Severus clutched tightly to Albus as he apparated them just outside the Burrow doors, still quite displeased with being forced to attend Christmas dinner at the crowded home. He hadn't even wanted to go, and had stooped as low as through a hall of a tantrum to get out of it. But all that had resulted in was Albus placing him in his crib for a five-minute timeout. So clutching his plushy and blankie closely, he sucked nervously on the designer dummy Narcissa had gifted him a day after his deaging. Covered in fat emerald stones, with a silver serpent in the middle, Severus refused to use any of the other pacifiers he had at his disposal.

"You're quite alright, Severus." Albus soothed, carding a hand through his dark hair. "I'll keep you by side the whole night."

"Ris mean." Severus repeated, again. "Twi Pra."

"Sirius most certainly will not be mean to you." Albus promised, once more. "I shall hex him most severely if he even thinks about it."

"Twi." Severus complained, frowning heavily.

"The twins shan't prank you either. Both Molly and I will make certain of that." Albus crooned, walking into the Burrow before Severus could voice any of the other complaint he'd been harboring since that afternoon.

"Albus, Severus."

Molly's voice was loud and warm, but Severus refused to look up and smile at her like he would normally do. The room had gone deadly silent, and he could feel everyone staring at him. And that was a feeling he didn't much care for; especially since he knew most of them were looks of contempt. He'd much rather be back at home with spook. Spook enjoyed his company.

"Severus is a bit shy at the moment." Albus confided softly, taking care to not let anyone else overhear. "I'm sure he'll warm up once he gets comfortable."

Severus highly doubted he'd become comfortable in such a crowded situation, with everyone ogling him. But he kept quiet, still well-hidden with the many folds of Albus's purple robes.

"Severus," Molly called out softly, "I made hot cocoa, just for you."

"Cocoa?" Severus asked, his voice muffled by the pacifier in his mouth.

"Just the way you like it." Molly agreed, thankfully able to decipher his words. "Why don't you come with me into the kitchen so I can get you a cup?"

Severus nodded, grateful for what Molly was doing. She was taking him out from the scrutiny of the crowd and into the relative safety of the kitchen. Granted there was the ulterior motive of getting to hold a baby, but Severus was more than willing to oblige her addiction to coddling if it meant he got away from the nosiness of the crowd.


In the relative quietness of the small kitchen, Severus rested his head on Molly's chest allowed her to shower his face in dozens of loving kisses. Smiling at the affection being ladled on him, the small boy brightened up and affectionately placed a sloppy kiss on her chin in return. "What did Santa bring you, Severus?" She asked softly, grinning widely when she realized he was wearing the emerald sweater, with the silver s in the middle, she'd knitted for him as a Christmas gift.

Holding him carefully on her hip with one hand, she filled up the bottle Albus has brought halfway with the promised cocoa- not wanting to hype the small baby up on too much sugar. Casting a spell to keep the bottle from burning Severus's finger's and a charm to keep the liquid from scalding his tongue, she waited patiently for Severus to articulate his answer to her question.

"Kitty." Severus finally answered, grabbing hold of the bottle and removing the dummy from his mouth. Placing it safely in the front pocket of the sweater, he smiled brightly. "'Pook."

"You got a kitty?"

Molly asked, feigning surprise as she wiped a spill up from the counter. It had been Arthur, after all, who'd made the suggestion to Albus that Severus might benefit from having a familiar. His assumptions had clearly proved correct, as the look on Severus's face was one of pure delight.

"Good kitty." Severus nodded. "Back."

"Spook is a good, black kitty?" Molly repeated, smoothing down the wavy hair atop Severus's head.

"Sev out, 'Pook with me."

Smiling softly, Molly managed to decipher the garbled speech from years of experience communicating with toddlers and small babies.

"Spook sat with you in timeout?" Molly asked.

Severus nodded somberly. "Sev mad."

"Why was Severus mad?" Molly asked, holding him closer.

"No go." Severus admitted, looking down at the floor.

"Were you afraid to come?" Molly hummed softly. "That's alright." She reassured. "It's okay to be afraid. I'm not upset."

"Ri, Twi." Severus babbled, relaxing once he realized Molly wouldn't strike him or get upset.

"Don't you worry dear," Molly cooed, "I've got everyone on their best behaviors tonight."

"Good Mowwy." Severus thanked, wrapping his little arms about her neck.

"Such a sweet, sweet boy." Molly hummed, checking on the ham she had going in the oven.

"Who?" Severus asked, pointing out the kitchen toward the living room.

"Well, all my children are here this year except Percy, then there is Albus, Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Hagrid, Harry, and Hermione."


"Oh yes," Molly nodded, "Minerva is here, too."