Chapter 26 – This is Our Ouran Fair!

There was a beautiful picture of her mother standing up on the bench, newly placed flowers surrounding it. Light smoke wafted up past the photo, showing how recent everything had been.

"Haruhi," Ranka called from inside the living room. Haruhi used the shoehorn to place on her shoe. "You sure you don't want any breakfast?"

"No thanks," she said at the doorway. "Well, I'm off then!"


It was five minutes past three o'clock, which meant that the club activities would start again. The parents were all down in the Central Building Salon, where the Host Club was again.

"Welcome miss," Kyoya said as he placed down a cup of tea.

"Oh, I know you," Éclair said. "You're one of the Ootori family's sons, aren't you? Unfortunately, you're the third son so you'll never be the successor." He put on a fake smile.

"What can I do for you today mademoiselle?"

"You can tell me how much Haruhi Fujioka is in debt to the Host Club." Kyoya looked at her in surprise.

"Haruhi. Someone to see you," Kyoya said. She turned around and noticed Éclair's smug look. He then walked away.

"How are you today?" Haruhi asked as she sat down.

"I couldn't help but notice that my Tamaki had a soft spot for you."

"Just what are you getting at? Are you saying you're jealous of me?"

"Oh, listen to you," she said arrogantly. "Tamaki won't be coming today. I warned him that I'd be upset if he ever showed his face here at the Host Club again."

"I wonder what happened to Tama-chan," Honey-senpai said.

"I'm getting worried," Hikaru said. "Something's up with him. After what he said yesterday…"

"As of today, Lady Tonnerre and I are officially engaged. Furthermore, the Host Club will be permanently dissolved after the Ouran Fair."

The hosts looked saddened as they stared at the ground.

"Alright gentlemen, no more idle chatter," Kyoya said as he walked over. "Our guests are waiting for us."

"Senpai, it's like you don't even care," Kaoru said.

"It's our job to take care of our guests to the best of our ability. Remember, they're looking to us to entertain them. Their happiness is the utmost importance."

"He's right Kao-chan!" Honey-senpai yelled as he shoved him.

"Honey-senpai! What are you doing?!" Kaoru screamed. "Come on, we've got to go," Mori-senpai said.

"Let go of me Mori-senpai!" Hikaru said with a struggle. Kyoya turned around and noticed Lady Éclair standing up and walking away, leaving Haruhi to stare. He watched her walk away, over to the two blonde siblings.

"Excuse me, may I have a quick word with Rin over here?" Éclair asked as she walked over to them. They looked at each other.

"Of course Lady Éclair," Rin said as the two walked away.

"You know, I've noticed that you're not the only female in the club. Doesn't that reassure you?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh please, Tamaki made it pretty clear that Haruhi was a girl. He is his little girl after all, and so are you."

"If you're questioning our relationship, there is nothing going on between us. I'm already in a relationship with someone else, and Tamaki and I only see each other as family."

"Well, that's good. Well, since there's no competition, I best be off. Make sure Haruhi stays her distance." Éclair then gave her a smug smile and walked out of the room. Rin watched her leave as she slightly growled.

"Thank you for all of your hard work Haruhi," Kyoya said as he walked over to her. She looked up, confused. "After that request from Lady Éclair, you're debt has been paid. You've finally repaid us for that renaissance vase you broke. So you're free to quit the Host Club, if you'd like."

Haruhi was in shock. It became silent as she let the information sink in. But, she heard the sound of footsteps walking towards them. It was Kyoya's father. He stopped once he reached his son.

"When they're young, they assume they have all the time in the world, but really, that is never the case. Don't waste your time with something that will ultimately have no value." Haruhi gasped, but then grew angry as she stood up.

"You don't know anything about the Host Club," she said, causing his father to stop walking.

"Kyoya-senpai works round the clock to make sure that everyone here is enjoying themselves. And did you ever stop to think that entertaining others might just give us some fulfilment? How could you possibly say that what we do here is just a waste of our time? I don't care what you say. I think Kyoya-senpai is amazing."

His father took a moment to think before he started walking away again. "I see, so that must be the honour student Kyoya told me about."

Rin stood in front of him, with her hands on her hips.

"And just who are you?" his father asked, slightly annoyed.

