SETTING: Storybrooke Hospital

TIME: Two Days after the Big Showdown

The bright light from the window assaulted Liam. Sun! Sky!Trees! He was above water! The straps of the apparatus held his near useless body upright as squid ink coursed through his veins. A firm hand gently held his own. The masculine aroma of sea, rum and leather floated in the air.

"Ah, so my slug-a-bed brother is finally awake!"

"Killian! I thought I dreamed it!"

"No, it's quite real. You are in Storybrooke Hospital."

"Storybrooke...You must have so many friends here."

"Aye. In fact, there is one very special person who has been anxious to met you."

Killian motioned to someone outside the door. A nurse entered the room carrying a small white bundle. Killian carefully took the bundle and lowered it for his brother to see.

"May I present Miss Leia Jones, namesake of her esteemed uncle, Captain Liam Jones."

The baby cooed quietly and clutched Liam's purplish finger in her tiny fist. She was bright with Killian's brilliant blue eyes and soft mouth. Her nose and chin were all Emma.

"She is so beautiful."

"Aye," her father replied.

"How is Emma feeling?"

"Oh, Emma is fine. She was in labor a little over three hours, which seemed like an eternity to me... But, the doctor said it was a very easy delivery. No complications."

The nurse took the baby from Killian and headed back to the maternity ward. Leia's sweet newborn smell still lingered.

"Amazing.." Liam breathed. "BOTH mother and daughter - amazing!"

"That they are, brother!" Killian leaned forward a little. "Tell me. What do you remember from the past few days? Before we brought you here."

"I remember Emma making the bubble around us and a dizzying trip to the surface... I remember the joy of seeing you again... I remember flying over the water in the belly of an ear-splitting beast-"

"Aye, the emergency helicopter that transported you here. Anything else?"

"Well...the mer king was going to kill you...but then Emma took his trident...My God...that woman is bloody brilliant! Just bloody brilliant!"

Killian chuckled and motioned for his brother to continue.

"And then she ... told off Triton and Mother ... I dare say no one has ever dressed them down like that before. Brilliant!"

"Yes, they both deserved it and more!"

"Killian, how did you win the hand of such a woman?"

"That's a long story, brother. Best we leave it for when you are feeling stronger."

"I'm sure these doctors have already told you that I can't live without the squid ink's magic."

Killian nodded.

"I never wished to put you through this a second time...I still remember how horrible it was when the dream shade returned...I saw your anguish...I could do nothing but float away."

"Aye, but this time, there may be a way...Do you remember Emma explaining stem cells to you?"

"Yes, they have the power to rebuild me...but I still don't understand how."

"I'll ask Dr. Wales to come down and help me explain."

Liam watched Killian pull a small device from his pocket and talk to it as if it were a person. A few minutes later, a solidly built blond man in a long white overcoat came into the room.

"There are two ways we can harvest the stem cells we need to treat you," explained Dr. Wales. "We can either extract them from Baby Leia's stored cord blood or take them from the bone marrow of a compatible adult, in this case, Killian. The problem with this procedure is that it can put the bone marrow donor at risk for medical complications. Also, the chance of the body rejecting the donated cells is higher with the bone marrow method."

"I see... the cord blood method is easier and...has a better chance of success."

"Um, in your case, it is impossible to calculate the probability of success. We have virtually no data on mer physiology... We can place the human stem cells in your body but it will take white magic to get them to interact with your mer cells ... There is no guarantee it will work though."

"Doctor," asked Killian, "Does he have any other options?"

"None except to continue the squid ink transfusions."

"No." Liam's firm voice broke the silence. "I have played the invalid for too long. Make preparations for the procedure."


SETTING: The Guest Room of Emma & Killian's Home

TIME: Three Months After Liam's Operation

Liam swung his legs off the bed and walked to the window. The physical therapy helped him a great deal. Last week, he couldn't take the few steps needed to reach the dresser. This week he could make it all the way to the window.

The procedure had been a rousing success. But, with Emma involved, how could it not be? As soon as he had awoke from the surgery, he could feel the strength coursing through his veins. His lungs cleared a few days later and he was now breathing without effort. His human skin and hair gradually returned. Getting his muscles to work properly would take more time and effort but it WOULD happen as long as he kept his spirits up.

Today his spirits were soaring! The guest room window afforded a perfect view of the patio. He watched Killian pushing Leia on her baby swing. Emma sat nearby smiling as the baby squealed with delight. How fast Leia was growing! Such a blessing to have his brother and his niece to help him recover! And Emma - beautiful, wonderful Emma!

"Well-well-well...Aren't we looking fit as a ...king!"

Liam looked toward the door. No one was there. Ursula's image reflected back to him from the mirror above the dresser.

"Mother, I wondered when you were finally going to make an appearance."

"It worked, my boy! I brought you back!"

