Author's note: And here I am with third and last part! It took me a bit of figuring out how exactly I would write the ending (considering this is from Harry's point of view only), but I managed to do it - somehow.
Anyway, first of, I would like to thank Belle A Lestrange for helping me with finding a name for the youngest son - thank you, sweetheart! I really suck at finding names, so her help was really appreciated!
Secondly, thank you for the reviews I got for the second chapter! And thank you for all the favourites!
Warnings: some more angst, drama, time skips, insecurity regarding the body (sorry if I screwed this up, I tried my best to portray it as realistic as I could), implied lemon (for full version, please visit my profile for more information), cruelty from the in-laws ... I think those are the most important warnings.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter - J..K. Rowling owns it
Please enjoy the last part!
Beloved misfit: Part 3
The rest of his pregnancy progressed without any problems. Harry made sure to rest on time and to not overexert himself and Draco made sure to be home early every time so that he could take care of his pregnant husband and their son.
On the fifteenth of April, during the early morning hours, Harry went into labour and at three thirty in the afternoon, they welcomed their second son into the world. They had decided to name him Cain Sirius – Sirius, because of Harry's connection with his godfather and because of the Greek roots which fell in the Malfoy tradition and Cain, because it meant 'strong' and it reminded Harry of how his baby had been strong enough to survive the out lash of his magic.
Harry and Draco both came to the decision to not try Lady Faith a third time and agreed to not try for a third child, for fear that this time Harry would not survive it.
They were happy with the children they now had.
Harry had never really bothered to care about the way his body looked. He knew he had been skinny to the point of it being unhealthy when he attended school. Playing Quidditch and decent meals in school had made sure he packed on some muscles and a nice six-pack. His work as a Curse Breaker didn't really require him to be in great shape – his magic was all that mattered, but he still made sure to exercise whenever he could, so that he would stay in good shape. During his pregnancy with Scorpius he didn't pack on that much weight and the stress after the birth got rid of the excess weight fast.
Again during his second pregnancy he didn't put on more weight than was necessary, but after the birth he didn't lose the excess weight as quickly as he had during his first one. When Cain was five months old, he had slowly started exercising again whenever he had some spare time, but even with Andromeda's help, taking care of both his children had him busy throughout the entire day.
His busy schedule of taking care of the household and their two sons led to him still having a slight belly when Cain was ten months old.
Normally this wouldn't have bothered him too much – sure, he'd like his former shape back, but taking care of his children took priority – except that once again Narcissa proved that she excelled in digging up insecurities and try as he might, Harry was not able to shrug her comments off easily …
To celebrate Valentine's day, Lucius and Narcissa had decided to throw a big party in the manor to celebrate the day of love. Not only the Parkinsons and the Zabinis were invited, but also other prestigious Pureblood families like the Greengrass' and important members of the Ministry.
Naturally, they invited their son and his husband as well and Harry had reluctantly agreed to attend. Andromeda had offered to babysit Scorpius and Cain for the weekend, so that Draco and Harry could finally enjoy a weekend without having the children around, as it had been quite a while since they last had time for each other.
The party started at six p.m. and there would be no fixed time for dinner; guests could ensemble their meal from the various plates filled with delicious food that was placed on the long tables against the walls.
"I can't wait until we're home again," Draco whispered in his ear and hands came to rest on his hips, grabbing them firmly.
"Oh? And what do you plan to do once we're home?" Harry smiled and took a sip from his glass of red wine.
Hands rose up discreetly until fingers slipped inside his trousers, caressing his hipbones, making him inhale sharply.
"Oh, I know a couple of things that we can do," Draco said lowly. "I'm going to undress you slowly and kiss every inch on your body. I'm going to tease you until you're ready to beg me for more." He pressed his hips flat against Harry's arse. "But I'm not going to go further until you are begging me for it, until you are pleading for me to fuck you. Then I'm going to fuck you until you know nothing else but my name, until you won't even be able to walk normally for the entire weekend." The last words were almost hissed and teeth clamped around his earlobe and tugged softly on it.
"Oh fuck," Harry hissed between clenched teeth and nearly whimpered when he felt Draco's obvious interest pressing against him.
He couldn't deny that he looked forward to getting the hell out of here and letting Draco do whatever he wanted with him. They had had several intimate moments in the months before, but those were mainly restricted to some heavy petting at the most, because they never had enough time to do more than that.
But now Scorpius and Cain were having a sleepover at Andromeda's house, so they would have the whole house for themselves for the entire weekend.
