Sorry for the long wait. I dropped water on my mac like a balla and had to return it to the store so they can tell me that I must pay them money... So before they could even find out about the water damage, I went to goodwill and bought a cheap computer for about 120 dollars and went on my mary way. People should be more like me!


Nagato sat atop Hades throne enjoying the comfort of such a warm chair. He didn't quite understand what there really was to complain about in the underworld to be perfectly honest. It was dark, but very well decorated. It was like an incredibly surreal castle or something along those lines. And there was just company for miles!

If company could be described as dead souls that didn't seem to have an interest in even a slight amount of conversation. On second thought, he could see a little of what Hades was complaining about.

Sitting in front of him, nervously drinking tea was an incredibly frightened Sally Jackson. Nagato; being the eternal gentleman that he was; had her sit on the ground. Because that's what gentleman did?

Well he couldn't simply offer her a seat! He had already situated himself and if he moved to much, he would take hours trying to find that perfect spot again!

"So..." Nagato started.

He closed his mouth after a second and opened it again, in hopes of starting up a conversation. But his mouth soon fell shut after not being able to find a topic that would really fit the mood. At one point, he was doing a decent impression of a goldfish.

"Nice place down here don't you think?" Nagato asked.

"I want to see me son." Sally responded.

This took Nagato by surprise for a moment, but he soon got over the initial shock and thought over her request.

"Not the greatest ideas currently, but rest assured, your son is in capable hands."

"How can you be so positive?!" Her face had scrunched up in anger and her glare could quite possibly have burned a hole through his head if she where to somehow acquire super eye lasers that functioned through ones anger. Fortunately that was not the case.

"Naruto's with him." Nagato answered, hoping that was the end of any follow up questions.

It was not.

"My son is out their risking his life and your answer is NARUTO'S WITH HIM?!"

"Hmmmm... Now that I think about it, if you don't know Naruto, then you cant' really understand why most people would feel relieved after hearing that."

"Well excuse me for not having faith in some kid when there are literally GODS trying to kill my son!"

"You've met him before though..."

"And when was this?"

"You hit him with a car." Nagato smirked.

Hook lined and sinker. Sally's eyes widened and she recalled hitting a boy when trying to deliver her son to camp half blood. She was so worried about her son's safety, she barely registered the boy she hit going over 80.

"Now that your calm, let me tell you a little something about Naruto." Nagato stopped.

"He's stupid..." Nagato started.

Very relieving information.

"He's so stupid that he can barely read and doesn't have clue on how to do even the most basic of math." He continued.

"How is this supposed to make me feel better?"

"He's so dumb, he thinks wearing colorful and obnoxious clothing is cool and people will like him more wearing bright orange rather then literally anything else; even though this is incredibly far from the truth."

"He had the lowest grades in his entire class, and thought that was 'pretty good'."

"Nothing your saying is-"

"His idiocy is so far reaching that when everyone he cared about was killed right behind his back, he went straight up to the god who was responsible and told him to stop, like that was how you where supposed to stop a god."

Sally's lips where sealed at this point.

"But he can read what he needs to and hasn't had to use a single math equation in his entire life. His clothes are still disgusting, but people still like him, so it doesn't really matter what he wears. Even though he got the lowest grades in his class, at the end of the day, every one of his class mates looked up to HIM instead of the other way around."

"And when he walked up to that god, he was so sure he was right that he even convinced a god to not only stop what he was doing, but to bring back all the people he had killed with a smile on his face. Naruto did all that with just words..." Nagato explained.

"Now what if I where to tell you, he's better with his fists?"


Hades looked across from the McDonald he was currently in trying to make sense of what was currently going on right now. His wife sat beside him, drinking coffee. On his tray was a big mac with fries.

He was looking for someone. Nagato had told him that he had an informant that would be here momentarily and that it would be best to look as integrated as he possibly could or things could go south quite quickly.

He took this warning to heart, knowing that anyone who was associated with Nagato was not someone you should mess with under any circumstances. His wife seemed to be on edge as well due to the combination of not only not being able to go and see her mother, but being stuck in such a negative situation in the first place. But the bitter taste of Coffee seemed to calm her nerves momentarily.