"Who am I? I'm Rin Hayashi, a member of the Host Club and your son's ex-girlfriend. The one that apparently wasn't good enough for him."

He looked back at his assistant who nodded. "She's telling the truth sir," he said to him.

"So, you're the infamous Hayashi girl?"

"Yes, I am. And I've finally worked up the courage to come face to face with you…I know the truth. I know what you did."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh yes you do," she said as she walked closer. "You manipulated your son, who would do anything you say just to get some much needed approval, into dumping me because of a lack of money? And your reason? For the good of the company? It's such a disgusting thing to do, manipulating your own family for some selfish reason as self-image. And plus, isn't your family having some trouble of its own?"

"What is your point young lady?"

"Oh, I just find it funny how you felt like being associated with a girl who was losing a little bit of money would hurt you, but look what's happening now. I guess Karma does exist. Isn't it funny? Bad things do happen to bad people." She then turned around and walked away. He stared at her for a moment, before a smirk appeared on his face.

"She's the girl I denied my son to be with? What a mistake."

Éclair listened to their conversation as she stood in the shower, holding her Lorgnettes in her hand.

"I'm concerned with our standing with Grand Tonnerre," the chairman said in the other room. "They've recently been buying up Japanese companies' right and left."

"Don't worry," Tamaki's grandmother said. "Everything will be fine. Once we have an heir, the Suoh family will prosper once again. After all, it's not like the boy can turn against us."

"Tamaki has never been interested in anything involving the family." He sat at his desk, looking at the many photographs of his son during different stages of his life. "What have you done to change his mind?"

"I told him that if he asked Lady Éclair to marry him, I would allow him to see his mother."

"But you can't be serious?"

"Your child is having to make amends for the indiscretions of your youth, my son."

In the other room, Tamaki was playing a song on the piano, wearing his white tuxedo. Éclair turned off the shower and got out. She quickly changed and walked out, drying her hair off with a towel. She walked over to him slowly. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she leant her head against his shoulder, smirking all the while.

But, the phone got them both alert. Tamaki reached for his phone on the piano but before he could grab it, Éclair roughly snatched it and walked away with it. She noticed who was calling and she grew annoyed. There was a picture of Haruhi and Tamaki, him looking happier than her.

"Tamaki won't be coming today. I warned him that I'd be upset if he ever showed his face here at the Host Club again. Tell me, are you Tamaki's lover?" Éclair asked.

"No miss, not at all," Haruhi said emotionless.

"I see. That's good to hear. Then I guess you must mean nothing to him."

"While I may not be his lover, I know that I am not nothing to him."

She watched as the phone rang for a few seconds before her eyes narrowed. She then lifted it up in the air and dropped into the fish tank, watching it sink to the bottom. "I think it's best that you don't have any contact with your friends for a while," she said smugly. "It'll make it harder for you to leave."

They then heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" she said as she turned around. The butler opened the door.

"There is a visitor here to see you ma'am."

"Please, have him come in." In walked Kyoya's father.

"Mr Ootori, why are you here?" Tamaki asked as he stood up.

"I should be asking you the same question," he said as he sat down on the couch. Éclair followed suit, as two cups of tea were placed on the table in front of them.

"Don't you worry about him," she said.

"Sir, it's a pleasure to see you again," he said. "…It's my fault that Kyoya joined the Host Club. I'm really sorry…But sir, I don't understand what you're doing here."

"We're terribly sorry we had to come and ask you to come all this way," the butler said. "I hope the trip hasn't burdened you." The assistant opened a briefcase as Kyoya's father shook his head.

"No. On the contrary, I'm always quite happy to avoid the press." Tamaki gasped. "From what I understand, my medical equipment company is about to be bought out from under me by Grand Tonnerre. And you know it probably serves Kyoya right. The company I was considering handing over to him, will be forever out of his hands now."

Kyoya was typing away on his computer. He noticed Haruhi staring out the window, watching the clock. He noticed that Rin had come over to comfort her while the other hosts watched. He took another quick glance, before he started typing again.

"Excuse me sir," Éclair said. "But there's one more thing. I've a favour to ask you." The phone in the water started making bubbles and the fish swam away.

