(Okay, so I NEED HELP, you see I've been trying to think of any baby antics for part 2 of the Babysit chapters, so PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, any ideas, suggestions, or even a TV episode, movie, book, fic, or anything, even the tiniest or biggest thing, that can help me, PLEASE OH PLEASE RESPOND)

(Anyway, here's a one-shot for you)

Request: Just something that came to mind

Prompt: Jolene needs to find her brother a present, and her parents may have the perfect solution

Note: Jolene is 7 in this

Snoggletog Present

Little Jolene was truging down the forest floor with snow crunching under her fur boots, the child lost in thought and bewilderment. It was Snoggletog day, a day she usually would be filled to the brim with excitement, running around the village with her friends, watching the grown-ups decorate. . .and even try and sneak away a few holiday treats. She'd usually be waiting impatiently for the Snoggletog party and gift-giving that was to happen tonight.

That was before it turned out she was to be doing the gift giving as well as the getting.

It all started that morning.

A few hours ago

Jolene and her brother Halden were in steady investigation for their presents.

"Find anything yet ?", Jolene asked.

"Nothing yet sis", he brother declared.

Jolene slumped her shoulders, they had already searched under all the rugs, inside pillows and cushions, around every piece of furniture. . .at least every piece two small children could move, opened every door in the kitchen, parent's bedroom, guestroom, hallway, and now were both in the living room searching.

She gave a unpleasant "huff" of annoyance. "Well they have to be here somewhere." She claimed, crossing her arms together.

"And what just might 'they' be?"

The children gasped, stood tall above them arms crossed, but still with a fun-filled smirk and playful eyes, was their father.

"Um. . . .yak nog?" Halden said nervously, with the first words that came to mind.

"Really?" Jolene commented, "that's the best you could come up with?"

Hiccup raised an eyebrow.

Jolene realized she said the wrong thing and stuttered. "Oh. . I. . .uh mean OF COURSE, yak nog. . .that's it. . .right Halden?"

Her brother nodded his head immediately, making Hiccup chuckle at their antics. "I'm sorry you two, but you're just going to have to wait for your presents".

The two Haddock children slumped their heads down. "Okay", they head in unison, in depressed tone.

Seeing their disappointment, Hiccup put his hands under each chin and pulled their heads up to meet him.

"C'mon you two, don't you think you should wait, so then when the dragons come back tonight, they get to see you open your presents?"

Jolene and Halden's eyes widened at this new realization.

"I bet Toothless would be much happier to see you when you open them", Hiccup added, and he knew he had them sold, once two bright smiles returned to his son and daughter's faces.

Hiccup chuckled, "that's better". With that he ruffled his children's hair lovingly and went out the door, no doubt to help with preparations for the night's events.

Halden turned to his sister. "Y'know, he does have a point."

"Yeah." Jolene said weakly, one thing she always had hated was admitting when she was wrong.

"But I bet Toothless will love your present from me just as much as you will".

"Yeah-wait WHAT?"Jolene screeched. "You got me something?"

Her brother nodded. "And I bet your going to love it!"


So now here she was, in a slump. If Halden gave her a present, she had to give him one. Jolene didn't know she had to give a present. How was she suppose to know? Every year people gave her presents, she only remembered one time asking her dad what he wanted for Snoggletog last year, and all he said was, "as long as you're happy, I'll be happy", and that was all to it. Jolene thought you didn't have to give presents until you were older, but her brother clearly proved her wrong.

What was she suppose to get him?

The thought lingered on until. . .wait, was that giggling?

Ducking behind a tree, in the distance, the little red-head could her see parents walking out of the wood and to the village, chuckling, both with stacks of extra firewood in their hands. Jolene saw her father eye the snow and carefully put his wood down. Taking a hand of snow and rounded it in his palm, Jolene had a pretty good idea what he was about to do.

With one good throw, the snowball hit the blonde squarely on the waist. The shock making her drop all the twigs and small tree limbs to the floor. Turning around to face Hiccup, Astrid's face made a light redish color. Now marching towards him, Jolene was sure she was planning on chopping her father open.

Instead, Jolene peered in closer to see her mother's hands snake towards her father's neck, now it was her father who was turning redder in color. That was until Astrid wiggled her fingers on his skin, making Hiccup burst into laughter.

"ASTRID. . .STOP. . .IT. . ." Hiccup drowned out in laughter at the tickling. Soon enough, the chief dropped all his firewood as well, collapsing on the snowy ground.

Jolene watched with great curiousness to her mother and father's actions. As Astrid laughed herself at her achievement, she didn't see Hiccup pull at her legs and making her join him on the ground.

Astrid made a loud "oof" as she hit the snow. Turning to face Hiccup, her hand tightened to a fist and hit a blow on his shoulder.

Jolene saw her father wince slightly at the shot, and she couldn't really blame him. Her mother was a great fighter and warrior, this gave no doubt in the child's mind that she would have a powerful punch as well.

