Chapter 7 – What remains in The End
Harry remembered swearing profoundly on his broom as the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff was called off. He joined up with Ron, who was equally disgusted with it all - "This better be good!"
But it was the exact opposite. Both friends were lead to the hospital wing where they saw Hermione petrified alongside Justin and Penelope.
To everyone's shock Headmaster Dumbledore was removed as head the same day and Hagrid taken into custody. All the clues came back to Harry and he said to Ron "There's got to be a connection. Hermione had figured it out, remember? She wanted to look it up in the library."
"Maybe we can see what she searched for?", Ron suggested
"Madam Pince will have put it all back by now..." Harry sighed "And besides, we're not allowed to go anywhere alone anymore."
Ron pouted at that
"It can't have been Hagrid.", Harry mumbled, not too convinced himself
"Yeah, but remember Norbert? Hagrid doesn't have what you'd call common sense when it comes to dangerous animals."
"He has normal animals as well.. Hey, I remember he said to me that his roosters had been killed and at that time we saw spiders fleeing from the castle.", Harry said, trying hard to find a way to free Hagrid from any guilt "Maybe... if we followed the spiders..."
Ron paled at the suggestion and tried the first excuse to that came to mind to avoid the spiders "Mate, maybe you should talk to Professor Snape first. He was pretty mad at you for the Polyjuice. What do you think he'll say about us going into the forbidden forest?"
"Huh.", Harry said, leaning back "You're right... Maybe he could help..."
Harry heard hissing from his sleeve and rolled it up. Ophion raised his head and hissed "Did you hear the big one?"
"What?", Harry hissed back "Big one?"
"The big one was walking the castle today again... I think he hurt someone."
Harry stared at the little snake "Who is the big one?"
"A talker, like you and me."
Harry blinked, then his jaw dropped "A snake!"
Mission accomplished, Ophion laid his head back onto Harrys wrist. Harry looked excitedly at Ron, who said "I don't understand Parsel, Harry."
"Oh, right! Ophion thinks its a snake that's doing all this."
"Really?", Ron said
"Yeah, he said he heard him talking... The voice! Ron, remember, I heard that voice before Mrs. Norris was attacked and when we found the diary?"
Ron nodded his head vigorously and said "We need to talk to someone... Lets get McGonagall!"
"Remember how seriously she took us last time we tried?", Harry said, scowling and Ron nodded
"Snape then."
They both stood up and Ron said "Weird how much we trust the git now."
Harry grinned at that and they left the Portrait hole only to be stopped by the security trolls.
"Let us through, you stupid snoot covered pieces of sh-"
"Mr Weasley!", McGonagall interrupted, Ron shut up "What is all of this?"
"We need to find Professor Snape!", Harry urged "Please!"
"What you need is to go to bed!", their head of house snapped, anxious to get them into the safety of their house.
"Its about Potions, Professor.", Harry wildly invented "I have a potion brewing at Professor Snapes lab and I... kinda experimented... It might explode if we don't tell him!"
McGonagall looked taken aback "I shall tell him."
Harry thought fast "Well, ok. Tell him the Veritaserum wasn't reacting properly and I added powdered root of asphodel but it might react to the belladonna extract..."
McGonagall held up her hand "Come with me, Mr. Potter. I'm afraid I'm no Potions genius. You, Mr. Weasley, stay behind."
She turned around and started walking, Harry sent an apologetic smile at his friend and Ron gave him a thumbs up.
When they stood face to face with his Potions Master, Harry realized the flaw in his plan.
"Yes?", Snape asked and McGonagall looked at Harry, both expectant. Would his professor understand? Would he trust Harry and give him a chance?
"Ugh... Professor... Remember when we brewed Veritaserum today?", Harry asked and Snape raised an eyebrow. It had been weeks since they last brewed it "You know, the truth serum."
"I happen to be a Potions Master, so yes, continue."