He turned around to face Draco and smiled impishly. "I can't wait to go home," he whispered and brought his head up to lock their lips together in a kiss, which soon started to toe the line of being indecent, considering the place they were.
They were interrupted by an amused Blaise Zabini. "Draco, get your hands off of your husband for just one minute, so that I can introduce you to a friend of mine."
Draco released a suffering sigh and scowled at his best friend. "Zabini, you never knew when to stay the hell away, huh?"
Harry chuckled and stepped back, giving the hands that lingered on his arse a quick squeeze. "Go with him. I'll get something to eat."
Draco rolled his eyes, but after sharing one quick kiss, he followed his friend.
Harry walked to the nearest table that mostly carried various dishes containing fruit: diced, sliced, dipped in chocolate … He was trying to decide what kind of fruit he would pick when he heard a very familiar voice piping up near him and he froze.
Lucius and his wife were standing just a couple of feet away from him. They were talking to each other and seemingly hadn't noticed Harry, but he didn't doubt for one second that they didn't know he was standing near them.
While his eyes danced from one plate to another one, he couldn't help but pick up what Narcissa was saying.
"And have you seen Daphne yet? She delivered her daughter three months ago and yet she has regained her former figure already," Narcissa remarked casually and the various golden bracelets on her wrists shone brightly in the candle light.
"It is remarkable," Lucius mused and clucked his tongue. "Too bad the same cannot be said for the Blueweed girl. Her parents are rather embarrassed about the fact that their son-in-law filed for a divorce after she let herself go."
Narcissa sighed softly. "Is it that difficult for some people to realise that if you want to retain your partner's desire, you actually have to stay desirable? Nobody wants to bed someone who is not in good shape after all. Every Pureblood knows this."
"Her friends mostly consisted out of Halfbloods and Muggleborns – you can hardly expect someone of her to have common sense," Lucius sneered.
"I am glad we managed to raise Draco well. At least he upholds our traditions," Narcissa murmured and without deigning Harry a glance, they left; their conversation shifting to the gown one particular woman was wearing.
Harry stood frozen in front of the table; his arms crossed tightly in front of his stomach. He swallowed and squeezed the skin of his sides tightly, his eyes staring blankly at the plates. He shouldn't let this conversation bother him. So what if one guy had divorced his wife, because she hadn't stayed in good shape? That had nothing to do with him. Draco loved him for who he was, not for his body only. Draco wasn't that shallow.
And yet, he couldn't help but think that he and Draco had never made love while he was still slightly chubby from the pregnancy. Of course they had slept together various times during his pregnancy, but there was an obvious difference between having a belly because the child was growing and having a slight belly, because he hadn't gotten rid of the excess weight yet.
But that wouldn't matter, right? He wasn't that overweight – it was only his stomach that hadn't become completely flat yet. His stomach was only obvious through tight shirts anyway and well, when he was naked, but again, that wouldn't matter, because Draco loved him for him, not for his body.
Still, he couldn't keep himself from self-consciously tugging his shirt, wondering whether it was obvious that he wasn't in good shape yet.
He didn't feel comfortable for the rest of his stay at the party and even though he tried to distract himself by talking to Kingsley, who was shooting for the position of Prime Minister next year, his mind didn't stop bringing up the conversation between his parents-in-laws.
"What do you say we get the hell out of here, hm?" Draco breathed in his ear and slipped behind him. "We've been here long enough and I want you now."
Taking a deep breath and forcing himself to stop thinking about the conversation, Harry glanced up at him and smiled faintly. "Let's go."
They hightailed it out of the grand ballroom, only stopping briefly to say goodbye to Draco's parents, and immediately Apparated, landing in front of the hidden house. Grimmauld Place Twelve materialized in front of their eyes as soon as they thought about the address – the old wards had never been put down – and the second the front door closed behind them with a soft 'click', Draco nearly jumped on Harry like a lion would jump on his prey.
Harry's back was pressed harshly against the door and their teeth clacked together, before they realigned their faces and kissed each other hungrily. Tongues came out to stroke and tease the other one, while hands busied themselves with divesting the other one from their cloaks and they hastily kicked off their shoes.
"Fuck, come on, bed now," Draco panted and without giving Harry time to protest, he snatched his wrist and nearly dragged Harry through the hallway, up the stairs to their bedroom. They stumbled into the bedroom, their lips locked together again and Harry took the opportunity to place his glasses on his nightstand so that they wouldn't break.
Moonlight shone brightly through the window, illuminating their bodies.