It happened incredibly quickly. Everyone in the McDonald had fallen face first into there food, completely unconscious. Persephone, not being used to these kinds of situations, promptly dropped her coffee onto the ground, getting it everywhere.

Hades felt a chill go up his spine. Then it happened. He saw himself, as if looking from a third person perspective. He saw himself sitting next to his wife, who didn't seem to notice due to the fact she was looking at something he couldn't make out. Her face read terror.

Hades then noticed something incredibly odd. He didn't seem to be alive. He came to this conclusion because it looked as if his body had been turned into a pincushion thats sole purpose was to hold swords of various sizes. His body was slumped over and he most definitely wasn't showing signs of life.

Then things turned back to normal almost instantly. Hades had jumped in fright, slightly shocking his already terrified wife.

He heard the door opened and turned to look at who entered.

There stood the silhouette of a man, who seemed to hold himself quite powerfully. Persephone and Hades where stunned. This man was who they where supposed to meet? This man made Nagato seem like a small child in comparison!

The man soon moved away from the door and the silhouette of him turned from intimidating black monster of death to man with black hair, black eyes and a finger in his nose.

It seemed the man was looking for gold, or his brain itched and he was attempting to scratch it. His finger soon left his nose with a satisfying "Pop". A glob of greed booger stuck to the tip of his pointer finger as he looked at it expressionlessly. He wiped it on a nearby man who was recently sharing a happy meal with his young daughter.

"Sup..." He said nonchalantly.

If Hades wasn't so disappointed at the fact that this MONSTER was so uninterested and underwhelming, he would have laughed. HIP and COOL jumped into his mind rather quickly, frightening him that he would even use such silly terminology to describe someone.

"H-hello." Persephone started.

She stood up, as did Hades, and walked over to go and shake his hand. Before she could get through her first step however, the man had disappeared. She jumped in shock.

Hades could feel breathing on his neck. The man was right behind him.

Their informant then disappeared again for a moment. They had no idea where he went, but when he came back, he had a tomato in his hand.

He took a bite out of it and began to chew. While the food was still in his mouth, he introduced himself.

"Names Sasuke..."


The only thing Naruto could think about currently was how hard it was to move when made of stone. He didn't like it, not even a little. Kurama wasn't helping much either.

Kurama sat atop Naruto's head laughing at the young mans current predicament. He also seemed to be setting up failure for his current adventure buddies by tripping them with chakra arms. Naruto would have probably tried to reverse the effects of being a statue, if it weren't for the fact that he was in a pickle.

He couldn't understand why Aunty Em would turn him to stone like that. She seemed so nice, even feeding them delicious food product. Was it something that he had said? But that wouldn't make any sense, he was such a nice guy!

He could sense her anger the moment he walked in with Co. but he had brushed it off as angry old lady syndrome. She was making them food, so why did it matter?

In hindsight, she could have been poisoning them, but that thought hadn't crossed his mind.

"Look at Kaguya-chan!" Kurama shouted in glee. It seemed while the Annabeth, Grover and Percy where fighting off Aunty Em, Kaguya had decided all the commotion was above her and continued to nibble on her burger that was graciously given to her prior.

She still sat on his lap, completely content with what was going on and Naruto didn't have the heart; nor the capability; to tell her to stop eating and run. She just seemed so happy.

"Maybe I should go bite Percy's ankles!" Kurama exclaimed, disappearing in a flash of orange, leaving both Naruto and Kaguya alone.

Kurama now sat a top Percy's shoulder, frightening the young boy. He almost fell out of his hiding spot.

"Sup kid!" Kurama greeted.

"Shhhhh..." Percy shushed.

"Why?" Kurama asked.

Annabeth tried to make a blind attack at Aunty Em, only for a hand of chakra to stop her and drag her away before the ugly woman could notice. He muffled her mouth with another hand of chakra.

He silently maneuvered her over to their hiding spot.

"What are you doing fox?! That thing just killed your master!" Percy hissed.

"Don't worry about it! Watch!" Kurama exclaimed.

At that moment, there position had been compromised.

"My my, I've never would have thought I would meet a talking fox. And a stupid one to boot!" Medusa said, stalking over to their spot behind a bit of concrete.

