Everyone knows what happens to a devil fruit user that consumes more than one fruit. Their bodies cannot cope and they die. Painfully. So why didn't Luffy?

Luffy almost dies and the sudden onset of emotion from this causes Zoro to notice things. Yaoi, Zoro x NEKO Luffy (Sorry, I couldn't help myself) and rated M for lemons in future chapters. Possible Law x Luffy.

Warning, it gets a little gruesome in the first chapter. But otherwise;


Luffy sighed. This was the hottest island since Arabasta and he was exhausted. Even though the sun had set and darkness licked at the pavements, the heat still burned as though the sun were still standing in the sky. Sweat beaded at his forehead.

He was on his way back to the Thousand Sunny, having left early to explore the island. Usopp and Chopper stayed close by the ship, whereas everyone else (particularly Nami and Robin) were eager to visit inns, markets and weapon traders. Luffy was only particularly interested in the restaurants the island had to offer.

However, the island was a peculiar one having little to no restaurants and, what little they did have to offer, didn't sell the protein Luffy desperately asked for.

But now it was evening and that was the time agreed that everyone were to meet back at the ship. Luffy was looking forward to it. Sanji had promised them a celebratory dinner when they all returned and Luffy hoped Sanji had been luckier at the market stores finding meat than Luffy had at the restraunts. His footsteps quickened.

Then he paused. After a survey of his surroundings he realised the ship was quite a walk away. Sanji would be angry to make them wait. Luffy sighed again, regaining his footing and strolling along the path. The anticipation of food made him hurry faster.

After a few minutes the heat made him breathless and he stopped, laying his back against a nearby wall. His stomach howled loudly and he covered it with his hand, a defeated frown on his face.

Then his eyes lit up. In the alleyway just across from him was a funny looking pineapple. Atleast, it looked like a pineapple. For a while he stayed there, watching it, awaiting someone to claim it. But nobody did.

Now, who would just leave their weirdly coloured pineapple lying there? Luffy would have just waited a little longer for Sanji to feed him but that pineapple just seemed so coincidentially and conveniently placed that it seemed almost as if fate wanted Luffy to satisfy his hunger.

Luffy stared a moment longer, somewhat indecisive, but then lifted himself, crossing the small pane of dirt between both sides of the street. No one was around, it couldn't possibly belong to anyone.

Luffy entered the shadowed alley, approaching the pineapple with a raised eyebrow. Upon closer inspection, he could see it was more rounded and shaped almost like a bell. Some of its properties seemed familiar to Luffy but he shrugged, certain he had never seen it before.

Slowly, he picked up the fruit. Was this one of those bland tasting cardboard-like foods that the restaurant fed him with? He lifted it to his nose and sniffed but it didn't give off any kind of smell.

Then he shrugged, and bit into the surface. Immediately his face contorted in disgust and he spat what he hadn't swallowed onto the ground.

"Bleh, this tastes gross, who would eat this!?"

He dropped the fruit into the dirt, coughing and gagging at the foul taste. His breathing calmed after a moment and an odd tingling feeling spread over his body.

For a split second, Luffy felt confused. His eyes became disorientated and he looked at his hand uneasily, where the tingling had started.

His hand was shaking uncontrollably. The tingling merged with a feeling of needles pressing against his skin and his breath quickened.


Suddenly, Luffy coughed a forced, painful cough that he covered with his hand. The cough tore from his throat, making his eyes water. Warmth spread across his palm and he pulled it away to inspect it.

Deep red seeped through his fingers which were still shaking like a faulty machine. Luffy's eyes widened and another, more urgent, cough ripped from his lungs causing him to cry out in pain. Another cough followed, all seeming to send staps of pain through him and make him double over, clutching his stomach and gasping what little air he could into his screaming lungs.

Luffy gagged and coughed and gagged again. Then he retched and what little contents of what was in his stomach sprawled onto the ground. His stomach twisted and he retched again, this time blood spurting out his mouth.

His stomach felt almost like it were being torn apart and he screamed, to anyone, and more red splashed onto the ground. His hands clawed at the dirt as he gasped raspily and screamed again, this time in pain.

Footsteps echoed against the walls. Footsteps that quickened and got closer. Yes, Luffy thought, I'm here. Help me. Please, help me.

"Luffy, is that-"

Luffy struggled to lift his head when he heard the unmistakable voice of his first mate. He wanted to ask for help but he was gasping and found that he couldn't seem to breathe properly.

"Luffy!" Zoro exclaimed, running to his side. His eyes were wide and the puddle of blood sent a sharp stab of fear through him.

"Lu-Luffy, what-" He stuttered, carefully lifting Luffy out of his own blood.

Luffy cried out when Zoro touched him, his body hurting to the point of unbearability. Zoro's hands quickly pulled away, not wanting to put Luffy in any pain.

Panic surged through his veins. What happened? What should he do? There were no hospitals on this small island, let alone people outside now.

Zoro's heart seemed to pause. Was Luffy going to die?

Zoro watched wide-eyed as Luffy puked more blood below him, his breathing completely irregular and raspy.

I don't want to lose Luffy. I don't want to lose Luffy.

Zoro put his hands into Luffy's sides and lifted him into his arms. He winced when Luffy screamed in pain, kicking his legs desperately.

"It hurts!" Luffy finally said. "It hurts so much!"

"I'm taking you to Chopper." Zoro said, his voice shaking. I don't want to lose Luffy, he told himself, his heart racing. We've come so far. We've done so much. Don't take him from me. He's not ready yet.

Zoro began to jog into the street and Luffy squealed in pain when he bounced too high. The pain was stronger now, stronger than any battle could cause and he wished so much that he could just faint, just to end the pain.

Zoro approached a short flight of stairs. Below, a few streets away was the sea, the anchors and the Thousand Sunny. He hesitated at the top step. Then, after a deep breath, began to step down them two at a time, wanting as soon as possible to end Luffy's pain.

Zoro's ear rung from Luffy's yelling and he struggled to carry him as he was squirming restlessly in his arms. His shirt was red with Luffy's blood as, multiple times, Luffy had continued to hurl up his insides.

"Luffy, we're nearly there, okay? Just stay with me."

Luffy wanted to comfort Zoro, to tell him it would be okay but all that he had time to think about was trying to breathe. His throat felt swollen and closed.

Suddenly, Luffy's eyes widened and instantly squeezed tightly together again. His body straitened up in Zoro's arms and he screamed in agony. Zoro was surprised by Luffy's sudden movement and slowed his jog to a quick walk to ease the pain.

Luffy's spine felt like it was being pulled and tears escaped freely from his eyes. He wanted to scream but couldn't find the energy to and buried his face into Zoro's shirt. The retched pulling sensation hightened and he could only ball his fists tightly together to ease the pain.

And then his spine seemed to give way and escape its skeletal structure, burst from his tail bone, tearing through the flesh relentlessly. Luffy cried in agony and Zoro merely watched in horror as Luffy's spine extended the length of a normal human, tearing through anything in its way. Renewed blood dripped from Luffy's lower back and Zoro hurried through the last street separating him and the anchors, fear and adrenaline quickening his footwork.

Don't take Luffy.

A/N. Wow, I was really mean to Luffy in the chapter. I'm sorry, Luffy-kun, I'll make it up to you, I promise. With everything bad that happens there will always be good to level it out. Most of the time.

Sorry about all the painfulness, that's the end of it mostly, don't worry. It was needed for emphasis. Yes, Luffy may or may not be slowly becoming a neko. HUZAH, MY NEKO FANBOYS AND GIRLS! I know it's not much but let me know what you think of the first chapter. The next will be much less mean on Luffy's behalf. Until then,