The sheets were impatiently ripped away and Draco pushed Harry on the bed, following him on it immediately afterwards.
Harry groaned loudly when a hot mouth started sucking his neck and his trembling fingers unbuttoned Draco's shirt. The shirt was thrown away, landing on the floor and right when Draco was half way done with unbuttoning Harry's shirt, Harry's mind flashed back to the conversation between his in-laws and he froze, his hands grabbing Draco's to stop him.
Draco pulled back and stared at him befuddled, while he panted. "What's wrong?"
"Just, eh." Emerald green eyes flitted through the room until they landed on the open window. "Just going to close the curtains quickly."
Draco groaned in protest and dropped his head on a pillow when Harry slid from underneath him and padded over to the window.
"Seriously? You have to do that now?" Draco grumbled and snatched his wand from his pocket to light up a candle that stood on his nightstand.
Satisfied that the windows were now closed, cutting off the bright moonlight, Harry opened his trousers and stepped out of them, leaving them on the ground.
"I wanted to strip you," Draco complained, but quickly got rid of his own clothes, even his underwear, so that he was completely naked.
Harry rolled his eyes, but his breathing quickened – and he wasn't sure whether that was from desire. He was still clad in a half unbuttoned shirt and his underwear and he felt uncertain suddenly. His hands hovered over his shirt, but he couldn't bring himself to remove the cloth. Removing it meant being naked. Being naked meant that Draco would be able to see how he was built even with the weak candlelight.
Even though he had been convinced until today that Draco loved him for who he was, he suddenly felt insecure over his body and started to doubt whether Draco would still be attracted to him after seeing his body. Draco had followed a lot of Pureblood traditions – though he had become more lenient with them after he married Harry, but how deeply were those traditions ingrained?
Would he be repulsed by Harry's body, because he hadn't been able to regain his former figure back? Would he push Harry away and claim he was too tired to do anything? Would he still be willing to touch him after seeing his body?
The difference between Draco's body and his own was glaringly obvious; despite his rather non-active job, Draco still had a fit body: muscled arms, well defined six-pack … while Harry's body had softened a bit during the pregnancy and left him with a small belly.
Draco cocked his head and patted the bed. "Hey, why are you still standing there? Get your arse back here!" he demanded and his eyes glowed with lust and desire, roving across Harry's body with hunger.
With halting steps, Harry made his way to the bed and slowly slid back in it, sitting on his knees in front of Draco.
"Now why don't you get rid of those clothes, so that the real fun can start?" Draco suggested with a smirk and moved forwards to help Harry undressing.
"Eh, can I leave the shirt on?" Harry asked and licked his lips. Maybe if he hid his stomach with the shirt, then Draco wouldn't know the real state of his body. This way they still could have fun and Draco wouldn't be the wiser. Harry just had to make sure that he would get rid of the excess weight quickly.
Draco scoffed and pushed against Harry's shoulders until he fell back and bounced lightly on the bed. Arms surrounded him, forming a cage while grey eyes studied him.
"Now why would you do that? We're not having a quickie, so there's no need to leave the clothes on," he said in an admonishing tone. "Now get rid of it. I promised I would worship every inch of your body and I'm planning on doing that."
"All right, just let me put out the candle," Harry fumbled and he was starting to raise his upper body when a hand, flat on his chest, pushed him back down.
This time the teasing glint in Draco's eyes had disappeared and he looked partly confused, partly troubled. "What's wrong? You've never bothered with the candles before."
"Nothing's wrong; I just, you know, don't want it to suddenly fall over and start a fire or so," Harry retorted weakly and started to push against Draco's shoulders.
Blond eyebrows furrowed and his husband pulled back, sitting on his knees between Harry's spread legs. "You know I use spells on the candles to prevent that," he reminded the dark haired man. "What's going on?"
"Nothing is going on, really, I … STOP THAT!" Harry exclaimed and almost reflexively slapped Draco's hands away when they tried to further unbutton his shirt.
Shit. He shouldn't have reacted like that. That had been a stupid move. He winced and resisted the urge to close his eyes. Slowly he sat up and brought his legs up, almost as if they were a shield.
"Is there a reason why I can't see you naked?" Draco's voice was deceptively calm, but his eyes darkened in frustration.
"It's just … why does it matter so much? Why can't I keep my shirt on?" Harry's cheeks started to feel uncomfortably warm and he could only hope he didn't look as red as he thought he was. The teasing, seductive mood that had been growing since the moment they were inside the house had disappeared completely, leaving an uncomfortable Harry and a frustrated Draco in its wake.
