The Hunter and The Wiccan

The Wendigo

Phoebe, Prue and Piper stood in the hospital as they were questioned by Inspector Andy Trudeau and FBI agent Ashley Fallon about the thing that attacked Piper in the park. The questions were standard and if the creature hadn't been so clearly supernatural, it would've been the first time they were involved in an ordinary case but that's not what happened, you know that, I know that, we all know that. Now I know you're probably sitting here, wondering what's going on and why you need to know this, your all probably thinking that you've seen this before, that you know everything but I'm here to tell you that that's not true. Sure, you've watched the episode, maybe you've even seen the entire series but that doesn't mean you know everything that happened, stories got edited, details left out, facts twisted, so I'm here to tell you the true story of what really happened, of the events that changed everything, starting with that night, starting at the moment when two 'Homeland Security Agents' walked in and headed for the group.

"Hello, Ms. Halliwell, I'm Agent Wyatt and this is my partner Agent Perry. We're from Homeland Security and we have some questions regarding your attack if that's okay with you, miss?" The Agent asked, flashing a mega watt smile at Piper, making her pale face flush slightly.

"Excuse me, agents, what is Homeland Security doing on an FBI case?" Agent Fallon asked

"I'm afraid, ma'am, that we're not at liberty to talk about it, it's confidential you see, but if you would like information, feel free to call our superior." The freakishly tall Agent told her, handing her a card which she took before walking away to go do exactly what he suggested and the two extremely attractive Agents turned back to Piper who asked what they wanted to know.

"Could you describe the creature?" Agent Wyatt asked

"Describe it? Okay… big, scary, strong… kind of like a cross between a werewolf and Charles Manson." Piper told them

"Did it have yellow eyes? Talon like claws? Was it afraid of fire?" Agent Perry asked and she nodded in agreement as he described the thing that had attacked her.

"Ms. Halliwell, we just have one last question for you and then you're free to go. When the creature attacked you, did it bite or scratch you or anything?" The smaller Agent asked

"Yeah, it scratched me on the arm. Why, is it poisonous or diseased because the doctor said I'd be fine?!" Piper exclaimed, freaking out

"No, Ms. Halliwell, your fine, it was just a simple question and now we'll take our leave so that you can go home and rest. I'm sorry about what happened and I hope you feel better." Agent Perry said before he and his partner left, talking urgently between each other.

"Sam, did you see that scratch? If we don't kill this thing by tomorrow, we're going to have to kill her to." Dean told his younger but taller brother

"Yeah, I know but how are we going to find it? I mean, Dean, this thing looks like us during the day, it doesn't have any signs like the other monsters except fire but what are we going to do, wave a lighter in everyone's face and see if they react? We don't even have any suspects and now we have to worry about someone turning into one of these things." Sam ranted

"Speaking of the would-be-victim, one of us should check up on her tomorrow to see how close to turning she is."

"Oh, and you think it should be you because she's cute and you have to hit on anything wearing a skirt." It wasn't a question, it was a statement

"Well yeah."

"Whatever. I should have known you couldn't make it one case without hitting on someone. Just try to remember the poor girl is infected and keep it in your pants."

"Hey, Dean, does the name Halliwell sound familiar to you?" Sam asked, curiously, it had been bothering him ever since he first heard the name but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

"No, why?"

"No reason, just wondering." Maybe he'd call Bobby tomorrow and see if he knew anything.

"Oh! Agent Wyatt, what are you doing here?" Piper asked, surprised to see him standing at her door

"Just thought I'd check up on the pretty girl. Hope you don't mind?" He said, flashing a grin that made her heart skip a beat as she bite her lip, his eyes following the movement

"Not at all. Please come in, Agent." She told him, stepping aside

"Oh, please, call me Chris." He requested, quickly snapping an arm out to grab her when a dizzy spell hit her, making her almost hit the ground but thankfully he caught her in time.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, receiving a weak nod in return along with a thankful smile "Good, can you make it to the living room?"

"Back off! What, you think I can't walk!?" She snapped before looking apologetic "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just- I- What's happening to me?" She asked, wide brown eyes staring up at him, terrified.

"What do you got, Sammy?" Dean asked as he stepped out into the hall of the manor

"Well, on the Wendigo front, nothing but I found out something else that's really interesting. Remember how I asked if the name Halliwell was familiar? It's because it was. When I was eleven, I found a book in Bobby's library about a wiccan Melinda Warren who was burned during the Salem Witch Trials. Before she died she prophesied that three sisters would become the most powerful witches the world has ever known and become the greatest force of good against evil. I looked into it and the Warren line became the Halliwell line" Sam informed him

"Witches against evil? That's a good one, Sammy, thanks, I needed a good laugh."

"I'm not joking, Dean."

"WHAT?! Good witches! You can't seriously buy that crap! Witches are evil, Sam, we hunt them or did you forget that?" Dean exclaimed

"I didn't forget that, Dean, but they aren't witches, they're wiccans! They're powers come from nature not demons and if you don't believe me then call Bobby and ask him. It's not dark magic, Dean, it's light magic and they're not hurting anyone, actually if their file is any clue, they're saving people." Sam told him

"I still don't buy it."

"Dean, in all your years of hunting, have you ever seen an evil creature attack a witch? Because I haven't. They're not witches, Dean, they're wiccans, look it up on the computer, read it in a book or call Bobby but either way you're going to get the same answer. Now, you need to get past this and help me save that girl, she hasn't done anything, Dean, she doesn't deserve this." Sam told his brother who peeked into the living room to see Piper curled up in the chair, pale and shaking, and remembered her terrified, wide eyes and shaking, quiet voice, "What's happening to me?" and decided to trust his brother.