But it was what happened next that really puzzled her.

Her mother grabbed Hiccup's shirt collar and. . .kissed him?

Just a soft peck, probably didn't last 5 seconds but it left Jolene paralyzed in confusion.


Since when did that make any sense.

Hiccup automatically returned the favor putting his wife into a deeper, (and for Jolene) painfully longer kiss, that the child had to turn her head away.

Don't get her wrong, she loved that her parents loved each other, but did they have to show it like that, and for that long?

"Ugh" she gave a groan.

Big mistake. Hearing the noise, her parents broke away and looked around, alerted. The Haddock daughter shuffled herself behind the large pine tree, praying her parents weren't looking her way.

It lasted several minutes before the red-head peeked her head back up, to see her father helping her mother up and both now picking up their dropped firewood.

Relieved, and not ready to test her luck again, Jolene fled out the forest to prepare for the party.

It was night-time on the isle of Berk, and all were outside, waiting for the dragons arrival. Candles were lit and baskets of fish were prepared and set out for the reptiles's return from nesting. Within moments the shapes of large creatures filled the skies. Cheering filled the crowd, and riders, who were at the front of the crowd, looked eagerly for their dragons. Once a dragon and owner was found, they made their way to the Great Hall for celebration. Within the hour, nearly all dragons were either outside eating fish, flying, or inside with owners, celebrating Snoggletog.

The Haddocks could be seen with Halden scratching Toothless behind the ear whilst Stormfly allowed Cassie to pet her scales. Jolene watched from a distance, with a mischievous grin on her face. Turning away, she searched through the crowd for her parents.

Hiccup and Astrid were in deep conversation with Valka, Stoic, and Gobber, when Hiccup suddenly felt a tug at his arm sleeve.

Looking down, he saw his daughter's bright green eyes staring up at his own. "Daddy, come with me!" She demanded, still tugging at his sleeve.

The adults chuckled at the 7 year old. "You want your present that badly don't you sweetheart". Hiccup commented.

"What?" Jolene questioned. "No. . .I mean yes. . .I mean. . ugh. . .just come with me".

They shrugged their shoulders and the five allowed her to lead them to where her siblings were.

"Halden!" Jolene called out.

Said boy turned around to face his sister. "What's up?"

His sister smiled brightly. "I wanted to give you your Snoggletog present" she exclaimed, letting go of her father's hand.

Halden's eyes brightened. "Really!?"

Jolene nodded vigorously. "Yep, now close you're eyes".


"Trust me just close them." She ordered.

The eldest Haddock sibling shrugged and shut his eyes. By this time Cassie stopped petting Stormfly and watched the pair with curiousness, as did Hiccup, Astrid, Gobber, Valka, Stoick, and even a few onlookers.

Practically close to bursting with anticipation, Jolene looked down at her brother's legs, and before anyone knew it, kicked her foot hard at his knees, making him fall down onto the wood.

"OW, WHAT THE HECK SIS!". Halden said from surprise.

But she wasn't done yet, clenching her fist, the 7-year-old gave her hardest punch to his left shoulder.

"OW." Halden yelled.

"JOLENE ENOUGH". Astrid and Hiccup demanded.

The onlookers, stood shocked and confused, even Hiccup and Astrid couldn't understand what in Odin's name, was going on with their daughter.

"Wait!" She cried. Now getting to her knees to face her brother. Jolene gave him a quick peck on the cheek and a hug. "MERRY SNOGGLETOG HALDEN!"

Letting go, the red-head helped him up to his feet, leaving the boy dazed and confused.

Everyone was ready to yell and scream at the little girl, until she had done that. Now, all they could do was stand there, like Halden, completely amiss to what was going on.

That was until a sudden burst of laughter came from Gobber.

"HAHAHAHA I GET IT" he cried out. Clearing his throat, he approached the chief's daughter.

"Jolene", he said. "Where did you see such an. . .interesting, type of affection from, and please speak up."

The child shrugged. "I saw mommy and daddy do it in the forest today, mommy hit's daddy, then she kissed him".

The answer was clear and with full understanding, pretty soon, the Hall began to fill with laughter and both Hiccup and Astrid's faces had turned bright red.

Gobber approached the couple and whispered to them. "A bit of advice, you might want to make sure your child understands a little better of your. . .ideas on love." And he went right back to laughing.

Not sure what else to do, Cassandra, Halden and Jolene laughed along with the crowd and Jolene walked over to her beet-red parents.

"Merry Snoggletog mommy and daddy".

Though still embarrassed, the two couldn't help but smile at her innocence, shown as Hiccup picked her up.

"Merry Snoggletog sweetie", he said.

The End

(Well, what do you think. Have any ideas of your own ? Any member of the gang you want me to do a story on ? Tell me in the comments. Read and Review and this is Moonlight Snowflake signing off.)