So as seeing, people want me to do a story called the mood ring. And this is what I am doing. I hope this is as popular because I am going to try and work hard on this story for all my lovely readers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 1: Travel

Hello. My name is Ally and I live in Miami, Florida. I'm eighteen years old and I work at my family store Sonic Boom at the mall of Miami. Speaking of, I'm working there right now. "Thanks for shopping at Sonic Boom. Come again soon!" I say to a customer. I watch the lady walk out the door and see Austin, my best friend walk around the corner. "Hey Austin." I greet him and grab a box of head phones and walk around the counter and unlock the glass door with the key that is on my keychain and start stocking up the headphones.

"What's up?" He asks jumping on the counter. I look up and point to the box of headphones that I set in front of me.

"I'm stocking headphones."

"Oh so that's what you're going to do all summer."

"What else is there to do?"

"Better things to do than stock headphones all summer. Come on, we just graduated there's got to be something fun to do this summer." He jumps off the counter and walks over to me. I don't look up at him because I am still focused on stocking the headphones but I can feel him hover over top of me. I finish up and put the empty box back behind the counter. "How 'bout camping?" He asks leaning his elbows on the counter.

I laugh a little, "Camping? You expect me to go camping in these?" I point to my wedges. He leans over the counter to see I am wearing pink wedges.

Austin's POV

"You don't have to wear those you know." I say. "It's vacation. You wear anything you want, like flip flops ,not high heels."

"There wedges."

"Whatever. You my friend are very cranky when it comes to your shoes."

"Yes, I am."

"Stop changing the subject."

"I didn't change the subject you did."

"See you... oh you're good."

She raises her eyebrows then looks at her watch. "2:29. One more minutes than my shift is over."

"Good so you can pack for the mountains." I mention.


I get on my hands and knees and start pleading. "Please! Please! Please can you go camping? We can bring Dez and Trish."

She lifts her head, "Them? You expect THEM to go camping? HA!"

"Okay, we don't have to go camping."

"Good. Now my shift is over." She starts walking around the corner.

"We can go to a Resort." I blurt out. It sounds better than camping.

Ally's POV

I stop before I can get around the corner. "Resort? Huh?"

"Yeah, Spa's and everything." Austin mentions. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder and whisper in his ear, "Massages and eccentric oils?"

"Yup." He says popping the P. "Whatever eccentric oils are."

"They are oils that can change you're state of mind or heal you're pain."

"Oh, so if you drank it, it would heal you?"

I laugh, "Um, gross no. You rub it on the spot that hurts and in a matter of minutes it takes away your pain. I say it's better than Tylenol."

"Oh. I was almost right."

"Sure you were. Sure you were." I say sarcastically.

"So, you're going to go?"



"But only if Trish and Dez go."


We go over to Dez's and ask him if he wanted to go and he seemed pretty excited and he said yes in an instant. Then we go over to Trish's and she didn't like the idea until I told her about the spa then she was in full force.

The next week was pretty much Austin booking the two cabins but it cost too much so we got one large cabin with a hot tub and four bedrooms and two bathrooms, This is so exciting. I've never seen mountains in real life before. We have to take a 6 hour drive to Kansas City then another trip to Montana to Calgary, Alberta, then a 5 hour drive to Revelstoke, British Columbia. I can't believe that Austin is making me go all the way across the US to go to Canada and see Fricken Mountains. Well, I guess it will all be worth it once we get there. I am finishing up packing my luggage. Somehow, I have no clue how; he managed to get us to stay the entire summer. So I technically packed my whole closet.

I wake up the next morning and get myself dressed for the long travel. I bring my luggage's downstairs and eat breakfast. After I finish eating I hear my doorbell ring. I go to the door and answer it. I look at the person who is standing in the front porch.

"Hey Austin."

"Hey Als. You ready to go?"

"Ha!No." I say nervously.

"Come on."

"Awe Really?" I whine. "But I'm scared of heights."

"Oh you'll be fine. I will be there helping you through your fear. Like I did when you has stage fright."

I stop walking to Austin's car and stop in front of him. I poke his chest. "You are sure?" He grabs my hands and pulls me back.

"You'll be fine." He laughs.

