It was a normal day on Olympus. Well, as normal as it could get at least. Normal wasn't really a thing when it came to gods. It was the winter solstice, so hades was there as well. The brothers were arguing over how Zeus had broken his oath, and sired Thalia.

"Brothers, enough. She is a tree now. She is no risk to us." Zeus said sadly. The other two simply glared, before beginning to argue over who was stronger. While all of this was happening, the others present decided they would distract themselves. Hera was reading a book about peacocks, Athena was reading, Ares and Hephaestus were fighting over Aphrodite who was enjoying the attention. Artemis and Apollo were arguing about their skill at archery, Demeter was attempting to summon cereal for everyone, Hermes was signing papers and listening to music, Dionysus was sleeping and sniffing wine samples, and finally, Hestia was tending the hearth. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared over Athena's throne, and a book was on the arm of her throne. She picked it up, and her eyes grew wide.

"What is it Daughter?" Zeus asked.

"It is a book... Called the Titan of the Hunt... And there's a note." Artemis and Apollo became interested, as their uncle was the Titan of the hunt. A book about him could be interesting, as they have never truly talked to him due to him being a Titan.

"Read the note" Athena coughed before she read the note out loud.

"Olympians. Pay close attention. The peace you know now is false. Soon, a new threat will appear. In order for you to prepare, we sent you this book. Along with the book, after this letter has been read, a group of people will appear to help you understand. Under no circumstances are you to hurt, injure, or kill any of them. It will seriously alter the course of the future. Now, remember our warning.

-the Fates"

As Athena finished reading, another flash in the middle of the room left a group of people looking highly confused as they stood there. One of them, a dark haired boy, stepped away from te group and in front of Zeus.

"Why have you summoned is here, Lord Zeus?" He asked.

"We have not summoned you here, boy. The fates have. You are in the past, or so i believe from what they say."

"The past?! Oh..."

"You don't seem very concerned. Anyway, introduce your selves." The boy went first.

"I am Nico Di Angelo, Minor God of the Honorably Fallen and King of Ghosts, Lieutenant of Hades, and god of heroes." He announced, and hades' eyes bugged out as he looked at his son. His son was a god? Zeus looked furious, but calmed down as he knew he must of made this decision. Next, a girl dressed in punk clothes came out.

"I'm Thalia Grace, Lieutenant of Artemis and Daughter of Zeus." Artemis began to worry. Why would this girl be her Lieutenant if Zoƫ was... No... No its not possible... The book will explain...

Next another girl and guy came out. The girl was dark, and the guy was chubby and Asian.

"I'm Hazel Levesque goddess of wealth and self-sacrifice as well as Heroes and daughter of Pluto" at this, all the gods grabbed their heads, and shifted aspects quickly, before staying greek.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN DAUGHTER OF PLUTO?! You mean to tell me you're roman?!"

"Yes, lord Jupiter. The camps became aware of eachother shortly after the Titan war... Though it was incredibly bad at first, it's better now. " next, the Asian boy went.

" I'm Frank Zhang minor god of Transformation and honor god of Heroes and son of Mars." Ares looked at the boy, and grunted before switching to mars and giving a small smirk of approval. Next, the Latino looking boy came up.

" hi there! I'm Leo Valdez minor god of fire and machinery and Heroes, and son of Hephaestus." He smirked and grinned at his father who sensed he was a fire user. Only in times of Great War were they born... What was wrong with the future he thought.

Next, the beautiful girl, and blonde boy went up.

"Hi! I'm Piper McLean minor goddess of beauty and compassion as well as Heroes, and daughter if Aphrodite." Her mother smiled widely and winked.

"I'm Jason Grace minor god of storms and Heroes, and son of Jupiter." He announced. Now that the 7 had gone, only two were left. One looked confused, and the other was incredibly blank as he stared at the other. The girl, who was blonde, looked foreword and started speaking.

"I'm Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena. And that's it..." The man behind began to cry silently, he had never thought he would see her again. Even though his heart belonged to another woman, seeing her made him incredibly happy. Athena smiled as she was glad her daughter was grown now.

"And who might you be?" Poseidon asked the only remaining person. He wiped his eyes and stepped foreword. Poseidons eyes grew wide as he realized who it was. He was so grown.

"I am Perseus Jackson, but you might not like the rest."

"Please. Go on. We must know." Percy sighed. This was gonna start a fight for sure.

"I am Perseus Jackson, Titan Lord of Time, Tides, Constellations, Light and the Hunt, Saviour of Olympus, Heir of Kronos, Slayer of Gaia, bane of Giants and the Minotaur, former Titan of the Air, Guardian of the Hunt, Son of Neptune." He finished, nearly out of breath. So that's what the fates went through... Ugh that sucked. He then heard the yelling of Zeus.


"Please don't make me say it again. Besides, it'll surely explain the book. Hopefully... If not, I'll make sure to tell you." Poseidon looked confused. Why was he neptunes son? The. He thought... If he was a Titan, he would lose all of his powers... But if he was adopted by Neptune, he'd keep them! And she called him kelp head. She wouldn't of thought of that.

"Ah, now that we're all done, can we begin now? I want to know why this Titan is here... And why he is the savior of Olympus, and killer of Gaia." Percy then went to Annabeth, and began to talk to her.

"I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"Do you not remember? Then you must be from before... Before the pit..."

"Before what pit? Last i checked, you were gone percy! At the roman camp!"

"Oh i see... Then you aren't from my time... I'm about two weeks after that. I'm so sorry Annabeth... "

"It's okay. I think. Anyway, they're about to read. I'm mad at you. Go sit over there."

Athena began to read the first chapter.

"Chapter one: Bug Stomping.