"Yeah, right. I might have added something to unbalance it..."
Snape opened his lips a bit and then took him by the arm "How often have I told you? No experiments without supervision!"
"It was a hunch, professor, I just had to try..."
"And blow me up in the process?"
"Dear Severus... It can't be that bad?", McGonagall soothed, Snape sent her a glare
"Remind me, what NEWT did you get in Potions Minerva?"
McGonagalls cheeks turned pink and she left without another word. Snape slammed the door and then calmly faced Harry
"Explain to me why I lied to my colleague just now.", he said crisply.
Harry shuffled his feet "I really needed to talk to you! Its about those who have been petrified."
Snapes stern expression turned into understanding, he put his hands on Harrys shoulders "I know, it must be hard to see Miss Granger that way..."
"No!", Harry interrupted impatiently, then said "Well, yes. But that's not it. I talked to Ophion just now and he gave me an idea. Its a snake, professor! Slytherins monster, its a snake!"
Snape blinked "How...?"
"Remember the voice I heard? Ophion heard it today too. He has better senses than I do, so he heard it while I didn't. He called it 'the big one' and thought it might have hurt Hermione."
Snape looked blankly at Harry "The Spiders running away... The rooster... Pipes! It used the Pipes... Of course..."
"Professor?", Harry said, not understanding his teachers train of thought
"Its a Basilisk!", Snape said and squeezed Harrys shoulder. " Of course it is!"
Harry blinked, still not quite understanding what his teacher was talking about but that didn't stop Snape
"But how does it access the school? From which pipe does it emerge?"
"The last time it was opened... Someone said that that time a girl died.", Harry said, thinking they could start their search there
"Yes, Moaning Myrtle.", Snape threw in casually
"Moaning...!", Harry gasped and then it hit him, he excitedly put his hands on top of Severus, which were still resting on his shoulders. "She died right there, Professor! That's where the Basilisk comes out."
They both looked jubilant at having solved the puzzle when a knock made them jump. They found McGonagall there who said with a serious expression "Severus, a student has been taken."
To Harrys surprise Snape took him to the following emergency teachers conference. The other teachers looked surprised but didn't question it.
"There was another message, written in blood", McGonagall explained, her face white "'Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever'"
The other teachers grasped and Snape took Harrys wrist discretely.
"Who was taken?", Flittwick asked
"Young Miss Weasley."
Harry jerked at that and Snape squeezed his wrist.
"Not to worry, not to worry!", Lockart boomed from the side and stood up. He looked around the other teachers who had disgusted expressions on their faces "I will go and save the young lady."
"Ah yes, Gilderoy.", Snape said, squeezing Harrys wrist one last time before letting go and turning to Lockart completely "We need your brave intervention. Young Harry here and me, we have put the pieces together and come to a conclusion: Slytherins monster is a Basilisk." Lockart turned pale at the last word "Ah, so you actually know what a Basilisk is and does. Good, you will be prepared to get petrified or even die for the young innocent girl trapped in chamber."
"I... well... one could...", he spluttered
"The entrance to the chamber lies in Moaning Myrtles toilette. I am sure someone as talented as yourself will find it without difficulty."
Lockart looked around wildly, then cleared his throat and lied "I... will go and prepare myself then."
He turned and left the staff room at top speed, presumably to pack and be gone within the hour. As soon as the door clicked shut McGonagall turned to Snape
"Well, one difficulty down. Did you mean what you said or...?"
"It is a Basilisk, Minerva. And the entrance is in her bathroom."
"We need a rescue plan then.", McGonagall said and turned to the other teachers "Heads of house, you will come with me to enter the chamber and retrieve Miss Weasley. The Second Heads will stay with their Houses, we will send word when we have her. If we don't come back out or send a message you will have to block the entrance and inform the Governors."
All teachers nodded and everyone but the four heads left the staff room.
"If it's a Basilisk we will have to blind it.", Professor Flittwick said "I think a simple blindfold spell should do."