"Okay. I trust you." We get in his car and we drive to Dez's house then Trish's house. After we pick them up we go to the airport. We park the car in the parking lot and walk into the airport. After waiting for our plane we finally hear it being announced and go on it. We get seated. I sit next to Austin and Dez sits with a random person and so does Trish. I feel the plane start to go up and I instinctually grab Austin's arm and pull it in for a hug. He rubs my hand to relax me.

"Everything's going to be okay." I believe him and instead of letting go I pull him in so I can lay me head on his shoulder. I fall asleep on his arm.

Austin wakes me up. I must have fallen asleep through the whole plane ride.

"Wake up. We are descending."

"Oh." I wake up and realize my seatbelt is on. Austin must have put it back on me. "Did you put my seatbelt on?"

"Yeah, I did." He says.


We get off the plane and wait for the next one. We get on that one and go to Calgary. We hop off that plane. We meet Dez's grandma outside the airport and she lets us use her car. It's actually surprising that she owns a Truck.

We get into the vehicle and Austin drives and I go in the passenger seat while Dez and Trish are in the back. About two hours later into the drive I can hear Dez and Trish fighting in the backseat.

"Let me put my legs there!" Trish demands.

"Get off of me!" Dez squirms.

"It's cramped in here!"

"Get over it!"

"Guys shut up." I interrupt. "This is the last summer before we all go off to college. Can we just enjoy the awesome mountains that are around us?" It's true about ten minutes out of Calgary are the mountains and they are so pretty. SO we are technically in the middle of the mountains. They look so amazing.

"Fine." Trish says. It's quiet besides the GPS and the music for a few moments. All of a sudden Alejandro by Lady Gaga starts playing on the radio and I start to sing to it. Somewhere between the song I fall sleep again. I wake up to the view of the gigantic mountains and a sign that says 'Welcome to Revelstoke'. I thought the mountains outside of Calgary were huge those are like tiny hills compared to the ones around Revelstoke.

"Everyone wake up! We're here." Austin says. I hear groans and yawning from behind. We drive up to Revelstoke Resort. Austin gets our keys in the main office and we go in out cabins. We see the hot tub and everything, the view is beautiful. It's late so we all decide to go to bed.

The following morning we get up and go across the bridge to eat breakfast. The bridge is so high up. It goes across the rapids and there are huge.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" Austin mentions. I open my brochure on the table and I see something interesting.

"How about we go to the Enchanted Forest?" I mention.

"Sounds good." Trish says.

We finish eating and get ready to go. We go there and we see a giant castle outside of the door. We take lots of pictures. As we are walking around Dez see's a display that says 'Tooth Fairy'.

"Oh my God! The Tooth Fairy lives here!" He jumps up and down.

"Dez!" Trish starts. I stop her by putting my hand on her shoulder.

"It's not worth it." I whisper to her.

We keep on trail and find canoes to use. [I'm a poet and I didn't know it. Actually I do because I write songs LAWS ;)] We all get out life jackets on and it says one boat Per Person. Austin and I go on one and Dez and Trish go on one. It was so fun, and wet. Lol. I say it would be the most romanticist thing I have done with Austin. Wait...what? We finish the trail and go to the gift shop.

Dez gets a post card, Trish gets a leopard ring, and Austin gets a collector sports car. I go over to the jeweley section and look at all the pretty rings. There is so many to chose from but I only want to get one thing. I chose this pretty butterfly moodring that is silver and the gem or mood changer is in the miidle and is blue. It comes with a card of emotions. They are:

Fear: Black

Anxious: Yellow

Stressed: Orange

Nervous: Light green

Mixed Emotions: Dark Green

Normal: Blue

Calm: Dark Purple

Relaxed: Light Purple

Love: Dark Pink

Romance: Grey/pink

Very Happy: Pink

Passion: Red

We get back to the resort and enter our cabin. We decide to change into our bathing suits and go into the hot tub. About an hour later Dez and Trish leave and it's just Austin and I.

"What's that on your hand?" Austin asks.

"Oh this. A mood ring." I answer.

"What does light purple mean?"


"So it actually works then?"

"No, it's just for show."

"Whatever you say."

Austin leaves for bed but I stay and look at the glowing mountains. I fall asleep then wake up.

"Wake up Als. It's three in the morning." Austin says. He helps me out and wraps me in a towel and picks me up and sets me on the bed. I fall asleep in my bathing suit.