this is an updated version please enjoy!


Lucy P.O.V

I slammed the front door and shut and began to cry. I fell to my knees on the concrete steps.I forced myself back up and started to run. I ran towards the park in the middle of the neighborhood. My eyes couldn't keep up with my feet, it was blurry and I kept crashing into different poles and trees silently apologizing. I finally found my way, the park was empty. The swing set across the red slide were swinging with the wind. I found myself making a beeline towards it and sitting on it. I covered my face trying to cover my shame but the tears couldn't stop.

I heard footsteps and turned my head to see Erza. Her face full of worry and worried to see me in this state. "Lucy, are you okay? Whats wrong? Do I have to beat someone up?" Asked Erza she sat on the swing next to me. Our feet dangling above the sand. I could only make out a groan. "Oh Erza. Daddy wants me, Sting and Laxus to move away. He wants to start a new life for us since mommy passed away. But I don't want to leave here. I love it here it would just make me even more sad than now to move. But I just want to stay with you Erza and Gray and everyone else." Erza reached out her hand and rubbed my back.

"Don't worry that won't ever happen. I wouldn't let you leave us" I heard a voice behind me.


It was Gray trying to hold character, his cold and distant ways but Lucy saw the tears welling in his eyes.

"But there is no other way." Lucy cried out. "Of course there is, there is always a plan." Lucy looked in front of her this time. It was her petite friend Levy who spoke up. Lucy noticed everyone else was there too. Levy, Gajeel, Juvia, Cana, and the Strauss Trio. They were all there for her. "But what to do is the question." Lisanna added. Their child mindset could only think so much. "How about you get a new name and dye your hair?" Cana asked as she slid down the red slide. "Well.." Lucy thought of dying her hair blue and trying to be Levy's long lost twin but that had all kind of flaws.

"How about we talk to your dad about staying?" Mira asked. Lucy let out a weak laugh, "I'm not allowed to talk to my daddy. Only Laxus speaks for us, since he is the Heartfilia that's going to take over the business once daddy retires." Lucy drew invisible circles on her right arm with her left hand.

"Maybe I should just stay with daddy and move-" Lucy began but was interrupted. "No, You said you want to stay here and we will find a way where we can stay together!" Gray yelled. Gray noticed his yelling made Lucy tense up and Lucy shielded herself with her hands covering her face. "Oh Lucy, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell.." Gray reached for her hand and held her small porcelain hands in his cold ivory hands. Gray couldn't believe he was acting this way, all for some girl. But then Gray thought to himself not just for any girl, for his special girl. Gray heard someone cursing in the background and a growling "Love rival…" but Gray didn't bother to turn his attention away. Gray watched as Lucy began to smile "Thank you Gray, it's just what am I going to do. Daddy wants to leave tomorrow we already have most of our stuff packed!" Lucy pulled her hands away softly from Gray's and wiped her tears. "Well I'm not sure but I know we can do whatever we put our mind to cause with all of us together we are unstoppable.." Lucy thought of the runaway kids in movies how they escaped with the power of their friendship. Lucy made her mind. "Let's run away." Lucy mumbled. "Lucy you don't mean that… Do you?" Erza asked. "Of course I do!" Lucy looked straight into Erza's eyes. "But Lucy you running away.. Your father will be furious." Juvia sat on the stairway to the slide. "If he really is furious then he will look for me. But i'm not staying any longer. I'll tell my brothers. If any of you want to come we will be leaving at midnight. My brothers and I will be waiting for ten minutes after that we are gone. To the city….. of Magnolia, a city for great chances of a better life." "Well count me in Lucy." Erza patted Lucy on the back. "You don't really?" Erza nodded. "Lucy we need to stick together as a family." Lucy stood up and started to turn her way towards her house. "Well I will try to convince my brothers to come with. I'm positive they will come with."