"Very well, I want you to perform it, Filius. That means you will have to walk at the front."
Flittwick nodded.
"When we see Miss Weasley, Pomona you have to take her and leave immediately." Before Professor Sprout could affirm Snape said
"I believe Mr. Potter should go back to his Common Room."
"No!", Harry said and when all teachers gave him a stern look, he added timidly "I mean, I am the only one in the whole school who can speak Parseltongue" he lifted his sleeve, where Ophion peeked out "What if you need me? We don't know how Slytherins heir opened it and I think he might've used Parseltongue."
"The school was searched several times and no one found an entrance, so it is entirely possible.", Flittwick said nodding "We should take Mr. Potter but one of us will have to dedicate himself to keeping him save."
To no ones surprise Snape spoke up "I'll shadow him."
"How do we defeat the beast?", Pomona asked
"The only way to kill it is the call of a rooster.", Snape said "But all roosters have been killed."
McGonagall smiled at him and took out her wand "Oh there are other ways. We will use combined Stupifys to petrify it and I believe you should have a Dragons Claw, Severus?"
Snape nodded
"That should be enough to penetrate its skin."
All four heads stood around Harry as he opened the entrance chamber. Flittwick went in first and then told the others to follow. They kept Harry in the middle at all times until they reached the last entrance. To his immense embarrassment Snape pushed him against his chest and wrapped his arms around him before sliding down. He couldn't look at the man for several minutes - he had practically hugged him, had him almost sitting on his lap in front of all the other heads of house! They walked up to a great gate and Ophion began slithering around his wrist in an agitated manner.
"I have an idea!", Harry said, still with reddened cheeks, happy to distract from the sliding incident "We can send Ophion as a lookout."
The other teachers exchanged a look but then allowed Harry to let his pet snake lead the way. Flitwick went right behind it and suddenly Ophion hissed
"The Big one!"
"Its there!", Harry whispered to Flittwick, Snape standing between them. He saw the tiny charms professor nod and then incant something long in latin. From his wand burst a hundred spells in a dome shape and presumably hit target as a high animalistic cry shook the chamber. They came around the corner and saw the Basilisk turning in fear as it was robbed off its sight. Harry stared at the monstrous thing and hissed "Ophion, come here."
Soon he saw his pet snake slithering to him in top speed but the Basilisk hit a pillar in its confusion and it crashed. It hid Ophion from view.
"Ophion!", Harry cried out but a hand clasped on his shoulder and held him in check.
"Ah I see, Harry Potter at last. But you brought friends..."
They all turned towards the voice and saw a young handsome man standing beside the prone form of Ginny Weasley.
"Tom!", Harry said "You have to help us."
"Be still.", Tom said to the Basilisk, which finally stilled even though it tossed its head frantically
"Thanks!", Harry said and wanted to get closer, but Snape shoved him behind his back protectively.
"Who are you?", Snape asked taking in the Slytherin uniform
"Tom Riddle and you look like teachers from the school."
At his name the teachers gasped
"Ah, you know me, but of course Dumbledore must have told you.", Riddle raised his head and let his name appear in shining letters, he made them float until the clear message appeared "Yes, I am Tom Riddle, better known under my name Lord Voldemort."
Harry gasped and held onto Snape in front of him.
"So this little boy, who is pathetically clutching at one of his teachers, not man enough to face me, was my downfall?", Riddle sounded disbelieving. Enraged by his taunts Harry tried to get out from behind Snape, but he kept him hidden.
"Talk to the adult, Riddle.", Snape said coldly "How could you be here?"
"He came out of the diary!", Harry said from behind him "he was in the diary, I found it in Myrtles bathroom and wrote with him."
He heard Snape groan in annoyance "The artifact you asked me about, I presume."
