After a long and hard work, here we go for the first chapter, guys. I hope it will please to all of you =)

It was a beautiful night in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The sky was brown as a wall of clouds was making a rain falling on the city.

Everybody in the city was somewhere hiding from the rain.

Well, almost all...In an alley, a strange bird figure was passing without being seen by anyone.

After sometime, he stopped on top of a house to see two birds armed with two guns standing in front of an entrance of what must be a hideout.

The mysterious figure stepped a little toward the edge and was exposed enough to a quarter light to being seeing by the writers; it was a blue spix macaw with grey talons who was wearing a black headband with a white skull on his beak and a black hat on his head leaving his brown eyes visible, he was wearing a black fanny pack around his waist.

Justly, he opened it and putted his right wing into it. He putted his wing out with a little black phone in his wing.

Then, he pressed some buttons on his phone to hack a camera that was on the wall above the two guards and was able to hear their conversation.

Gangster bird 1: "What a depressing time! And it has to be us who have to guard the entry!"

Gangster bird 2: "Yeah. The boss wants to be sure that all the supplies in this building is safe after what happened to all the others because of this stupid masked bird!"

Then, the spy bird smiled behind his headband.

Spy bird: (It's not today that some idiots are gonna stop Blu from taking interesting stuff.)

He said with letting go of the camera and turning his attention to a car at end of the alley next to the guards.

Then, he pressed on some buttons and hacked the car whose alarms rang and made jump the guards.

Guard bird 1: "What the hell is that?!"

Therewith, the two guard went toward the alley end close to the car that was still ringing.

Suddenly, as they passed near an explosive on a wall, Blu hacked it which made it explode killing the two guards in the process.

Blu: (Morons!)

He said with a chuckle before jumping from the roof and landing on the ground before walking at the entrance. There, he slowly opened the door and gave a quick glare inside before entering and closing the door behind him.

Once inside, he quickly jumped behind some wood boxes and discreetly lifted his head above it to see what was going on.

The room was pretty great with at least 10 gangsters birds armed with guns watching all over the room. At the end of this zone was a door with a poster saying "Don't open, important stuff inside). It must be there that the gangster's resources are.

Therewith, Blu went back behind the boxes and took something in his fanny pack; a lure which he could uses to distract the gangsters.

Then, Blu lifted his head above the boxes and threw the lure in a corner away from the door. He then took his phone in his wing and putted a button which made the lure explode.

All the gangsters jumped and turned their attentions to where the explosion came from.

They took their weapons in their wings before slowly walking toward the location leaving one guard to protect the door.

Blu smiled and putted his phone back into his fanny pack before discretely walking through the room toward the door guarded by one gangster.

Once he was arrived in the shadows next to the gangster, he took something out of his fanny pack; it was a kind of metal baton.

Then, he went next to the gangster who didn't had time to react as Blu smashed the back of his leg with his baton making him kneeling down and smashed the back of his head with his baton again killing him instantly.

Therewith, Blu quickly putted the baton back into his fanny pack before quickly opening the door and entering it before the gangsters sees him.

Once inside, Blu quickly closed the door behind him and took a look at the place; the room was pretty great with boxes filled with weapons or drug. In the middle of the room was a table with a small computer which must be the one containing all the money.

Without losing another second, Blu ran to the computer which was already open and took his phone out of his fanny pack.

Then, he took a kind of connection line which he connected with one part at his phone and the other one on the computer.

Then, he pressed some buttons and an image appeared showing the money on the computer going inside Blu's phone.

Blu: (Come on! Come on!)

He said pretty impatient.

Then, the transferring was over and there was now 10 000$ in Blu's phone.

Blu: (YES!)

He said with disconnecting his phone from the computer and putting the line back into his fanny back and getting ready to leave by an open window at the end of the room.

But as he was about to get to the boxes that were leading to the window, the door from which he came from opened brutally and the nine remaining gangsters entered the room with angry faces as they saw Blu.

They aimed their guns at Blu who took a gun in his fanny pack too.

Gangster: "So, you think you can kill our friend, take our money and leave without being hurt?"

He said angrily as he was ready to shoot, but was interrupted as a thing broke through the window and landed in the middle of the piece; it was a kind of bomb which exploded and sends smoke through all the room blinding the gangsters but not Blu as he was protected by his headband.

Suddenly, someone jumped through the broken window and landed in the middle of the piece; it was a kind of bird who was wearing a white and red outfit over his whole body except his black wings, a belt of knives on his back, another one around his waist which contained some poison bottles and a sword.

He justly grabbed this last one and stabbed it straight into one of the gangster's chest killing him.

The gangsters began to shoot everywhere randomly not touching anybody.

Then, Blu grabbed his metal baton and began to smash the gangsters with it to kill them as his friend was slashing them with his sword.

Once all the gangsters were down, Blu and his friend quickly ran up the boxes and jumped through the opened window.

Just before getting out, the masked bird stood on the window and threw a powerful bomb into the room before jumping down in the alley.

After a few seconds, the bomb exploded and the whole building went off.

Blu and his friend were sending in the air by the bomb's strength. They landed on the floor not injured luckily.

As they went back on their feet, Blu and his friend looked at the building destroyed in fire.

Blu then took his headband off revealing his black beak covered by sweat.

He then looked at his friend who turned toward him and took his hood off revealing that he was a toco toucan black with a white belly, a long orange beak with some black at the end and blue talons with brown eyes.

Blu: "Thanks for the help, Rafael."

Rafael: "You should be more careful; my assassin's capacity won't be always there to protect your back."

Blu nodded with a smile.

Rafael: "Let's get out of here before someone spots us!"

He said with putting his hood back as Blu did with his headband and the two birds flew off in the raining sky of Rio.


This is it for the first chapter, guys! I'm sorry that it was so short, but the other chapters will be very good, I promise! Special thanks to SuperDuke1000, Ricardo The Black Hawk, Reidak The Spix Macaw, BlueFenixLord, Sparky The Elf Owl, Shyguy86 and Seriouslywut for helping me with this story. You're awesome, guys! =)