Harry's body started to feel cold despite the presence of his shirt and underwear and he suddenly wished that Draco would give up and that they could go to sleep. He couldn't tell the truth without sounding like an insecure nag. An insecure nag who was afraid of being rejected by his husband.
"Maybe because I want to feel my husband's body completely and don't want a shirt to hide you?" Draco replied sharply and scowled.
Harry kept quiet; his arms hugging himself.
"Harry, please, tell me what's wrong," Draco said softly and brought his hands to rest on Harry's knees. "You've never had a problem with getting naked before. I just want to see you, please?"
Harry shook his head and hid his face behind his hands, clenching his teeth. If only he hadn't listened to Narcissa, then he could be enjoying himself now with Draco. But no, it wasn't really Narcissa's fault this time; he allowed his insecurities to wash over him instead of ignoring them.
"Harry, come on, tell me what's …"
"I haven't had the time yet to get back in shape, all right!" Harry finally snapped and dropped his hands, revealing his flushed, humiliated face. "I've started exercising, but between caring for Scorpius and Cain and the regular household chores, there hasn't been many chances for me to decently train, so I'm still … I still have …" Vaguely he gestured towards his stomach, not willing to say it out loud.
Merlin, since when had he become so pathetic?
It was silent for a long time.
Finally, Harry found the courage to look at Draco and he froze when he was met by the strange look in his eyes. An arm stretched out and a hand came to rest on his cheek; a thumb releasing his lower lip from between his teeth.
"Did you really think I'm that shallow that I would be put off by how you look like?" Draco asked and slowly came forwards. Grey eyes were casted down and patiently, oh so slowly, he pushed Harry's legs down, spreading them around his own hips. Still frozen, Harry made no move to intercept Draco and he calmly unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, spreading it wide open.
Now Harry's chest and stomach were bared and he moved his arms in order to cross them in front of his stomach, hiding his belly. However, Draco was having none of that and gently, though firmly, his hands encircled Harry's wrists and kept them caged against the mattress, next to his hips.
"This body has flung itself in front of me to defend me when people tried to attack us when we told them the truth about us," Draco murmured and while holding Harry's gaze, he gently placed a kiss in the middle of Harry's chest. "This body has made love to me countless times before, has given me two beautiful children," the next kiss was placed right above his bellybutton, "how could I ever think it undesirable?"
Harry opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His eyes stayed transfixed on the vision of Draco laying between his legs, kissing his stomach again and again.
"I don't care how you look like; I love you for who you are and not only for your body. I'm not shallow, Harry." His voice deepened. "I still find you as desirable as the first time I saw you naked. I still want to make love to you and show you how much I love you."
He rose up and pressed their lips together, rubbing them slowly together, deepening the pressure with every second that passed.
"Can I please see you?"
The last hesitance melted away and assured by Draco's words, Harry haltingly removed his shirt and underwear, leaving him completely naked in front of his lover for the first time in nearly ten months.
"That's it," Draco whispered and drew him closer.
Harry slipped his fingers through blond hair, messing it up slightly while his lips were once again covered by Draco's mouth. They fell back on the bed in a tangle of limbs and their bodies pressed tightly together, neither one of them wanting to leave an inch of skin uncovered.
Hands danced over each other's skin, caressing, stroking, touching wherever they could. Mouths parted, leaving bruised, swollen lips behind, and busied themselves with leaving marks behind in necks and on chests.
While Harry's hands slid over a firm stomach, Draco wasted no time in caressing Harry's; his touches confirming that he wasn't repulsed by what he saw and felt.
Harry swung his legs up and curled them around Draco's waist, bringing their bodies even closer.
A moan left their mouths at the same time when the evidence of their desire pressed against each other and they halted, staring straight into each other's eyes.
Harry nodded to the unspoken question in Draco's eyes and without looking away, the blond summoned the bottle of lubrication they kept locked away in case Scorpius became a bit too curious (one close call with their five year old had been enough).
The sound of the uncapping of the bottle joined the sound of their breathing and the clear gel like liquid shone softly in the candlelight when Draco poured it on his fingers. The bottle was carelessly dropped on the floor and long, slender fingers rubbed together to warm up the lubrication.
A mouth covered his own while Draco softly coaxed him open, being as gentle as he had been during their first time, taking care to hit that hidden spot deep within Harry's body that made him whimper and sigh and curl his toes in the rumpled sheets.