Harry leaned into Snapes back and nodded
"It means he won't be able to stop us.", Flittwick said and as if that had been the cue they all turned to the Basilisk as one and shot four powerful stunning spells at it. Defeated the great snake lay at their feet as Tom cried out in anger and ran to it. Taking her chance Pomona took Ginny and left the chamber. Minerva calmly took the Dragons Claw and drove it through the Basilisks skull. Tom screamed in agitation but was unable to do anything as he was still little more than a memory. But the Claw struck so deep that she couldn't take it out again.
"Its lost, leave it.", Snape said over the cries of Riddle as the Basilisk's venom began to disentregrate it "But take out a Basilisk Fang."
Minerva severed one with her wand and brought it to him "A fine replacement."
Snape hummed, still not letting go of Harry.
"Ah!", Filius said "Can I burrow that?"
Harry couldn't see what happened next but heard Riddle scream "Leave that!"
And in the next moment he cried in agony, Harry finally broke free from Snape and saw Riddles form burst into tiny pieces. Professor Flittwick was standing in front of the diary that was bleeding ink. Harry turned away and called for his snake again. Professor McGonagall lifted a few stones and they found Ophion hiding behind them, slighty scratched but not injured beyound healing. Relieved Harry let him wrap himself around his wrist again. Flittwick had given the Basilisk fang back to Snape and now held the diary in hand.
"I believe Albus will be interested to see this.", Filius said and lead them out of the chamber that had revealed its secrets.
McGonagall immediately went to the headmasters office to reinstate Dumbledore, inform the Weasleys and free Hagrid. The other two heads informed the students and staff. Snape accompanied his student to the hospital wing where they found Ginny laying, white as death, in a hospital bed. Harry sat at another while Madam Pomfrey bustled around him
"Nothing happened to me, I'm perfectly fine.", he protested
"Then the check up won't take too long, right?", she countered and diagnosed in high speed. She finally said "You can take him with you, Severus."
Snape nodded at her and gestured at Harry to come with him. Back at the living room he said "I am proud of you, Harry. You came to me, instead of putting your life on the line like last year."
Harry smiled shyly "I trust you."
"I am honored.", Snape said seriously "I just wished... I wish you trusted me enough to tell me about your relatives..."
Harry looked up at him with a certain desperation in his eyes "Please... Professor... I do trust you..."
Snape smiled sadly "I liked it better when you called me 'Papa'"
For some reason that was what undid Harry in the end. That was the last barrier, for he rushed through his explanation without looking at Snape. He was scared he'd change his mind or find something in the mans eyes to dissuade him
"The Dursleys hate magic. They hate everything to do with it. They hate me. For years all I knew was that my parents had died in a car crash, that my father was a drunk and my mum had eloped with him. They said it was a good thing they died, just such a pity I couldn't have gone with them. I was a burden and had to earn my keep by doing endless chores while Dudley, instead of doing his share, did his best to interrupt and disturb me. They made him hate me and hit me and say cruel things to me. They did it themselves. They liked it when I was invisible, they liked to pretend I didn't exist." Tears were now flowing freely from his eyes "He could have been my brother and they could have been my parents, but they always looked at me with disgust. For years I thought my name was "boy", because they never called me Harry or even Potter. I slept in a cupboard for ten years and was only moved because they thought they were being watched. Then they gave me the smallest room full of broken, discarded toys. My uncle would have beat me, he tried several times, but my accidental magic protected me every time. Not aunt Petunia, it was my magic that kept me save. And in the summer last year they locked me into the room, put seven locks on it and shoved food through a cat flap. I was held there like an animal and they let me out once a day to use the toilet. Ron and his brothers had to break me free, because there were bars on my window."
Here Harry hiccuped and then went silent. He couldn't continue now that the flow was stopped and there wasn't much left to say anyway. He was scared to look up at Snape and the deadly quiet atmosphere was making him anxious.
But suddenly he was taken into strong arms that held him closely.
"Merlin!", Snape sounded hoarse, as if he had been the one talking "Those... animals... vile creatures... how could they? By the love of...!"
