Hi kittens~ I haven't updated in forever. Lazy butt. I forgot these things need disclaimers. *I own nothing* *Yay*

Our class doesn't often get transfers. There's only been one so far this year. It's not like anything changed hugely, except now we have another friend. I think, however, that sensei is dealing with himself oddly. It might be because of something else. There's also the fact he's a ginormous weirdo. But still.

Who the fuck comes to school, no, to home room with yoga pants on. Especially if you're the teacher. I doubt I'm the only one who thought, judging from the mild murmurs that hum in the background. At the back back of the class, Aomine calls, "Sensei, the fuck are you wearing?"

"Yoga pants. Duh."

"Why the fucking hell are you wearing them?"

Sensei looks the tanned boy dead in the eye and says, "Because I'm bammin' slammin' bootylicious." The class erupts in laughter and the old man yells at them to shut it. He turns around to begin writing the date on the board and I have a feeling that everybody's heads tilted to look at his ass. Gross.

We had p.e last period. I think the girls were playing table tennis. The boys played basket ball. The 5 of us won easily, of course. It was to be expected. I'm waiting for Kuroko and Momoi to come out of the changing rooms. The other four had already gone ahead, talking about going to the arcade.

The girls come out. Momoi is gesturing excitedly while she's speaking at Kuroko. I notice her glance at me, and pause, before making up some lame excuse. She runs off. I yell goodbye after her. Kuroko walks up to me, fanning herself with a folded piece of paper. It's one of the career advisory slips.

"It's too hot to have p.e last," she groans.

"I don't really mind. I like basket ball."

"Oh yeah, you said you were the club's captain."

"Yup. It's true." She giggles. Her hair is tied up in a lazy bun, with long wisps of hair falling out of the tie and framing her face. It looks refreshing. I watch her from the corners of my eye as we walk to the entrance. Her neck is really pale and her collar bones stick out a lot. My view trails down the neckline of her shirt, before I realise she hasn't done up the top 3 buttons. I can see a little bit of pink lace and the top of her cleavage.

She sees me staring. "Akashi-kun, your face is kinda red. Are you too hot?"

"Ah, no. It's cause I can see down your shirt." It might be better to be straightforward with something like this. A thoughtful expression flitted across her face, then she tips her head down to stare at her chest.

"I see what you mean."

"Shouldn't you be more, say, embarrassed?"

"Would you prefer it that way?" She tilts her head a little, to the side. Her eyes are staring straight into mine. I can still see her bra.

"I'm not entirely sure."

"Then what if I do this?" She crosses one arm over her chest and brings her hand up to her mouth. Then she looks at the ground and says, "Akashi-kun, don't say that. You'll make me blush." What. The fuck. Are these sorts of moe attacks even allowed. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

"Uhh, um, ye-yeah, yeah." God this is so uncool. She drops her arm down and returns to normal.

"You've gone even more red."

"S-shutup." I cover my mouth with my hand. Is she doing this on purpose? I glance at her, and she is smiling a little. And her hasn't even buttoned it up yet. Is this divine punishment? I don't even think I've done anything that bad. "Just don't do that in front of anyone else, okay."


"Because they'll misunderstand."

"It's not like I always walk around with my buttons undone, you know."

"You are now."

"So just do them up, then." I stare at her. She looks deadly serious.

"Are you asking me to button your shirt for you."


"But what if I undo them instead."

"Then you would see everything."

I slump against the wall. "Don't tempt me."

"I'm not tempting you."

"Yes, you are," I insist.

"I'm just flirting." With me? So that means she has an ulterior motive. Hopefully it's something that benefits me as well. Like a confession. I can't help it, I smile.

"Isn't this more like seduction?"

"I don't think there's a huge difference."

"There has to be, right?"

"I suppose. But still, if I was seducing you, I would do something more like this." She closes the two step distance between us and reaches up to fiddle with my collar. I lean away from her a little, having a hard time restraining myself. She's standing really close and I can see a tiny scar in her eyebrow.

She leans in closer still, to match me. I smell vanilla. One of the loose strands of blue hair is twirled around her finger, and she slides her other hand down my chest, stopping just at the bottom of my ribs. Her shirt slips down a little more and even more lace makes an appearance. I gulp.

"Are you feeling seduced yet?"

"A little bit, yeah." I'm lying. My heart is pounding and she can probably hear it. I'm sure the blush is back on my cheeks. This girl is really quite dangerous. The complete opposite of this doll-like innocent facade.

It seems like she has fully gripped the idea of this game. The game of possession. It just makes my blood feel even more on fire. It couldn't hurt if I played along a little.

I slip my hand around her waist and curl the other around her neck. My thumb brushes along her jaw. It's smooth. She breaths in sharply and I smirk. I drop my head down to her level, just like I'm about to kiss her. I stop just before I do though. Her eyes are caught right in mine and she bites her lip.

"Tetsuna," I whisper. She makes an inquisitive noise, apparently too ruffled to speak. "Don't take the act of seduction lightly." I laugh internally at myself, who had been completely unsettled by her a moment ago. Her eyes go wide, but she doesn't pull away. I think I might have to, though.

I straighten up and drop my arms from her frame. She looks delightfully flushed, even if it is just a tiny spread of pink over her cheek bones. She says quietly, "You know how you told me not to do that thing in front of other guys?"


"Well, don't do that to other girls." She turns her head and pouts. So cute. She's getting a little jealous and nothing has even really happened yet.

"I won't. I promise."

The corners of her mouth lift up. I can see the smile even though she's looking away. She begins to walk towards the end of the corridor. After a few meters, she stops and spins around. "Walk home with me," she calls back. Of course I'd been planning to do that. I catch up to her quickly, and wait while she puts on her shoes.

As we're walking out of the gates, I ask her if she wants to go somewhere.

"Like a date?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Then, a hotel?" I almost fall over. "Just kidding." She winks. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Be serious about it."

"Then lets go to the bakery that just opened." I know the one she's talking about. The students at school like it because it's cheap and delicious.

"Sure. I'll treat."

"I'll get the most expensive thing."

"Don't do that. I'm not rich." I kind of am. But it's not my money. It's my parents, and I don't really like relying on them. They're unreliable. "What if I buy you a vanilla shake? You like those."

Her eyes go really shiny and she nods enthusiastically. It's a tiny bit disconcerting since the rest of her face is stoic.

Well, disconcerting in a cute way.

I am constantly tired, such is the life of one who does as little as me
Although this is so annoying it's hard to do school when you are tired as fuck

I've been doing wearable art so I didn't write anything for ages and this chapter is kind of shit, oh well. My math teacher yelled at us for doing badly in the test, math is so depressing and also social studies. Actually I have had so many tests recently I think I might cry. I cried during maths once. It was empowering, jk it was pathetic

and I am going to my local university to deliver my Japanese speech wish my luck amigos~

see ya next time I decide to update or something
It's gon be real erratic from now on