Harry was a shuddering and moaning mess by the time Draco pulled his hand back and he clasped his trembling arms around Draco's neck to pull him closer.
"Are you ready?" Draco whispered and cupped Harry's head with one hand, angling him so that he could kiss him thoroughly.
Harry pulled back with a gasp and his eyes – pupils blown wide until only a small circle of green was visible – glowed with desire, lightening them with a hidden fire.
"Yes," he breathed out and then his breathing hitched, stopped for a few seconds and escaped with a whooshing sound when Draco had entered him completely, keeping still in order for his lover to get used to the feeling of being full again.
"Oh." His eyes widened and he swallowed rather noisily. He had nearly forgotten how it felt to be completely connected with Draco, to have their bodies joined so intimately.
Draco laughed breathlessly and started to move slowly, never pulling back far.
Harry kissed him again and a tongue pushed rather insistently against his closed lips until he opened them and welcomed him in his mouth. Their kisses grew more passionate, harder while their bodies moved faster, falling back into the familiar rhythm of losing themselves in each other.
Harry didn't know how long they lasted – all sense of time left him when he was surrounded by Draco's body, his scent, while the man claimed him and let him feel just how much the other desired him, how much he loved him.
Eventually they couldn't hold back anymore and they fell over the edge together, shuddering and trembling, moans and groans filling the air between them.
Draco stayed on top of him for a while longer, until their breathing steadied and their hearts calmed down. Only then did he carefully pull back, making Harry shiver in response; he couldn't remember the last time his body had felt this sensitive.
Draco sunk down next to him and Harry turned on his side, resting his head on Draco's shoulder.
Fingers raked through his hair and he closed his eyes, enjoying the light caress.
"I love you," Draco whispered.
Harry pressed a kiss on his collarbone. "I love you too."
Sleep fell over them like a blanket and Harry's last coherent thought before he gave himself over to the darkness was that he would never doubt Draco and his feelings again.
A few years went by with Lucius and Narcissa still shooting off snide remarks whenever they could and with Teddy visiting every summer when he came home from Hogwarts.
Harry had been content to ignore the snide remarks of his in-laws, having finally decided that no matter what he did, it would never be good enough, so his energy was better spent in taking care of his family and in his job as Curse breaker (to which he returned after Cain turned three years old).
However, there were apparently no limits to how far Narcissa would go to hurt Harry …
Maybe he had been rather oblivious during his school years – Merlin knew how often Hermione and Draco had insisted he had been – but becoming a parent had changed him. He was attuned to his sons and knew instantly when something had happened. He wouldn't say he was the perfect parent – he made mistakes like everyone else – but he thought he did a good job as father. His sons knew that they could come to him whenever they were troubled and so he knew that Scorpius didn't feel comfortable around his grandparents. Scorpius never gave a real reason as to why he felt uncomfortable, but Harry guessed it had to do with the way Lucius and Narcissa were focused on forming him into a perfect Pureblood child.
Harry and Draco had actually discussed the possibility of having their sons study the Pureblood traditions earlier on and they had come to the agreement that Draco would teach them the traditions he thought were important to know, but he wouldn't be too strict about them.
So when Scorpius turned seven, Draco had started to give him lessons in Pureblood traditions one day per week, which made his parents happy as they had feared that Scorpius would grow up clueless about his heritage and they made sure to ask Scorpius about his lessons, quizzing him occasionally.
Knowing about Scorpius' feelings towards his grandparents, Harry tried to keep them at a distance as long as he could, but he couldn't refuse the occasional visit.
Cain was quieter than his brother, but even at his young age, his face clearly displaced his feelings and thoughts and Harry had noticed before that Cain didn't seem to like being around his grandparents. He had also noticed that Lucius and Narcissa were noticeably cooler towards his youngest son than to his oldest, but he tried to tell himself that he had to be mistaken and encouraged Cain to have fun with his grandparents during their visits.
Harry should have listened to his gut instinct that something was not right between his in-laws and Cain …
They were celebrating Scorpius' ninth birthday in Malfoy Manor when the final blow landed.
The gathering this time was small: Narcissa, Lucius, Harry, Draco, Scorpius, Cain, Andromeda and Blaise with his wife and two year old daughter.
The cake had been cut and the gifts had been opened, and people started to mingle, chattering to each other.
Harry was talking to Blaise's wife – a lovely woman named Isabelle, who was of Spanish decent and had moved to England four years ago – when his hand was suddenly grabbed and he looked down at a distressed looking Scorpius.
"Scorpius, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly.