The sun had set and all the remaining hosts were now wearing their new set of costumes. Kyoya was trying to ring him, but there was no answer. He listened as the phone kept ringing.

"Kyoya-senpai, what's with this outfit?" Haruhi asked.

"We told you, it's a costume for the special parade," Hikaru said.

"You look so cute Haru-chan," Honey-senpai said.

"I don't understand. Why am I the only one dressed as a girl?"

"You're not, remember?" Rin asked, wearing the same outfit but in a different colour.

"I meant out of the guys Rin," she said annoyed.

"Oh come on, it's cosplay, so it's alright to dress like a girl," Hikaru said.

"I am one you know," Haruhi said.

"Well, maybe if you acted like one, we wouldn't have to make fun of you for it," Rin said and Haruhi glared as Hikaru chuckled.

"Well?" Kaoru asked Kyoya, waiting for the answer.

"What's going on?" Ren asked.

"Nothing. He's not there." He shut the phone which caused them all to look at him.

"I can't believe senpai didn't show," Haruhi said. "I really thought he was going to make it, despite what she said."

They all went silent, disappointed and worried. Kyoya sighed as he got out his phone and dialled a different number. He waited as the phone rang until finally, someone picked up the phone.


"Hello Shima, it's been a while hasn't it? It's Kyoya."

"This is about Master Tamaki, isn't it? I am sorry Kyoya, but the Master will be departed for France soon." She heard him gasp. "I tried to talk him out of it, but he said the Suoh family had forgiven his beloved mother and that he was finally going to see her again. He also said that if he stayed at Ouran any longer, his capriciousness would only continue to make trouble for you and everyone else in the club."

"How could he be so stupid?" Kyoya asked, grinding his teeth. He removed the phone from his ear. "Evidently, Tamaki is planning to return to France."

"Huh?" all the members expect Haruhi asked.

"Tama-chan is going to leave us?" Honey-senpai asked.

"You're kidding me?!" Hikaru yelled. "They can't just let it end so suddenly." He started shaking.

"Hikaru," Kaoru said. Rin rubbed his back, comforting him.

"Excuse me sir."

"Yes?" he asked into the phone.

"I was just thinking, if the Master's mother is as remarkable of a woman as he claims she is, then I can only imagine how upset she'd be with the manner and way the Master has chosen to leave Ouran Academy."

Tamaki stared at the giant clock, standing outside next to a red car. He sighed as he looked at the school for the last time.

"Do you know when he's leaving Shima?"

"I'm afraid his flight is this evening."

"Why is he leaving so soon?"

"He would have left sooner, but he said he had to wait until the Ouran Fair was ending." He gasped. He watched through the window as he saw a red car fly past. Inside the car was a driver, Lady Éclair and Tamaki. "Tamaki!" From this, the hosts, expect Haruhi, all rushed to the window.

"Tama-chan!" Honey-senpai cried.

"Are you kidding me?!" Rin said.

"No way!" Kaoru said as he slammed his hands on the window.

"The Ouran Fair isn't even over yet!" Hikaru yelled.

"Tamaki, you idiot!" Ren yelled.

"My family's car should be in the parking lot," Kyoya said.

"Haruhi! Let's go!" She looked up and gasped.

It was almost six o'clock now and most people were staring to leave. Kyoya, the twins, Ren, Rin and Haruhi all ran through the parking lot. Rin had to help Haruhi run as she was constantly stumbling in her high heels. The six finally reached the black car as they stopped.

"We're in a hurry, can you drive us?" Kyoya asked the driver inside the car.

"I'm sorry sir but," the driver started.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"Well, you see…the thing is…" They heard heaps of footsteps behind them and they turned around. There were hundreds of the Ootori Police Force, standing there.

"You want to tell me your orders?" Kyoya asked. The police officers moved even closer. "Let me guess. You've been hired to protect Lady Éclair?" Rin and Hikaru looked at each other.

He gently pulled her behind them, protecting her. She grabbed Haruhi and pulled her behind her. They all knew who really was going to be the one to stop Tamaki. Kaoru stood closer to his brother, helping protect Haruhi. Ren stood in front of them all.

"I am truly sorry it has come to this," one of the officers said.

"But as members of the Ootori Police, we answer to your father."

