One Season at a Time

Disclaimer- I don't own anything/anyone in relation to the WWE.

Summary- Short Cenaton one shots relating to each of the seasons. Slash.

Notice- I wrote these in 2012 but I never finished them, and I was going through some stuff on my computer and found all this unfinished business and decided what the hell, why not. So here they are.

Part 2. Fall Brings Us Back

"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." -John Burroughs

Randy was in denial, he wasn't ready. John sighed as he watched his lover pout in bed, his arms crossed over his chest as he refused to move from the bed. John ran a hand over his face; it was way too early in the morning for this.

"Randy, come on."

"No." John was five seconds away from marching over to the younger man and manhandling him into the shower.

"Randy, you knew this was going to happen."

"No." John took a deep breath and let it out slow, his fiancé was being childish but at the same time John didn't blame him. Before John could come up with another way to get the day on the road their bedroom door opened and Alanna's head peaked in.

"DADDY!" Alanna bounced over to the bed crawling on it and over to Randy, the childish man uncrossed his arms embracing his daughter in a welcoming hug.

"Morning, baby girl." Randy greeted placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Daddy you have to get ready. We need to leave." John watched as he fiancé's face fell as Alanna wiggled out of his arms and climbed down from the bed running back to her room to get ready.

"No." Randy shimmied back down under the blankets and wrapped them around himself. John felt his jaw drop open at his lover's actions. Walking over to the bed, John smacked his hand down on what he assumed was Randy's ass, loving the yelp he got in return. He paused by the bed for a second before sucking in a breath and yanking back the covers. Randy let out a small squeal as he tried to grasp on the covers, but John threw them on the ground.

"Randy come on, your three-year old daughter is acting more mature than you are at this moment."

"Yeah, but she actually wants to go." Randy mumbled into his pillow, which he held to his chest, his head buried in the fluffiness of it all. John glanced at the clock.

"Babe, no parent wants their child to go off to pre-school, but Alanna has to go today. And you need to be there with her. Sam wishes she could but she can't. Therefore Alanna needs you."

"But she's mine, she's not ready." John brushed a kiss against Randy's temple.

"No, you're not ready. Alanna's been waiting all weekend to go. She's been up since five this morning asking if it was time to go."

"I don't want her to go. First it's pre-school, than it's kindergarten, then high school, then boyfriends, then marriage, then kids, then-" John covered Randy's mouth before the younger man could continue.

"Shh, it's pre-school, babe. You can't keep her from life by avoiding pre-school. You can't hold her back, you just simply hold her hand and show her everything's okay."

"She's my little girl."

"She always will be." The couple were once again interrupted by Alanna who stood in the door way, still dressed in her pyjamas.

"Daddy, are you coming?"

"John's going to help you get ready." Randy told her, John glared at Randy, silently telling him to get over whatever is bothering him.

"Uncle Johnny, come help me." John smacked Randy on the ass on he saw Alanna go back the way she came.

"Your daughter wants you to help her get ready, go help her. You can pout all you want later. But suck it up for now and show her everything is alright." Randy glared at John but none the less climbed out of bed and walked down the hall to his daughter's room, finding her standing in front of her closet. John silently leaned in the doorway watching Randy couch down beside Alanna helping her choose her outfit for the day. Finally the two settled on a grey long sleeve shirt and her pink tutu over blank tights. Randy helped her dress before parting her hair into two pigtails with pink bows.

"Daddy, we go to school now?" Alanna asked holding her arms out to Randy so he could pick her up.

"Not yet, in a little while, after breakfast." John made breakfast, while Randy got dressed.

Soon it was time for them to get Alanna to school, they grabbed everything they needed, Randy strapped Alanna into her car seat and John drove them to the pre-school. Once John parked the vehicle, Randy got Alanna out of the back and carried her to the school; a young brunette was standing at the door greeting other parents and their children as they entered.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Meghann." She introduced herself as Randy and John approached.

"Randy Orton, this is Alanna Orton." Randy introduced them, shaking hands with the teacher, she glanced at John, before looking to see if a mother was present.

"It's lovely to meet you. And you are?" She asked looking over her glasses at John,

"John Cena, I'm Randy's fiancé." She smiled a bit of a grim smile before her face softened and she smiled a sincere smile.

"It's really nice to meet you both. Come on inside and look around, class today will only be an hour-long, both of you are welcome to stay." Randy shifted Alanna in his arms before setting her down on the ground. John rested a hand on Randy's shoulder and guided him forward; Alanna clutched her daddy's hand, having lost a bit of the excitement she had felt earlier.

"Daddy." She tugged on Randy's shirt when they got to the door of the classroom, Randy moved off to the side out of the others parents way and crouched down in front of Alanna.

"What babe?"

"I don't want to go." Her bottom lip quivered slightly, Randy pulled her into his arms for a hug, hugging her tightly never wanting to let go. He looked into the classroom, and found many of the children venturing around poking and playing with the toys and other fun stuff that layered around the room. Randy also noticed the few kids that clung to their parents not wanting them to leave, or maybe it was the parents not wanting their kids to go.

"I don't want you to go either, but baby girl, you have to go." Randy closed his eyes, as he heart broke at the sound of the first cry that fell from his daughter. John gently squeezed his shoulder, as he leaned against the wall.

"Alanna baby, look at me." His daughter's tear filed eyes, found his and Randy gently wiped around the tears that had already fell. "Pre-school is going to be so much fun, you get to learn some new things, and you get to play with new kids, and make new friends."

"But I don't want to go."

"I know, baby, I know you don't. But everyday Monday to Friday you have to go for two hours a day. That's all then you can come home and play with your toys, at our house or at Mommy's house."

"I'm scared, Daddy."

"So am I, baby girl, but I'm thinking we can be brave, yeah? Can you be brave for Daddy, and I'll be brave for you?" Alanna didn't answer instead she wrapped her arms around Randy's neck and hugged him. Randy hugged her back, blinking away the few tears that gathered in his eyes.

"Mr. Orton, I'm sorry to interrupt but we're actually going to start now. So we need Alanna to take a seat with the rest of the students." Randy nodded and hugged Alanna once more before giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Time to go, baby girl. Love you." Alanna took the teachers offered hand, smiling at Randy and at John.

"Love you too Daddy, Love you Uncle Johnny."

"Love you baby girl." John replied watching her walk away with the teacher before offering Randy a hand to pull him up from his crouched place.

"It's not like she's going forever Ran, like you said she's only going for two hours a day."

"I know." Randy and John held hands as they stood along with the rest of the parents at the back of the classroom, watching their kids interact with each other. Alanna had found herself seated in front of the Barbie dream house, with a young blond girl, the two chattered as they played.

John gave Randy's hand a squeeze, Randy sighed and rolled his head to rest on John's shoulder for a second before he straightened up.

"I'll never be ready for her to grow up."

"No parent ever is." Mrs. Meghann soon called all the students over to her and told them it was time for them to go home and that she'd see them all tomorrow. Alanna ran over to Randy and John, and Randy scooped her up into the air, giving her a kiss on the cheek. As they left Alanna happily chattered about the new friends she made.

It would take Randy a while, but eventually he would get used to the idea that Alanna couldn't be young forever. One day she would have to grow up, and he would be there every step along the way, reluctant or not.

Review and let me know what you think.

And be forgiving it's been over a year since I posted/updated anything, so be kind.

I really want to get back into writing and I'm working at it slowly. I can't leave so many things unfinished.