The young boy bit his lip and turned his head. "Daddy, I think grandma and grandpa are being mean to Cain again."
Harry froze, both at the comment and the use of the word 'again'. He looked up and saw his in-laws standing in front of five year old Cain, who was hovering next to the table with the half eaten cake on it. His little hands were clutching the table's legs and he looked on the verge of tears.
"Scorpius, stay here with Aunt Isabelle, all right?" he muttered and marched over to the trio. He didn't take the time to look around for Draco, as the man had left the room earlier to deal with an emergency at his lab.
Anger started to course through his veins and he wondered what they were saying to his son to make him so teary-eyed.
He came to an abrupt halt in front of Cain, hiding him behind his legs.
"What's going on here?" he asked coolly and gazed at the couple in front of him.
Lucius raised an eyebrow. "We were simply conversing with your son about magic. By the time Scorpius was his age, he could control his magic enough to float small objects, but your youngest here doesn't even seem capable of simple accidental magic."
"Accidental magic can of course not come into existence by asking for it, because it is after all accidental," Narcissa chimed in with a cool smile. "But I can't help but notice that your son has never demonstrated the slightest accidental magic."
"So we thought he had managed to achieve some control over it, like his older brother," Lucius took over in a bored tone. "However, he doesn't seem capable of doing something as simple as making a feather float."
"Dear, are you certain he is not a Squib?" Narcissa asked and glanced at the boy hidden behind Harry, who let out a quiet whimper.
"There is nothing wrong with Cain's magic," Harry hissed, his anger slowly starting to boil.
"Having a Squib as child is rather shameful, so I can understand why you would hide it," Narcissa replied nonchalantly. "There are no known causes of why Squibs exist exactly, but I assume that this particular case happened because of your accident during your pregnancy. From what I have heard, he shouldn't have survived. Honestly, I know not many people like to hear it, but when it comes down to it, it's better to have no child than to have a shameful Squib as a child."
He had enough. He didn't care that they had belittled him every chance they had, didn't care that they had insulted him and had tried to shake his confidence in his relationship over and over again. He could take their insults, could deal with them.
What he couldn't deal with was them attacking his son, hurting him on purpose, belittling him and actively wishing he had died during the pregnancy.
This time he saw no need to hold back anymore.
They had gone too far.
"My son is not a Squib! And even if he was, I wouldn't care at all, because he is my son and I love him no matter what he is or does!" Harry raised his voice, not caring when the chattering around him stopped and a shocked silence fell over the room. "I will not tolerate you hurting him! I don't care what you say about me, how many times you insult me, but you shut up about my children! You have a problem with me? Fine, act like a goddamn adult and take it up with me, but don't take it out on my children." He turned around and picked up his softly crying son, holding him on his hip while rubbing his back. "You've gone too far this time. You can't stand me? Fine, you won't see me anymore – but you won't see your grandchildren either, because I won't let them get hurt by you ever again."
Without giving them a chance to say something – though from their shocked faces, it was clear they didn't know what to say after his little tirade – Harry stalked away.
"Come, Scorpius, we're going home," he said and Scorpius simply smiled relieved, following his dad outside.
"Hold on tightly, sweeties," Harry murmured and embracing both his sons, he Side-Apparated them to their home.
"Am I a bad boy, daddy?" Cain cried, his lower lip trembling.
Harry sat down on the couch, placing him on his lap while Scorpius climbed next to him. "Of course you're not, honey, you're not a bad boy at all," he murmured soothingly and caressed his trembling back.
"Why don't grandma and grandpa like me?" the little boy whimpered and Harry sighed, pressing a kiss on his head.
"I don't know, Cain baby, but that's their loss. You're a wonderful boy and they are stupid to not see that."
"They don't like him, because he doesn't look like them," Scorpius unexpectedly spoke up.
"What?" Harry stared at him, still rocking the child on his lap back and forth.
Scorpius gestured at Cain's unruly, black hair. "I've heard them talking about Cain when they think nobody can hear them. They say he isn't a real Malfoy, because he isn't blond and because he doesn't show his magic like I did," he answered and frowned. "Which is stupid if you ask me, because he does show magic here and he has papa's eyes, right?"
"Yes, he does," Harry replied softly, gazing into watery grey eyes. While Scorpius had inherited his green eyes, Cain had the grey eyes of Draco, but the unruly, black hair of Harry.
"Listen, Cain, you did nothing wrong, okay?" he said in a strong voice and urged the young boy to look at him. "There is nothing wrong with you. Your grandparents were the ones who were bad now."