"Dammit!" Kyoya screamed as he smashed his hand into the car, creating a loud bang and that dinted the car. Rin covered her ears. Ren patted her on the back.

"I'm terribly sorry sir, but we've been ordered to now allow any of you to leave. Even if we have to stop you by force."

They heard the sound of hooves clopping against the floor and they turned around, as did the police officers. There was Mori-senpai, driving the horse carriage. It stopped right in front of some of the officers and they gasped. The horse stood as it swung its front legs into the air, making the officers fall to the ground. Honey-senpai jumped out of the carriage and landed in front of half of the officers. They all gasped.

"Hikaru, take the carriage," Mori-senpai said. "If you use the back hills bypass, you can cut them off." He then jumped down from the carriage and next to Honey-senpai.

"It's Haninozuka!"

"And Morinozuka!" They all stepped back in slight fear.

Hikaru climbed on the front and held the rains in one hand. He held out his other hand and Rin took it as they both pulled her up. She sat down next to him.

"Ren, you coming?" she asked.

"No. You four go. I'll stay behind," he said. Kaoru then climbed into the carriage. He held out his hand for Haruhi.

"Come on," he said. She stepped back, in worry. She was then grabbed by the shoulders and pulled backwards.

"Haruhi," Kyoya said. "Go get that idiot. Hurry!" He then pushed her forward and Kaoru grabbed onto her arm, pulling her into the carriage.

"Now go! This is your chance!" Hikaru nodded as he slammed the reins down. The horses quickly ran and the carriage moved with great speed.

"Don't just stand there! Stop that-" the officer screamed as Honey-senpai jumped on his head and pushed him to the ground. He flipped off and landed perfectly. The officers all ran towards him.

"Takashi, DON'T GO EASY ON THEM!" Honey-senpai screamed as he charged at them.

"Don't worry, I won't!" Mori-senpai said as he grabbed two of them by the neck and flung them around in circles.

The carriage was moving so fast that in a matter of seconds, they were out of the parking lot and out in the sunset.

Honey-senpai dusted his hand off as he stared at the giant pile of police officers, all of them soundly defeated.

"I told you! Picking on my friends is a big no-no!"

"You should never underestimate the Ouran Host Club," Kyoya said with a smirk.

"Yeah," Mori-senpai said as he stretched his neck.

"Man, I wish I had some popcorn for that," Ren said.

"Man, you guys are cocky," someone said as they grabbed Ren by the neck. He gasped as he was pulled into the officer.

"Ren-chan!" Honey-senpai called.

"Stay back or this one gets it," the officer said. Ren smirked.

"You sure about that?" Ren asked.

"Huh?" Ren then punched backwards, hitting the man in the face. He officer fell to the ground, holding his face. Ren grabbed the man by his shirt and chucked him in the air. The officer screamed as he landed on the top of the pile.

"Who's the cocky one now?" Ren asked as the officer groaned.

"Well done Ren-chan!"

"Yeah." Kyoya smiled, but then became serious again.

Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, Rin. Please bring him back.

Hikaru slammed down on the reins, faster and faster, making the horses run even faster. Rin yelped as the carriage moved even quicker. "Hikaru, don't you think you should slow down?" Kaoru asked. "Someone could get hurt!"

"We're not slowing down until we get the boss down," Hikaru yelled. Rin grabbed onto his arm.

"But Hikaru," Kaoru tried to say.

"If it wasn't for Tamaki, the two of us would still only be lost souls. We were able to become friends with Haruhi and the others and I was able to find love because the Host Club brought us together. To think that it all could end so suddenly…IS SOMETHING THAT I CAN'T TOLERATE!"

One of the carriage wheels slammed down on something and it made the carriage swerve. Hikaru lost control and the carriage jumped slightly, causing them all to gasp. He grabbed onto Rin as she screamed, wrapping his arms around her as they flung into the air. Kaoru pushed Haruhi down, keeping her in the carriage.

Hikaru and Rin landed on the ground as he screamed in pain. The carriage landed back on the ground as the horses whined, stumbling back to a standing position.

"No! Hikaru!" Kaoru screamed as he jumped out of the carriage and ran towards him. "Hikaru! Hikaru! Hikaru!"