Snape hands were patting him as if to check for injuries, but all his injuries were inside.
"My poor boy, my poor precious child...", Snape murmured, stroking his hair and rubbing circles on his back. The reassurance felt good, it felt wonderful that this man was hurt, indignant and angry at his behalf. He was mortified and Harry allowed himself in the privacy of his mind to feel relieved at that. A small part of him had thought that maybe Snape would say this treatment had been deserved and he couldn't understand what Harry was whining about. But once again he put his trust in Severus and once again he was rewarded "You will never go back, never! I will not allow them to even lay eyes on you. How dare they? And I will not allow anybody but myself to take you. You are mine!"
Even though this was a tad possesive Harry relaxed even more, happy that he had done the right thing in confiding in Snape. He finally realized what it had been that had held him back from saying anything. He had believed that he was protecting Snape but in reality he was just insecure. He didn't know and maybe couldn't believe that anyone would want to take him away.
He didn't believe he could deserve better, after hearing time and again that he was a worthless freak. But Harry was only half listening, he was leaning into the warm embrace and finally feeling save and cared for and - dare he think it? - loved. He closed his eyes and smiled.
Harry felt dazed as if in a dream when he walked up the castle with Hermione at his side.
"Are you sure you're alright, Harry?", she asked for the thousands time
"I'll tell you and Ron at the same time.", Harry answered again, he couldn't feel annoyed at her. He thought he'd never feel annoyed again. As soon as they entered the common room they waved Ron up to the deserted boys dormitory
"Anything new about Ginny?", Ron asked and Harry realized that he hadn't had any news from his sister
"She's alright, Ron. Just tired out. You can see her soon."
Ron looked relived and color returned to his cheeks.
"So, what happened to you?", Hermione asked
Harry grinned at them and suddenly felt shy "I... kind of told Snape about the Dursleys."
Ron and Hermione mimicked his expression and grinned broadly
"What'd he say?"
"He said I'll never have to go back, I can stay with him.", to his horror tears welled up again, but he fought them down "Its so great. You wouldn't believe how nice he was. He was really shocked about how they treated me and then he said he'd take me and he would let no one else even think about taking me."
Ron smiled and hit his shoulder, but Hermiones expression seemed guarded
"What?", Harry asked, disappointed that she wouldn't be happy for him
"Harry, we need to tell you something.", she said seriously, Ron shook his head and interrupted
"Everything worked out, Hermione! There's no need to tell him."
"You don't know that!", she said exasperated "We should have told you earlier, we shouldn't have done it in the first place. But after Ron and the twins broke you out... We thought we were helping, you couldn't stay there any more." She took his hands "You deserve a real home, a family, someone who loves you like a parent!"
Harry felt something cold settle in his stomach "What did you do?"
"There was this charm, Harry. We thought you needed someone to take you away, so we just did it. It was used by unfaithful wives centuries ago. They'd use it to make their husbands love their children. It lasts for about nine months, you know to mimic the pregnancy... And the plan was that the husband would then start loving the child naturally. So even if he found out it wasn't his, he wouldn't abandon it."
Harry stared at her blankly
"The thing is, it is kind of unpredictable. It latches onto any male resident in the home. Women would therefore find a pretext to have any other male leave their house before performing the charm."
Harry wasn't following the explanation for a long time now, he tried to clear it up "You charmed Snape to care for me and in a few months it will fade away?"
Hermione gulped and then nodded "He was only supposed to care enough to take you away from the Dursleys. And you weren't supposed to care for him back! Oh Harry... I'm so so-"
"Save it.", Harry said, all happiness had just drained from him
"Mate, if we can do anything...", Ron said, looking truly sorry
"Yeah, there's one thing. Actually there are two.", Harry said, in the same expressionless, empty tone "First: You will go down and tell Snape. Second: leave me alone for a while."