Laxus and Sting stood beside their father slightly. "Where is that little girl?" Their father glare at his eldest child. Laxus spoke up, "She is still in her room, packing." Laxus made up the lie and looked at his father's direction. "Packing? The maids were supposed to do that for her." Jude mumbled looking at his watch. Sting played with his thumbs he had no place to talk. But he knew that Lucy was actually taking her other bags around the back of the house when Laxus, Lucy and himself were ready to take off. Lucy appeared covered in sweat and had mud marks on her knees. "Lucy heartfilia where did you sneak off to?" Jude stood in front of her blocking her brother's view. " went to go say goodbye to my friends." Jude nodded, "Of course. Sting, Laxus did you say goodbye to your friends?" Jude turned his back to Lucy. "Yes we already did." Laxus spoke. "Well it's better getting over it our chauffeur will be here five am morning in a good night's rest."

The children walked to their separate rooms. Around midnight Laxus was the first to wake up. His phone alarm rung. Laxus snuck to Sting's room and woke him "Wake up Lucy I have to.. Do something before we leave." Sting didn't question and woke up Lucy. "Come on Luce, it's time to get out of here. I don't want to stick with dad." Lucy rubbed her eyes awake. Lucy stared back into her brother gleaming blue eyes in the darkness. "Sting are you sure we can make it?" Lucy mumbled. Sting smiled and leaned his forehead onto hers "Luce we can make it anywhere. We are the best siblings ever! Even better than those strauss trio. But you didn't hear it from me." This made Lucy iggle. "Okay I'm going." Laxus showed up and smiled at his younger siblings. "Well let's go happy campers. We have more to pick up." Lucy, Sting and Laxus made their way in the darkness towards the park. "Anyone?" Lucy whispered into the darkness. Soon enough everyone gathered from the bushes and slides. "We are all here?" Lucy whispered into the darkness. "Everyone is here I already checked." Lucy heard Erza whisper back. "Okay first things first everyone bring a good amount of jewel." The children started to break their piggy banks and handing it over to Laxus.

"We can make to magnolia with this money .But what about a house? " Lucy counted up all their jewels. "Dont worry I took care of that." Laxus held up his shining debit card and the crowd praised him. "I got a debit card from dad just in case anything happened to him." "Well let's get the heck out of here before dad finds us." Sting took held of Lucy's hand.

TIME SKIP (sorry for all the time skips I'm just that kind of person lol)

They all arrived at the train station and their train was ready to leave. Laxus got all the tickets and handed each one a ticket. "Make sure you hang onto this. This is our only hope on getting out of here." "Of course Laxus."THe group chanted back to him. A voice was on the overcome "Magnolia leaving in two minutes." Laxus took held of Mira's hand without realizing and Mira blushed a dark red. 'Take hold everyone let's make a chain. Mira held onto Elfman and Elmann with Lisanna soon the group wove like those through the crowd.

Lucy held hands with Gray and Sting and was getting tight within the crowd soon she got pushed. 'Lucy!" Gray called for her in the crowd. Soon Lucy made eye contact with a boy with pink spikes for hair and a long scaly scarf. Lucy got up first and tried to help him up. "I'm so sorry, are you okay? I didn't see you." The boy hesitantly took her hand and took her help to get him off the floor. Lucy couldn't help but stare at his pink locks. Lucy noticed it took a lot of her attention when he tried to cover it with his hands. "What's your name?" The boy asked while taking his hands out of her hers. "The name's Lucy, what's yours?" The boy seemed to have his attention behind her but nervously replied with. "The name's Natsu. Maybe I will see you again." Natsu smiled towards Lucy. Lucy watched as Natsu disappeared into the crowd. "Come on Lucy. Weirdos with pink hair aren't to be messed with." Gray mumbled as he took his hand in hers. Lucy nodded and then soon disappeared into the crowd just like Natsu did.

I hope you enjoyed, and if you did please read more~ Please review, Follow or favorite. They all inspire me to write more~