"Hikaru!" Rin called as she moved away from him, helping Kaoru to sit him up. Hikaru grabbed onto his arm, his face showing how much pain he was in.

"Are you okay? Is your arm hurting you?" he asked.

"This can't be the end boss," he said. "It's just not fair. The Host Club was the only thing that made us happy. Dammit."


"Are you gonna be okay?" Rin asked.

"Please be okay Hikaru," Kaoru said.

"Your arm might be broken. We're gonna have to get you to a hospital," she said.

"No, I'll be fine."

"No, she's right," Kaoru said.

Haruhi watched the scene from inside the carriage.

"Well, I'm off then," Haruhi said as she placed her hand on the doorknob. She was about to turn it when her father spoke up.

"What? You can't talk to your dad about it? What's the matter Haruhi?"

"What do you mean? I'm not just that hungry this morning."

"You can't fool me kiddo. The last time you skipped breakfast was after your mother's funeral. And it was a while before you could eat again."

"So, I won't get to see mummy anymore?" a six year old Haruhi asked her dad at the funeral, holding his hands.

"There's many things in this world that you cannot ever change. No matter how desperately you try." He walked towards them. He then gently pulled her head into his chest, wrapping his arms around her.

"Just remember Haruhi, you have to stay brave, even if it seems like your world is crumbling around you sometimes."

The wind suddenly picked up and her wig blew in the wind. She narrowed her eyes as she unpinned the wig and chucked it to the ground. She then took off the ridiculous outfit and was just left in a simple white underdress. "Rin. Get here now."

"What?" she asked. Haruhi grabbed her arm and chucked her into the carriage. "What the hell Haruhi?!" Haruhi then jumped over to the front of the carriage and sat down.

"What's she doing?" Hikaru asked. Haruhi grabbed onto the reins. She lifted them into the air and slammed them down, whipping the horses, making them start to run.

"Wait! I didn't agree to this!" Rin screamed as the carriage moved. Hikaru and Kaoru ran over, but by the time they did, Haruhi and Rin were both gone into the distance.

"What's the matter Tamaki?" Éclair asked. "You haven't said a word since we've left. You're a host aren't you? Come on, entertain me." They were driving across the bridge.

"I have a question to ask," Tamaki said. "Are you sure about this? Will you even be happy married to me? Or are you just following orders?" She smirked, looking through her Lorgnettes.

"There he is!" Rin called to Haruhi. They were riding on a hill, right above them to the right. She looked down and nodded.

"Hold on!" Haruhi said as she slammed down on the reins and the horses ran faster.

"Wait! What?!" Rin yelled. She then grabbed onto the side of the carriage and screamed as the horses jumped into the air, launching them all over the end of the hill and onto the bridge. Tamaki and Éclair turned around at the scream.

He stood up in the car and gasped. "Haruhi! Rin!"

"That's Haruhi Fujioka?" Éclair asked herself in disbelief.

"What are you doing Haruhi?! This is dangerous!"

"That's what I said!" Rin shouted back.

"Stop the carriage now!"

"Senpai! Please come back to Ouran!" Haruhi screamed.

"I mean it! Stop the carriage!"

"All of us would be completely lost without you senpai!"

"But they, they all said they were put out by the Host Club."

"Are you kidding me Tamaki?!" Rin shouted.

"What are you talking about?"

"You really are an idiot!" Haruhi shouted. "What's wrong with you?! After all this time we've been together, YOU STILL CAN'T TELL WHEN WE'RE JOKING AND WHEN WE'RE BEING SERIOUS?!" Tamaki screamed. "Everyone loves being in the Host Club! We really do! Even me senpai!"

She then held one hand out to Tamaki. "I love being in the Host Club too!"

Tamaki reached his arm out to her but Éclair stopped him. He looked at her. She looked up at him, upset.

"Come on Éclair, please, do the right thing!" Rin shouted. She looked over at the blonde girl, and then looked away.

The horses tripped over something and were getting out of control. Because of this, the carriage slammed into the side of the bridge. Rin screamed as Haruhi yelled, only one hand on the reins.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki screamed. Haruhi was in shock. Her foot lifted off the carriage and she flew into the air, over the side of the bridge.