He then went to his bed and shut the curtains. He had gained and lost everything worth living for in the span of mere hours.
After giving the restorative drought to all victims of the basilisk stare, Snape immediately reported to the headmaster. He told him everything Harry had told him about living with the Dursleys and finally sacked back into his chair. Only one question remained.
"Albus, why?", Snape asked, sounding defeated
"Severus, you have been faced with the problem yourself.", Dumbledore explained "You have tried to place him with a family. I would have to compromise his safety for his happiness. I believed Petunia capable of loving her nephew. I made that mistake. But they were his family. They were in the Muggel world, which made finding them a lot harder and the blood wards are the only ones that extend from the property to the person. They are sturdier than property wards because only loosing the belief in belonging to that home can rob someone of their protection. Harry could walk the parameters of his neighborhood, he could visit the Weasleys, as long as he called home the place where his mothers blood dwelt. Any other home would have effectively made him a prisoner. It was a hard decision and I did what I thought best."
It would have been easy to put his mind at rest at these words. They were completely logical, it made sense. Back then he wouldn't have taken custody of young Harry and there was no other possibility, as Dumbledore said. But being a Slytherin, he could clearly hear what had not been said and he put his finger right onto it.
"That is all very well, Albus.", he said and then looked up full with indignation and anger on Harrys behalf "But you could have taken him. He would have been safe with you. With you on his side, he could have gone anywhere but stayed perfectly safe anyway."
Dumbledore lowered his eyes and Severus asked the question he and Minerva had been debating since the beginning of this year "Why didn't you take the child?"
Dumbledore tiredly rubbed his face, shoving his glasses up. Then he considered Snape and nodded once, coming to a decision
"Severus, once upon a time I was responsible for a child. My parents had died early and I had become the head of my family. My brother and sister where in my care. Aberforth still went to Hogwarts, so there was not much I had to do with him. But Ariana was a helpless and weak child. She was no infant, but her situation equaled the one of nurturing a toddler. She needed constant attention and supervision. I was young, I had had plans, goals and a future that I now had to put to rest to care for her. I... didn't give her the care and attention she needed and deserved. I was heartless, to be honest. And as a direct result of my carelessness... she died."
Severus looked up, surprised by this revelation, but didn't interrupt
"I had put the world above the well being of my sister and at that moment I chose to put the world above my own well being. I did not deserve happiness and normalcy. I had thrown away what mattered most in the world – family. So I denied myself that. I could not risk loosing it again, so I never sought it. In the same manner I did not trust myself with power and decided that my knowledge would be best served as a teacher. This way I could have the semblance of a family without the responsibility of one." a bitter smile graced his lips as he said that "I was a coward. And seeing Harry... That helpless little being, completely alone and completely dependent... I could not risk it. I could not bring myself to make the same mistake. I chose poorly for him and myself. I had feared, if I took him I would mold him after my own image. He would have the same weakness. I could not risk it. So I gave him away and never looked back. Because it pained me too much. I was a coward and I deserve your scorn and anger. I deserve Harrys hatred."
Snape looked at Dumbledore with different eyes and a new understanding. He felt bad for being relieved at these revelations. It meant that Dumbledore was human, he made mistakes and he had regrets. He had not just put Harrys safety to top priority and his happiness at risk but he had done so out of his own weakness. Snape leaned back on his chair and let out a sigh. Weakness he could forgive, coldness he could not. Had Dumbledore only done so because he did not put much weight on Harrys happiness, Snape could've never forgiven him. But as it was, he could understand and forgive him.
"We can change it for him now.", Snape said "I cannot forgive you on Harrys behalf. You will have to have this conversation with him one day, I cannot spare you that. But I can help you atone for your mistake, Albus. Give him a chance at happiness now. He can still heal those wounds, he can still have a shot at a normal childhood."
Albus gave Severus a sad smile "How fitting, Severus. Once I was the one to give you a way out and now you are offering me the same. I will take the road you took. I will atone. You have my blessing and support for taking Harry."
