
Did I really just hear…?

Doris called my name again.

I've been reaped for the second time.

Oh, this is gonna be fun. None of the other female victors volunteer, and rightly so; I mean, when I was first reaped, I wouldn't even let my own sister volunteer for me. I flash everyone a vicious smile as I ascend the stage stairs. They go crazy; and why wouldn't they? My teeth are my claim to fame. I'm like a shark.

Mom's not here. Dad's not here. And Jetta isn't here, either.

They're dead.

All because I opened my big fat mouth during my Victory Tour. I'd been getting prepped; so I thought, hey, no cameras were around, right? I could say what I wanted.

When I came home to District 2… I found out I was dead wrong. Peacekeepers burst into my house. One of them held me back- you can bet that Peacekeeper earned several scars from me. But he managed to subdue me, long enough for his friends to break out their clubs. To beat up every member of my family until their lives ended. To leave me an orphan at seventeen years old.

I'm thirty four years old now. A little wiser. So I think, anyways. And I'm a total celebrity, especially in the Capitol. At first, I relished the attention. It didn't take long for me to get over it. I mean, who wants to be famous for killing?

Oh, don't act all surprised. There's a human inside this monster, I assure you.

"Welcome back, Enobaria!" Doris cheers as I take the stage. "Now we'll find out who your male tribute is."

Fantastic. Who's gonna be my Hal this time around, I wonder?

"Trent Dursley."

Trent? He's one of the oldest living victors. Poor man won't make it through the bloodbath, especially not after contracting severe arthritis in all his joints. Sad. When I heard about the Quarter Quell, I watched highlight Games videos of every victor from my district; particularly, the victors who won before I was born. He was a seriously kick-ass tribute. Am I gonna kill him? No way. He's a good guy. Neighbor. He reminds me of my grandpa Max. I've made it an unspoken goal to leave the elderly tributes alone; let Gamemakers do the nasty work. Like I said, I do have some morals still.

"I volunteer as tribute," the man next to him says.

A whispered curse word escapes me. I know the man extremely well: Brutus Gunner, who was my mentor- and, at one time… more than a friend.

Hey, I'd been a little desperate at the time, okay? When my life fell apart, he helped me keep it together. And I still care about him a lot. Though twenty-seven years have passed since he won, he's kept up his muscular physique. I just knew he'd volunteer again if he had the chance.

My new district partner shoots me an apologetic expression; so quick that I almost miss it. Brutus isn't known for being a sensitive person. But I can tell you, he's sensitive when he wants to be. When the Capitol doesn't demand him to act otherwise. For their precious victors, it's aalll about image.

"Now, for the mentors: who among the women would like to volunteer?"

"I'll do it." This comes from Phoebe Lyme, a.k.a. the woman who mentored me seventeen years ago. I felt at ease with her; confident; and it went a long way towards my victory. She taught me the meaning of perseverance (just watch her Games- she held onto a branch for five hours straight while tributes were attacked and eaten by mutt piranhas). Having her support again means everything to me.

"And the men?" Doris continues.

"I will," says Odysseus Pollock. He won the 32nd Hunger Games. Brutus knows him better than I do, because they work together at our district's spear factory. As victors, we're not required to work. I tried that for a year or two. It didn't push those ghosts away. I'm much happier when I have something to do. I've got a sweet little sword workshop behind my house; and it keeps me busy from dusk to dawn. Everybody wants a piece of Enobaria Golding.

Which reminds me… What will become of it if I bite the dust? I could have Phoebe take over.

Of course, she doesn't have to, 'cause I am gonna win again. You'll see.

"Good, good, good!" Doris cheers. "Let's give a biiig round of applause for your returning victors, District Two! Happy Hunger Games."

"And may the odds be ever in your favor," the audience replies as one.

Brutus joins hands with me, and we pump them high, yelling like bloodthirsty maniacs. I love how intimidating we are together. We've always had the ability to make people shirk away from us on sight; me with my teeth, and he with his rock-like muscles.

Yes, my life is probably almost over- I've got to accept it. Doesn't mean I'll just go quietly. Doesn't mean I'm gonna play a fair game. One last chance to get dirty.

Let's raise some hell!