"HARUHI!" Rin screamed as she reached out for her. Éclair gasped, watching as the girl flew off the edge. "Éclair! Please!" From this, Éclair felt tears prick in her eyes and she let go of his arm. He whispered something to her as he jumped off the side of the car and over the bridge.

"TAMAKI! YOU IDIOT!" The horses than ran to the other side, almost crashing into the side of the car. She quickly climbed into the front and grabbed onto the reins, pulling the reins back and the horses stopped. She screamed as she flung over the top of the carriage and landed on the bridge.

The red car stopped as Éclair stepped out.

"HARUHI!" Tamaki screamed as he reached for her.

"SENPAI!" Haruhi screamed as she reached for him. Tamaki lunged himself forward, grabbing onto her hand. He pulled her towards him as he wrapped his arm around her waist. He leaned forward, almost kissing her, but he changed his mind. He then pulled her head to his chest. She gasped before smiling and wrapping her arms around him. The two then fell into the water.

"Are you alright?" Éclair asked as she helped Rin up.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Rin said as she stood up. "Thank you, by the way, for letting go. It must have been hard." Éclair sighed.

"I guess you best be off," she said, avoiding the question. "They must be worried."

"Yeah, you're right. Well, goodbye, Lady Éclair." She curtsied as she then ran down the bridge.

She reached the others who had rushed over.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Hikaru asked as he ran towards her, pulling her into a one armed hug.

"I'm fine. I should be asking you that," she said, pulling back.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"You sure? It looks pretty bad."

"Hey, I said, don't worry," he said as he grabbed her chin with a smile. She had to smile back.

"Rin! I heard! Are you okay!" Ren screamed as he ran over and pulled her into a giant bear hug.

"Ren…can't….breathe," she struggled to say. He let go before rubbing the back of his neck, blushing.

"Sorry." She laughed.

"It's alright. I just hope they're alright…"

They had gotten out of the water and had reached the shore. Tamaki was carrying her bridal style. "That was reckless of you. You need to be more careful," he said. "Look at you, you're soaking wet."

"A little water never hurt anyone," she said as he placed her down on the ground. "Besides, people are always telling me that I'm dripping with good looks." He looked at her confused before he smiled. She closed her eyes, giggling as he blushed.

"TAMA-CHAN! HARU-CHAN!" Honey-senpai screamed as he ran towards them.

"Hey boss!" the twins shouted as they ran.

"You guys are alright!" Rin said as she ran.

"Ah, man, he is such a moron," Kyoya said from the car.

"I couldn't agree more," Ren said with a smile.

Éclair sat in the car, watching to make sure they were okay.

"Let's go ahead," she said, turning to the driver, who was the butler. He nodded as he began to drive.

"Miss Éclair, you've heard the stories the housekeeper tells back home, haven't you? The one who's always talking about her son who loved to play piano for her, and those two kids she took care of?" Éclair looked down, remembering.

"Is he really as sweet as you say he is?" Éclair asked the beautiful blonde woman who stared out the window.

"Thanks Éclair," Tamaki said before he jumped.

"I was going to give him the opportunity to see his mother again. He's such a fool. But even so, even for someone like me, he still smiled." Her Lorgnettes lie back on the bridge, forgotten as the car drove away, never to see them again.

It was a beautiful night. The stars were out and the trees had beautiful yellow leaves on them. Everyone was dressed in formal wear, dancing with their partners as the music played.

Honey-senpai was smiling and giggling as he spun Haruhi around. She was screaming out as she was getting dizzy. She was let go and spun over to the next person.

Kyoya danced around with Rin, having a genuine smile on his face, which was very rare. For one of the first times around him, she was actually happy. He then smirked as he passed her off.

Mori-senpai caught Haruhi's hand and slowly spun her around, keeping her steady. She smiled, silently thanking him. They danced for a while before he passed her to the next person.

Rin smiled as Tamaki took her hand gently and spun her. He danced around elegantly with her, making her laugh. He hugged her before he spun her as he passed her off.


"I'm sorry that we caused you concern," Kyoya's father said. "It looks like Grand Tonnerre won't be purchasing my company after all. An unexpected backer turned up. They bought the company before Tonnerre had a chance. And the backer said that he was turning all the management rights over to me."