Snape took a deep breath and slowly let it out. With it, tension left his body. He could have Harry. He could take the child away. He could fulfill his promise. He would be a better father than Tobias.
As he would never be so undignified to have a blasted spring in his step, Snape merely walked faster than usual. He whipped around a corner and slowed down a tad. Students were standing in front of his office door and had turned at the sound of his steps.
"Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger.", he greeted and got a chorus of 'Evening Professor' back "How may I help you?"
He opened the office doors and led them in.
They sat down, looking as if they were facing their executioner. They shared a look and then Miss Granger started.
"Sir... Its about Harry." He furrowed his brow, trusting that she was not going to be waisting time if he was in any danger "About your relationship with him."
If there was going to be any teenage drama, he was happy he could deal with it inside his own office without witnesses. He gave a curt nod as permission to continue.
"Erg... I don't know if he told you. But in the summer his relatives were starving him and Ron and his brothers broke him out of their home." Snape nodded "Yes... So Ron told me about that, he was really worried. But he realized that no adult could do anything unless there was proof, you see?"
Snape didn't see where this was going but he already suspected something foul
"So when we came back to Hogwarts, I started researching. At first it was all about therapy you know? So we could get Harry to talk about it. But there's not much about it in the Wizarding World. So I got desperate and started looking into ways to preserve his memories and show them to people..."
"We thought we could take them out while he was sleeping. He has nightmares about the Dursleys, you know?", Weasley interrupted and Snape felt worry churn in his stomach, his poor boy... "And then we'd show McGonagall or any teacher and force them so safe Harry!"
"But that wasn't so easy. Without the permission of the subject, you can't just steal their memories. And no court would accept them. So we tried something else."
"Miss Granger, as entertaining as this is. Please stop your endless story and get to the point.", he said annoyed with all of this
"Yes sir.", she said "We used the Paternus Charm on Harry."
Snapes jaw dropped and he snapped "You what...?"
They both ducked their heads
"Do you even realize...? How stupid can one get...? I can't believe this!"
"Sir.", Weasley interrupted timidly "It hit you."
All his anger died down at this pronouncement and left him empty. "What?"
Granger nodded "Yes, that's why you were so nice to him all of a sudden."
Snapes head reeled "Did you tell Harry?"
"He sent us to tell you", Weasley said quietly "He wanted us gone and I think he couldn't face telling you..."
"I think he kind of wanted to punish us too..", Granger added
Snape felt a headache coming along "When will the effects die down?"
"July 4th Sir.", Granger informed him "At the very latest."
"Alright. I will deal with the two of you later. I need to see Harry.", he stood up and gestured towards his office door "You are dismissed."
They both left with hanging shoulders. He entered his chambers and then went to the fireplace and flooed up to the Gryffindor common room.
The Gryffindors reacted as if the Grinch had just entered. A few of them even screamed. He ignored them and went up the stairs to the boys dormitories. He opened the one with the large '2' on it and entered. He immediately saw the bed with the drawn red and gold curtains. He went up to it and then said
"Harry? Can I sit with you?"
He heard some mumbling and then the curtain was opened and a pair of reddened eyes peered out. Harry looked around and then opened the curtains wider. The look on the childs face was resigned. Snape sat down beside him.
"Your friends told me what they did."
"They are not my friends.", he said immediately
"They did something incredibly stupid and possibly dangerous, but they only wanted to help you."
Harry shrugged moodily and avoided his eyes
"Harry, I know you cannot trust anything I say right now, but there are things you need to understand. First: I went to the headmaster today and told him everything. He knows and he will not let you stay there any longer. Second: The effects of the charm will last until July the fourth. That's two weeks into the holidays. I believe the Weasleys will be glad to accommodate you until then. After that I will be in contact with you."