"No, Emma brought me back with assistance from Dr. Wales. But, you did give them a solid foundation from which to work. For that, I thank you."

"Ah, the sainted Emma! Tell me. Was it worth it to betray the woman who gave birth to you, the woman who saved your life and cared for you, the woman who fought for your throne-"

"Yes, it was worth it... No, it is not my throne."

"So you say... But with Emma's power behind you-"

"NO, Mother! I will not seek the kingship. Nor will Killian. Nor will Killian and Emma allow you to claim it on Leia's behalf."

"So you intend to just diddle away your life, tagging along behind your brother and his family like an extra tentacle."

"No, I will continue to mend. When I am fully recovered, I'll resume my profession here in Storybrooke just as Killian has done."

"So smug, Liam. What does Killian think of this grand plan?"

"He supports me, of course!"

Ursula just smiled back at him.

"Who knows? I may find a good woman here. Then I'll settle down with her and produce more grandchildren for you who will also NOT claim Uncle Triton's throne."

"It would hardly be good form to marry a woman you didn't love."

"Who's to say I wouldn't love her?"

" YOU are already in love with a you can't have...that, dear boy, is MY revenge for your betrayal...every day you spend in Storybrooke is a torture worse than all those centuries in my lair... Because she is here and YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!"

Liam turned his back on the mirror and gazed out the window. "Don't bait me with cryptic threats! What the devil are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that you are cursed because you love your brother's wife!"

Liam turned swiftly to the mirror but Ursula was gone. He sat down on the chair and massaged his temples. Bloody octopus!


Back in the underwater lair, Ursula continued to watch Liam through the mirror even though she had cut off video transmission from her end. Poor unfortunate boy! Could he ever have his happy ending?

"So, your eldest son stole the Charming girl's magic back and ruined your plan." Ursula jumped to see Blackbeard leaning against the doorway with arms crossed. "Did you curse him with a love spell?"

"No, that is his own doing...and will he suffer for it... What are you doing back here anyway? I thought you would be collecting your precious treasure."

"Aye, we went to the coordinates you gave me for the Whydah Gally. We found nothing but a buoy identifying the spot as a marine archeology site. What was left of Sam Bellamy's treasure has been plundered by a group called the W G Society."

"Um... and you want me to find out where they took it?"

"I already know where they took it. Apparently in this world, they don't bury the treasure. Instead, they house it lavishly and then allow any fool to oogle it.'

"It's called a museum."

"Aye...that's what they call it - The Whydah Pirate Museum."

"I'm sure their museum security is no match for us. Come on! I'll help you steal it."

"No, I don't want to loot the pirate museum. 'Tis a fitting memorial to dear Sam and an honor to all pirates...but I do have to pay my crew somehow. Any suggestions?

" Many undiscovered treasure ships still clutter my ocean. I would be happy to point them out for a price."

"I thought you would say that. What's your price?"

"Your assistance with the rest of my plan to topple Triton."

"I thought your sons blew that plan out of the water?"

"A temporary setback only... if my ungrateful sons won't let me claim the throne in their name, I will force Triton to hand over the kingdom to me in my own right."

"You can't be serious? My crew is no match for Triton's army!"

"Oh, we aren't going to use military force...I have a much stronger cocktail for Triton to will require my daughter-in-law's strong white magic shaken together with my dark sea magic and poured over the rocks! King 'For-the-Good-of-the-Realm' will have NO choice but to capitulate."

"How will you get Hook's wife to cooperate?"

"Oh, I have a way when the time is right."

Blackbeard scratched his chin. "How long until the time is right?"

"That depends on dear Emma and her willingness to involve a certain icy royal...In the meantime, we will dig up some treasure to keep your cutthroat crew happy...after that, LOOK OUT STORYBROOKE!"



Author's Notes:

1. My knowledge of the use of stem cells in medicine is strictly from a layman's point of view. But, I do have some firsthand experience as we actually saved our daughter's cord blood when she was born and pay a small fee each year to store it. I am not sure if science will advance to the point in her lifetime where her saved stem cells can help her autism but I can always hope.

2. Cord blood stem cells come from the blood of the umbilical cord and is usually thrown out after birth unless the parents want it saved and pay a service to do so. This differs from the controversial embryonic stems cells that come from embryos which many (including myself) do not believe should be used for medical experiments.

3. The Whydah Pirate Museum in Provincetown, Massachusetts really does house the remains of Captain Sam Bellamy's Whydah Gally. Much of the ship and treasure was salvaged by the W G Society.

4. Yes, I finished the story a bit open ended and left a lot of questions unanswered: What is Ursula 's master plan for toppling Triton? Who is the Jones' Brothers' father and what happened to him? Will Liam's love for Emma destroy her marriage or his relationship with his brother?

These questions and more will be answered in the sequel, "Finding Father". The first chapter of the sequel will be posted 4/05/15.