Ren grabbed hold of her hand and spun her around. Haruhi laughed. He told her how grateful he was towards her. She smiled and thanked him for helping around the club. He smirked as he passed her to the next person.

Rin screamed as Honey-senpai spun her around. She thought she might be sick if he didn't stop soon. He was giggling the whole time though. She stumbled as he passed her off.

Kaoru danced with Haruhi as he told her about what happened at the hospital with Hikaru. She nodded, making sure he was alright. He smiled as he as he passed her to the next person.

"Well that was a bold move," the chairman said. "Which funds manager was it?"

"A student investor called K.O. He cleverly left his name out of the deal, but it didn't take me long to figure out who it was."

Mori-senpai spun Rin around slowly, making sure she wouldn't fall over. She smiled at him, thanking him. He smiled as he patted her on the head before passing her off.

Haruhi was about to dance with Hikaru when she accidentally touched his broken arm and he screamed. She apologised profusely as he laughed, telling her not to worry.

"K.O is Kyoya Ootori. The new backer was none other than my own son."

"At least we know we don't have to worry about the future. I thought I knew how brilliant Kyoya was, but it seems he's even smarter than I thought."

Tamaki bowed as Haruhi stood in front of him. He held out his hand for her and she was just about to take it when Kyoya took it instead and danced with her.

"Maybe so, but I think your son's the one that's truly amazing."


"I am responsible for the entirety of Kyoya's education. I always knew he would surpass his older brothers someday. However, I must say, I'm shocked. While I can imagine Kyoya taking over a company, I never thought he would turn around and give it back to its original owner."

Rin grabbed hold of Ren's hand and they did some really stupid dance, ruining the elegance for that moment. They both laughed as he then spun her around in circles and hugged her before passing her off.

Tamaki was having a complete spaz as Kyoya had snatched her away from him. He smirked as he turned her around and pushed her forward, into Tamaki. They both looked at him confused, but he simply bowed at them.

Kaoru reassured Rin that both he and his brother was alright and they everything would be okay. She was sceptical. He had to laugh at that as he danced with her.

"As Kyoya grew up, I was constantly dangling the Ootori family companies in front of his face, torturing him with something he could never have. Now, not only has he taken out from under me by force, but he's basically told me that he doesn't want it and has thrown it back in my face."

Rin reached Hikaru and she smiled. He smiled back as he grabbed her hand and spun her around. She thanked him for everything he had done for her and kissed him on the lips. She laughed as he blushed, his face red. He snapped out of it and leaned down and kissed her again, much to her delight.

"Do you know what that means?" The chairman turned around. "It means he's finally found it. He's found something that has an even greater value to him. And that's probably thanks to Tamaki."

Tamaki danced with Haruhi as all the girls around them gushed at how cute they were. He stopped and smiled at her. She smiled back as the colourful fireworks started in the sky.

"Though our companies sometimes cause us to compete, I think we'll get along just fine from now on," the chairman said.

"Agreed. I think we can get along famously. Just like our two sons do. I almost forgot, there was one thing I wanted to run by you. Is Rin Hayashi single?"

"If you're thinking what I'm thinking, she isn't. She is in a loving relationship with one of the Hitachiin brothers."

"Really?" The chairman nodded. "Well, what about that honour student girl, Haruhi Fujioka, was it? I think she would make a lovely bride for my Kyoya in the future. I just wanted you to know my intentions."

"Well unfortunately, it looks like we're not going to get on well after all. I'm sorry, but that's the one thing I could never allow, my friend."

"Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's most handsomest boys, and a cute girl with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies and gentlemen who also have way too much time on their hands.

"Think of it as Ouran Academy's playground for the super-rich and beautiful," Tamaki said.

The doors to the Music Room Three opened as a bright light seeped through. Red rose petals flew through the air.

"Remember, you're welcome to visit us in Music Room Three whenever you'd like to," Haruhi said.

"The Ouran Host Club will be waiting for you," they all said.

"And we would like to thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts," Rin said with a smile.

"We'll see you then~!"


Authors Note: Oh, how I love that ending! It brings me so much happiness. It's such a beautiful ending to a beautiful show. I love it~!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Leave your opinions and comments or whatever. Thanks for reading~!