and sliding off the stool she waved goodbye to her mother and walked out the door she walked towards Lane's ringing the bell she waited for her best friend to answer.
"Rory was I expecting you?" Lane asked opening the door.
"No." Rory sighed stepping inside and looking around. "Where are the boys?"
"Um School."
"Right, right." Rory shook her head.
"Rory are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine it's just Jess showed up at the diner about five minuets ago so my head is spinning just a little I mean I knew he was coming but man seeing him was like taking a punch to the gut." She shook her head and almost drained her coffee in one gulp.
"Here sit down." Lane guided her friend towards the couch. Rory slumped onto the couch a pout on her face.
"Can I hide in her house for the next week?"
Lane laughed and shook her head. "Sorry this inn is full. But I do have news for you?"
"Oh yeah what is that?"
"I'm going to have another baby the doctors promise it's only one this time though."
"Oh Lane Congrats what does Zach say?"
"Well he's actually acknowledging this one unlike with the twis so I think we're doing better then last time." Lane laughed. The girls talked and Rory felt her nerves start to melt away.
Jess had come down the stairs his eyes scanning over the diner. "She left." Lorelai said draining her coffee and standing up. Jess tried to pretend he had no idea what she was talking about but she just shook her head she leaned over the counter and kissed Luke. She turned back towards Jess. "Don't mess with her Jess." Lorelai gave her warning before walking out of the diner leaving a scowling Jess behind.
"Luke I'm leaving I'll be back later." Jess bit out. He felt like he was seventeen years old again not thrity with his own business and three almost four books to his name. and even one of those books was made into a movie. He made his way out of the diner ignoring Miss Patty and Babette and walking down the streets of Stars Hollow he found himself in front of his mother's house and knocked on the door. The door swung open on an excited 8 year old.
"Jess you're here mommy said you were coming but I didn't believe her." Doula scrunched up her nose. Jess chuckled and shook his head.
"Well I'm here munchkin are you going to let me in?"
"Yes come on mommy got a new movie but she said I can't watch it because I'm too little maybe you can convince her to let me."
"Yeah what movie is that?" Jess asked as he was pulled through the house.
"I don't know but it really made mommy cry and then Daddy scowled and asked why she'd watch something like that."
"Hmm." Jess muttered walking into the living room.
"Jess." Liz threw her arms around her son and held on.
"Liz." Jess said hugging her briefly and then letting her go as Doula was pulling on her shirt.
"Mommy, mommy."
"What is it Doula honey?" Liz asked shifting her focus to her daughter.
"What was that movie that you wouldn't let me watch that made daddy mad and made you cry?"
"Oh um." Liz went white. "It was nothing honey."
"Yes it was." Doula stomped her foot and went over to the tv and pulled the DVD from the shelf here it is. It's called little boy lost see." She shoved it towards her mother and Jess took it from her tiny grasp.
His eyes glued to the cover of the movie he looked up at his mother. He wanted to feel bad that the movie made her cry he wanted to apologize he wanted to run out of that house and never come back but instead he stood there staring between the movie and his mother. A tense silence hung around them. This movie was from his second book a semi autobiography that he had written after the Subsect. Only Little boy lost had went main stream leading him to write another book called Memories call you home and now he was working on a fourth book titled One world all alone. People said his stories were depressing that they needed to be happier but he told them they were real life they were nitty and gritty and he was happy with them. But as he stared at that movie in his mother hand for once he felt just a little bad for being so truthful for telling it like it was. Oh he didn't feel bad for Liz because he knew Liz didn't deserve to be felt bad for but he did feel bad for Doula sweet young Doula who would one day watch the movie read the book and know a mother that was at once hers but not. A mother she'd never seen but who had been the bane of her older brothers existence. Yes if Jess felt bad for anyone in this situation it was his baby sister. He crouched down and looked into her crystal blue eyes so like his mothers.
"Doula this is a grown up movie okay when you're older you can watch but for right now lets put his up okay."
"Fine." Doula pouted taking the movie from her brothers hand and putting it back. Jess looked up at his mother and saw the emotions at war in her eyes and he shook his head. Between her and Rory he wanted to run as far way from this town as he could get and never come back. He was here because of Luke because of everything Luke had done for him. Luke was the connection that kept him here. That kept him sane in this small town.
A/N thanks to everyone that reviewed hope you like this chapter.