"Naruto will save us!" Kurama shouted, a foxy grin threatening to split his face.

"That boy? Ha! That bastard son of Athena is already dead!" She exclaimed in mock joy.

"Shows how much you know, cause he's already escaped."

Medusa would have laughed if it wasn't muffled by a hand grabbing her face and lifting her off of the ground. Her snake like hair trying to bite away the appendage.

"See you guys! You should trust me more often." Kurama boasted.

Percy and a now free Annabeth looked out from behind there hiding spot only to see Naruto holding Medusa by her face. He looked calm, almost uncharacteristically calm if you where to ask any of them.

"So what's your story..." Naruto asked more to himself then anything.

He threw her into a wall and cracked his neck, getting ready for a fist fight.

"Get her Naruto!" Annabeth shouted.

Naruto smirked, standing in front of the slowly rising Aunty Em. She looked up, her eyes going white and her snake hair all glaring at him. Naruto didn't react, shocking her. He wasn't turning into stone. Why?

"WHAT ARE YOU?!" She shrieked.

Naruto didn't respond. His face seemed to be getting more and more excited.

He reached his hand out and beckoned her to come.

"If you really hate me, then show me." Naruto said calmly.

"AHHHHHH!" She charged, her snakes hissing in chorus.

She got into his personal space and went for a half slap half scratch only for him to grab her wrist and knee her in the stomach. Saliva flew from her mouth as he grabbed her snake hair, throwing her away. He walked over to her as she got up again. She would kill him.

She went low this time, attempting to tackle him to the ground. He responded by quickly picking up his leg and slamming on her head, smashing her to the ground. The concrete cracked under the pressure.

Blood spilt from her head wound as she tried to pick herself up again. Naruto picked her up the rest of the way and gave her two quick punches to the face, spilling blood everywhere, grabbed her by her shirt and head butted her.

She went to fall, but Naruto hadn't let go. He swung her behind him, into another wall and began to beat her relentlessly.

Every swing of his fists led him closer and closer to the story he was looking for.

She had a lot of hate in her heart, and it completely ran her life. She had nothing but rage toward all others, especially toward his supposed mother.

Naruto let up, as her legs began to wobble. But she wouldn't fall.


"Naruto! Kill her!" Annabeth screamed.

Naruto grabbed her shirt and lifted her off the ground the same way a bully would pick up a small child. He looked up at her, staring into her dead fish like eyes.

"why won't you kill me..." She croaked out.

What Naruto did next shocked everyone. He lowered her onto the ground and used his other hand to cover her face with it. The sun seal that was placed there activated.

The snakes that once lay atop her had, crumbled away, leaving long black silken hair. Her skin began to revitalize itself and regain its lost color. The wrinkles that marred her face began to recede and disappear. Her once dead eyes went from lifeless black to bright green.

The bruises and broken bones that Naruto had given her had also healed.

He then released her. She looked at Naruto, her face read shock. Tears began to well up in her eyes as Naruto got on his knees and kowtowed.

"I'm sorry." Naruto said, head low.

"W-W-what?" She felt her face.

She couldn't remember the last time it was so smooth.

He got up right after his apology, not feeling comfortable being in that position any longer.

"Any hatred you still have for anyone, just put it on my shoulders! Trust me; I can handle anything!" Naruto said with a cheeky grin.

She leaped at him, bringing him into a tight hug.

"See?" Kurama shouted exuberantly.

All Annabeth and Percy could do was stare in shock. Annabeth coming to the conclusion that while not smart, Naruto wasn't someone anyone should ever go up against and Percy coming to the conclusion that... Well it didn't really impact him all that much. It was cool he guessed.

"Now where's Grover?" Percy asked.

Kurama looked sheepish at this point.


"OW! You stepped on my tails you ass!" Grover would not remember this altercation do to the fact he had been slammed head first into the ground by Kurama's chakra arms. But he shall always wonder why he feared such a tiny fox in all future altercations.


DONE! Really rushed, but I had to go job hunting and I've been thinking of joining the military. Possibly... Need money and need college.

Hope you guys liked this chapter and if here are any plot holes or whatever, just close your eyes and put your finger in your ears. They will magically dissapear.