
AN: This is my first Merlin fanfic! *Squeals* I had to whip it up real quick because the other ones I had prepared weren't ready to be posted due to issues with Word. I fixed it and am working on completing them now! I plan to add some of my other random one-shots about the Golden Age of Camelot, and I'll write any requests as long as it doesn't contain slash. Enjoy!


Arthur's yells echoed through the halls of Camelot. Servants and nobles alike jumped out of his way as he raced down the corridors. Where was that idiot?, Arthur thought to himself. After all, Arthur had a bunch of angry nobles to appease for his manservant's stupidity.

The king rounded the corner to the West wing that was mostly empty due to an accident the previous week involving Gwaine, mead, and seventy-five pounds of moldy cheese. How Gwaine had managed to get so much cheese and transport it into the castle, Arthur had no idea. Either way, there were plenty of hiding spots here and he was sure that Merlin was here somewhere. Arther krept down the hall to keep from alerting Merlin he was here(although the cheeky warlock likely knew already from some sort of spell he cast). A sneeze from a suit of armor stationed by the wall reverberated off the walls and caused the suit to rattle.

"Really now Merlin," Arthur said as he flipped up the visor on the helmet revealing a sheepishly grinning Merlin. "Was all that really necessary? I mean, naming you Court Sorceror, without warning you, the day after I repealed the ban on magic was abrupt. Having you pulled out of your study to practice with a sword was a bit uncalled for. But this was completely normal! All you had to do was shake the noble's hand, but what do you do? You turn his hair pink and storm out!" Arthur finished with a dissapointed frown and a raised eybrow. Merlin winced after the rant but quickly recovered to defend himself.

"He was insulting your change in referral to magic! It was a disgrace to your's and Gwen's honor! He may not have said it directly, but it was insinuated in his words and the looks he kept giving you. I refuse to show even the slightest respect for anyone who disrespects you." With that Merlin's eyes glowed a brilliant gold and the armor disassembled and reassembled next to him, freeing the warlock.

"Well he's still a noble," chided Arthur, "so you have to respect him."

Merlin huffed and put a angry scowl on his face. "I will not! In fact, I refuse to attend the banquet tonight! No amount of bribing with days off can make me!"

Arthur crossed his arms and glared at his Court Sorceror. "I am the king and I order you to attend the banquet!" Merlin was about to open his mouth in protest but Arthur cut him off.

"But you are technically now a member of the court. So I cannot really put you in the stocks for being disrespectful. I can only reprimand you," he added with a wink.

Merlin grinned and said, "I'll try to make it subtle."

With a pat on the back, the two friends walked back towards the throne room to finish the preparations for the banquet. And if the new noble ended up sick to his stomach the next morning, no one acknowledged the quiet smirks that the king and court sorceror kept shooting each other.

AN: So what did ya think? I'll get my next story up within the next few days, so lets cross our fingers for that to be good! Please review, and if it's not too much trouble, I have a poll on what fandom I should write for. If you can, please vote to tell me what you want! That's all for now!