"I doubt it.", Harry mumbled, Snape reached out and caught his chin in his fingers
"I am absolutely sure that my feelings for you will not change drastically. I care for you Harry and it has nothing to do with the charm. At first it might have been the magic but we spent a lot of time together and I got to know you. I know, it would be careless of you to believe me while I'm under the influence... still, I don't believe it will change anything."
Harry stared at him, disbelievingly and hopefully at the same time.
"If you want to continue the lessons regardless of the outcome in July, I will certainly provide."
"I would like to, sir.", he said quietly "But until then... I don't..."
"I understand. Its perfectly alright, Harry."
At his dismayed expression Snape wrapped his arms around him. Harry stiffened but Snape explained "Its alright, Harry. Even if I'm being controlled by powers beyond me... It is okay to be a bit Slytherin at times."
Harry gave a shaky laugh at that and let the man comfort him.
"What's wrong with Harry?", Ron whispered to Hermione and looked at Harry sitting quietly in one of the windows, looking out. A heavy summer rain was pounding against it.
"Ron!", she admonished "Have you forgotten? Today is the fifth of July."
"So?", Hermione asked incredulously "The charm was lifted off Snape yesterday!"
"Ah!", Ron said, finally comprehending and then said "Oh..."
"Yeah.", Hermione said, looking sorry and sad "Do you think we should say something?"
"He kind of forgave us I think.", Ron said "But better not risk it."
Hermione seemed undecided but joined Ron for a game of chess, shooting Harry anxious looks.
After a while Ginny came down and seeing Harry so downtrodden sat down at the windowsill beside him
"Hey Harry.", she said quietly, blushing.
"Hey.", he answered, still looking out, as if mesmerized by the sight
"Urg... I never caught you alone... I just wanted to say thank you, for saving me and sorry that I went through your things."
"I wasn't alone.", Harry said dully, ignoring the apology.
"Yeah, but you did your best, you told someone and then you went with them. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't."
At that Harry looked at her and gave her a little smile "You're welcome."
She smiled back at him, her cheeks as red as her long hair. Their little moment was interrupted by heavy thumping on the door. They both flinched.
"Harry, dear? Would you open the door? My hands are sticky.", Mrs. Weasley called from the kitchen.
"Yes, Mrs. Weasley.", he answered and went to open the door. At first he blinked confusedly at the mass of black in front of him
"Good day, lad.", Snape said, pulling down his cloak from his head. Harrys face broke into a grin.
"Good'ay!", he answered as Snape took off the dripping cloak and then stepped forward. At first Harry stepped back, thinking Snape needed space to enter but Snape gave a snort and then got a hold of his arms pushing him into a hug. Harry immediately leaned into the chest before him and sighed in relief
"I told you so.", Snape said with no small amount of satisfaction
"Is it the same?", Harry asked cautiously
"Not the same", Snape answered in a serious, contemplating voice "Less... crazy. Its more of a settled feeling... less feverish..."
Harry felt completely confused by this explanation and looked up to ask what that meant.
"I still love you and that's all that counts, right?", Snape asked mildly and made Harry smile "Now, will you come and stay with me?"
"Yes, Papa."
The End
Yay! that's it! Please give me a last review to sum up your thought about the whole story. Did the last chapter live up to your expectations or was it too fluffy? Don't forget, this was always supposed as a PreGuardian fic, so I think this is the right time to stop it.
Sequel? I'm working on one, I'll message everyone who commented, once the first chapter is up. The next story will be decidedly less fluffy as Snape is no longer under the influence of the charm, also there is going to be some competition in the form of Lupin and maybe later Sirius. We'll see more of Tobias and Minerva. And how will the Dursleys react?
FYI: I'm not going to post it until the 23rd at least.
Comment 13.10.14: The sequel Love is a Haven has been finished and I am working on the next part right now, working title so far is "Love is a join effort"
I also wrote a book and would be delighted if you went and took a look at it, you can find it on Amazon:
The birds and the bees - Halal Edition