It's a new day, but it all feels old

It's a good life, that's what I'm told

But everything, it all just feels the same

And my high school, it felt more to me

Like a jail cell, a penitentiary

My time spent there, it only made me see

That I don't ever wanna be like you

I don't wanna do the things you do

I'm never gonna hear the words you say

'Cause I don't ever wanna, I don't ever wanna be

You...don't wanna be just like you

What I'm sayin' is this is the anthem throw all your hands up, you, don't wanna be you

"Go to college, a university, get a real job,"

That's what they said to me

But I could never live the way they want

I'm gonna get by and just do my time, out of step while they all get in line

I'm just a minor threat so pay no mind

Do you really wanna be like them, do you really wanna be another trend?

Do you wanna be part of their crowd?

'Cause I don't ever wanna, no I don't ever wanna be

You...don't wanna be just like you

What I'm sayin' is this is the anthem throw all your hands up, you, don't wanna be you - The Anthem by Good Charlotte

"It's uh., first door to the left." Connie said pointing to the door. Dylin nodded and walked out. Connie and Julie exchanged glances. If this was the new girl, the team would be in for a shock. A few minutes later Dylin returned and threw her bag on her bed. She looked Connie and Julie up and down, her blue eyes examining them. Finally she spoke. "So is your hockey team any good?" "We're the best." Julie replied glaring back at the girl. "Sure you are.I'm not here to make friends, I'm here because my uncle made me came, not to improve Eden Hall's winning record." Her blue eyes flashed with hatred. She looked at her watch, "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to unpack and go to bed."

The sunlight streamed through Dylin's open window. She rolled over and looked at her clock. 4:34. Too early to do anything constructive.but she could go try out the ice.

About twenty minutes later she started to skate in circles around the ice. She learnt to skate as soon as she could walk. Steve was her teacher. She was out on the ice before and after his practices and cheered from the bleachers during. All of the guys on the team were her "uncles". Uncle Brendan, Uncle Sergi, Uncle Iigor, Uncle Curtis, Uncle Scotty. All of them helped raise her. Uncle Brendan showed her how to stick handle, Uncle Steve how to shoot, Uncle Iigor how to back check, Uncle Sergi how to hit. Her blades cut cleanly through the ice. She gathered the puck with her stick. One deke, split the D, spin and pass. She knew the moves off by heart by now. It was Uncle Steve's patented move with Uncle Bren. It always worked. She skated and shot until she heard noise behind her. "Malone! Come here!" Dylin turned and skated towards the boards. There stood Ted O'Ryan. He nodded as she came to a stop. "So you are all your Uncle told me I see." he commented. Dylin glared at him and removed her helmet shaking her hair. "Depends on what he told you." "Quick, great shot, great passing skills, can dish the hits as well as take them, arrogant as all hell, attitude the size of Texas but an all around good player." She let go a small smile, a crack in her armor. "Yeah, I guess that pretty much sums me up." "Well if you want to play on this team you better shelf that attitude." Dylin clenched her teeth. She wanted to get kicked out, just to spite Uncle Steve, but not yet. "Yes sir." She went to leave the ice. "Where are you going Malone? The team is practicing now..unless YOUR practice was too hard." "No sir." She mumbled more to the ice than him. She watched the team step onto the ice. "Okay guys! Come here! This is Dylin Malone from Ontario Canada. She's here to show us her stuff. Everyone say their names and numbers. Okay Dylin start with you." "Dylin Malone. 9 or 19." "Charlie Conway 96" "Adam Banks 99" "Guy Germaine 00" "Futon Reed 44" "Connie Moreau 18" "Greg Goldberg 33" "Averman 4" "Portman 21" "Luis Mendoza 22" "Julie Gaffney 6" "Dwayne Robertson 7" "Ken Wu 16" "Russ Tyler 56" "Okay guys, lets have a scrimmage. Malone, Reed, Mendoza, Wu, Gaffney, Conway you start on one team. Moreau, Banks, Goldberg, Tyler, Portman, and Robertson on the other team." Coach O'Ryan yelled. Dylin lined up beside Charlie who didn't take his eyes off of her. She was about 5'9 and had about 25 pounds on the other girls but wasn't fat by any means. Her blue eyes flashed as she glared at him. "What are you looking at Captain?" She growled. He shrugged. "Nothing. Let's go guys." The game quickly escaladed. Dwayne took the puck and started for the net. Dylin lined him up and gave him a vicious check into the boards. She then grabbed the free puck and passed it to Charlie. He scored easily. Dylin stood hovering above Dwayne. "Hey man. You okay?" She asked. He shook his head and groaned. "Uh.Mister coach person. I.uh.think that Darren here is hurt.real bad." She called. The rest of the team rushed to Dwayne's side. Dylin skated slowly towards the boards. The check was an accident, well, not really, but she didn't mean to hit him that hard. Uncle Sergei and Uncle Nikalas taught her to hit like that. Hard. Make them remember who you are. Make them pass to the other side. Make them scared and respect you. Make them know you're there to stay. "Was she?" she wondered. After that hit. Was she here to stay.