...I did a thing... I have made the first, shaky step into SPN fanfic. Mostly, this was just an attempt to get into the tone of Supernatural and test out the voices of the characters. I'm fairly pleased with it as far as that goes, so probably be expecting more Supernatural fanfic from me in the future. What am I getting myself into? Lol.

This is maybe, kind of Destiel if you squint really hard? But I don't think it really strays too far from how they act in canon, and there's nothing explicitly romantic, so... yeah. Squinting. As far as timeline/setting, I had the start of the future Dean saw back in season 4, like... very start to it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural, and am making no monetary gains from this. It was written purely for enjoyment.

Every flake that landed on him burned at his skin, a haunting reminder of his humanity. The snow did, however, create a rather beautiful scene; he had to admit that much. It almost reminded him of a Heaven he once seen that belonged to an old Inuit woman. Her's had been much more spectacular, of course, and the cold had bothered him far less back then.

"Hey, Cas, what are you doing out here?"

Castiel turned to regard Dean dispassionately, watching as the hunter pushed aside a tree limb, dumping accumulated snow all across the ground. The irony of him disturbing something so pure was not lost on Castiel.

"I was merely admiring the snow covering the forestation," he answered.

Dean raised an eyebrow. "Right... Well listen, we need to get moving. We got a lead on some demons close to Lucifer."

"Of course, Dean. My apologies," Castiel replied, turning to follow Dean back to the Impala.

"Cas, man, you need to be more aware of the weather," Dean said, dropping the fallen angel's trench coat over Castiel's shoulders. "You forgot that back at the hotel."

Castiel looked Dean in the eyes. "Thank you, Dean."

They stood staring at each other for a solid moment before Dean cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Right... No problem. Now let's roll."

The hunter quickly turned and walked back the way he came, leaving dirty footprints in his wake.

How typical of Dean to not realize the way he tainted the pure things in life, and yet still, Castiel followed behind.

Decided to start posting my Destiel drabbles all in one place on here since it seems there are going to be a lot more than I initially anticipated. This ship/fandom has taken over my life...