"Okay, what's the plan?"

"Okay, so if you're not an Agent from Homeland Security, then who are you?" Piper asked, holding out her hands defensively, ready to freeze him at a moment's notice

"Well, my name isn't Chris Wyatt, it's actually Dean Winchester, my brother and I are hunters, we've been tracking this Wendigo for awhile now. I promise we come in peace." Dean told her, holding his hands up in peace signs, making her chuckle and put her hands down and Dean, seeing that she had relaxed, just had to make a joke.

"On a lighter note, I'm also an Aquarius; I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach and frisky women. You know, just throwing that out there, sweet cheeks." He quipped, winking and grinning at her, making her laugh

"Oh, that's cute, you're cute, really." She said, looking down at her watch before teasing "Wow, five minutes into the conversation and I already want to put duct tape over your mouth, that's got to be a record."

"No, sorry to disappoint but the record is actually one minute, it's a funny story, maybe I'll tell you it sometime over dinner… or maybe in bed…" His voice trailed off, suggestively, waggling his eyebrows at her, making her blush, furiously.

"I'm just... going to uh... get some tea." She said, stuttering before practically fleeing the room

Prue, Phoebe and Sam walked into the living room and froze upon seeing Piper curled up in the arm chair, sweating and shaking, looking sick but laughing weakly at one of Dean's jokes before moaning in pain, making the two witches immediately rush to their sister's side.

"She doesn't look so good." Sam said to his brother, looking at the pale witch

"They never do. Did you find out who the Wendigo is?"

"Yeah, it's Agent Fallon." Sam told his brother, watching as Piper growled at her sisters "One of us should probably go get the chains before she starts turning."

"Already ahead of you, Sammy. Went out and got them when she started acting like she was PMSing." He must have said that a little too loud because all three girls were glaring at them.

"Bite me, asshole!" Piper snarled

"When and where, sweetheart?" Dean asked, winking at her

"Okay, moving on before she maims you. Sweetie, do you need any help getting up the stairs?" Phoebe asked her older sister, gently, trying to calm her rage filled sister down

"Help? You're going to help me? You can't even hold a job!" Piper snapped, making her sisters wheel back in shock at their normally sweet sister

"Yeah, she's gotten a little cranky." Dean stated the obvious

"Why don't you just shut up, pretty boy?!" Piper growled at him

"Come on, make love, not war, baby." Dean said, grinning, holding his hands over his chest in a heart, making her crack a smile before she slowly stood up from the chair and they all headed up to the attic, Dean and Sam making sure to stay behind Piper in case she had a dizzy spell. They walked into the attic where they immediately set to chaining Piper to the water heater, Sam and Dean doubted that it would stop her if she turned but it was worth a shot.

"Do you guys have a flare gun?" Phoebe asked

"Yeah, plenty, don't worry, we'll kill the thing and little miss damsel in distress here will be right as rain. Won't you, princess?" Dean told them, grinning

"Screw you, bitch!"

"Don't worry, you said. We'll kill this thing, you said. It'll be easy, you said. This is not easy!" Phoebe snapped

"Well, maybe if you were a better shot it would be easier!" Dean shot back as they all looked around the woods, trying to find the Wendigo which was incredibly hard since it was dark and it blended in with all the trees.

"Look there it is!" Prue said, pointing to the right where the Wendigo stood

"No, it's over there!" Phoebe argued, pointing to the left where another Wendigo was

"Well, looks like Piper got out." Dean said, keeping the flare gun on the one to the right

"Oh, you think? What do we do now? How do we tell which one is her?" Sam asked, pointing his flare gun at the other one

"Who do we shoot at?! Who do we shoot at?! Yo, Glenda the good witch, who do we shoot at?!" Dean shouted as the two Wendigo's ran at them

"That one!" Phoebe yelled, pointing to the one on the left and with that Sam fired only for the Wendigo to frantically wave it's furry hands causing it to freeze along with the other Wendigo and the brothers. Prue quickly telekinetically sent the flare at the one to the right where it screamed, going up in flames, making Piper revert back to human and the guys to unfreeze causing Piper to shriek as she scurried to hide behind a tree to cover her nakedness and Dean shrugged off his jacket, handing it to a shivering Piper who took it gratefully.

"So, how do you feel, princess?" Dean asked her

"Naked and freezing but I'm human and non-furry so that's always a plus." She replied, breathing in the forest smell from his jacket

Dean sat at the kitchen table, eating some of Piper's left over pie and looked up when Piper entered the kitchen, she smiled at him before grabbing a fork for herself and sitting down next to him.

"Looks like great minds think alike." She said, quietly, digging in

"Do you like the pie?" She asked, shyly

"Yeah, it's freaking awesome! The best pie I've ever had, where did you get it?" Dean inquired, curiously

"Actually, I made it."

"You made this? It tastes amazing." He complimented, making her blush and smile

"Thank you."

The next morning when Dean and Sam grabbed their stuff and headed downstairs, they saw a bag lying on the table with their names on it. Curious, they opened it and saw a bunch of homemade pies, bacon cheeseburgers and salads in there as well as a note.

Hope you enjoy them. Consider it a thank you for saving my hide... literally.

PS. Feel free to come back whenever you like.

Thanks again, Piper

Please Review. I do not own Charmed or Supernatural… sadly.

Xxx Dark Goddess2000 Xxx