"Do I have to go back to them?" Cain asked and his lower lip trembled. His small hands came up to rub over his eyes.
Harry pulled his hands away and used his thumbs to carefully wipe away his tears. "No, you don't have to; they went too far. They shouldn't have said those things."
"Good, because I didn't really like visiting them. They are stricter than papa," Scorpius complained and pouted slightly.
Harry smiled faintly. "Don't tell papa that or he might give you more tests," he said amused and had to chuckle a bit when Scorpius grimaced.
The front door opened and closed again and Harry looked up when footsteps came near.
A few seconds later, Draco appeared in the doorway, his eyes dark and unreadable.
"I think we need to talk, Harry," he said in a flat tone.
Harry swallowed and then took a deep breath. "Scorpius, Cain, can you go to your rooms, please? Papa and I need to talk alone."
Scorpius cocked his head, glanced at his father standing in the doorway and nodded slightly. He offered his hand to Cain, who had calmed down and his brother gripped it tightly.
"Come on, Cain."
"Your presents are in your room," Draco murmured and their sons left the room quickly.
As soon as the sound of a door closing upstairs reached them, Draco entered the living room completely and closed the door behind him.
Harry stood up and crossed his arms in front of his chest, wondering who would be the first to start talking.
It turned out to be Draco.
"It seems you had quite a fight with my parents," he started and leant his back against the door. "I didn't catch everything, but I did hear you telling them that they won't ever see their grandchildren again along with some other … things I'm highly curious about. What happened?"
"Did your parents say what happened?" Harry replied with a question, shifting his feet.
He couldn't keep lying now. For years he had kept quiet about the treatment he had to endure, because his in-laws seemed to despise him. He had seen no reason to raise a conflict between Draco and his parents if he told him the truth – or worse, ending up in a fight with Draco, because the blond wouldn't tolerate any badmouthing his parents.
But now his husband had heard him saying he had every intention of keeping the children away from Lucius and Narcissa and the dark haired man realised he had no other choice than to tell the truth if he wanted to keep his children safe.
How should he start, though? How was he supposed to start confessing to his husband that he had been taunted and insulted by the blond's parents every time they visited? How was he supposed to tell how humiliated he had felt every time Lucius and Narcissa had introduced beautiful, single Pureblood women to their son, in the hopes that he would realise what a massive mistake he had made by marrying Harry? How was he supposed to inform his lover that their own children were disliked, purely because Harry had carried them?
Exactly how was he supposed to talk about years and years of feeling hurt, feeling inadequate, trying to ignore the taunts and insults, all the times of not feeling good enough to stand by Draco?
How was he supposed to tell him that he hadn't dared to confide in him for fear of losing him?
"They told me that you started to yell at them out of nowhere, because they were talking to Cain," Draco murmured and raised an eyebrow. "However, after nearly fifteen years of marriage, I'd like to think that I know you well. And I know that you wouldn't just start yelling at them without any reason. I also know how much you value family, so something severe must have happened for you to deny them further contact with our sons. What I want to know is what exactly happened."
Harry bit his lip, but after taking a deep breath, he started to explain what had happened. "They were goading Cain, because he hasn't shown any magic around them. Narcissa said he had to be a Squib, because he couldn't manage to float a light object, while Scorpius was able to do that at that age," he said stiffly and stared at the floor. "She then continued by saying that he probably became a Squib, because I nearly miscarried him and that it was better to not have a child than to have a 'shameful Squib' as a child. She basically said that Cain would have been better off dead and she went too far. I don't care what they say about me, but they can't attack my children. So I told them that they wouldn't get to see them anymore." He finally looked up. "I know how much you care about your parents, but there is no way in hell I'm letting them near my sons again after what they said."
Draco seemed to have become paler and he looked like he didn't know what to do with his hands. "I – didn't know they had said something like that," he finally spoke and sounded aghast. "I can't believe that they said that about our son!"
"Yes, well, they did. So I'm not letting them near Scorpius or Cain again," Harry spat and clenched his fists.
Grey eyes darkened in a particular way – the way they did when Draco brooded over something. "What do you mean with that you don't care what they say about you?" he asked, taking a step closer, halting when Harry tensed up. "Harry, what did they say about you?"
He really didn't want to confess. It was bad enough to inform Draco about the way his parents had treated his sons, but to continue and speak about what they had said about him? Harry didn't know how he would react and that worried him.
Harry nearly jumped three feet in the air when strong arms surrounded him and tugged him against a warm chest.
"Please, Harry, tell me what they said about you," Draco whispered.
Hidden in his embrace, not having to look up and watch how Draco's face would change, made it somehow easier to confess and before Harry realised fully what he was doing, he started pouring his heart out: telling the blond how he had been insulted from the first day he had officially met Lucius and Narcissa; how he had been taunted for years; how they had insulted his parenting skills; the times they had blocked his messages for Draco when he tried to reach him; the times when they had reminded him that his usefulness would expire soon and that he would soon be dumped and forgotten …
By the time he trailed off, his throat hurt from talking so much and his shoulders heaved with the sobs he was trying to supress while his hands busied themselves with trying to wipe away his tears.
Silence fell over them and the sky had darkened to a dark red by the time Draco stirred and led Harry to sit on the couch.
"Why didn't you talk to me about this sooner?" Draco whispered and his own hand reached out to wipe the tears off of Harry's cheek.
Harry dropped his hands on his laps and let out a sigh. "I thought you would think I was lying about it. I know how much you value family and I was afraid you would … you would leave me," he ended in a small voice.
"Yes, I do value family a lot," Draco spoke almost absentmindedly and his hand shift from Harry's cheek to his neck, letting a thumb caress his pulse. "That's exactly why you should have told me sooner. I didn't know that they treated you like that – fuck, I should have known about it! If I had actually paid attention, then maybe it wouldn't have become this bad."
"It's not your fault, Draco," Harry protested and looked at him incredulously. "It was my decision to not talk to you about it and …"
"Harry, we've been married for more than ten years – I should have noticed something was wrong much sooner!" Draco shook his head and looked frustrated. "If you had said something to me earlier, I would have set them straight. They can't get away with treating you like that, just because they are my parents!"
Harry opened his mouth, but was interrupted by the sound of an incoming Floo call.
"Harry, are you home?" Hermione called out.
Draco gave him a soft kiss on his lips. "Go talk with Granger," he muttered and stood up.
"Wait, where are you going?" Harry asked worriedly and stood up as well.
"Don't worry; I'll be back soon. I'm just stepping outside for a bit," his husband reassured him and left quietly.
Harry was preparing dinner when Draco finally came home. He heard the front door open and footsteps coming towards him. He was putting slices of cheese on the hamburgers that were sizzling in the pan – Cain had asked whether they could have hamburgers as dinner and Harry hadn't been able to say no, resulting in him making a salad and chips as well – when arms snaked around his waist and cold hands slipped underneath his sweater.
A cold nose buried itself against his neck and he couldn't supress the shiver at the cold sensation in both his neck and on his stomach.
"What did Granger want to talk about?" Draco asked and started to caress Harry's sides lightly.
"She asked whether we minded that the gathering tomorrow at Molly's would start later, because apparently Hugo caught a fever and they need to let the potions run their course, before they can bring him with them," Harry replied and dropped the last slice of cheese on the hamburger.
Draco hummed, but didn't say anything.
Harry turned around to face him, sliding his hands around his neck. "Where did you go to? You're home late," he murmured.
"I went to my parents," Draco answered to his complete surprise and shock. "I told them that I knew the truth now and that I wouldn't consider them my parents anymore until they accepted the fact that I chose you and that I'm not planning on letting you go, no matter how many Pureblood twats they introduce me to at their parties."
Harry couldn't stop his mouth from dropping open in complete shock. "But Draco, are you sure about this? I mean, they are your parents, so …"
He was cut off by a deep kiss.
"Harry, you and our sons are the most important people in my life now," Draco murmured and brushed another kiss on his nose. "Even my parents don't have the right to hurt and humiliate you like that. If they can't see that they are missing out on a wonderful son-in-law and amazing grandchildren, then it's their loss. As long as they don't change their attitude, they are no longer welcome here and they won't need to expect us to visit them. If they decide to change their attitude, then well, we'll see what we'll do then. Now they need to realise that they can't get away with hurting either you or our sons."
Relief coursed through him and Harry was reminded of one of the reasons he had fallen for the blond: his will to do the right thing, his desire to protect the ones he loved.
"Thank you," Harry whispered and brought his head up to kiss his husband.
Draco's lips curved up into a smile and he returned the kiss.
Whether Harry would ever be able to forgive Lucius and Narcissa was a question he could not answer yet. For now he would concentrate on his family and career and live his life without his in-laws looming over him.
AN2: Have I mentioned yet that I suck at writing endings? *coughs* Anyway, I hope you liked the last part!